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Chapter 632: Deflected Universe

But this time the war with the demons is just the beginning. Everyone can see very clearly that the demons are endlessly moving towards Azeroth, constantly trying to invade their world.

Almost all the people of the empire know this.

Therefore, they all respect the soldiers who protect them very much.

However, with the normalization of the war against demons and the growth of the new generation, many things have changed.

The most obvious one is the choice the Emperor's Children make when they grow up.

Li Ke took a wait-and-see attitude towards this, and just continued to maintain the advancement of the empire, and then continued to build his own isolation network.


His enemies were also crawling among them.

The devil's advantage is too great. If they are allowed to develop, many problems will arise, so they must take the initiative.

However, doing so will cause huge casualties, and in order to maintain the occupied areas, they will also need to continuously invest manpower and material resources.

But if we don't fight such a blood-vomiting marathon with the Burning Legion, the problem will be even more serious.

If you pretend to be an ostrich, the problem will not go away.

Whether it is technology and battlefield operations that will continue to be upgraded, or problems in the development of the empire, Li Ke's enemies will appear one by one, and then take advantage of the chaos to destroy everything he has built.

"But it doesn't matter..."

Looking at the slowly forming isolation network, Li Ke stroked his child's head and said these words in his heart.

"I will respond to expectations and protect everything."

Shaking Sargeras in the distance, hoping to bring down the empire and then let the empire betray him, Li Ke silently closed his eyes.

He saw the future, but he knew it well.

The future is created by people.

He accepted Sargeras' challenge.

"Let Varian and Jarod prepare for the expedition to Mardon and launch our expedition."

Li Ke issued his own order.

Marton is the transit point of the Burning Legion, which contains the Sargrith Keystone. If this place can be captured, it can easily attack the actions of the Burning Legion, and it can also paralyze the March of the Burning Legion.


At the very least, it can buy them close to ten years.

In these ten years, no matter how much Sargeras urged, the people of the Burning Legion were unable to quickly go to Azeroth and Outland on a large scale.

In other words, you don't have to worry about waking up and finding all kinds of demons surrounding the Outland, forcing you to give up the Outland's resources.

The empire needs resources from the outside world, so this battle must be fought.

And after ten years, his children will be able to grow up, and it will be time for the empire to launch the Great Crusade.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Grayson bent down and conveyed Li Ke's order to the front line.

As a result, the prepared battle group was dispatched, and they continued to gather through the reopened Dark Portal. Li Ke also held on to his armrest, because of Sargeras' sudden action, he had to use more power.

He couldn't be with his warriors, but he could ensure that Marton could be protected by him and would not be captured by these demons just after it was captured.

It's just that a legion may need to be stationed there for a long time.


He will solve all problems in one fell swoop!

Varian, who had just finished clearing the battlefield and counting the losses, received the order.

"Has the second battle begun?"

Seeing Li Ke asking them to stop the mission of clearing out the remaining demons, Varian nodded.

This battle has two purposes. The first purpose is to repel the demons of the Burning Legion here, and the second goal is to transport troops at the hub of the Burning Legion, which is the evil energy called Marton.

Attack Marton when the planet is at full power.

Capture this vital transit point for the Burning Legion!

And all they have to do is persevere.

The Burning Legion will inevitably continue to attack here, so their most important task is to hold on, but they are not alone.

Because Li Ke’s power will be with them!

"It's mysterious, but the counterattack actually involves Jarod. Really, you really don't give me face, Li Ke."

Varian laughed, and looked at the dense evil energy channels that appeared in front of him again, and he smiled.

"But as long as we can fight, that's fine!"

As his words fell, the Dark Gate began to operate rapidly. Through the aura of the demons sent from Marton, the coordinates of Marton Li Ke were read. His body was shining with golden light. This

The violent light tore through the sky instantly, leaving a golden scar on the sky.

At the same time, the sky in the outer domain was suddenly torn apart by a golden beam of light, and a golden crystal crashed into the center of the battlefield that became scorching again.

The golden power of Azerite swept across all directions! The majestic power enveloped the bodies of the imperial soldiers who were fighting. While strengthening their strength, it also made these warriors understand one thing.

Their souls are with the Emperor!

As long as it is shrouded in this golden power, even if the body dies, the soul will be preserved and be resurrected by Li Ke after the war!


"Charge! Kill these bastards!"

Varian roared and launched his own charge, and the brave warriors, bathed in golden light, also launched their charge.

But Li Ke felt extremely distressed, because the fragments of the crystal were part of the isolation network, which is why it had such magical power.

But this is something that must be done.

"Come, demons of the Burning Legion, come and see the curtain of your destruction that I have woven!!"

Indescribable power spurted out from Li Ke's throne, and the emperor's anger resounded throughout the universe. Over the Marton, which was constantly transferring demons, held the keystone called Sargeras.

The demon couldn't help but look at the sky.

In the sky they saw, golden scars suddenly appeared on the planet called Marton, and the golden crystal pillars continued to move towards the planet that was once used as a prison.

Falling from above!

"what is that?!"

She was horrified and wanted to use this artifact made by Sargeras to escape from here. Here was the Staff of Sargeras and a series of artifacts that Sargeras had made to allow him to enter Azeroth. As long as he could

get away--

But it was useless. Almost all the demons sensed one thing, that is, the surrounding space was blocked by a terrible force!

This terrifying power even directly penetrated all of Marton's protection, and diamond-shaped crystals the size of mountains continued to fall towards their heads!

"It's over..."

The demon holding countless artifacts knew that it was the revenge of the life on Azeroth, and that it was the revenge of the man called the Emperor.

It was the revenge of someone with the same power as his master.

So she calmly put down everything in her hands and accepted her own death.

But other demons were not like this. In their wails, tens of thousands of mountain-sized Azerite crystals fell to the planet. The power of Azeroth caused the planet to withstand the torment from

It has never withstood a powerful force since it was born.

The continental shelf began to shake, and countless demons were bombarded into debris all over the sky just by encountering the shock wave.

The entire planet was almost destroyed by the impact of these golden crystals, but those golden crystals stabilized the earth's core that was about to explode, quickly transformed the surrounding power, and harnessed Marton's twisted power for his own use.

The tremors on the earth quickly calmed down, but golden wounds were forever left in the sky above the planet, proving what a terrible force the planet had been hit by.

And this transit station that the Burning Legion had worked on for tens of thousands of years completely changed hands at this moment!

The Dark Portal quickly unfolded, and a series of evil energy portals also unfolded. Li Ke's warriors and the demons who wanted to take back this place began a new round of fighting.

But under the cover of the golden crystal pillar, Li Ke's warriors were able to exert more than ten times their strength!

The defeat of the Burning Legion on this planet is a foregone conclusion.

Just look at those cheering soldiers.

Li Ke knows very well that the real challenge is yet to come.

Defeating an army of the Burning Legion is not truly the end.

The real test is——

human heart.

Ten years later.

"If you ask me, those civil servants still got too much."

Looking at the welfare benefits of those civil servants, a young elf looked at his brother and spoke dissatisfiedly.

"How come they can enjoy so many wonderful things without doing almost anything?"

He pointed to the welfare packages for civil servants displayed on his mobile phone. The most obvious one was that all scenic spots were free, wages were not taxed, and house purchases were free.

Yes, although Li Ke provides free housing, he has also opened up some real estate industries so that people can buy the houses of their choice and decorate and transform them according to their own ideas.

But most people still live in free housing provided by the empire.

"Because they need to dedicate themselves to this empire and disclose everything they can, facing various risks."

His mother, an elf who looked younger than him, came in with a plate full of his favorite candies, but she obviously heard what her child said, so she spoke.

"And I don't remember raising you to be so ungrateful. Have you forgotten when you were a child? At that time, you still had to buy sweets according to your needs, but what about now?"

His mother put a lot of candies in front of her son and looked at her son helplessly.

"Or do you think you can get food without any labor?"

She was really helpless about her child. Her child had never suffered any hardship since she was a child. When she was a child, she still needed to help with the household chores while learning spells.

But what about her children? They have been in school since they were young. When they grew up, they went directly to university. After they came out, they disliked the assignment and wanted to take the civil service examination.

But the problem is, why are civil servants so easy to assess? My own children were rejected at the first level.

The reason for brushing it down is also very simple.

He does not have the heart to dedicate himself wholeheartedly to the empire. He took the imperial civil service exam simply for the welfare benefits.

Although no one would say anything because most of them were kicked off the first level, she didn't understand why her child would say such slanderous and blasphemous words.

But her child spoke dissatisfied.

"Ha...I was standing in front of that machine...that guy Emperor didn't see my determination at all! And!"

He remembered clearly that he just stood in front of the machine and answered a few unknown questions, and then he was declared unqualified. Instead, a night elf in the class whom he hated very much got the qualification.

Doesn’t this mean that he is morally unqualified?!

"That's the truth, kid. You don't intend to dedicate your life to the Empire, so why don't you prove your worth elsewhere? Besides, this is the first time I've heard you slander the Emperor. If there is a second

If so..."

His mother looked at her child seriously and gave her own warning.

"I will sever ties with you along with your father. We don't have a child like you who was born in blessings and knows no blessings!"

This elf boy was dumbfounded. He didn't understand why his mother had to be so loyal to an emperor who had never stepped down from the throne since ten years ago!

No one even knows if that person is still alive!

"That's enough! You don't like me anyway! After all, I'm just one of your children, right?!"

The rebellious boy roared and jumped out of the window, but he did not commit suicide. Instead, he grabbed the vine in his hand the moment he jumped out of the window, and then activated his Druid spell to let the vine carry him.

He rushed out of his own neighborhood.

The young man's mother looked at her child's retreating back and sighed helplessly.

Her own child was right, he was indeed just one of her children, but the love she gave him was the same.

The reason why she said such harsh words was just to attract someone's attention.

"Emperor...please save my child and guide his confused soul."

She clasped her hands together and called her gods. The next moment, the golden rhombus crystal she placed on her chest shone with golden light.

She knew that her call had been successful.

"Praise the Emperor..."

She looked at the emperor's mural in her room, slowly knelt down on one knee, praising her life devoutly.

Because she was once a legionnaire!

This chapter has been completed!
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