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I temporarily changed the plot of the last chapter, so dont read it yet until I finish rewriting it in an hour.

On the fourth day, Lin Jialiang returned to his hometown, and his official position also changed. He left Sanping County and was promoted to the prefect of Hengshan Prefecture in Chenzhou.

From county magistrate to prefect, it was undoubtedly a big promotion. He was promoted to the seventh rank of county magistrate and the fourth rank of prefect. He was promoted six levels in a row!

Zeng Shigui, the magistrate of Beichuan County, was promoted to the prefect of his prefecture. Like Lin Jialiang, he was promoted six times in a row!

Nanshan Mansion, He Xingong was reorganized and took over the post of Nanshan Magistrate. All Lin Su's previous false lives became real lives!

These promotions and appointments in the officialdom cannot cause shock in the court official circle, because compared to the second-rank and first-rank officials, the promotion of officials below the third rank is not in their eyes at all. However, careful court officials still choose from these lower-level officials.

There are two unusual things caught in the promotion of officials.

First, that is where Lin Jialiang works.

He works in Chenzhou Hengshan Prefecture.

Where is Hengshan Mansion? His Majesty’s palace, Meiling, is located!

Your Majesty has lived in seclusion in Meiling for eight years. He started from Meiling and went straight to the capital. To His Majesty, Meiling is like a hometown and a place of spiritual sustenance. Lin Jialiang serves as Hengshan Mansion and governs Meiling. So, his appointment will be regarded as

It gives another interpretation: He is guarding his hometown for His Majesty!

He, the prefect, was carefully selected by His Majesty from official circles across the country.

Your Majesty trusts the Lin family from the bottom of his heart!

Secondly, the court officials realized that the trend in the court was about to change drastically!

What His Majesty is currently engaged in is the promotion of some low-level officials. However, do not think that the third- and second-rank officials in the court can just sit back and relax.

Your Majesty is just taking small and slow steps based on the principle of not causing a big storm, but he has no intention of stopping!

When His Majesty's foundation is solid, it will be the turn of the third-rank, second-rank, and even first-rank officers to change!

With this understanding, these senior officials began to be unable to sit still...

On the sixth day after Lin Su returned home, a special guest arrived at Lin's house.


Mother Lin’s sister!

Lin Su’s aunt!

Song Du’s wife!

As soon as Auntie entered Lin's house, she hugged Mother Lin tightly and shed tears...

She never mentioned official matters. She came here today just to catch up with her sister...

It was Lin Su's turn to sit still!

He hugged Sister Chen and kissed her: "I have something to do and I need to go out. Please tell my mother for me!"

Then it soars into the sky and disappears!

Sister Chen arrived at the main house and reported to his wife, saying that the prince had some things to do and was leaving! It might take a few months...

The expression of Mrs. Song next to her immediately changed...

Mother Lin looked at Xiaoxue next to her and generally understood...

It seems fair to say that Lin Su was forced to leave because of the trend of begging for mercy in the officialdom.

However, the root cause lies in another thing.

Lin Su received the news from An Xiang that something had changed in the East China Sea!

The East China Sea is a battlefield that Lin Su set up very early!

It is also a battlefield that defies almost everyone’s predictions.

In everyone's expectation, Lin Su's battlefield settings were, firstly, a battle to seize the throne in the capital, and secondly, a bloody battle in the mountains and rivers three thousand miles north. No one thought that he would also have a battle in the East China Sea.

The Battle of the East China Sea has nothing to do with the human race in theory, but in Lin Su's grand chess game, this battle is crucial.

Because it is a continuation of the strategy of the Soldier Sage thousands of years ago.

He is the most critical move for the long-lasting peace of the world.

If he hadn't taken the throne from Ji Shang, he might have had reasons not to care about Da Cang's shit, but he did!

Ji Shang got out and King Chen came to power.

Da Cang's safety is no longer a matter of Ji Shang, but a matter of him and King Chen.

If there is any big change, those people with ulterior motives will say...

The reason why Da Cang is in trouble today is because of you, Lin Su!

You single-handedly caused the royal family to change, you plunged the country into civil strife, foreign enemies invaded from the sea, and the country was ruined. You, Lin Su, are the culprit!

In this case, there is no need to pay for it!

Someone has let this kind of bullshit happen before! I won’t name the specific person...

Therefore, since he has seized the country, even if the butterfly's wings have really flapped, he will use an iron hand to lead this restless little butterfly onto the right path!

As soon as he rose to the top, he was thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye...

Leaving Quzhou, crossing Chuzhou, passing Zezhou, and arriving at Dongzhou...

After crossing the high mountain in Dongzhou, he could see the vast sea...

Lin Su walked straight up to the top of the mountain...

Suddenly, a strange feeling of coldness enveloped all directions...

It's not surprising that the wind is so cold on the high mountains, but in the middle of summer, it's suddenly so cold to the bone?

Lin Su Qiandu's Child suddenly opened, and the mountain in front of him changed its appearance in an instant.

The green water and green mountains that were originally within sight have turned into vast snow-capped mountains.

The snow-capped mountains reach into the sky, and the peaks are covered with snow. Every snowflake, under the child of Qiandu, carries the mighty power of literature and art, and also carries the murderous intention that seems to have been deposited through the ages...

A past event suddenly appeared in Lin Su's mind...

Not that far off, to be exact!

During this Northern Expedition, his Feilong Legion faced off against Osumi's 600,000-strong army.

That night, he left the military camp, sneaked through, and disrupted the opponent's military camp.

On the side of the Flying Dragon Legion, just as they were preparing to cross the river, a snow mountain suddenly appeared in front of them, and an avalanche occurred. Hundreds of Flying Dragon warriors turned into bones in one glance.

If Li Xiaotian hadn't activated the resistance formation, the Flying Dragon Legion would have been completely destroyed!

Is it this snow mountain?

There was a loud bang, the snow mountain collapsed, and the snow from the top of the mountain poured down, covering the sky and the earth!

Big avalanche!

Lin Su raised his hand and drew out the void...

"In the Jin Dynasty, there was a bright moon at Dacang Pass, and the people who marched thousands of miles have not yet returned..."

A Great Wall suddenly appeared!

Stand in front of him!

The overwhelming snow hit his Great Wall of Literature and disappeared...

A voice came from the air, which seemed to come from the top of the snow-capped mountains, but also seemed to come from the depths of the earth, without a trace: "What a top-notch literary mind, it is true that he can still be effective in the literary world, but Grandmaster Lin probably can also

I can feel that the power of your war poem is only 30% at most, so it won’t last long!”

Lin Su suddenly raised his head: "Who are you?"

"I've heard for a long time that Master Lin's wisdom reaches the heavens. Why don't you take a guess?" The man in the sky was leisurely and at ease.

Lin Sudao: "Sneak attacker from Zhinan! Really?"

"Haha!" The man in the sky laughed loudly: "It was a pity that Grandmaster Lin did not understand the power of "Thousand Miles of Mountains and Rivers" back then, so I came all the way today just to make up for this shortcoming of Grandmaster Lin.


This sentence answered Lin Su's question.

He was the attacker that day.

Lin Su laughed loudly: "Is it just a pity? Isn't it clear that it means 'dare not'? When Lin was in the military camp, you hid on the side of the military camp and did not dare to move. You had to wait until Lin was far away from the military camp before you dared

Launch an attack! How can a rat like you be given to me to make up for my shortcomings?"

"This is wisdom!" The man in the air said: "You are in the military camp, and I am not moving, because it is safe! Today, you are not in the military camp, and I am moving, based on choosing the opportunity! Moving and not moving, judging the time and situation, this is the true nature of wisdom. Lin Su

, your wisdom has also been defeated by my hands! This must not be known!"

Lin Sudao: "On the basis of wisdom, it is indeed wise to judge the situation and judge the situation. However, you are so convinced that the opportunity you chose today is really an opportunity?"

The man in the sky smiled and said: "Master Lin's literary skills are not worth mentioning to me. What you are good at is only formation! However, today you are alone. Do you dare to ask if you can use your killing formation or resist the formation?"

This is what gave him the confidence to take action today!

The only thing he was afraid of was Lin Su's formation!

Therefore, when Lin Su was in the military camp, he did not dare to attack!

However, the formation has shortcomings. The biggest shortcoming is that it is a group event. When there are a bunch of people around you, Lin Su, the formation can become a variable.

When you are alone and you don’t even have a formation base, how do you set up a formation?

"The way of wisdom is to know yourself and the enemy!" Lin Su said: "You know nothing about me, how can you talk about the way of wisdom? Let go and come here, I will teach you what control is!"

The man in the sky laughed loudly: "A mere ant can control it with words? The mortal world is like a turbulent wave!"

As soon as the next seven words came out, the snow-capped mountains in front of Lin Su suddenly changed...

The snow-capped mountains turned into a thousand-mile long river, the turbid waves suddenly rolled, and the Great Wall of Culture and Dao built by Lin Su collapsed...

Boundless turbid waves suddenly surged to Lin Su's feet!

Turbid waves are everywhere, and the earth is lifeless!

Seeing that Lin Su was about to be swallowed up, Lin Su suddenly stood up and said: "The roc rises with the wind in one day and soars ninety thousand miles!"

A meteoric rise!

In the world of literature and painting, there is no communication between the great power of literature and art, but Lin Su breaks it with his superb literary spirit!

In the literary world and the painting world, flying is prohibited. Lin Su's rapid rise to the top is a divine power. He directly breaks this convention and flies up. In the blink of an eye, he turns into a big roc bird above thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

"What a great person!" said the man in the sky: "It's a pity that you are in a cage. Even if you are a roc, where can you fly?... The earth is overturned and the sky is turned upside down, and thousands of miles of mountains and rivers can be covered in the palm of a hand!"

With the sound of his chanting, the picture of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers suddenly rolled out, the sky and the earth turned upside down, surrounded by mountains on all sides, Lin Su, the roc bird, became a caged bird in the blink of an eye, and the iron cage twisted into a

Got the twist.

There is no room left to move around!

"Lin Su, you are a caged bird, how can you control it?" The man in the sky laughed and shuttled through countless valleys, like a sword, killing people and killing people!

Lin Su laughed loudly: "Watch!"


As soon as he pointed it out!

This point pointed directly at the sky, which has turned into a mountain like an iron wall...


A big hole suddenly appeared in the endless sky!

The Thousand Miles of Mountains and Rivers map is shattered into pieces and turned into flying butterflies!

In front of Lin Su's eyes, thousands of miles of mountains and rivers disappeared without a trace, and the mountains on the side of the East China Sea reappeared in the world. The unpredictable weather just now returned to blue sky and white clouds, and the breeze passed by, carrying the breath of the sea.

In front of him, a man in white stared at the fragments of ancient paintings floating in all directions for a long time, as if still in a dream. His head slowly raised: "This is not the power of literature!"

"All the ways in the world include the way of literature, but it is not only the way of literature!" Lin Su stepped forward, only three feet away from him.

The man said: "You are a master of literary and Taoism, and you use evil skills in spiritual practice to fight against the great power of literary and Taoism. Don't you think it is very inconsistent?"

"Whatever you say will be fine!" Lin Su said: "I am particularly gentle to those who are about to die!"

"A dying person?" The man smiled: "Who is Grandmaster Lin talking about?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a bright moon suddenly flew out from between his eyebrows!

As soon as the bright moon comes out!

The clear sky suddenly turned into a night sky...

Wind does not exist!

Sunshine does not exist!

The mountains seem to have become a phantom!

Even the East China Sea, a hundred miles away, was still and solidified at this moment...

Lin Su's face was as pale as paper under the moonlight, and he felt the murderous intention of the Holy Path that he had never experienced before!

This is the moon in the snowy mountain night moon picture!

This is the reminder that Mo Wen came all the way to give him!

What Lin Su was most concerned about at that time was why Mo Wen wanted to help him.

In his heart, he doesn't pay much attention to this moon.

Now, he knows what it means that past experience kills people!

Because he had experienced the power of this moon before. This moon was responsible for cleaning the spiritual platform of impurities and was not primarily aggressive. At that time, he had also fled in front of his peerless killing formation, and was severely beaten by him with Weiyang's pen. A serious injury.

Therefore, he didn't think there was anything special about this moon.

He is more concerned about what articles will follow this round of moon attacks.

Only now did he realize that he was wrong. This moon had changed.

The original power of cleaning has turned into the power of killing. In the face of the killing power of this holy treasure, all his abilities are child's play.

The man in white smiled calmly: "Lin Su, remember this sentence! This moon will illuminate your path to the underworld!"

Light up the road to the underworld!

That’s how it lights up!

Lin Su blocked all his martial arts cultivation and Wen Daowei's strength, and watched helplessly as the moon flew towards him...

He suddenly raised his hand. Just raising his hand seemed to have exhausted all his strength...

Raising his hand, he seemed to be struggling to death...

However, raising his hand is all his self-rescue measures...

Because he has one last trick...

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! Space Law!

The laws of space, the laws of heaven, the seven laws and three hundred rules of heaven, space is king! In terms of level alone, the laws of space are by no means below the rules of the holy way, and are even one level higher. However, this is not how the account is calculated. His

The laws of space are still very superficial, and breaking through the Quasi-Saint Treasure is already his limit...

It seemed that the crack in the sky he created swallowed up the silver moon, but in fact, it was impossible. The silver moon's light shook, and the space crack disappeared invisible...

Silver Moon chirped in front of Lin Su, and then, with a chirp, got into Lin Su's eyebrows...

The man in white originally had a proud expression on his face, but at this moment, the proud expression suddenly solidified, something was wrong...

Shouldn't the killing of Ye Yue directly disintegrate people into moonlight?

How did it get between his eyebrows?

Is it broken down from the inside?

He was a little confused for a moment...

After all, Yeyue had just improved it, and it was his first time to apply it. He really didn't know the specific performance of Yeyue's killing, but he just felt that it was different from what the elders said.

He is confused.

Lin Su was even more confused.

When the law of space was broken just now, Lin Su was really desperate.

However, a sudden change occurred that he would not have thought of even if he was playing coldly...

Just when Ye Yue's murderous intent was unsolvable, the "cold moon" above his mountain suddenly shook slightly, and the moonlight turned into tentacles, suddenly stretched out, grabbed the Ye Yue, and pulled it back.

Ye Yue disappeared and was swallowed up by Han Yue!

The moment he swallowed it, Lin Su had a strange feeling. He felt that Hanyue on Wenshan Mountain had changed.

It originally looked like a silk crescent like a hook on the third or fourth day of the lunar month, but now, it looks like a crescent moon like a hook on the fifth or sixth day of the lunar month. It doesn't look like silk anymore. The bottom is a little thicker, like a thin man who has been malnourished for a long time and has eaten a lot.

Pork trotters...

Holy shit!

What are you playing?

Lin Su's eyes suddenly opened. The man in white across from him was startled and backed away violently!

As he stepped back, Lin Su moved her feet, getting closer to him!

A painting suddenly appeared in the hands of the man in white. However, with a chirp, the painting was torn into pieces before it could be unfolded. The man in white slammed into the back with a thumping sound and hit the rocks behind heavily. The internal organs in his body seemed to suddenly collapse.

Flip completely.

"Whoa!" A long sword seemed to appear in the air and passed between the eyebrows of the man in white.

The man in white's eyes widened suddenly, full of disbelief.

He actually has some trump cards.

This trump card is already in his hand.

It's a pity that he didn't have the chance to show off!

He never imagined that Lin Su would be so decisive. This in itself was a break from convention.

From Lin Su's perspective, when he has complete control of the situation, there are a lot of articles that can be done, such as using literary principles to cleanse his mind and track down the killer's behind-the-scenes instigator.

It's not just Lin Su who should do this. Anyone who encounters this situation, interrogating the murderer and getting to the bottom of the story is a standard option!

But Lin Su didn’t!

He didn't ask a single word, and he didn't search the man in white after he killed him!

Turn around and leave, never look back.

High on the mountain, a few leaves were floating on the face of the man in white. There were no birds chirping or insects chirping, just as quiet as the night...

In the jungle, above the dead leaves, suddenly, a light came on...

The light is like water, softly spread on the young grass and dead leaves...

Two figures seemed to appear out of thin air!

The person on the left is a young man in purple. In the midsummer weather, he is still wearing a purple mink coat. His snow-white shoes are stepping on the dead leaves, but they are not solid. In fact, his feet have not touched the ground.

He was three inches off the ground.

If Lin Su were still here at this moment, he would recognize him. He is the sick young man, Luo Wuxin, whom Lin Su happened to meet on the boat when he left the capital that day!

Luo Wuxin naturally has Jun Yue beside him.

On a sunny day, Luo Wuxin has a lamp in his hand, Night Firefly!

Under the night firefly lights, the scene that just happened was clearly reproduced!

Luo Wuxin watched quietly, and Jun Yue also watched quietly, her face changing...

"How do you feel?" Luo Wuxin's voice was very soft.

Jun Yue breathed out softly: ""A Thousand Miles of Mountains and Rivers", the quasi-saint treasure of the Holy Family, is like child's play to him! The night moon is a holy treasure to the letter, and it still does not hurt him in the slightest.


"What else?" Luo Wuxin added three words.

Jun Yue pondered slightly: "Although his literary skills are incredible, his combat experience is still quite lacking. In this case, he should have a way to trace the identity of this person and the instigator behind the scenes, but he actually


Luo Wuxin smiled softly: "After all, you are still a cultivator. What you think and think is a typical cultivator's way. When faced with literary masters and intellectual geniuses, you will not be able to keep up!"

Jun Yue was shocked: "Master, tell me..."

Luo Wuxin said: "What you call powerful is actually not powerful! A Thousand Miles of Mountains and Rivers Map or Ye Yue are nothing more than cultural treasures. As long as he carries a higher-level holy treasure with him, these are not as powerful to him as they are to him.

It’s just child’s play! It’s not his real ability!”

"For example... Weiyang Bi?" Jun Yue's eyes lit up.

Luo Wuxin nodded slightly: "You said that his experience is lacking, but in fact, that is his real strength!"

Jun Yue's heart skipped a beat and her eyes lit up...

Luo Wuxin said: "According to the conventional way of traveling around the world, when you encounter an inexplicable assassin, tracing the behind-the-scenes is the correct way to start. However, the result of this pursuit is unpredictable. If this assassin comes from a place where he cannot be killed at all,

What did you ask him to do? So, he simply didn’t chase him, and just fought back! This was not only a decisive act, but also reflected his intellectual attainments. A true wise man will always turn the complex into simplicity in the midst of chaos.

His ability, this kill is a typical example of turning the complex into simplicity!"

Jun Yue blinked: "This person...where does this person come from?"

Luo Wuxin made a light stroke with his finger, and the man in white on the ground spread his right palm. In the palm of his hand was a token, a red gold token, with the front: Temple!

On the back: the painting palace, and the number...

"The man who painted the palace in the temple!" Jun Yue muttered: "If he pursues him, this token will put him in a dilemma. If he doesn't kill him, it goes against his principles. If he kills him, he will kill his fellow disciples in the temple.

A serious crime will make it difficult for him, right?"


Jun Yue sighed longly: "I consider myself to be wise when it comes to spiritual practice, but when it comes to literature, I have to admit that I feel like a three-year-old child!"

"You have also seen the layout outside the gate of White Deer Academy. Literature itself is one hand of writing and another hand of strategy. It's just that few people infiltrate the wisdom of wisdom into their daily life!"

"He can!" Jun Yue said: "You can also do it, Master! That's why you and him are the real two talents in literature and art!"

Luo Wuxin smiled indifferently: "Beyond wisdom, there is also the strongest among the strongest! In today's battle, do you know who the real winner is?"

Jun Yue's eyes widened, and she immediately came up with the answer. Naturally, it was Lin Su.

But she also knew that since the young master said that, it must not be Lin Su, so who could it be?

"They have talked about control many times. In fact, the real controller is not Lin Su, let alone this person, but the superior group of elders! They provided help to the Painting Saint Family, and they planned this assassination. All the results are in

They are under control...Lin Su fails and dies, just as they wish, and Lin Su breaks the situation and fights back, just as they wish!"

"This...why is this?" Jun Yue was completely confused.

Luo Wuxin smiled indifferently: "Do you think they really care about a little Wenlu? What they care about is always the person in the third heaven... There are rumors recently that the person has returned from the catastrophe, but no one can

Verification, but today’s battle has verified it! Because the Weiyang Bi is still with Lin Su! The Weiyang Bi has not returned, how can that person return?"

Jun Yue's heart was like thousands of thunders exploding at the same time...

She used to think she was smart.

She thought that she had been able to see the major events in the world clearly after following the young master in the temple for so many years.

However, what she saw completely overturned her understanding.

The assassination itself is not the most important at all.

The assassination was actually a verification.

Verify whether the Weiyang Pen is on Lin Su's body.

If the Weiyang Bi is still there, then the Soldier Saint will not return after breaking through the tribulation! - The special connection between the Soldier Saint and the Weiyang Bi is very clear to the Temple. If the Soldier Saint breaks through the catastrophe and returns, the Weiyang Bi will definitely return to the Soldier Saint.


Today's assassination.

The temple failed.

An official temple walker, carrying a holy treasure and a quasi-holy treasure, attacked with all his strength, but died tragically at the hands of Lin Su.

Originally, the entire temple was angry.

However, the senior officials of the temple are celebrating!

It is probably unprecedented for the dead to die in such a terrible way!

Lin Su didn't expect this.

However, even the senior officials of the temple would not have imagined that their judgment would go astray from the very beginning.

Lin Su was able to break the quasi-sage's treasure "Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" not by Weiyang's pen, but by his space laws.

He was able to escape under the standard holy treasure Yeyue, not with the Weiyang pen, but with another cultural treasure he had just obtained: Hanyue!

This cold moon is not a reward from the Wenbao Hall of the Holy Temple, but a direct gift from the third heaven.

Here we will talk about the reward rules for handed down poems, handed down lyrics and handed down literary works.

If you reach the peak of worldly culture, you will be rewarded by the temple.

Under normal circumstances, rewards are given by Wenbaotang.

However, there are occasional exceptions.

For example, when Lin Su wrote "Man Jiang Hong", the reward he received was a triple direct gift from heaven!

There is no need to explain the cultural treasures given directly by the third heaven to the Wenbao Hall. They are the private domain of the saints. Whatever you want to give depends on your heart. No one can trace it, even other saints don't know.

Therefore, for a long time, no one knew that Weiyang Bi was given to Lin Su by the third heaven.

Until Lin Su exposed the pen himself.

But this time Hanyue falls into the same situation.

It also comes from the third heaven.

Still no one knows where it comes from or what its purpose is.

Therefore, the water in the temple is deep!

Sometimes a seemingly casual action actually has a profound meaning behind it.

Lin Su knew nothing about the temple, and even less about the Third Heaven. He only knew that there was an assassination attempt by the Holy Treasure. It was best not to lift the curtain behind it. If there was an assassination, just fight back and kill him. Knowing that

The more you get, the more trouble you will have.

Therefore, he pretended not to see the token in the hand of the man in white.

Therefore, he didn't even chase the man in white, no matter what his name was.

He didn't even give the man in white a chance to speak.

Just kill it with one sword, then lift up your legs and walk away. As soon as you walk, you will reach the East China Sea.

This chapter has been completed!
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