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Chapter 335: Declaration of War on Ragnaros Free Chapter

Is Li Ke ready?

Of course it's ready.

To be precise, the Eredar twins who have been working overtime are ready.

"Very well, the next step is to deal with Ragnaros, right?"

Looking at the two eredar warlocks in front of him, Li Ke asked.

"Yes Master."

Oreses walked slowly to Li Ke's side, leaned her body against Li Ke's body, caressed Li Ke's chest, and spoke.

"My sister has made the necessary preparations and is only waiting for your battle."

Her eyes were full of expectation. She really wanted to see whether this warlock, who was highly valued by Kil'jaeden, only had wisdom but no force. Instead, he was what they wanted and had everything they needed.

Wisdom also has the power they need.

"Yes, the sealing and blocking formations have been prepared. We only need you to start fighting with the fire element lord, and we will be able to control it. Of course, you still need to weaken him."

Saloras walked to the other side. Compared to her more enthusiastic sister, her attitude was more cold.


"How do you plan to reward us? Your body alone won't do it."

She licked her tongue, wanting to know what benefits Li Ke could give them.

Although Kil'jaeden asked them to be undercover agents, he openly gave them to Li Ke. So as their master, wouldn't it be natural for him to pay them for their work?

Although it may be good to taste the taste of love, what they need most is power, or destruction and killing, both are fine.

They don't choose.

"Destruction, killing, and power will be given to you, but now you need to wait."

Li Ke knew what these demons wanted, and he also knew that there was a limit to how much he could prostitute demons for nothing.


As long as this period of time passes, it will be fine.

Gently stroking the cheeks of the two eredas, Li Ke glanced at the notebook in front of him.

His chicken farm was finally built! And it's on the right track!

This really almost moved Li Ke to tears.

After realizing that there were more and more demons under his hands, he urgently issued an order to speed up the construction of the chicken farm.

What he had been thinking about for so long was finally completed without his involvement at all! The trial run has gone without any problems, and 200,000 chickens will be produced in two months!

In six months, there will be no surprises, and it will triple!

But this is a theoretical figure, and it is basically impossible because there is not that much food.

The souls of two hundred thousand chickens, rounded up, would be the souls of tens of thousands of people. If they were all converted into evil energy, it would be enough to satisfy the evil energy requirements of the demons he had on hand.

However, after the souls of these two hundred thousand chickens satisfy the needs of these civil servant demons, the evil energy falling into his hands will be very little, and the improvement to his strength will be minimal...

And he doesn’t know the difference between whether Xie Neng pays attention to thermal power, wind power, hydropower, nuclear power, etc.

After all, there is indeed a big difference between the souls of humans and chickens. If chickens can be disliked in the future, it will also be a problem for Li Ke.

But now it’s a question of whether or not it exists, not whether it will be disliked, so let’s figure it out first.

And there is a price to pay for forcing a chicken farm.

The cost was that a large amount of his food was consumed. Originally, he could still have some surplus after supporting Varian, but after the Twilight Cultists started trial operation of the chicken farm, his food suddenly bottomed out. He had to

Find ways to solve the food problem.

In other words, buy food from Lordaeron at a high price, or even three times the price.

Li Ke felt his heart throbbing when he thought of this, but it was still something he had to do, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Not only that, he also owed wages for the first time!

Originally, Twilight believers were supposed to be given bonuses for making things, but Li Ke didn't have enough money to give them bonuses now, so he decided to keep the accounts.

If Li Ke can't get gold coins before the end of the month, half of all his plans will go bankrupt. So much so that Li Ke is ready to rob Varian's treasury and the banks opened by nobles.


Anyway, now that the goblins are rampant, let's just give the nobles and Varian a hard time.

Therefore, even though Li Ke appears to be stable on the surface, he is still reflecting on himself in his heart.

"Still inexperienced."

He thought that leaving half of the funds and supplies would be enough to make a difference, but the facts told him that you were dreaming.

"You're distracted again."

Salolas kissed Li Ke's lips. Li Ke was good at everything, but he always tended to fall into his own thoughts when talking. Although such a man was very charming, she still hoped that Li Ke could be more lively.

"I'm just thinking about what kind of power Ragnaros' power will bring to us. Saloras, open the portal. It's time to catch this guy."

Li Ke chuckled, patted Saloras's standard eredar buttocks, and asked her to open the portal.

Soon, under the operation of Saloras, the evil energy portal appeared in front of Li Ke, and on the other side, Nefarian was sitting at the table, looking at the information on his table.

"You are moving too slowly. I asked them to notify you two hours ago."

Nefarian looked at Li Ke displeased. In his opinion, for such a big matter, Li Ke should stay in Blackstone Mountain, but Li Ke stayed in Stormwind City instead. He really didn't pay much attention to this matter!

"It's just a small role, Nefarian. As long as you find the right method, it won't be a problem."

Small role...

Nefarian's teeth are a little itchy. He and Ragnaros can't help each other. What Li Ke means is that he is also a minor player?

"Since you said that, how about I watch you take action?"

He is very dissatisfied with Li Ke, which is also the norm in the Black Dragon Legion, because Li Ke's current position in the Black Dragon Legion was originally his.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Including his sister Onyxia, who was originally supposed to be his.

"It's not impossible, if you don't have confidence."

Li Ke laughed and walked out of the door.

Although this was not his first time coming to Blackstone Mountain, he really didn't like the dark environment here, which meant that black dragons and dwarves would like it here.

He felt that the aura of the fire element here was much more active than last time. Ragnaros, the fire element lord, was not dead, and he was obviously not ignorant of their plan.

I just don't know how much he knows.

Although Nefarian was unhappy, he still followed Li Ke.

"The question now is, how do you plan to print him? He is very cunning. Usually only his subordinates wander around the Molten Core. He himself sleeps in the elemental plane and controls this land line. And you know

Yes, it is impossible for us to avoid being discovered by him."

This is what Nefarian is worried about.

Ragnaros can advance, attack, retreat or defend, it doesn't have to come out at all.

"This is just a small problem."

Li Ke raised a hand, and a ball of fire elements instantly gathered in his hand.

As for Nefarian's big problem, it's really not a big problem for him.

"What's the meaning?"

Li Ke stretched out his hand and crushed the fire element in his hand.

"this means."

He smiled at Nefarian, then immediately opened the aura he had been gathering, and shouted to Ragnaros on the elemental lord's channel.

"Ragnaros, you loser! Your father, I came to Blackstone Mountain to find you!"

And in this channel.

All four elemental lords can hear it.

So at this moment, a strong earthquake occurred in Blackstone Mountain.

This chapter has been completed!
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