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Chapter 608 Surrender

It's just that although Li Ke's determination is strong, the development of the empire must be done step by step.

In these days of extreme chaos in the imperial political arena, Sylvanas's life was not easy.

"We once trusted you so much, Sylvanas. It is you, Sylvanas, who should be here the most."

A imprisoned blood elf looked at Sylvanas in front of him and spoke indifferently.

"I know."

Sylvanas nodded silently. It was indeed true. Many of the corruptions committed by these elves were ordered by her, but Li Ke did not liquidate her, but liquidated all those who carried out the corruption.

She became a de facto loner.

"But there's nothing we can do about it, right?"

The blood elf raised his head. He knew that this should not be blamed on Sylvanas, but on the will of all of them. Everyone decided to let Sylvanas acquiesce in their corruption, and then ensure that they could use these many things.

Use the arcane crystals to bribe those nobles, and then make those nobles be honest and accept the orders and rule of the empire.

But now it seems...

"We took too much, and we made the wrong move before. We should have killed them directly."

The blood elf drank the wine brought by Sylvanas and looked seriously at Sylvanas, who was looking extremely sad.

"We are really on the wrong track, Sylvanas. We have always thought that Li Ke is just like other kings. He balances the interests of everyone and makes everyone satisfied, but we have forgotten the essence.

He is this empire, and his power is enough to destroy us all. Everything we indulge in comes from his connivance and kindness, and now..."

He couldn't help but smile bitterly. The idea of ​​letting Sylvanas have an heir and consolidating the position of the blood elves was a collective decision made by them. For this reason, they even forced Vereesa and many elves to marry Li Ke.


He even deliberately killed Tula Yang's family so that Alleria and Tura Yang could end their feud so that she could marry Li Ke and achieve the special attributes of three sisters.

After all, everyone knows that Li Ke is lustful.

They also didn't want Sylvanas to directly become the leader of the empire, so that's why they did this.

But the problem is...

They have never seen clearly what kind of person Li Ke is. In essence, Li Ke and Alsace are still the same kind of people. In their eyes, they only see the future they see.

The only difference is that Li Ke treats everyone as human beings and follows rules, while Alsace does not follow rules and does not treat other races as human beings.

Moreover, Li Ke is far more tolerant than Alsace.

But it is a pity that most of his compatriots only know how to curse Li Ke at this moment, and even dare to curse him in front of Li Ke, but they dare not mention Alsace and the Burning Legion.

"Now, I can only be glad that our clan is on the verge of annihilation, and Mu Qiang, who is natural, will continue to worship Li Ke... Sylvanas, you must keep going, Sylvanas

...The heir in your belly is the hope of our family’s future, don’t let us down.”

Sylvanas couldn't help but want to laugh when she heard these words. She did many things out of her control, and was often forced to indulge these people in order to gain support from her clan.

And now, the person who had always wanted to oppose him and replace him actually said such a thing.

"You said a lot, but there is only one sentence that I agree with."

Sylvanas stood up. She already had Li Ke's heir in her belly. She was no longer suitable to stay in other places for a long time. In the end, she came here just because these blood elves couldn't make up for it.

The mana crystal he consumed was about to be shot.

And she knew very well that the souls of these people would not be wasted, and there was a high probability that they would be sent to Li Ke's allies in the world of death, where they would be tortured forever.

"Maybe at that time, if I suppressed those nobles and those opponents forcefully, fewer people would die now, and it would be better for our race."

Seeing those crying blood elves being taken away one by one by the warden jailers, and listening to their voices cursing herself and Li Ke, Sylvanas took a deep breath.

"But I will continue to lead the blood elves because I can't deny my bloodline."

She felt that Li Ke was using himself to scare the monkeys, because Li Ke knew that his own people would definitely not be able to bear it when faced with the authority to control materials.

But she was also desperate because it was inevitable.

Because Li Ke sent them whatever supplies they requested, too many original nobles lined their pockets.

Although some clear-minded nobles did not do this, as she wanted to use the resources of the empire to win over those people, many people also relaxed their vigilance.

The result of relaxing your vigilance is death.

Those who can make compensation will only be sentenced to imprisonment and deprived of the possibility of participating in politics. They may even be barred from participating in politics for three generations, which has already declared the death of their political life.

What will the elves do next?

Sylvanas knows it very well, and she knows that many races know it very well.

That is to follow Li Ke's framework completely and don't think that you can take advantage of legal loopholes.

Just like this time, Li Ke clearly gave them an unlimited amount of resources to apply for, but they still seemed to be embezzling...

Obviously you just need to apply for more...

It’s not that Li Ke didn’t give them a way to survive, it’s that they were seeking death on their own.

So after Sylvanas calmed down, she no longer resented Li Ke, but resented herself and her own incompetence.

If only I could be firmer and kill all the guys who can't control me, if I could be more loyal to Li Ke's love.

But now it's too late to say anything. Li Ke gave up guarding them with tolerant love and a fellow traveler, and instead...

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! It’s Father Yan.

At the same time, among the night elves.

"Will Druids no longer be able to participate in politics?"

Malfurion looked at the written document in front of him, and looked at Tyrande who was gently touching his belly with complicated eyes.

But it was Fandral Staghelm on the side who answered him.

"Actually, it's not true. It's just that we can no longer claim that nature is everything. But don't worry, Malfurion. It's not that Li Ke doesn't respect nature. On the contrary, his city planning also respects nature and other things.

Life, and the harmony between man and nature, what he forbids is the worship of gods.”

Malfurion asked suspiciously.

"You mean, the wilderness demigod?"

Staghelm nodded. He had no prejudice against Tyrande and Malfurion since he gained power, because these two people were very sensible and did not compete for power.

And he also knew very well that these two people didn't care at all...

In fact, this is what annoys him the most, because this is simply putting someone in the position who shouldn't be in the position.

"Yes, in Li Ke's view, Druidism is actually a philosophical thought that explores the relationship between man and nature, so believing in something is nothing, as long as you pass the political and ideological examination, and do not

If any religious or Force leanings influence policy, then that's not a problem."

His words made Malfurion breathe a sigh of relief. He knew what the new term Force Tendency meant. After all, there were descriptions of these things in the Book of Holy Words.

Moreover, there is a review mechanism for new officials and policies, and most druids who are willing to join politics are not religious lunatics, so this has little impact on druids.

In other words, it has a greater impact on those druids who serve the demigods of the wilderness.


This will undoubtedly further divide the Druid community.

Malfurion immediately thought of various druid groups expelling each other from the druid groups, but this was something no one could do.

His attitude towards nature is normal development and harmonious development. They will not accuse mortals of cutting down trees, as long as they don't waste it like those orc bastards!

Malfurion immediately thought of the trees that had been cut down by the orcs and left there to rot, and the veins in his brain jumped again.

He is a standard member of the faction that protects nature so that people living in this world can live a better life. Otherwise, the night elves would not have to develop.

Therefore, he still agreed with Li Ke's approach of protecting the environment as much as possible. If this situation could be maintained, he would not mind helping Li Ke open up forests and so on.

After all, humans are also part of nature.

"In this case, I have no objection."

Malfurion nodded, but the Moon God Priests all looked at Tyrande.

Many of them joined Li Ke's government department because of Tyrande's call, but now they have to choose between Luna and Li Ke...

But Tyrande just touched his belly and spoke to his lieutenants.

"Believing in Li Ke is also believing in the Moon God. He is the husband of the Moon God, and also my husband... So although you will give up your belief in the Moon God, working for Li Ke is actually helping the cause of the Moon God.

Of course, continuing to adhere to the belief in the Moon God is not a wrong behavior. These are two equal paths. The power of the Moon God will also favor those who follow Li Ke's path."

The Priests of the Moon God were silent. They looked at Tyrande's belly. They could all clearly sense that in Tyrande's belly, there was almost a part of the power of the Moon God, as well as another kind of sacred power.

So after a moment of silence, they nodded,


In fact, many of these people breathed a sigh of relief. Many of these priests who stayed in the temple all year round were actually tired of their current life and fell in love with the life in the Li Ke Empire. However, regardless of whether they abandoned the gods

Reputation, or giving up hard work for the sake of arrogance and luxury. These bad reputations are actually a huge pressure on them.

But with Tyrande's endorsement, they can give up their belief in the Moon God without any scruples, stay in Li Ke's empire system, and live the life they want.

Tyrande knew this very well, but there was nothing he could do about it, because before joining Li Ke's system, the management of the night elves was basically managed by the Moon Temple.

It is also normal for impure believers to be included in it.

And there are some true believers who want to contribute their own strength to this society and this world, so her endorsement will make everyone happy.


This will also split the Moon Temple.

But it doesn't matter, neither Luna nor she cares about this.

Maiev was absent from this meeting, but she didn't have any scruples. In fact, among the Watchers, many people were about to give up their belief in the Moon God, and now, with the Moon God and Tyran

With the endorsement of virtue, they have no scruples.

After Elisande became pregnant, she quickly returned to her group of children of the night, and she launched the purge herself without Li Ke having to do anything herself.

Not only that, she killed them much more harshly than Li Ke. She also killed all the nobles who did not show any dissatisfaction with Li Ke, but who had a political stance and had a probability of not joining Li Ke.

Moreover, the privileges of the Noblesse of the Night were abolished on the spot, and the title of Noble was only the glory of the past. She suddenly became a person who helped the common people achieve justice.

And not only her, but most of the people who went to Li Ke's city with her have also become representatives of chivalry and righteousness who are not afraid of power.

Similarly, Queen Azshara also quickly changed.

"Everything will be done in accordance with the rules and regulations from now on."

Looking at the golden light beam shining in the distance, Azshara felt more and more afraid, because she could no longer understand the extent of Li Ke's power. At this time, even if she could see Li Ke, she was sensing it.

There is still nothing.

But Li Ke does indeed exist and is aware of everything in the world anytime and anywhere.

"Let those tribesmen who usually bully you, or those who like to eat intelligent creatures, end it on their own, or you can drive them out...Vashqi, times have changed again...Li Ke's tolerance period has passed

, if we want to continue to survive, we must obey all his will, go ahead..."

Vashki nodded, but she also felt relieved for a while.

It's not that she wants to leave Azshara, her admiration and loyalty to Azshara comes from the bottom of her heart, and many people have directly resigned from their official positions, intending to serve Azshara wholeheartedly.

Because in their hearts, their god and belief is Azshara. So Vashj asked carefully.

"Your Majesty, is your child able to..."

Azshara touched her belly. This was a child other than the established child mentioned by Li Ke. No one knew when he would be born, but there was no doubt that her child would be talented in magic.

Stronger than most people!

"He has tolerated me a lot, Vashj...and at this moment he..."

Azshara couldn't help but shiver, because she was not afraid of the Li Ke of the past, but only of the current Li Ke.

And, I felt a little melancholy.

"...I am no longer the smiling mortal."

This chapter has been completed!
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