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Chapter 153: Slavery Element


Li Ke only had time to realize this. The next moment, he felt that Sal's power suddenly increased three or four times!

No, it was the elements of this world that worked harder to help him!

Because of the crazy surge of elemental power, Li Ke clearly perceived this power with his own thinking.

This is the basic element that makes up this world, but it also has the foundation of other powers.

But now, Li Ke had no time to care, because the sudden surge of lightning power directly penetrated his wall of holy light and bombarded him directly.

Li Ke suddenly felt that his whole body was paralyzed. Not only that, his brain was also dizzy for a while, and he could not hold the sword steadily because his body was out of control under the electric shock.

He subconsciously wanted to control the power transmitted to his body.

However, he was rejected!

He was stunned for a moment because he had never encountered such a thing.

These energies seemed to have their own consciousness, making it impossible for him to control the power entering his body in an instant like he could control other forces. There was a momentary lag in controlling it.

"I don't want to do this to you, so I won't kill you. You can leave with other humans as much as possible."

Sal looked at Li Ke who was lying on the ground and twitching, his eyes full of disappointment.

He originally thought he could talk freely with Li Ke, but Li Ke turned out to be a narrow-minded racist.

So he sighed and prepared to leave.

Li Ke is the one who received the prophecy. He can save more people, so he does not plan to kill Li Ke.

But the moment he raised his feet, Li Ke stood up.

The power of thunder and lightning roared in his hand. The power that was supposed to kill Li Ke was now shining with dazzling light in his palm, as if it was supposed to be like this!

Such a heck of a fact made Sal open his mouth and eyes in surprise.


Li Ke is enslaving the elements! He is killing the elements!

The hum of the air told Thrall about this matter, the call of the earth told this matter, the sound of water flow reminded Thrall of the matter, and the anger of the fire asked him to kill this guy who blasphemed the elements as soon as possible!

"So that's it..."

Li Ke looked at the elemental power in his hand. After he felt the rejection of the elemental power, in order to prevent the elements from continuing to wreak havoc in his body, he directly used the power of evil energy and holy light, trying to use it at the same time.

These two powers expel the electric shock that is constantly raging in his body.


After the electric energy that refused his control collided with the evil energy in his body, the resistance of the elements disappeared.

But Li Ke clearly felt that the evil energy in his body had been replenished!

There is actually a soul among the elements!

Li Ke realized this and understood why he couldn't control these elements immediately. He immediately tried to control the power of these elements without using evil energy, and then felt that he controlled the souls of these elements in an instant!

"It turns out that it's not that you can't control it directly, but that you control the wrong object."

The power of the elements is like two parallel systems. You cannot completely control either one by just manipulating them, but if you choose to control their souls, you can directly control them!

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Li Ke can even feel that he can crush these souls that enter his body at any time and let them become his evil energy!

Not crushing them with evil energy, or using other methods, but giving orders to these souls that enter their bodies, letting them annihilate their own consciousness, or tear their own souls apart!

And their weak consciousness cannot fight against themselves!

Therefore, he mastered the power of thunder and lightning that Thrall struck into his body, the original elemental power.

However, such behavior is the most unethical behavior for the elements.

"You are enslaving the elements!"

There was anger in Thrall's heart. This was the result of the anger of the elements being transmitted to him. The power entangled in him became more and more violent, and his war hammer was filled with flames and thunder!

The activated elements around him also showed their anger. Even without Thrall's command, they all directly launched an attack in the material world according to some thoughts that flashed through Thrall's mind.


Li Ke waved his hand, and the shield formed by the holy light directly blocked the bursting flames and thunder and lightning.

He can control the fire and lightning that enter his body, but that doesn't mean his body can withstand it.

Fire and lightning will still hurt his body before he can control the opponent, especially lightning. Just because he can control it doesn't mean he can react!

This thing can theoretically travel at the speed of light!

The flames and thunder and lightning failed to break through Li Ke's wall of holy light this time, and Li Ke was not polite at all. He swung his arm violently and directly penetrated the wall of holy light.

The holy light formed a sharp sword in his hand, directly penetrating Thrall's armor. Thrall had never seen such terrifying power of holy light. His body suddenly froze, and his spine directly

Being pierced by Li Ke's light blade made him unable to move his body again.

"I'm actually not a racist, Sal. I actually want to be friends with you, but unfortunately, Sal, the tribe where you exist is the tribe I don't like."

Li Ke sneered, these words flashed in his mind, but at the next moment, an unprecedented sense of crisis passed into his heart.

He suddenly turned his head and saw a green guy smashing into the wall, and the sharp ax in his hand suddenly fell towards his head.

Li Ke instinctively opened the golden-red holy shield.

The next moment, the golden-red holy shield was directly covered with spider web-like cracks, and he himself was directly knocked out by an irresistible force, directly smashing the wall of the house!

The broken house fragments were scattered everywhere, showing how powerful this attack was. Li Ke was even more dizzy from the shock wave. This purely physical attack made it impossible for him to resist with his own abilities.

But when he opened his eyes, he felt a burst of fear.

Because this blow has actually penetrated his opened Holy Shield Technique!

And there are no bells and whistles, just pure brute force!

Then, he saw an orc warrior with a ponytail tied on his head and an ax that was also familiar to him in his hand. He was waving the ax and planned to hit him with another ax!

Blood Roar!

Grom Hellscream!

Li Ke realized this, and the shield covered with spider webs suddenly shattered, forming countless golden arrows that pierced the orc in front of him. The next moment, without any suspense, he pierced the orc who was about to strike again.

The orc had his burly body penetrated by the sharp arrows of holy light and turned into a sieve.

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