Xia Zhu shook his head and said: "My servant is not very sure. I heard that Master Wuchen had lunch yesterday and never left the meditation room again. It was one o'clock this morning and he didn't come out to do morning classes. The people in the temple When people went to the meditation room and took a look, they found that Master Wuchen had passed away, and they said he might have passed away yesterday."
When Shen Wan and the others went to Huguo Temple yesterday, everyone in the mansion knew about it, but they all thought they were there to fulfill their wishes and pray for blessings.
"Yesterday," wouldn't it mean that Master Wuchen passed away not long after meeting them yesterday? Master Wuchen passed away after meeting them, could it be because of meeting them? When she was reading novels before, she saw the novel It says that those fortune tellers will lose their lives because they tell people's fortunes, spy on destiny and reveal secrets. What Master Wuchen said yesterday can be regarded as secrets, so Master Wuchen suddenly passed away, could he have revealed too many secrets to them? ?
Thinking that Master Wuchen most likely passed away because they went to find him yesterday, Shen Wan felt very uncomfortable.
"Master Wuchen is quite old. He has lived a long life and has passed away." This was what Xia Zhu heard from people on the street when he was shopping for groceries. An aunt in her fifties also said that she was seventeen. When I was eight years old, I saw Master Wuchen looking like this now, and thought that Master Wuchen was quite old.
Although Xia Zhu said this, Shen Wan still felt a little uncomfortable and waved her hand to let her go.
The news of Master Wuchen's death soon reached Ms. Liu's ears, and she immediately passed away.
The maids in her courtyard were frightened and sent people to fetch a doctor, and then sent someone to fetch Shen Wan.
Mrs. Liu had already regained consciousness when Shen Wan left. As soon as she saw her, she immediately hugged the quilt and shrank to the corner of the bed. Looking at Shen Wan, she shouted: "Ghost! Ghost!"
Hearing Mrs. Liu's cry and seeing her expression of fear and disgust, Shen Wan frowned.
Xiaohua hurriedly said: "Old madam, this is madam, where is the ghost!" The old madam was probably in a daze.
Mrs. Liu pointed at Shen Wan with a wrinkled finger and screamed: "Ghost, she is a ghost."
Xiaohua looked at Shen Wan and said, "Madam, don't take it to heart. The old lady must be crazy."
Shen Wan shook her head, looked at Xiao Hua'er and asked, "Have you asked the doctor?"
Xiaohua said: "I've asked the servant to invite you."
"What's wrong with the old lady?" "Shen Wan" and Qiu Ju entered the house together.
When she and Qiu Ju were walking around in the yard, they heard someone say that the old lady had passed by. She wanted to come over and have a look, so she came with Qiu Ju.
Seeing "Shen Wan" also come in, Ms. Liu grabbed her face with her hands and screamed: "Ghost, there's another one, there's another one."
"Shen Wan" froze on the spot, her face turned a little pale.
Xiaohua and Xiaocao looked at each other. The old lady was really crazy. She didn't say anything when she saw the madam, but she also called a ghost when she saw the shepherd girl.
"You evil spirits, get out of here, don't come to harm me, don't come to harm my Song family, get out of here, get out of here." Mrs. Liu yelled at Shen Wan and the others, trembling all over.
Shen Wan looked at "Shen Wan" and said, "How about we go out first?"
"Shen Wan" nodded and walked out with Shen Wan.
Xiao Hua'er asked Xiao Cao to look at the old lady, and then followed her out.
"Shen Wan" saw Xiao Hua'er coming out and asked her: "Why did the old lady faint suddenly?"
Xiao Hua'er thought for a moment and said, "The old lady heard from Xiao Cao that Master Wu Chen, who was the protector of the country, passed away, and then she stared and passed away." But they were frightened.
"Master Wuchen passed away?" "Shen Wan" looked at Shen Wan.
Shen Wan nodded at her. She couldn't believe it. After all, who could believe that a good person who looked at her yesterday suddenly disappeared today?