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Chapter599 Ice springs also gurgling

In addition to the main universe of Runeterra, the Titans also control many time passages to other universes through jump magic.

The vast majority of protoss who travel to other star realms and universes do so to satisfy their own characteristics or obtain suitable incarnations and explore the mysteries of the multidimensional universe, but this does not include the twilight protoss Zuo Yin.

For Zuo Yin, how to use the power of the star spirit to satisfy himself [unfettered joy] is the most important thing. Apart from that, the work of being a star messenger that he needs to complete is a secondary factor in his life.

In addition, many protoss have moved to other cosmic latitudes, resulting in infrequent contact between protoss in the past thousand years. Under such circumstances, no protoss cares about the missing Zuo Yin.

But now Justice Star Spirit Castis has to take the initiative to look for Zuo Yin. After all, she doesn't want to be with the dragon in the starry sky all the time and watch the body of the God of Justice she chose fall together with her sisters.

So no matter who it is, there must be two people who control the dragon-binding rope and the star-rose crown on her behalf, lest the dragon that has gained some freedom 'accidentally' blow up the planet where they are located.

But things seem easy to think about but difficult to do.

Today's Runeterra Star Realm Temple can be said to be deserted.

Pantheon, the war star spirit, was severely injured and was slowly recovering in the astral temple. The bright moon and the blazing sun fell into the mortal world and began their pure divine work. The guardian star spirit was curious that the star spirit happened to go to other star fields.

Investigate the so-called 'different space storm',

According to Tretiers himself, there seems to be a different-dimensional subspace in another universe that is more desperate than Runeterra. In the subspace, many consciousnesses shaped by the human thoughts of the native universe were born. One of them

It seems to have the same divine personality as hers.

Under such circumstances, Istis could not lead the dangerous Orrian Thor to find his fellow stars in other universes.

"Go if you want, little thief who stole my power, I promise you, I won't run around until another little thief comes."

Seemingly sensing the anxiety of the Justice Star Spirit, Oriental Sol began to persuade, trying to get Istis to let go of him.

"If the oath cannot be broken, then there will be fewer disputes in this world. Unfortunately, both you and us know that this is impossible."

Hearing what Istis said, Orurien Sol almost laughed.

"So you prefer to be a perfidious person and a despicable thief for high-sounding reasons?"

Glancing at Aurian Sol noncommittally, Istis, who acted as Mythila, said calmly.

"No matter what you say, we are borrowing your power to maintain the peace of this universe. Whether you are willing or not, this is an irrefutable fact."

The shameless remarks made Aurian Thor so angry that he wanted to destroy the starry sky for a moment, and the starry sky dragon said coldly with an angry smile.

"If you are eager to use my power, you can tell me directly. It is not that I will not agree, but you use despicable and dirty lies to deceive my feelings for Runeterra. What is even more hateful is that the mortals I love are...

He became your accomplice and imprisoned a great being who truly cared for them for thousands of years!

Hateful! How hateful! You thieves are hateful! Those ignorant and stupid mortals are even more hateful!"

Holding the dragon-binding rope calmly, Istis did not continue to speak until Orurian Sol calmed down his sudden anger before he spoke.

"I'll accompany you in Twilight's place."

Aurelian Sol's tone was a little more mocking.

"Didn't you say that you couldn't find the whereabouts of that little guy? Now you can?"

"I mean we can't confirm Twilight's whereabouts, but I didn't say that I can't take the initiative to call Twilight."

Taking out the [Astral Stone] from his body that could contact the papaya star spirit across realms, Castis began to transfer divine power into the astral stone.

"With Zuo Yin accompanying you, you should be happier than you are now."

"Don't think you can please me like this. Sooner or later, I will make you pay for what you have done!"

"I'm waiting for that day to come. For now, please be patient."


(For well-known reasons, I won’t go into details about the specific adjustment and proofreading process of Lieyang and Bright Moon here. Maybe I will write a related Galio extra chapter in the future. Let’s just make up our own minds first, and then it will be a one-step process for Lester.


In the material realm, eight years passed in a hurry. The children in Bali village became teenagers, the teenagers grew into young adults, the young adults entered the prime of life, and the prime adults entered old age, sending away their parents.

For the Lakor villagers in Bali Village, the only things that remain unchanged in the village are the gurgling ice springs beside the grassland, and next to the ice springs, Dr. Lester, the male owner of the medicine field who never looks old.

Perhaps eight years ago, the villagers of Barry Village would still be suspicious of Lester's existence, but now they just regard it as a normal thing, because the goddaughter Diana and his wife Leona raised by the male owner of the medicine garden

They are all the chosen ones who have passed the trial of the giant god.

It may also be a coincidence that the two closest women are both chosen by the giant gods, and have also become priests of the Sun Sect and the Moon Sect at the same time. Even the Rakkor who were born with intellectual disabilities know that this is impossible.

It's a matter of luck.

As the closest person to the two chosen ones, Lester is naturally not an ordinary person. It is normal to have special powers. Otherwise, how could he control two such powerful women at the same time.

Under this circumstance, Lester, full of all kinds of mystery, has become a living legend of the Rakkor people. Even if the priests of the Titan Cult and the elders of Rakhorak came outside the Ice Spring Lodge, they would be more or less aware of it.

Only by kneeling down and kowtow can you leave with peace of mind, otherwise you will be labeled as "disrespectful", which is quite embarrassing.

Mystery creates a sense of distance, which Lester can feel in his daily life. The area near his medicine garden has been guarded by La Horak and the warriors of the Titan Cult. From the perspective of the security system alone, his home is simply worse than

The temple on Mount Targon and the temple of Lahorak are even more formidable.

But for him, how he lives in Mount Targon is not the important point. The important point is how to control the Sun Star Spirit and the Bright Moon Star Spirit so that they can be used for his own purposes.

It is almost impossible to make the star spirit surrender, but he is not an ordinary person, so he naturally has the means to deal with the arrogant giant.

"Rena, next, give her to me."

The man gently kissed the blonde woman's forehead with a soft voice.

The blushing Leona glanced at Diana, who was already asleep, and lay on the bed obediently, slowly closing her eyes.

In less than a second, 'Leona' opened her eyes again, with a golden light flashing in her eyes, and she controlled her body and crawled behind her with a look of fear.

"Come on... Lester, don't come over!"

Three hours later, 'Leona' lay beside Diana peacefully and contentedly. Lester got dressed, went to the ice spring alone, and washed his face with the clear spring water.


A crisp dragon roar came from the sky. Lester was stunned for a moment, looked at the sky, then stood up and walked towards the remote and uninhabited hillside.

After a while, a tall woman wearing tight leather armor came down from the mountain. It was Shia who came to deliver the message.

The two hugged each other for a while before letting go. Shia took out the mailbox given by LeBlanc and handed it to Lester.

"Why are you in such a hurry this time?"

After the warmth, Dragon Girl Shia's expression became serious.

"There are four things that I must report to you and ask for your decision.

The first thing is that the Pale Witch found your lost little devil Yin Fulin in the Immortal Fortress. Currently, Yin Fulin has reached a cooperation agreement with the Pale Witch. LeBlanc allows Yin Fulin to hunt in the underground city of the Immortal Fortress. Yin Fulin needs help.

LeBlanc removes some of the unease and shares information about the demon.

The second thing was that Noxus suffered a defeat on the Western Front. Except for the legion led by Thane, the rest of the Noxus war groups were retreating steadily on the battlefield in the western part of the Nocmooch Plains.

Now the Royal Army of Demacia is besieging the old capital of Leinland. Demacia's secret mage force, the Illuminati, finally appears. Under the unexpected attack, the situation of the old capital of Leinland is in danger. Burnham wants the emerald.

With the support of the leader, the Pale Witch decides to let you make a choice.

The third thing is that the Sentinels of Light discovered traces of black mist in the territory of the Principality of Valoran. The Shadow Island headquarters is sending sentinels to investigate.

The fourth thing is that there is a weak magic reaction from Osgood, and the situation of Xina and Misha may have changed.

Lester, the more specific situation is explained in the letter, this matter is indeed very important, and the Emerald Territory needs your decision!"

His face changed slightly, Lester nodded, opened the mailbox, and took out the dragon skin magic scroll that recorded a large amount of information. Although he had no mana to use, he could use the blue rune's gift of arcane eyes to see what was recorded in the magic scroll.


According to LeBlanc's description in the letter, Yin Fulin's current condition is considered stable.

Yin Fulin followed him for a period of time after he lost his memory. She wanted to find a chance to join him again. Unfortunately, during the process, Yin Fulin was entangled by Fiddlesticks.

The two faced off in the Ice Abyss for a long time. It wasn't until Fiddlesticks left without any warning one day that Yin Fulin regained her freedom. And because too much demonic power was consumed in the confrontation, Yin Fulin had to continue.

Staying under the abyss of extreme ice and devouring the souls of those who committed suicide, he regains his lost strength.

After recovering, Yin Fulin broke through a certain bottleneck and fell into a deep sleep. It was not until recent years that she woke up again. After sensing his breath, she went all the way to the Immortal Fortress.

Lan discovered that the two of them had a frank and open talk with him as the balance point, and talked it out thoroughly.

Lester was also very happy to get the news about Yin Fulin again, but compared with other things, the first thing was not that serious.

Noxus started a war with Demacia more than ten years ago. I don’t know if it is because the Emerald Territory absorbed too many Noxian people. Noxus is worse than what was shown in the original story background.

Much worse, most of the imperial warbands controlled by the old nobles and warlords did not have the combat effectiveness worthy of the name Noxus, and instead became blood-sucking worms that dragged down the empire.

Roxy, who was tough and warlike and unyielding in martial arts, was much depressed. Hundreds of years of continuous continental wars caused the most brave Noxian warriors and warrior families to die in batches on the cruel battlefield. The last batch of those who dared to

The pioneering Noxian warrior also followed Burnham Darkwill and stayed on Dragon Island forever, becoming a withered skeleton spurned by the dragons in the war between the underworld army and the dragons.

Nowadays, most of the famous families in the Immortal Fortress are cowards and cowards who can only inherit family property and noble titles. They are good at playing with women and conspiracy, but they cannot be expected to go to the battlefield with the powerful continent Demacia.

Fighting with real swords and guns.

In addition to the old nobles holding back the empire, the rising warlords have also become a major hidden danger to Noxus.

The large amount of land occupied by the destruction of the Kingdom of Gran and the Principality of Valx made Noxus like a nouveau riche who suddenly received demolition funds. It had a lot of money and no idea how to spend it. It had nearly three times the inherent territorial area in the population.

When it is withered, it cannot be absorbed well, so it can only digest these troublesome spoils through enfeoffment.

According to the ancestral motto of Noxus that distinguished itself through military merit, there is nothing principled wrong in using military merit to reward people. Having said that, without perfect control rules, it is difficult to avoid the result of a strong local government and a weak central government.

The end result of the wanton land enfeoffment is that some of the southern Noxus warlords are now in cahoots with each other. They secretly flirt with the Principality of Valoran and secretly marry each other, but they do nothing for the empire headquarters and adopt a policy of subordination and subterfuge in foreign campaigns.


Logically speaking, the Imperial Fortress will not allow such a situation to occur. The problem is that the current war situation in the Empire is tight, and the health of Imperial Commander Burnham is gradually declining. The reputation of Dragon Island's failure has plummeted, and it is difficult for the Supreme Command to liquidate.

Warlords' power, in order to avoid arousing dissatisfaction among the warlords and leading to civil war in the empire.

They are submissive to outsiders and fight civil wars. These guys who grew up in fine clothes and enjoyed the blessings of their ancestors can really hit hard.

At that time, Noxus will fall apart in an instant, splitting into three or four independent countries from north to south.

Not to mention how Burnham, the apparent master of the empire, views this outcome. Even LeBlanc, who is hiding deep in the underground city of the Immortal Fortress, is not willing to see such a situation arise. Although she does not care about Noxus,

But I don’t want my tools to be completely damaged.

Especially when an alliance has been formed with the Emerald Territory, the best outcome is for the Emerald Territory to completely control Noxus. If a civil war really breaks out, even if the Emerald Territory sends troops to conquer all the resistance forces, Noxus will

Si's strength will also be greatly reduced.

For Lester himself, he is not willing to start a civil war in Noxus. After all, he has long regarded Noxus as his own, and any loss is equivalent to being fulfilled on himself.

This chapter has been completed!
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