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Chapter944 Great Purge

"Did you hear about it? A group of bandits sneaked into Poletrali. More than a dozen members of the big family, including Councilor Zange, were brutally murdered by the bandits. They couldn't even collect the bodies. Ha... cough

Cough...I accidentally choked."

"It seems that even the executioners at Zhiyun Secret Academy couldn't save those big shots. It's unbelievable that such a thing would happen to those high-ranking masters. Pfft... I'm sorry, I suddenly thought that my wife was going to give birth, and I was a little happy.


"Don't be ridiculous. Isn't your wife already menopausal? Can I use my head to give birth to your child?"

"If you ask me, killing is good! You should kill them all, kill everyone! Then the world will be peaceful!"

"Look, the lunatic is talking crazy things to himself again."

Amid the discussion among everyone in the tavern, Sean stood up silently and walked into the independent private room on the second floor. A tall and thin man wearing a white mask followed closely behind him, and he closed the door behind him.

Sean stared at the familiar yet unfamiliar tall and thin man sitting opposite him. What made him a little confused was that the man who took off his mask was still wearing an airtight black cloth hood, except for two eye holes.

Apart from that, he completely covered his facial features.

Kadar Jhin is a self-proclaimed artist, but is actually a cruel executioner with a twisted personality. He is both rational and crazy. He is just the right knife to become a big shot. It would not be a pity to throw it away.

"Did you make too much noise this time?"

Seeing that Kadar Jhin remained strangely silent and had no intention of speaking, Sean frowned and spoke proactively.

"You don't need to wear a mask in front of me."

He stared at Sean with one eye for a while. Before Sean could become impatient, Jhin made a dull sound under his mask, his body was shaking uncontrollably, and his right hand clenched his fist tightly.

"You won't understand. You won't understand the feeling of being watched by gods. It's as painful as being burned by sulfur fire. It hurts. It really hurts. Every part has been cut into pieces by countless people. This feeling.

, life is worse than death.”

The hired killer in front of him was really far from normal, even though he couldn't be called normal at the most normal time.

Thinking it was the ravings of a lunatic, Sean increased his tone and stared at Jhin.

"Stop talking useless nonsense. Your target should have been only one person, but you killed so many irrelevant people. The master is very unhappy about this."

For Sean, all he needs is an attitude of admitting his mistake. After all, he can't really make Jhin pay a price for those insignificant people.

Everything Kadar Jhin had was given by Senator Tim. Apart from the life that had long belonged to Senator Tim, Kadar Jhin actually had nothing.

"...Fortunately, God is merciful and gave me, a sinner, a second chance, a chance to wash away my sins and start a new life. The pain is gone. God has issued a divine will, which must be completed. It must be completed. After it is completed,

Then I can pay off my debt."

"Tim, Zeni, Bloom, Evans...as long as I can kill them, I can be a good person."

Sean stood up in shock. What Jhin mentioned was not only his master's name, but also Congressman Zeni, Congressman Bloom, Congressman Evans and the other three Congressmen. One by one, they all had close contacts with his master.


"Where did you get these names?"

"Now, call me the Golden Demon."

Pulling off the black hood that covered his face, Jhin, whose half-face was destroyed, was not as crazy as Sean had imagined. Instead, he was extremely calm, as calm as a hermit who had seen through the world of mortals facing an ancient well and deep pool.

It just so happened that such a man brought him greater fear than before.

"God's trial has begun, Sean, you are the first, forgive me, in the name of God."


In Kashuli, a man stood on the river bank and looked at Zhiyun House, the highest point in the city. The sea breeze from the east blew the man's black hair, and his black and white eyes were as deep as the abyss.

Behind the man were two beautiful girls with their own merits. The girl on the left had neat short white-silver hair and was carrying a heavy sword with a solemn expression. The girl on the right had a youthful and beautiful black high ponytail, and her face was full of smiles.


These three people were none other than the three Lesters who had just arrived in Kashuli, the capital of Zhiyun Province, after traveling north from Poletrali.

"I don't quite understand. Cousin, why didn't you kill the Golden Demon? You even wanted to heal the hidden wounds on the Golden Demon's body?"

Lester turned back and looked at Akali with a gentle expression, as patient as a teacher imparting life lessons.

"Akali, why do you think punishment exists?"

The girl looked stunned, a little unsure.

"Is it to intimidate? If a person knows how serious the punishment is, he will definitely think carefully about whether to do it before doing it."

From Riven's point of view, Akali gave the correct answer, but to her surprise, Lester shook his head.

"In my opinion, punishment is for redemption."

"Redemption? Who to redeem?"

"Redemption should be given to those who deserve redemption."

Lester once again set his sights in the direction of Zhiyun House.

"I can kill the Golden Demon who was tortured to the point of collapse by me, but even if I kill the Golden Demon, what can be saved? Those wailing and gnashing of teeth will not dissipate, and the death of the murderer cannot bring back the innocent.

life, the final death penalty is just a little psychological comfort,

The only effect of the Golden Demon's death is that no innocent people will be harmed by the Golden Demon. Now that I keep the Golden Demon alive temporarily, it can still have the same effect. The living are always more useful than the dead."

"Wouldn't it be more unfair to those who have been harmed to keep the Golden Demon alive?"

"The Golden Demon has no right to live. I just let the Golden Demon play a small role before he dies."

Lester's voice was cold, and his eyes seemed to have passed through the solemn and grand hall of the House of Representatives, and he saw the source of the trouble in Zhiyun Province.

What made him feel ridiculous was that even in the face of the behemoth Noxus Empire, the members and elders of the Zhiyun Council were still scheming, and even did not hesitate to release Kadar Jhin to eradicate political opponents.

What’s even more ridiculous is that Councilor Zange who was killed by Jhin was actually doing the same thing as Councilor Tim. Councilor Zange killed Harlem, the city lord of Polletlali, for power, and Councilor Tim killed him.

He also wanted power. These people did not dare to raise their arms and raise the banner to fight against the Noxus Empire, but they dared to kill their own people.

These people are really stupid enough to think that the Empire can't do anything to take over Zhiyun Province by being submissive. Little do they know that the reason why the Empire doesn't use extreme measures to eradicate them is just because someone has been a lobbyist.

With a sarcastic smile on his lips, Lester said lightly.

"The Kushuo master who was the Eye of Twilight and his two disciples worked hard to catch the Golden Demon. After a trial by the Zhiyun Council, the Golden Demon was sentenced to life imprisonment amidst the boiling public dissatisfaction. The reason why he was not sentenced to death was because of the parliamentarians'

Avoid killing' kindness,

Now the Golden Demon is reborn and starts killing people, and the people he kills are all big people, what does this mean?"

Riwen said.

"It means that some congressmen bribed the Golden Demon, secretly released the Golden Demon from the Yagus Monastery prison in Tulen, and instructed the Golden Demon, a murderous demon, to eradicate his political opponents."

Akali clapped her hands in surprise.

"Letting them bite dogs can also undermine the prestige of the Zhiyun Council. No wonder, cousin, you would tell the Golden Demon such an important list of members. Why didn't I think of this?"

Lester smiled lightly.

"Not only that, if the news that Representative Zange was hired to kill by Representative Tim spreads to the ears of other members, it is hard to say what the members who already have their own agenda will do."

In mid-December of the Noxian calendar year 987, a political turmoil that shocked the entire Newborn Land occurred in Zhiyun Province.

It seems that there is a pair of invisible hands pushing behind the scenes. Since the Golden Demon was reborn, Kashuli has fallen into serious turmoil.

In just three months, the Zhiyun Council fell apart. Among the twelve members, except for Senator Sanks who was born in Zyyunnia and took the initiative to seek asylum from the Noxus Empire, the rest

All eleven congressmen died in assassinations by political opponents, and no one survived.

In this turmoil that spread to the entire Zhiyun Province, it was not only the forces represented by the congressmen who were implicated, but also groups of rebels who openly resisted the Zhiyun Council's excessive expropriation, bandits, rebels and hidden martial arts.

The sects fought against each other, and for a time, Zhiyun Province was full of war smoke, and everyone was in danger.

The only remaining Sanks councilor repeatedly requested the Noxus Empire to send troops to help maintain stability. In response to popular expectations, the empire dispatched a vastayan legion and an imperial legion from the province of Navoli to Zivania.

I received a warm welcome like Master Wang.

The two imperial legions combined with the imperial garrison in Zhiyunnia and the local militia regiments reorganized from the local guards in Zyunnia to form a 60,000-strong army. The troops were divided into three groups and began to suppress the riots in Zhiyun Province.

Among them, the 10,000 imperial legions were divided into two parts, each with 20,000 Zhiyun reorganized legions, marching from the north and south directions of Zhiyunnia, with great momentum along the way, reestablishing order in various places.

The vastaya army relied on mobility to directly fly over the Fishbone Mountains and divide their troops to guard the four major cities in Zhiyun Province except Zyunnia.

In less than a month, the Vastaya Legion restored order in the four major cities of Kashuli, Tulen, Boletari and Lyken at lightning speed, and used the four cities as the reference points to move outward.

Expanded and eliminated banditry in various places.

In the year 988 of the Noxian calendar, on March 12, after many discussions and public solicitation of opinions, Senator Sankes of the Zhiyun Council signed the Zhiyun Ownership Agreement on behalf of the Zhiyun Council, and the Zhiyun Province was merged into Noxus.

The territory of the Texas Empire and the Zhiyun Parliament system became part of the history of the Zhiyun Province.

As the new imperial governor of Zhiyun Province, Senator Sankes became the highest administrative officer of Zhiyun Province. The highest military officer was held by the former imperial governor and current deputy governor Kipling.

As batch after batch of low-level affairs officers from the Noxus Empire arrived in Zhiyun Province, the new laws brought by the Noxus Empire slowly but surely replaced the remaining old laws of the Zhiyun Council.

After the failure of the law, Zhiyun Province showed unprecedented vitality.

After more than two years of development, Hot Spring Town has developed from the original bandit den into a small town that can accommodate 5,000 people. Thanks to the natural hot springs scattered throughout the valley, Hot Spring Town has become a considerable town in Zhiyun Province.

A well-known open attraction that openly accepts tourists from all over the world.

The wind blows through the mountains and forests, the insects and birds chirp,

Among the green mountains, golden spring water gurgled from the ground, shrouded in clouds and mist, and accumulated in the hot spring pool, emitting a golden halo.

It is said that the hot springs in the hot spring town can make the skin smooth, have good effects on treating constipation and whitening the skin. Soaking in the higher temperature jasper spring has a unique curative effect on curing many diseases. In addition, the open hot spring is also a

It’s a great place to watch the stars and the moon.

For Leicester, the most unforgettable thing is the place with pure moon in the mountains.

Among the flowers outside the Blue Moon Lake, three butterflies were entangled together, their tentacles and tails tightly entwined, indistinguishable from each other.

The tearful words finally attracted a few curious nightingales and horned owls.

Away from the misty clouds, the birds looked out, only to see a piece of holy mist, and they couldn't help but make melodious calls anxiously.

It wasn't until the birdsong gradually subsided that the three butterflies flew away from the muddy flowers and disappeared under the moonlight, dotted by fireflies.

Inside Biyuetan Hot Spring Cave,

The two sisters Akali and Riven lazily and contentedly soaked in the hot spring bath.

The clouds and mist that lingered like a fairyland could not cover up the half-hearted love that belongs only to women on the faces of the two girls. Compared with two years ago, the two girls have become much more mature and charming.

Lester walked out of the hot spring alone and sat cross-legged on the cushion, his consciousness instantly falling into the deepest part of the spiritual space.

At the same time, a blond girl who looked like an elf appeared in Lester's spiritual world, flapped her wings and landed on Lester's shoulders, facing the boundless ocean of souls with the man.

"Elena, I'm ready."

Seeing Lester's confident look, Elena was a little hesitant and comforted her softly.

"Teacher, are you sure you want to break through the star boundary seal here in Blue Moon Lake? I think it's better for you to be more cautious. It won't be too late to lift the seal when you return to Fidelite."

Lester smiled faintly.

"I was not afraid of anything when I was sealed by the star and became powerless. Now that the seal is about to be broken, the power that has been suppressed for more than nine hundred years will soon be revived. There is nothing to be afraid of."

"Since you are so confident, teacher, then okay."

Elena shrugged, and the deep sea of ​​soul suddenly boiled, as if the whole world was trembling. A heavy altar rose slowly apart from the ocean. It was where Elena's body was, the runes that restrained and controlled the power of the runes.


This chapter has been completed!
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