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Chapter 157 The Temptation of the Devil

"They say the Legion is perverted. I originally thought the Metis were perverted enough, but I never expected that the demons in the Legion are not simple at all."

Li Ke looked at the book in front of him, his face sinking.

There is no doubt that this is a living draenei, but for some reason it was turned into a book and tortured.

Moreover, the fluctuations in her soul have become very weak. If Kil'jaeden hadn't engraved the new demon's true name on it this time, he probably wouldn't have discovered this.

"This is really..."

Li Ke narrowed his eyes and did not check the book immediately. Instead, he reached out and grabbed the demon book when the evil flames completely disappeared from the book.

This time he clearly felt that the "cover" of the book was alive, and the blood flow and touch felt like it was alive.

Although the evil energy made the raw material of this book miserable, there is no doubt that the evil energy just now also added some energy to the raw material of this book, making her full and active again.

"This is really..."

Gently turning the book, Li Ke once again felt the sound of bones and muscles rolling, as well as the painful wail of a soul, which made him subconsciously stop turning the pages.

But then, he still turned the pages of the book, because a cruel and ruthless warlock would not have any sympathy for his victims.

Especially when reading a book that can bring him strength.

Li Ke saw a lot of things this time, a lot of new demons, and most of them were high-level demons. Not only the figures of demon craftsmen, but also the names of demons with powerful power.

Kil'jaeden was even generous enough to inscribe a large number of eredar's names on it.

"But the question is, although these demons are powerful, do I dare to use them?"

Li Ke looked at these names and couldn't help but think.

The demons Kil'jaeden gave him were very targeted, and they were all high-level talents his territory needed. As long as he summoned all these demons now, his current lack of grassroots management personnel would be solved instantly, but

There is also a problem.

He doesn't have the ability to control so many eredar demons!

The Eredar are a race with high intelligence and civilization. They are also the predecessor race of the draenei. They just followed Sargeras and became evil.

And once they entered the legion, these draenei became the backbone of the legion, allowing the originally scattered demons to finally have the ability to fight as a group.

There is no doubt about the ability of such a group of people, and it also means that they are absolutely difficult to control.


"There are Eredar among the Wrath Guards?"

Li Ke discovered some information that he had never discovered before.

"But you can't tell at all."

Li Ke thought about the appearance of those angry guards and couldn't help but shook his head.

Then, Li Ke closed the book.

Because the conditions in the book are really too tempting.

As long as he is willing to summon these demons, these demons can not only create a soul furnace for him, but also build a portal network for him that relies on evil energy and magic webs.

Legion's portal technology is still very advanced.

And the most important thing is that in the introduction of these demons, they all have the resume of "working latently on a certain planet and successfully becoming a high-level executive". At a glance, you can tell that they are a group of qualified clerks and officials.

So he seriously began to think about whether he should call on Eredar people to work for him, and first build up his grassroots management team.

Although there is no shortage of workers in his town now, it is beginning to lack the grassroots management team. Although the maids are all literate and can even count.

But until Li Ke can confront the nobles head-on, they will not be your strength, and you can still see this very clearly.

After all, they are small landowners themselves, and at worst they are homesteaders.

So Li Ke is really lacking people.

"So...should we summon them?"

Li Ke was very confused. In Metis's memory, he knew how evil this bastard Metis really was.

A human soul can be extracted completely by being put into the soul furnace, and can obtain a massive amount of evil energy.

Metis only gave him one-twentieth each time!

The rest is all done by oneself!

Moreover, the efficiency of the evil energy extraction spell given to him by Metis is quite low, with only less than one thousandth of the evil energy extraction ability of the Soul Forge!

This is like a hand-operated power station and a coal-fired power station, and a jenny spinning machine and a seamstress are not the same thing at all.

Li Ke could tolerate his ability to extract evil energy before because he was a self-employed businessman after all.

But when he saw something more advanced in Metis's head, he couldn't help but want to build a soul furnace.

The temptation is too great!

Although the souls entering it will be completely turned into ashes, what does it matter? They are just some jackals, and he doesn't care at all.

After that, a lot of chicken souls were stuffed into it.

And that bastard Metis also lied to him! The souls of a large number of small animals are just as useful, but the efficiency of extracting them is not as good as that of humans!

"The key is whether I can control those demons."

Li Ke took a deep breath and tried hard to restrain his urge to summon the devil.

Obviously, Kil'jaeden did this on purpose.

Even though I know that the Burning Legion are a bunch of bastards, I can't help but want to summon a large number of eredar demons, let alone the indigenous people of this world.

Strength, power, and beauty...

Li Ke took a look at the demon's introduction, and it was clearly written on it. These Eredar people don't mind what happens between you and her. As long as you can satisfy her needs for evil energy and killing, then even if you want to fight with her,

If they go to bed, they won't refuse.

Not only the eredar demons, Li Ke also saw female satyrs and all kinds of strange female demons.

Obviously, Kil'jaeden did investigate him before looking for him, and made his weaknesses, no, everyone's weaknesses very clear, and gave you all the choices.

Let you know that there is a pit here, but you still can't help but want to jump in.

"Summon, don't summon..."

Li Ke struggled a lot in his heart, and finally...


Li Ke confirmed this matter, but he did not summon him immediately, but...

I called three people at the same time.

"Hello? Dear Holy Light?/Mr. Denathrius/Mr. Dark Existence."

Li Ke's voice was quite polite, revealing a kind of gentleness.

"Do you have any method to control demons? I found a group of demons threatening you."

This chapter has been completed!
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