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Chapter 4 Succubus

Chapter 4 ‘Succubus’

The succubus, the one who responded to Li Ke's summons was indeed a succubus.

But she lied.

Although her contract is indeed with Li Ke, Li Ke is nothing more than an insignificant medium. As long as a person with mage qualifications is willing to activate the evil energy inside, this book will complete the work of those cultists.

We have actually completed the ritual.

However, even if Li Ke does not trigger this medium, she can still come to this world.

Because this succubus was actually successfully summoned very early, but she just saw the knights led by Sir Gavin, so she didn't show up. Otherwise, she would have been able to come when Talos died in despair.

this world.

Yes, although Li Ke is her contractor, Li Ke has no control over her at all.

The sacrifices were given by others, the rituals were performed by others, and the requests were made by others. If he had not accidentally become the basis for the existence of this succubus in this world, then he and the blacksmiths would not have the same relationship.

any difference.

The succubus kept waving her whip. Every time she swung the whip, a strong man screamed and fell down. He was then pulled to his side by the succubus and killed.

Li Ke looked at this very seductive succubus in horror, watching her smile and strangle a big man's neck with a whip, and then threw his body aside.

Blood splattered everywhere, and the whole scene looked very absurd and terrifying, making people wonder whether what they were seeing was the real world.

He felt like he was in a dream.

Each of those big men could beat ten of him, but in front of this succubus, these big men were like toys, with no ability to resist.

In just a short time, the blacksmiths turned into blood and severed limbs all over the ground.

"Hahahahaha!! The taste of blood! The taste of blood!"

A claw pierced the chest of a blacksmith. The succubus laughed and kept tearing his body with her claws. But while laughing wildly, she saw Li Ke hiding in the corner with a look of horror on his face.

Seeing him looking at her in horror, the succubus threw away the last blacksmith who was still alive, and snapped her fingers, and magic circles appeared at her feet one by one, and little devils with claws and teeth appeared at her feet.

He stood at her feet, and after seeing what the world looked like clearly, he let out a cheer and rushed to other cells.

The succubus ignored the lower-level demons and walked towards Li Ke who was hiding in the corner. She had a graceful figure. Even the supermodel figure that Li Ke had seen in his previous life would not be the same in front of this woman.

It is worth mentioning that he has a temperament that makes people want to get close to and offend him.

Even though he is very scared now and can't distinguish between reality and dreams, he can't help but do something to the other person under the temptation of this temperament.

The succubus lifted Li Ke's chin, looked at the frightened young man, and showed a satisfied smile.

"Don't be so afraid. I was summoned by you, right? What I did is what you want to do most in your heart."

The succubus smiled happily. She specially waited until Li Ke was at his most desperate and unwilling to come to this world, because the sacrifices paid by those stupid cultists could not allow her to truly exist in this world.

When the contract time is up, or she fails to fulfill the contract, she will be sent back.

Therefore, she must have someone to continue calling him.

"Remember my name, lucky boy, my name is Metis. As long as you can summon me, I can satisfy all your requirements, whether it is killing your enemies, giving you the power of evil, or...


She showed a smile and grabbed Li Ke's trembling hand.


However, there is a price to pay, and among other things, the price for having fun with her is death.

She tortured him to death.

Li Ke's mind went blank at this time. He was only left with fear, because the woman in front of him showed violence that he absolutely could not resist.

"Ha...you'll accept it."

Metis smiled softly. She believed that Li Ke would accept it after gaining the power of evil energy.

"This spell can make you stronger, use it well."

She put her hand on Li Ke's head, and a ball of green energy suddenly poured into Li Ke's brain, making Li Ke feel a terrifying but invisible substance rushing into his body.

And at the same time, countless knowledge that he had never known before appeared in his mind!

The knowledge of a spell that extracts its own life force and soul and transforms it into evil energy!

The huge amount of knowledge and energy impacted Li Ke's brain, causing him to scream involuntarily, and even making Metis burst into laughter.

Because she did it on purpose.

When Li Ke fainted from the excessive impact, Metis let go of his hand and licked his lips with some regret.


She had just touched Li Ke's soul and found that he was a very interesting guy. In his heart, he believed that there was justice and peace in this world, and he was very naive.

He actually naively thought that there were really strong people in this world who were willing to seek justice for the weak, that the rich would help the poor and weak with food and supplies, and that there would be a leader of the country who would make all the civilians at the bottom literate, and have enough food and clothing.

No need to worry about starving or freezing to death.

The civilians felt that if someone died of cold and starvation, it was the king's problem rather than their own. They could even talk about the king's faults on the street without being tipped off. There would be soldiers who would rather starve to death than take food from civilians, and officers would execute them.

Any soldier who robs civilians of supplies, even if it is their own relatives, the civilians can unconditionally trust the soldiers of this country, and are even willing to entrust their family and property to a soldier on duty.

I even really felt that there were kings and lords who would build hospitals and schools for those civilians so that they could live peacefully until the end of their lifespan. They were even firm about this, as if they had actually seen it.

It's so ridiculous, he's just an idiot.

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that there was no trace of Holy Light in his body, she would have felt like she had met a Chosen One of Holy Light.

Torturing such people is the most interesting thing.

However, Li Ke is just a snack now. Although torturing him makes her happy, she needs more killing and torture.

"Next, it's dinner."

She showed a sick smile, slapped away the iron gate that trapped Li Ke, and walked towards the bustling town.

Bishop Fran drank very happily. He was very satisfied with the lord's attitude. The two of them discussed for a long time and decided to use Li Ke as the next person to smuggle.

Because he has the leverage in their hands and is easy to control.

In the end, both of them praised the Holy Light.

However, what the lord didn't know was that Bishop Frank smiled disdainfully after getting into the carriage.

"Holy Light..."

The tips of his fingers lit up with a golden light. This light was just and magnificent, but he didn't care about it in his eyes because his Holy Light cultivation was not superb.

The reason why he was able to become a bishop was actually because he had money, connections, and was willing to do the dirty work.

"Money is my holy light."

He couldn't help but sneered, but the next moment, his carriage was shattered by a whip, allowing him to see a beautiful woman.

Metis looked at this weak Holy Light user with a smile on his face.

"So, can money save your life?"

(End of chapter)

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