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Chapter 539 Sausage Tactics


The image of a stupid blonde girl flashed in Aegwynn's mind.

She didn't know much about Jaina. She only knew that she was Antonidas' apprentice, a silly and sweet princess, and she had no idea about the darkness deep in Dalaran.

But according to what Li Ke said to teach the other party, Aegwin was a little hesitant. After all, she didn't intend to get involved in politics.

She came here to make up for the problems caused by Medivh and to form a good relationship with Li Ke so that she could enjoy her old age normally.

After all, she had done too many wrong things. She was the guardian chosen by Tirisfal and was in charge of the magical power poured into her by the guardians of Tirisfal, but she felt that the guardians of Tirisfal

The chosen heir was too useless, so when he chose to keep the power of the guardian himself, he had already become mortal enemies with the people of Tirisfal.

Without Li Ke's help, she might have been captured, tortured and killed after losing most of her strength in order to resurrect Medivh.

She is not afraid of death. The truth of this world is not a secret to her. She knows clearly about the world after death, so she is not afraid of her own death.

She is afraid that her knowledge and some knowledge that is not suitable for people to know will be discovered and cause even greater disasters.

So she needs Li Ke's protection, which is one of the reasons why she came here.

So after thinking for a while, Aegwin was about to agree, but at this time, Li Ke spoke.

"After all, for you, you definitely don't want to stay busy here all the time. You are still longing for a pure place. I am willing to give you such a place. Aegwynn, your contribution to this world is necessary.

"Those who have received awards, no one could give you rewards and honors for your achievements in saving the world before, but now that I'm here, you can."

Li Ke took out a bottle of good pear wine from his cabinet, and then poured Aegwin a glass. Aegwin was about to refuse, but what Li Ke said made her feel very interesting.

"You intend to recognize my merits... No, you intend to acknowledge the merits of all those who fought against the Burning Legion? No matter whether he is human or not."

Aegwin couldn't help but think of a possibility and looked at Li Ke with some surprise.

"You plan to create a legal system of your own? All those who protect Azeroth will be the legitimacy of your dynasty...Do you still plan to continue part of the legal system of the Night Elf Empire? You really don't care about other races?"

Li Ke was a little surprised. This was indeed what he was thinking about. After all, the rule of law is very important.

Because to put it bluntly, it is a matter of recognition.

If everyone has different ancestors and agrees with different things, then why should we unite together?

But if there is a legal system that everyone is willing to abide by, such problems will not arise. As for using the legal system of the former Night Elf Empire, it is because the night elves are now the most powerful and can effectively use the power of the night elves to help them forge themselves.

of legal system.

And Li Ke's legal system is also very simple.

Willing to protect Azeroth, willing to protect the people, willing to provide disaster relief, and willing to help the poor.

As long as this legal system is established, even if the empire he created is destroyed, this legal system will not be cut off.

But he didn't expect that Aegwynn would determine what he wanted to do and how he planned to do it with just one sentence.

"Your wisdom is as clear as ice and snow."

Li Ke couldn't help but praise him, but Aegwin frowned.

She couldn't understand Li Ke's common sense mistakes. After thinking about Li Ke's reputation, except for the lewd part, she decided to speak out.

"No, Your Majesty, the ice and snow are not crystal clear. There is actually a lot of dust and some dirt from the sky inside them, and the ice and snow will melt under the sun, but true wisdom will not collapse in the face of the truth, so you

When praising a person's wisdom, it is best not to use ice and snow as a metaphor, as this is very inappropriate and inappropriate."

She paused, and then spoke to Li Ke seriously.

"You should describe my wisdom as crystal clear as a mana crystal, not ice and snow."

After Aegwin finished speaking, he took the pear wine handed over by Li Ke, took a sip, tasted the sweet wine, and nodded with satisfaction.

"But at least your drink tastes good."

Are you sick?

Li Ke had this thought in his mind, and he finally understood where Medivh's annoying personality came from. There was no doubt that his mother was the one who passed on this bad personality to Medivh.


The same is true of a conspicuous and self-righteous person.

"Well, Ms. Aegwynn, who is as clear as a mana crystal, I think you came here not just to find a place for yourself, right?"

Stretching out his hand to Aegwynn, Li Ke motioned to the people outside to move back the sofa that Sal had moved out when Sal came. Then he and Aegwynn sat on the sofa, looked at the archmage, and asked

The most critical reason why the other party appears here.

"I think there must be more reasons for you to come here, right?"

Aegwin looked at Li Ke and nodded after being silent for a while.

"indeed so."

Now that Li Ke has figured it out, Aegwin is not going to hide it anymore, because these things are useless in front of Li Ke.

"Just as you plan to let me serve as Jaina's teacher to help her control the mages of Dalaran, I am also afraid of one thing, and that is the mages of Dalaran and the mages of the Tirisfal Council.

They are too involved in politics."

Aegwynn looked at Li Ke with burning eyes. The reason why she broke up with the Council of Tirisfal and parted ways with them was really simple.

That is, the Tirisfal Council interferes too much in politics, forcing the Guardians to participate in their political tasks instead of focusing on protecting the world.

For example, for things like the struggle in the human kingdom, it can be said that Dalaran is such a product, a political monster created by the mages for their own interests, and it reached its peak in the hands of Antonidas and became the decision

An important weight in the secular world.

But this is not possible. Those rulers who only have a half-hearted understanding of magic can easily take risks and carry out a series of irrational behaviors for the sake of huge power.

For example, making sacrifices to summon demons, or making some evil magic weapons.

These are things that politicians and warlords eager for quick success can do.

And even she has several abilities to transfer the vitality and youth of others to herself. If this kind of power and knowledge fall into the hands of unreliable people, the situation in Azeroth will be terrible and terrible.

She didn't dare think about chaos.

So she broke with the Council of Tirisfal, which was increasingly interested in interfering in the politics of the human world.

Because the reason given by the Tirisfal Council is that using their knowledge and power can reduce war and chaos in this world.

But when Aegwynn saw the present, all he saw was that these mages were playing politics for their own benefit. They did not make good use of their power to bring peace to the world, but instead caused more turmoil.

So she ran away with the power of the guardian to prevent the power of protecting Azeroth from harming Azeroth.


But in the end, she let the power that protects Azeroth hurt Azeroth: she didn't notice the soul in the clone of Sargeras that she defeated, and let him give birth to Medivh before she gave birth to the guardian.

After all the power was transferred to Medivh, he allowed him to harm Azeroth.

Thinking of this, she looked at Li Ke with some guilt.

"Although I don't agree with your use of magic in life, because you are suspected of abusing magic, but you are different from those stupid high elves. You have the same power as me to defeat the Burning Legion, and

Know how to use your own power and exercise restraint..."

Aegwin lowered his head when he said this.

"So I really have no achievements to speak of. All I have brought to this world is suffering and disaster, so..."

She felt that whether Azeroth was being invaded by the orcs or was invaded again by the Burning Legion, the essence was that she failed to detect Sargeras' conspiracy when she defeated the incarnation of Sargeras.

, and caused by insisting on having one's own way.

Rather than saying that it was Medivh who brought the orcs to this world, it is better to say that it was she, Aegwynn, who brought disaster to this world.

It was caused by her paranoia and insistence on going her own way.

Publicly, he allowed the seniors of the Tirisfal Council to die, tarnishing the meaning of being a guardian. Privately, he failed Elan, a responsible man, and made this man he had never loved suffer for a lifetime. He also made his son bear the burden.

suffered a dark fate.

This is all her fault.

Even a woman who has lived for nearly a thousand years, when faced with the feeling that her whole life has been destroyed by herself, can't help but feel despair and a feeling of wanting to be freed.

But at this moment, Li Ke put down the wine glass and grabbed Aegwin's hand.

He sensed Aegwynn's vulnerability!

"No, Aegwynn. This is not your fault. After all, without you stepping forward, Sargeras successfully came to this world. You just lost to the powerful Sargeras...

For an enemy like that, even a little negligence would be fatal. In fact, I am the same. If our world hadn't saved me, my actions to save the world would have almost destroyed the world."

Li Ke looked at Aegwin and tried to hug him, but Aegwin didn't pay attention to Li Ke's hug. She was just surprised by something.

Someone actually came to comfort her, the guardian, an old woman who had lived for nearly a thousand years!

She felt a little embarrassed, as Li Ke was considered young to be her great-great-grandson. But when Li Ke comforted her, she couldn't help but send Li Ke flying away with an arcane blast.

"Your Majesty, you..."

"So I agree with your achievements, Aegwynn. Everyone in Azeroth should thank you for defeating Sargeras. As for what happens next, it is not just your problem. If the many races in Azeroth can

If we are truly united, then the Burning Legion will not be able to stir up trouble at all."

Li Ke paused for a moment. When he saw that Aegwin did not reject his hug, he stretched out his hand and raised the guardian's chin, making the somewhat overwhelmed guardian look into his eyes.

"You have done really well, really well. You have been fighting alone for so long, and you are able to persist for so long and pay so much. You are really amazing and very admirable. And

, you are different from me, you are a truly smart person, you know how to use the power of this world and restrain your own desires, which is really amazing, because I can't do this."

Li Ke knows one thing very well about this kind of career-oriented and strong woman with some obsessive-compulsive disorder, and that is to praise her!

Li Ke can be sure that no one in Aegwin has ever praised her!

To be precise, a person who was an equal in her heart praised her!

Elan is a tool to Aegwynn. She feels guilty towards him, but she will never really regard him as her equal in her heart. Needless to say, Medivh has no resentment towards his mother.

Absolutely impossible.

But he does love his mother.

It's just that the personalities of the mother and son are so similar that a problem will arise.

That is to ignore the feelings of the people around you!

They are so smart that they can always see the essence of things and will always say what they know is right without hesitation.

This is of course correct, but unfortunately, people who always say the right things will be disliked.

Because you'll make other people look like a fool.

No one will admit that they are a fool.

So, Li Ke looked at Aegwin with sincere eyes. He was absolutely sure to win Aegwin, because Aegwin came to him and was willing to write a paper for him to promote the development of science and technology, which meant one thing.

She still wants to contribute to Azeroth!

As long as she uses sausage tactics, which is to attack in a shameless way, a sensible woman like Aegwin will not be able to refuse!

"You are truly great, Aegwynn."

Li Ke's words really came from the heart, because what Sargeras was doing was a conspiracy. If you blame Aegwynn for giving birth to Medivh, who contains Sargeras' soul, then you have to blame Aegwynn for defeating Sargeras.

The incarnation of Si.

But the problem is, if the incarnation of Sargeras is not defeated, Azeroth is really doomed.

If Sargeras could, he would definitely open the door and call his own body instead of coming up with a strategy to corrupt a guardian! Possessing Medivh is definitely a strategy he thought of after being defeated!

So it’s not that Aegwynn is not strong, it’s that Sargeras is stronger!

"His Majesty……"

Aegwynn's eyes were a little dodgeful. Looking at Li Ke who really didn't feel that all this was his fault and who sincerely praised him, Aegwynn had never felt so excited in his heart.

This feeling of recognition is something she has been chasing all her life, but no one has ever been able to give her this feeling!

"But just verbal thanks won't do."

Li Ke grabbed Aegwen's hand, and the next moment, a majestic life force was passed from Li Ke's body to Aegwin's hand. This majestic life force made Aegwin couldn't help but enlarge his eyes.

, but just when she was about to resist, Li Ke hugged her again, lowered his head and kissed Aegwin's lips.

Aegwynn, who had just planned to explode his power, never thought that Li Ke would do this. Even the guardian who had lived for a thousand years did not expect that Li Ke would do such an operation.

So Aegwin opened his eyes wide and was stunned for a moment, watching as Li Ke sent a majestic life force into his body, but his face turned pale.

The warm and comfortable feeling returned to Aegwynn's body. Her body, which had become tired and old in order to save Medivh and protect the world, quickly recovered its true form under the infusion of Li Ke's life force regardless of the cost.


This is different from the youth maintained by arcane energy. Every cell in Aegwynn's body is as full of vitality as a baby. Any examination can only detect that Aegwynn is a young life.

Apart from the accumulation of wisdom, there is no problem for Aegwynn to say that she is a sixteen-year-old girl.

And as long as she doesn't suffer serious damage, she can even maintain this posture for hundreds of years!

But the power in Li Ke's body was exhausted again, and he couldn't help but fell into Aegwin's arms. The guardian, whose hair turned golden again and his appearance returned to beautiful, looked at him with helpless eyes.

Li Ke held up his face and looked at the tired and weak Li Ke. In the end, he could only sigh for the rest of his life.

"You don't have to do this."

She really liked Li Ke's concern for her and his admiration for her, but this kind of thing was really unnecessary.

Although it was nothing for Li Ke to help her regain her youth, she also knew that because her son had not finished telling the information, Li Ke was seriously injured at this time. If she continued to use the power to break through common sense, Li Ke would be hurt.

The burden is really huge.

At the very least, he really can't stand up and walk now.

"I can't help it. What I want to see is a high-spirited, confident and powerful guardian Aegwynn, not an old woman who mistakenly feels that she has not done one thing right."

Li Ke stretched out his hand with some trembling, and kissed Aegwin's cheek.

Aegwin grabbed Li Ke's hand on her face. If she could, she really wanted to slap Li Ke in the face, but Li Ke had paid so much for her and still acknowledged his achievements.

She, she really couldn't bear it.

But she also knew clearly what Li Ke wanted to do to herself.

It's nothing more than wanting to use his own energy to arouse Medivh, and by the way, bind himself to his side forever, let himself keep an eye on those mages, and then help him safely spread magic and wisdom to this land.

And the reason why he showed such a posture and wanted to become his wife was just because he was seriously insecure.

Aegwynn's mind flashed with information about Li Ke. Like Tyrande, she also saw Li Ke's wariness and uneasiness about the world.

"I am an old man, and I have children..."

She wanted to refuse. She was already a loser. She should no longer make her own mistakes in this world. She should die miserably alone, in case she could use her life to do something for her son and the world.

, is her best ending.

But Li Ke knew that Aegwin had been shaken.

Medivh felt that he understood his mother and thought that she would go into seclusion, but he habitually ignored the feelings of those around him, that is, Aegwynn was actually eager to make up for his mistakes!

If her strength fades, her body becomes old and her life is short, she will indeed live in seclusion.

But what would happen if he, Li Ke, gave Aegwynn strength and youth?

Medivh is extremely smart, but he never looks around him, let alone cares about other people's feelings.

He is always overlooking the world from above, overlooking——

He is Li Ke!

"But in my eyes, you are still young, and if you really feel that you have done something wrong, why not start again? Work hard for the dream of making the world a better place, sum up your shortcomings again, and work hard again,

After all, you have regained your youth, after all—"

Li Ke's eyes were extremely sincere.

"Human dreams will never end."

Aegwen was stunned for a moment. She understood what Li Ke meant. Li Ke was willing to bear all the blame for her crimes and give her another chance to be active and work hard in this world!

She was silent. She was a little timid and scared. She didn't know whether she should agree to Li Ke or whether she should believe Li Ke.

She herself felt that she was ridiculous. A thousand-year-old woman could still feel timid and scared.

But at this moment, Li Ke, who was stroking her face, spoke again, and purple and golden flowers appeared with Li Ke.

Li Ke's identity as a jewelry craftsman appeared again. Aegwin could see from the mirror in this room that there were many beautiful flowers on his head, and there were also some purple and gold lights on his body.


She was a little stunned, because she had never dressed herself like this in hundreds of years, and she was fascinated by her beauty for a while.

Because indeed, as Li Ke said, she has enough time.

Even though it was given by the other party.

"However, in exchange for making you so beautiful, can you let me borrow your knee and take a rest?"

Aegwin lowered his head after hearing this and looked at Li Ke, who had no shame at all. He knew that he had been manipulated by the opponent's aggressive tactics, so he nodded helplessly.


She accepted, accepted the invitation to start again, although she had never thought of this before coming, but who can resist the temptation of starting again?

Especially this kind of responsible person.


Li Ke was still slapped by Aegwin.

Because after getting Aegwynn's consent, he lay face down on his knees and took a few deep breaths, which made Aegwynn really unable to hold back his feeling of shame and directly knocked Li Ke away.

This directly led to the fact that people who came to report to Li Ke later did so while suppressing their laughter, and there were more anecdotes about Li Ke in the market.


Li Ke's scientific research department finally has a truly qualified leader.

This chapter has been completed!
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