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Chapter591 The new path of power

This unequal battle did not take Yin Fulin too long. The enemy was weaker than she imagined.

The sharp claws pierced the chest, and Yin Fulin pulled out the man's devil's heart and closed her fingers.

With a "pop", the purple heart was crushed. Yin Fulin tried to absorb the devil's soul, but found that the man in front of her was just a soulless body.

Whether it is the man's own soul or the consciousness after being parasitized by the devil, it is as if they have never existed at all, which seriously violates common sense.

Even Yin Fulin, who is well-informed, has never encountered such a situation.

"It has the aura and power of a demon, but does not have the soul of a demon. It is like a parasite with dispersed consciousness.

By manipulating parasites to hunt humans and capture their souls, this guy is really hiding deep enough... But this is the only one who qualifies as my prey. Anyway, the master has been lost now, so it’s better to kill this possible demon first.

Get the core."

After making the decision, Yin Fulin swept her tail to erase all traces, and then left the material realm and returned to the shadows.

In the cold spring, Lester took Diana down the mountain from the west side of Mount Targon and arrived at the coast at the western foot of Mount Targon.

"Dad, will there really be a magic portal here?"

Outside the simple tent, Diana looked at the horizon where the moon had set, her eyes full of expectation.

"If nothing unexpected happens, yes.

Come, try the grilled fish I made, be careful, you may get fish bones stuck in your throat."

Lester smiled and handed the wooden branch to Diana. Diana took a careful bite and narrowed her eyes.

"Good times, Dad, can you tell me another story about Bandle City?"

"Then let me tell you the story of the Woman Tree. Deep in the Bandel Forest, near the Blue Cave, there is a large human-shaped tree.

The reason why it is called a 'human-shaped tree' is because this tree has the plump figure of a woman. Except for the fact that it has no head, it is the same as a woman in other places. To use an analogy... it is probably even bigger than your teacher, Mercedes.

Be more mature."

"Dad, how does it compare to me?"

"Um...children, don't compare yourself casually...

In short, the Woman Tree is also an interesting anecdote in Bandle City. Some yordles say that the Woman Tree was a female human intruder in the past. The guardian of Bandle City punished the intruder and turned her into a human being in Bandle Forest.

a tree of self-giving,

Some people also say that the Woman Tree is a plant-type yordle, but it can't speak.

In fact, no matter what the Woman Tree is, many Yodels like to extract the sap from the Woman Tree. The sweet sap has the effect of strengthening the body. When paired with juice and other drinks, the juice will be refreshing and cool.


To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates, switch sources, read aloud with many sounds, and it can be used on both Android and Apple.】

After I learned the news, I went there to take a look myself. Sure enough, I found the woman tree not far from the entrance of the cave.

The trunk of the Woman Tree is blue-green, plump, with lush branches and leaves but no fruit. It is very magical.

I followed the method Yoder said and gently hugged the largest diameter part of the tree. A surprising scene appeared. A large amount of fresh milky white sap leaked out from the concave part of the trunk, splashing all over my face.


I took the opportunity to taste it, and it tasted really good.

Even if it is not used in drinks, the sap can still have the effect of seasoning and refreshing when properly added to soups. Treasures like that cannot be seen in the material realm, and can only be seen in the magical realm of fantasy."

Diana's eyes widened. Although she didn't understand some things, she felt that both her father and the woman tree were very powerful.

That night, both Lester and Diana had great sex, until the moon reached the center of the sky, and the two of them, without any sleepiness, saw the blue magic aperture suddenly appearing in the shallow sea.

Diana discovered that if her father hadn't specifically told her that it was a portal, she might have mistaken those inconspicuous spots of light for the reflection of the moon.

"Cortana, it's time for us to leave. That is the portal to Bandle City."

"It's really remote."

"This is how the Yodles do things. They always like to hide themselves. Remember to hold your breath after entering the sea."

After packing his luggage, Lester picked up Diana, who couldn't swim, and swam towards the portal.

Arriving at the teleportation gate smoothly, I held Diana close to me and jumped into the teleportation gate.

Bandle City Forest, Witch's House.

Nora put the green bubbling potion into the magic bottle with a serious expression. She had no time to wipe the sweat from her forehead until the cork was plugged.

This was already the twenty-third time of refining the magic potion. If it failed again, even she would have psychological shadow.

When Nora relaxed, Yumi jumped into her master's arms and cheered loudly.

"Wow! Master, we succeeded, we won

But Master, can this transformation potion really allow animals to obtain human bodies?"

Shaking her head at Yuumi who looked curious, Nora carefully put away the transformation potion.

"That's what it says in ancient books. What exactly does it do? I think I have to do a few more potion experiments to find out."

"Master Wuwuwu, you won't want to experiment on Yuumi, right?"

"Is Nora Dongdong here?"

The sound coming from outside the door interrupted the two people who were communicating.

"Is it Laini!? He's back!"

Jumping out of Nora's arms without hesitation, Youmi ran to the door excitedly and opened the door for the visitor. Watching Youmi leave her, Nora's teeth felt a little itchy.

"You guy! Whose cat is it?"

"Of course it's your cat, but this time it's Little Lenny! He's here to see us!"

As soon as the door opened, Lester opened his arms, hugged the kitten like a baby swallow returning to its nest, and rubbed his face twice.

"Long time no see, Yuumi, how are you and Nora doing lately?"

"Meow little Laini, we are happy every day. Wait, who is she?"

Yumi looked at Diana, but Diana picked up the cat's scruff from her father's hand with a natural look on her face.

Feeling secretly unhappy, Diana realized that she was jealous of the cat in front of her.

"Wow, are you the talking female cat? You look quite interesting."

"Meow meow! Who are you? Let me go! Little Laini, help me!"

Yumi's short legs stretched and stretched and kicked again and again, but they just didn't hit Diana. In desperation, she could only call for help from Lester.

"Okay Xiaona, stop teasing Yuumi."

After taking the cat back from Diana's hands, Nora also walked out, and Lester introduced Nora and Yumi.

"She is my adopted daughter Diana, Diana, and these are my friends Nora and Yuumi."

Full of hostility, Youmi curled up in Lester's arms and stared at Diana closely.

On the other side, Nora looked at it for a while, her eyes paused on Diana's gifted figure, and then looked at Lester who seemed to have something to hide, and suddenly noticed an unusual aura.

Nola's expression suddenly became a little weird.

"Adopted daughter? Little Laini, how come you have such a big adopted daughter?"

Lester shrugged and said helplessly.

"It's a long story."

"Anyway, let's come in and sit down. What would you like to drink?"

"Of course it's the Brilliant Star Magic Tea. If you want Xiaona, just give her a glass of iced juice."

After the guests and hosts sat down and exchanged simple greetings for a while, Lester explained the purpose of his visit.

"Actually, the reason for coming here this time is for Xiaona. Her body is very abnormal now. This is related to the blood I fed her since she was a child. I want you to help investigate what is going on with my blood and Xiaona's current condition.


After Nora explained in detail how he raised Diana with blood from a baby girl, Lester asked.

“I wonder if you have time recently, Nora?”

"It's not too busy. Come on, let me check your blood first."

Neither Leicester nor Nora liked ink stains. After drinking the tea in one gulp, Leicester ordered Diana.

"Xiao Na, just play with Yumi here. Don't bully Yumi. Do you hear me?"

"Okay daddy, how could I bully a cute little kitten?"

Diana narrowed her eyes and gently held Yumi in her arms.


Sensing the terrible threat from Diana, Yumi trembled.

"Resist? Resistance is useless. Kittens are born to be eaten."

"Is it really okay to leave the two of them there?"

Seeing that Nora was still a little worried, Lester comforted her softly.

"No matter what, Xiaona, who is kind-hearted, is still very obedient and will never hurt Yuumi."

"Okay, let me get ready."

When Nora came back, she had a fist-sized clay pot with a narrow mouth in her hand.

"Put some blood in. You don't need too much. I'll use a magic jar to test what magic elements your blood contains."

Nodding, Lester bit his index finger and dripped blood into the jar.


What surprised Nora was that the clay pot with high magic resistance cracked directly and could not withstand the various properties of blood.

Seeing the blood drops moving on the fragments of the earthen jar, Nora was angry and funny.

"Little Laini, even magic items can't carry the energy in the blood. Are you out of the category of blood?"

Lester smiled bitterly and nodded.

"This is exactly the problem. I have learned and used too much power. In the seal of the stars, even I don't know what my blood is now."

Nodding, Nora began to search for things in the magic cabinet again.

"With such a powerful energy, it seems that I have to use my Orn's Pot."

Soon Nora placed the Pot of Orn in front of Lester.

The so-called Pot of Ornn looks like a stone urinal full of cracks, looking like it was left on the street and beggars didn't want it.

"Is this Ornn's Pot a piece of equipment made by the Freljord demigod Ornn?"

After observing it several times from beginning to end, Lester felt that this thing was just a urinal made by a third-rate mason.

"Yes, this is indeed a magical instrument made by Ornn, the Forging God of Freljord. Only this thing can withstand the terrible energy impact. Drip the blood in, maybe a little more."

Without asking Nora how she got the Pot of Orn, Lester repeated his old trick and dripped blood into the pot. This time, the tattered stone pot did not crack, and he was trapped by the stone pot at the bottom.

like a statue.

Holding the Pot of Orn with both hands, Nora closed her eyes and began to call the Grimoire of the Door to assist her in casting spells.

"In your blood, I feel the rich vitality, the power of the stars, the blessings of black magic, the blessings of natural elves, the blessings of time, the blessings of the ocean, natural magic talents, the power of shadows, the power of elements, and spells

The power of the dark descendant, the breath of the underworld, and the breath of many runes that are soft together... Oh my God, what is this purple light? It is actually peeking at me from the opposite direction?

Lester, how on earth did you put so much power into your body? Normally, your body should have exploded long ago. I can't believe you can survive safely to this day.


With a smile, Lester was speechless.

"I just learned a little more while traveling around Runeterra. It's not...it's not that serious, right?"

But Nora shook her head seriously.

"This is very serious. Let me tell you this. Your body is now a time bomb that may explode at any time. Now it relies entirely on the star seal to suppress various forces. Now your body has just reached a microsecond balance.

The life rune provides you with sufficient vitality to supply the astral seal, and the astral seal uses vitality as a buffer to eliminate the influence and conflicts caused by various forces. If you lose the life rune, or destroy the star

If the world seal is broken and the balance is broken, you will immediately become an unpredictable magical disaster. Even Bandle City cannot withstand your self-destruction."


"Fortunately, this balance is not easily broken, so don't worry too much."

I always felt that Nora said this sentence a little too late, Lester whispered.

"Nora, is there any way? I mean, if I want to lift the seal of the star realm, how should I coordinate the various powers in my body?"

Nora shook her head.

"I don't know. I have never encountered such a situation. You are a special case among special cases. Lester, you are a living miracle. Even I can't explain this impossible miracle. The Rune

In the thousand-year history of the earth, there has never been a human being like you.

But I do have a conjecture, and I don’t know if it can be realized in your case. To be honest, this suggestion is very dangerous."

"It will never be more dangerous than it is now. Please tell me, Nora."

"Well, as I said before, all the power in your body is currently being mediated by the force of life as a buffer.

In this case, you can try to integrate all your power into the life rune to create a new ability,

Only with the help of the power of runes can you purify other powers you control. Refining all powers does not mean abandoning power. It’s just that the risk of the purification process is too high. I can’t give you any advice. You can only do it yourself.


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