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Chapter698 Noxus is about to rise

The Imperial Celebration concluded successfully. Noxians who originally thought that their lives would not change much suddenly discovered that there were many new policy preachers wearing handsome clothes on the streets. Apart from other things, they were the only ones they had never seen before. The smart clothing makes the Noxians of the Immortal Bastion stand out.

"By the order of the Imperial Commander-in-Chief Lester, new laws of the Empire are hereby promulgated! The following laws will come into effect from now on.

Article 1: The Noxus Empire gives every outstanding person the opportunity to make contributions, regardless of race, origin, gender and age. Anyone who believes in the spirit of Roxy and agrees with the will of Great Noxus is part of the empire. Everyone Every citizen of the empire should defend the glory of the empire with blood and courage!

Article 2: Individuals or groups are strictly prohibited from privately opening and operating prostitutes. All unofficial brothels must be reported to the Supreme Command and closed within three days. Individuals or groups are strictly prohibited from buying, selling or transporting slaves from any unofficial institution. , human trafficking in imperial territory is strictly prohibited. Violators will be sentenced to more than thirty years in prison. In serious cases, they will be sentenced to death and their heads will be displayed in public.

Article 3: Imperial nobility is an honorary title and enjoys the privileges of imperial society, but does not enjoy legal privileges.

Imperial nobles must demonstrate the style and courage of imperial nobles and maintain their noble status with sufficient merits. A review will be conducted every three years. If there is no achievement as an imperial noble within three years, the noble title will be downgraded by one level. Until he was reduced to a civilian.

Within the empire, nobles and commoners have equal status. Commoners have the right to anonymously report the misconduct of nobles, and if they are found guilty of false accusations, they will be rewarded. The empire will be responsible for the personal safety of the whistleblower to the end.

Article 4: Widows and orphans whose family members died in the war enjoy the protection of the empire. War orphans and elderly people who are unable to work will be raised by the empire after review.

Article 5: Within the empire, except for nobles who can possess a limited amount of private armed forces, other forces and organizations are strictly prohibited from possessing private armed forces. All undisbanded private armed groups must report to the Supreme Command within seven days for legion reorganization. From now on, the empire will regard any private armed groups within its territory as illegal organizations, and illegal organizations will be brutally suppressed by the imperial army.

Article 6: Any dispute can be submitted to the [Eye of Order] for public hearing after paying a part of the fee. The reviewers will randomly select five people from several regional candidates. If there is any objection to the judgment of the Eye of Order, You can submit a joint letter to the Supreme Command, and the second trial will be personally presided over by the Judgment Angel. Any false accusations, biased, and non-objective judgment methods will receive the most severe sanctions.

Article 7: The empire respects every brave avenger. For those who have a grudge against killing their father and humiliating their mother, the empire encourages public duels to settle personal grievances, and does not advocate the use of assassination and poisoning to complete revenge. If the second method is adopted, If you complete your just revenge by this means and report it, the empire will make a strong protest..."

A total of twelve temporary laws were promulgated this time. These laws are all transitional laws with slight modifications based on the more mature laws of the Emerald Territory. They fill the gaps in several imperial laws and also improve the empire's response to the lowest level. the welfare of the people.

After so many years of development, the laws of the Immortal Fortress and the Emerald Territory are completely different. It is impossible to change them all at once. We can only rely on time to slowly adjust and modify them, and constantly find the most suitable balance point.


For ordinary people in the Empire, most of these new laws are beneficial to them, especially those who have lost their families in the war. Although they cannot see things in the long term, they can still feel that the Empire

It seems that some kind of positive change has occurred.

Naturally, the people who suffered the greatest impact from the new law were the hereditary nobles who had long been accustomed to living a luxurious life. They thought that after coming to power, St. would attack them, but they did not expect that the first knife cut directly on their own aorta, causing blood to flow.

It flowed all over the floor and almost cut off the head.

"This bastard Lester really doesn't leave any way for us to survive! Has he forgotten that he is also a member of the nobility?"

At the secret banquet hosted by the Swain family, a silver-haired young man who was as charming and handsome as a vampire in the Twilight Saga put down the crystal goblet containing fresh blood in his hand, and his red amber eyes exuded a chilling look.

murderous intent.

"He really doesn't know who is supporting this country to move forward? If there are no nobles like us to maintain this country, it will be those untouchables! You! It's you! Or is it you?"

Questioning the three naked blood slaves who were lying at his feet and acting as meat blankets, Rogier Swain casually grabbed the handsome male slave's neck and pressed his knuckles on the delicate and tender neck to press veins. Rogier lowered his voice.

"Do you know how to govern a country? Do you know how to command an army? Tell me, without us to rule you, a bunch of ignorant idiots, what meaning do you have to this country?"

How could the male slave, who was dizzy due to excessive blood loss, have the strength to speak? Due to the lack of oxygen supply to the brain, the male slave who was being questioned actually passed out directly.

"What can these useless people who can't even speak, the untouchables who don't understand what power is, do for the empire?"

He casually broke the male slave's neck and threw the slave's corpse, which weighed about a hundred kilograms, into the center of the stage, just like throwing away garbage.

The dancing crowd was silent for a few seconds. As the magical light swayed, a dozen dancing men and women tore off their disguises and began to eat the fresh flesh and blood like vicious dogs. After biting and swallowing, the male slave soon became a slave.

It turned into bright red and white bones that were broken on the ground.

Brunster Wright, who was sitting on the other side of Rogier, sighed and drank the sweet but bitter blood wine in one gulp.

It's all Leicester's fault, such a delicious thing is tasteless when it comes to your mouth.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Lord Rogier, you'd better calm down. You and I both know that Lester's target from the beginning is us. We should now consider how to win over other nobles.

To fight this tyrant together, isn’t that why you invited me here?”

Rogier, who had vented a little, picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and snorted coldly.

"Just in the morning, Du Cacao and Adlet Raises took the initiative to go to the combat conference room of the Supreme Command to meet with Lester. These two traitors had led their families to completely surrender to the Standing Committee.

Lester, the antithesis of aristocracy.”

"Then there is no need to consider these two families, we can try to win over other families."

With a sneer, Rogier glanced at his only 'ally' with some contempt, without any thought of giving face.

Apart from playing with women, the scarlet immortal in front of him is actually of no use at all.

"Idiot, I have spent the time you spent on women's bellies contacting other families.

The Myrdalda family's business is overseas and is not affected by the new laws of the empire at all.

The Sarapham family and the Lancelot family have recognized the position of leader of Leicester, and there is no way they can stand on our side.

The Cecilia family, the Eishausen family and the Sexter family clearly rejected my proposal, leaving only the wallflower Clyton family who did not reply to me. In this case, who do you think we can win over?


Not caring about Rogier's disparagement of himself, Brunst, who lost his composure, was more concerned that his situation was already so worrying.

"Then, Lord Rogier, what should we do?"

Rogier narrowed his eyes and stared at Brunst's pale face, which was as handsome as his own.

"Every scarlet immortal gifted by the Blood Ancestor himself has a special talent."

Opening his right hand, the blood wine in the cup formed a beautiful blood line under the pull of force. The blood line drained the wine cup and merged into a solid spherical blood essence within a few seconds.

After eating the blood essence ball in one gulp, Rogier spoke with some jealousy.

"My talent is [Blood Solidification], and your talent is [Scarlet Charm]. In this battle against the tyrant, you are more effective than me. The reason why Lester is so powerful is precisely because there is a group of

Strong women as helpers.”

Brunst was stunned for a moment, then his eyes widened.

"My, function? Wait, you don't want me to seduce Lester's woman, do you? That's the Demon Face Lord's woman?"

Rogier nodded.

"You're right, I just received a very crucial piece of information. Lester's beloved disciple Syndra is practicing magic at the Black Rose Mage Academy. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

If we can completely control Syndra and rely on the close relationship between Syndra and Lester, we can get more information about Lester!

Brenster, with your ability to treat women, you will soon be able to make Sindra fall in love with you wholeheartedly. By then, with Syndra as an insider, you will be able to dismantle Lester's harem one by one, those beautiful girls.

Women are yours to play with, and they can also help us fight against Lester!

Therefore, this task belongs to you."

Under Rogier's description, Brunster seemed to see those high-ranking women crouching at his feet, wagging their tails and begging for mercy, making mocking noises at Lester, who was like a bereaved dog.

It has to be said that he has done countless things, but he has never been as full of motivation to challenge difficulties as this time.


Before Brunst finished speaking, the stone door of the secret room was blasted open by explosive magic. The rubble was scattered in all directions, and more than twenty dark guards full of evil spirits broke into the dust.

"This is a private residence! What do you bastards want to do!? Is there any more royal law?"

Standing up from his seat, Rogier questioned the leading Dark Guard soldier.

Lifting his helmet, the Dark Guard soldier grinned. It was none other than Master, the leader of the Dark Guard's legion.

"Someone anonymously reported that the cultists of the Scarlet Society are hiding here, and I was ordered to come and search. However, I never expected that the two Dukes who symbolize the face of the empire believe in cults themselves..."

As soon as the smile turned cold, the sword was cut off, and Rogier's head, which was like a work of art, rolled to the ground. In half a breath, it and his body turned into a puddle of foul-smelling mud.

"What Scarlet Immortal? I thought you were really immortal...Has the video been recorded?"

"It's recorded."

"The Duke of the Empire is corrupt! The evidence of collusion with the cult is conclusive! For the glory of the Empire! Kill without mercy!"

Until his consciousness dissipated, Brunst couldn't figure out whether he was dreaming just now.

If he didn't take action, it would be enough. Once he did, it would be like thunder. Within three days, the two great dukes of the empire and their respective families were completely wiped out by the Dark Guard and the Blade of Night. The Blade of Judgment fell from the sky and cut off the heads of people.

For a time, the air of the Immortal Fortress was filled with the unmistakable smell of blood.

The Imperial High Command, represented by Lester, then announced the crimes of the Leite family and the Swain family. The countless sins were displayed in the form of magical images, causing countless Noxians to burst into anger but burst into tears.

After this incident, the people of the empire were both grateful for the new commander-in-chief's words and deeds in eradicating the empire's cancer, but also a little afraid of the commander-in-chief's ruthless methods. You must know that the two major families combined have nearly a thousand people. Faced with such ruthless methods, even if

Malthus Sarapham, the old aristocratic leader of the neutral faction, was also a little frightened, how could he dare to continue to put on airs.

After quietly convening an internal meeting, the neutral noble forces headed by the Sarapam family expressed their submission and agreed with other imperial nobles on the new laws promulgated by the empire. Of course, the so-called 'Supreme Command' is still the devil.

In the face of the lord's speech, the nobles only have the right to make suggestions, and only Lester has the right to make decisions.

Under Lester's control, the storm in the Immortal Fortress quickly subsided.

Since then, the aristocratic culture of the Noxus Empire has completely changed. The nobility is no longer divided into old and new factions. Nobility is no longer determined based on blood. It is no longer a hereditary system. There is only one kind of nobility in Noxus, and that is the martial aristocracy.

, the merits achieved on the battlefield became the only judging criterion.

As more and more low-level administrative officers from the Emerald Territory go to various parts of the empire, the empire, which was riddled with pimples everywhere, is regaining its vitality. Everything is changing for the better, at least it is not as old and young as it was before.

In the second year, Leicester finally established an administrative management mechanism with Fidelite as the heart and the Immortal Fortress as the brain.

At this point, Lester has completed the initial transformation of the empire. After stabilizing the new framework, Lester also began to gradually let go, letting the two angel sisters Xina and Misha take over part of the empire's affairs.

It’s not that he wants to be a hands-off boss, the main reason is that he lacks the skills to do all the work. He needs to personally control the continental war against Ionia. At that time, he will not have so much time to decide the development path of the empire. In terms of governance, today’s Sheena is comparable.

He is much stronger, and even being an imperial consul is considered overqualified.

With Xina and Misha in charge of the empire, he could safely start this great expedition belonging to the empire.

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