Mr. Wang booked a few banquets at their house today. Mr. Wang’s favorite food is delicacies from the mountains and wild game. He went to the market in the morning and found nothing fresh. Some people would hunt for several days.
, collect them together and sell them in the city. Fortunately, the dead prey can still be released in the winter, but it is completely impossible in the summer. Even if it is frozen in the hanging well, it will still smell.
"Just outside."
Shopkeeper Yu followed Daniel out.
Yinghua saw someone coming after Daniel, and was stunned for a moment. Seeing that they were coming towards her, she took a few steps back.
Why did this person come out with Brother Daniu? Could it be that this restaurant wants to collect their prey?
"That's it." Da Niu pointed to half a fan of pork and a silly roe deer on the cart.
Shopkeeper Yu stepped forward, bent over and looked at the half fan of pork, and then smelled it.
Very good, the meat has no taste and looks quite fresh.
"I want both the wild boar and the silly roe deer. I also know the prices outside. Wild boar is thirty cents per catty and roe deer meat is forty cents per catty. I will charge them according to the market price."
Yinghua's eyes widened. Although the price was at this price in the market, buyers often had to fight for more, so they couldn't sell it at this price. Moreover, they usually sold it at the end, so in order to sell out, they would still sell it.
Price reduction!
Daniel didn't know the price, so he looked at Yinghua, who nodded hurriedly at him.
"Okay, let's pay this price."
Shopkeeper Yu asked Da Niu to take the meat to the back door, and then moved the meat into the yard through the back door.
He grabbed more than a hundred kilograms of wild boar meat with one hand and put it in the weighing basket.
When the shopkeeper Yu and the waiter in the kitchen saw this, they looked at him in shock.
I thought to myself: "This man is really strong! This piece of meat weighs a hundred or ten kilograms at least, and he actually grabbed it with one hand."
The man carried the basket and weighed the pork. The pork weighed one hundred and twenty kilograms.
After the pork was weighed, the big cow bent down and took out the meat from the basket. When he took the meat, his head was lowered. When he raised his head, his hair poked his eyes, so he subconsciously shook his hair back.
"Hiss..." Shopkeeper Yu and the two waiters gasped in fright when they saw the hideous scar on his face.
Daniel realized that his face had frightened them, so he quickly lowered his head and covered the scar on his face with his hair. After putting the pork aside, he put the silly roe deer into the weighing basket.
He smiled and said, "Sorry, I scared you."
Hearing what he said, Yinghua felt very distressed, and Brother Daniu must have felt very sad.
At the beginning, Brother Daniu did not cover his face with his hair. Once, a child in the village passed by her house. After seeing Brother Daniu’s face, the child was so frightened that he cried.
He also pointed at Brother Daniu and cried: "Ghost..."
Then, Brother Danniu combed some of his hair and cut it to cover half of his face.
Obviously, he felt very sad when others made frightened sounds because of his face. However, he still had to force a smile and apologize to others.
Shopkeeper Yu felt that he was a little rude and hurriedly waved his hands and said: "It's okay, it's okay."
The silly roe deer weighed only sixty pounds.
The shopkeeper calculated the money and found that the total was six thousand coins, which was six taels of silver. Shopkeeper Yu guessed that they would go shopping later, so he gave them five taels of broken silver and a thousand copper coins.
After Daniel took the money, he gave it to Yinghua.
This was the first time Yinghua took so much silver. Looking at the silver and the heavy copper coins in her hand, she couldn't believe it.