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Chapter 517 For the Emperor 4.0k

Darkan has absolute confidence in himself. This confidence comes from the invincibility of the undead natural disasters. He can't think of any army that can confront the power of the undead head-on.

Of course, if Li Ke came with a large group of demons, he would never say anything.

"But if we are just humble humans, this is not a problem at all! It is just increasing our strength. Antonidas is too timid! I must report to Lord Alsace later."

Saying such words, Darkan's figure quickly moved, and after he moved, countless undead also moved.

If someone could look down from the sky, they would be able to see that a dark figure appeared throughout Lordaeron, and countless undead controlled by dark magic were facing Li Ke under the control of the psychic.

The army roared in the direction it was advancing, and then began to run wildly.

Although traces of humanity can still be seen on these people in a blur, whether it is the exposed bones or the rotten flesh, at first glance, people will have only one feeling.


What they saw was a monster.

It is easy for humans to become afraid of species that are very similar to humans but are decisively different, and the undead step on this fear judgment.

This is why countless people feel fear when they first see these undead.

Different from the time when the elves were sent out, this time there was no shortage of children in the undead tide.

Babies, children, and even some small animals have become the puppets of the undead. They hide around the bodies of adult-sized zombies, ready to attack unsuspecting warriors at any time.

And in the center of these undead, there are countless monsters stitched together from corpses. These monsters can be seen from their appearance alone. They cut people's backs open and turn them into pieces of 'cloth'.

Then a huge doll was sewn out of these 'cloths'. Inside the doll's body are the original internal organs and bones of these cloths, which support the movement ability of this terrible monster, making them a terrible weapon for siege and demolition.


The body fluids in their bodies are all carrying the plague of natural disasters. Even if a warrior successfully kills this monster, he will be turned into undead by the liquid in this monster's body!

Many times, they don't need too many operations, they just need to send this unit to the front line, and they can win!

"This is the power of the Undead Scourge!"

Darkan roared proudly, and in front of him, groups of people wearing golden armor also began to line up.

A young man named Bourne had very good eyesight. He could easily see the faces of the undead running from a distance. Those hideous and terrifying faces made him want to escape.

Even though his body was hidden in the armor made of light cast iron, he couldn't help but want to escape when he saw the almost endless undead.

However, just when he wanted to escape, the people around him spoke.

"Those things are the undead, right? It's really scary. But..."

The man's voice became deeper. Bourne knew who he was. He was a fanatic who admired Li Ke infinitely. He actually couldn't stand such people. He felt that Li Ke was just asking them to sell their lives for money.

There is nothing to worship.


"They should be family members that countless people want to see again but can never see again."

Bourne was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

"Mark...why do you say that?"

He knew who Mark was next to him. He was a man who went to Lordaeron with his parents to seek life when he was a child. In the end, his father died unexpectedly due to the fatigue of the country, and his mother remarried to help him survive.

In that dark age, there were countless such tragedies.

"Because I saw the undead when I was a child, just like these people, the ferocious undead. My father was not very good to me, so I would take the toy sword my father bought for me to the river where my father died.

Crying... You know, he died because he fell into the water due to fatigue. Because we had no money, our family has never been able to salvage him."

Mark looked directly at the undead running towards him, and the roars and footsteps of the undead gradually sounded in his ears. He also felt fear, and he also felt that the light cast iron armor on his body could not protect him. After all, before he came here to go to the battlefield, he was just

Just a person attracted by high benefits.

The ground began to tremble, and his voice trembled a little because of this, and the officers behind him were also roaring their commands at the top of their lungs, so that their hastily responding troops could quickly form a line to resist.

Onslaught of the undead.

"However, I accidentally dropped the wooden sword in the water that day. I cried and jumped in to salvage it. I even thought it would be better to die... At that time, in order to stay with that man, my mother,

You have to treat me badly, I don’t understand, so I feel aggrieved. There is nothing worth missing in this world, only my father can make me miss him."

The undead were getting closer and closer, but Mark's voice became calmer.

"Then, just when I thought I was going to die, a rotten looking guy picked me up from the water and dragged me to shore. He asked me 'Why are you taking the risk? Your family isn't worried.

?' I said, 'No one will worry about me.', and he said, 'No, you see, I care about you, after all, you are not afraid of me.', and then he brought back my wooden sword for me, until

It was only at this time that I felt scared, but when he handed me the wooden sword, I saw him handing me a ring. When I was at a loss, he said, 'Protect mom and yourself.

My little knight', and then fell completely."

Mark laughed at himself, and then clenched his sword. They could already see clearly the appearance of the undead, covering the sky and the sun, as if they were endless, but Martin didn't care, there was only anger.

"I know that it was my father who crawled back from death to save me. Bourne, the undead are not scary. The scary thing is the people who control them, the monsters who caused all this... There is no one like me in the world.

Tragedies abound, but only these guys who play with people's will should die, and these people manipulated by evil magic should not be feared, but should be saved! And what we can do is not to

Let this tragedy happen to us and prevent our bodies from causing harm to our families in the future!"

Mark took a deep breath, and he pulled out his sword. Out of anger and to protect his beautiful memories, he raised his sword high and roared out.

"Long live the Holy Light!"

His heart suddenly resonated with the light cast iron on his body. The originally heavy light cast iron suddenly became as light as a feather, and he even felt that he was filled with countless powers.

Looking at the endless undead, his eyes became firm, thinking that he was finally a free mother in Li Ke's territory, and his brothers and sisters were finally taken care of.

Because of Li Ke's high welfare, he is finally no longer a vicious stepfather.

Whether it was Stormwind City or Lordaeron, they were not considered human beings there, but in Li Ke's territory, they became human beings.

And he can become a knight of the Holy Light just like he promised his father when he was a child.

If someone like him can become a knight, then the person who gave him everything should naturally be——

"Long live the Emperor!"

He roared out, and the light on his body suddenly surged, forming a pillar of light that radiated to other people's bodies and hearts, the recognition of the good life brought by Li Ke, the anger towards Alsace, and the old...

The angry emotions and hearts of the nobles, relying on the high-purity light cast iron, began to spread throughout the team!

Pillars of holy light continued to rise in the resonance of the soul. The golden light set off the originally shining golden armor like pieces of glowing crystal, making their figures look like gods descending from the sky!

"Long live the Emperor!"

The roar resounded through the sky, and the violent Holy Light power quickly gathered together. At this time, the first undead also came to their front.

The moment his claws entered this golden realm, they began to change into fly ash, and the one who cut off his head with a sword was Burne who roared out.

"For the Emperor!"

The sword in his hand shone with golden light. With just one swing, he instantly cut the undead rushing towards him in half and turned it into fly ash. He was not afraid of the next undead's attack, but flickered himself.

The shield glowing with golden light slammed over and smashed an undead's head into a pulp.

The sharp claws of the undead could not leave even a trace on his fully enclosed armor, and he could kill these undead instantly with just a wave of his sword, which made him want to shout loudly!

"How is this going?!"

Darkan looked at the radiant front in disbelief. If there was nothing wrong with his eyes, what he saw was a front formed by a large group of Paladins. However, not all the Paladins were killed by them.

Is it done?

Where did such a large group of Paladins come from?!

He was puzzled, but he was not just a waste. He waved his arm and gave his order.

"Let the abominations and gargoyles come on! And the meat grinder will also drop plague corpses on me!"

Following his order, corpse monsters that were three times the height of ordinary people stepped on countless undead and rushed towards the golden armored warriors in formation. Behind them, they were all wearing golden armor, but with different weapons.

The people of Kul Tiran are also nervously preparing for war.

And when these huge monsters attacked and dropped countless plague-ridden corpses from the sky, each fort suddenly stood up from the supplies they were carrying.

"Protocol one, protect the position."

Each of the smart turrets equipped with arcane cores made mechanical sounds, and quickly unfolded as the Kul Tirans looked at God. They raised their barrels even more quickly, and then the next moment, countless

Arcane energy bombs impacted from these gun barrels, and the fort itself summoned an energy shield in the airspace of the position.

The arcane missiles released from their cannon barrels continuously attack the flying corpses. With the computing power no lower than the supercomputers on the earth and the intelligence comparable to artificial intelligence, these arcane missiles

The missile's hit rate is quite astonishing.

Even if there were some missing corpses that directly hit these shields, other than causing waves of ripples, nothing else was done.

"Oh my god, what is this?"

Each of the gunners who originally thought he was going to die couldn't help but ask. Beside him, the first mate who also thought he was going to die couldn't help but look at the defensive turret with quite a sense of technological beauty.

A look at the muzzleloader guns they brought.

"An elf gave to our captain, saying it was an obsolete experimental product. Instead of dismantling it and scrapping it, it is better to give it to us for use. It is said that there will be a more high-end version in the future..."

As he spoke, he began to think, if this kind of turret could be used on their ships, wouldn't it be possible to eliminate their advanced muzzleloader cannons?

However, before he thought too much, he had no time to think about other things, because those warriors wearing golden armor encountered hatred.

Looking at those huge monsters, Li Ke's soldiers did not retreat, because even if they were pressed to the ground, the stable and reliable light cast iron armor could still ensure that they could stand up with the help of their teammates.

But when their swords struck these huge monsters, they found that it was very difficult.

Seeing that his sword was stuck in the muscles and bones, Mark suddenly pressed the trigger, and violent bullets spurted out from his shoulder in an instant, constantly shooting the hateful flesh in front of him into mud.

However, even if most of the flesh on its body had turned into mud, this huge monster could still move. With just a wave of his hand, the shield in his hand flew out, almost causing him to fly away as well.

But because of this, he had no weapons in his hands.


He subconsciously grabbed the chain sword behind him, although in actual combat this weapon was not very effective because muscles and bones would get stuck in the chain saw.

But at this moment, Mark was extremely angry. Because of his emotions, the chain saw made an angry explosion at the moment it was started. The next moment, the power of holy light and anger filled the chain sword, with

With the power of anger, Mark jumped up high, clenched the chain sword in his hand, and chopped off the abomination in front of him.

"For the Emperor!"

The roaring chain saw easily split the abomination's head. The huge body that could immobilize the sword was nothing in front of the constantly rotating chain saw. Although in the eyes of Li Ke who was watching, the power in his body was stimulated.

Mark can split the hatred with a wooden stick, but the other warriors obviously don't think so.

They all drew out the chain swords behind their backs, believing that like Mark, they could use this weapon to cause huge damage.

And in Azeroth.

Faith can really turn into power.

"For the Emperor!!!"

So, in the eyes of Li Ke who was watching, the warriors under his command threw away the weapons made by the dwarf masters and charged towards the undead tide while waving their chainswords.



It’s just that although this scene is spectacular, but...

"Why do I have a bad feeling?"

He couldn't help but muttered.

This chapter has been completed!
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