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Chapter 933: All parties support the rise, it is unstoppable

When water stirs up rocks, they roar; when people stir up ambitions, they become great - Mr. Qiu Jin's famous saying.

Qiu Jin is one of the legendary women in modern China, one of the "Three Heroes" of the Revolution of 1911, one of the few female pioneers in the ideological movement, the originator of modern women's studies, and the awakening of women from the old era.

The person who opened the door was the pioneer who said the words "If a man can do it, why can't a daughter do it?", which inspired the majority of female compatriots to leave their boudoirs and rush towards the revolutionary road of independence and self-reliance.

The late Qing Dynasty was like an unsealed tomb that needed the last force to close the coffin, but the sleeping souls remained depressed in the crumbling dusk.

It is precisely because of the advocacy and call of those pioneers and lofty ideals, and in response to the saying "When water stirs up rocks, they will roar, and when people stir up ambition, they will become great." Only those who dare to take that step can fully activate the depressed souls.

Let them wake up from their big dreams, and then work together to push the coffin lid to seal the tomb forever.

Although today's South Korea is not as dark and backward as the late Qing Dynasty, the path that South Korean women want to take and the ideological nature of their aspirations can be compared to a certain level with those melancholy souls back then.

At dawn, public opinion fermented and exploded all night long.

The vast majority of women who woke up and were still unaware were first shocked when they saw the public opinion on the Internet, and then trembled physically and mentally when they saw the "Nihuang Quotes" all over the sky. Then they awakened and activated their minds and joined the uproar.

Amidst the overwhelming momentum that is rising and getting stronger.

"Who is Liu Yifei? She successfully made me a fan!"

"Princess Nihuang, my idol!!"

"Oppa Chu Xuan is so warm, he is willing to be a green leaf for women, he is a good man of the century!"

"Only when women are strong can they be happy. This is so true!"

"Are they still in Gwangju? I really want to see them!"

"Is Princess Nihuang here to promote the movie? I must go and see it!"


Seoul, SBS TV station.

Jiang Jingyan, who had returned from Gwangju, saw the storm that had started overnight on the Internet, and the news report about Liu Yifei published in the newspaper in her hand as she lowered her gaze, and she had an unexpected look on her face.


Since the beginning of the new millennium, some politicians have made a fuss about the idea that women need equal rights as men to seek power in exchange for women's support. As a result, they have been miserably punished by forces that are more inclined to masculinity.

Since then, what was on the stage has become an undercurrent behind the scenes, and no famous public figure or famous artist dares to publicly get involved in this matter related to an ideological movement.

Occasionally, artists accidentally fell into the reporter's rhetoric trap and expressed clear views on the matter that favored women. These artists either disappeared from the entertainment industry, or were hidden for a period of time before they came back. Anyway, they ended up with nothing.

not so good.

Just like in the United States and the West, if someone dares to criticize Squid Capital, that person will end up badly.

In South Korea, if someone breaks the balance between the public opinion movement about women's thoughts and the counter-hedging remarks made by the capital-operated media, it will also touch the sensitive nerves of certain forces and be suppressed.

Therefore, the relevant public opinion has always been that the capitalists who are opposed to this movement spend a little money to accompany domestic women to play small games in the media.

This balanced situation has long been accustomed to the domestic people, and the media has also been accustomed to it.

But now, Liu Yifei has inadvertently broken the balance that she has maintained for several years, or in other words, she has inadvertently conveyed words, beliefs and concepts that can break this balance.

Moreover, Liu Yifei is also the Nihuang Princess who is very popular among the female community in "Legend of Red Flame", and it just so happens that this Nihuang Princess is also interpreted as a feminist figure by the majority of female audiences. The combination of various coincidences creates a huge natural

It’s a stunt, so how could the media let go of such a big hit?

The media likes to make headlines, the more explosive, the better, and the more scandalous, the better, because scandals are more controversial.

Such public opinion is not a scandal for Liu Yefei, but a scandal for their South Korean society.

Liu Yifei is a foreign artist, but she said things that domestic artists dare not say.

Liu Yifei is a public figure in a foreign country, but she has done things that public figures in her country dare not do.

Liu Yifei is still Chinese, and she and Chu Xuan are a prospective couple, and the behavior of this prospective couple is very equal, warm and harmonious.

What do many people who have a bad impression of China think of this kind of couple status, driven by ideological propaganda from middle and high-level officials for many years?

They look down on the fact that couples from China can get along equally, and the wives also behave very independently. However, the concept of husband and wife in their own society is so male-dominated. Who is more advanced in civilization and who is backward?

From an ideological perspective, the false atmosphere created by years of vicious denigration of China has exposed a big gap.

The combination of these factors makes this public opinion destined to be a social scandal in South Korea.

Only in this way can there be huge controversy, and only when controversy can arouse widespread public opinion.

In this way, the media can obtain huge profits, gain a lot of fame, and improve their social status in the media industry. In short, they are pursuing profit meticulously.

The capital power in South Korea is complex. The media industry is not exclusively owned by local forces. Many overseas capitals are also involved. Some Western capitals are also entities that local forces cannot and dare not suppress.

In the past, there were local forces working secretly to form unspoken rules of the movement that did not mention ideological issues. The media could not find, ask, or unearth such news and breaking points, so forget it.

But now Liu Yifei and Chu Xuan have appeared. These two foreigners do not understand this unspoken rule at all, and they have inadvertently upset the balance. The non-local media will naturally take notice and publish articles passionately.

Huge coverage.

Therefore, in Jiang Jingyan's eyes, as early as yesterday's press conference, she and some colleagues and capital had anticipated that what Chu Xuan and Liu Yifei said in the final interview session of yesterday's press conference would definitely make the entire South Korean public opinion field.


However, no matter how high or explosive the public opinion is, there is no dispute between him and her. On the contrary, there is the benefit of similar interests.

In addition to this movie, Chu Xuan and Liu Yifei also filmed a new drama in China. Cui Minzheng briefly discussed the intention of cooperation with her on the South Korean copyright of this drama. Liu Yifei will introduce this drama because of the increasing public opinion.

The drama will be more profitable.

In addition, the drama "Love You 10,000 Times" promoted by SBS at the end of the year has a strong attribute of female self-improvement and focuses on a drama that pleases female viewers and contributes to ratings.

It just so happened that Liu Yifei showed a side that she expected to be very popular at the press conference yesterday. After a brief negotiation with Cui Minzheng and Li Hedun in the evening, they reached a business cooperation.

As for having business dealings with Liu Yifei now, will it offend some forces that oppose the female ideological movement?

It is certain to be offended, and it is inevitable that some forces will be unhappy.

But firstly, SBS is not afraid of those people, and secondly, the investor behind her drama is Sony, which is not inferior to Sony Capital, one of the eight largest companies in Hollywood. Those people will only dare to be angry but dare not speak out.

Everything was as she expected. Seeing that public opinion was so hot now, she immediately ordered people to ride on this wave of enthusiasm. It would be a pity not to ride on such good momentum.

#On October 28th, Ms. Liu Yifei and Mr. Chu Xuan will come to the Seoul press conference of "Love You Ten Thousand Times". Audience friends, please look forward to it~#

"Ahhh! Princess Nihuang and Oppa Lin Shu are coming to Seoul! It's great!"

"How to get there? Where to buy tickets? Who can tell me? Urgent!"

"Why can't you come to our Incheon! Please come to Incheon!"

"What's so good about Incheon? Why not come to Busan!"

"That's great! It's the drama I'm most looking forward to. I meet my idol Princess Nihuang. It's perfect!"

"This drama is specially created for female audiences. It will be promoted in conjunction with Princess Nihuang. It is very wonderful. I am looking forward to it!"


Jiang Jingyan's business cooperation seems to be taking advantage of the situation to increase the popularity of her drama, but in fact it also adds fuel to Liu Yifei's momentum.

Public opinion has fermented to this point after a night, and the public is speaking out in support and support. No third-party organization or force has yet expressed support.

As one of the top three major TV stations in South Korea, SBS's official account announced Liu Yifei's business activities. This is undoubtedly a support for Liu Yifei, and it also increases the arrogance of female people to launch a wave of ideas.

Even the TV station, a major media, supports Liu Yifei, which will increase women's self-confidence and confidence, making them further believe that supporting Liu Yifei is a correct decision and the right way to vent their emotions.

Following SBS, another piece of news followed in the afternoon.

#On October 30, Liu Yifei and Chu Xuan will come to Incheon Theater for a road show. Friends from Incheon are welcome to come and watch the ceremony#

Whether it is the title of multiple copies published by SBS or the title of this copy published by the business team of Incheon Capital Enterprises, few people pay attention to one detail, that is, Liu Yifei's name is always in front of Chu Xuan.

There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with this, and in fact it is.

Which of the couple's names comes first and whose name comes last is a normal thing in the eyes of Chinese people.

But in the eyes of South Koreans who have an imbalanced concept of men and women, this doesn't seem to be wrong, but it will subtly affect their thoughts and thinking.

Especially female people, if they glance at the title and think it's okay, then they will gradually acquiesce that women's names should be publicized in front of men's names from now on.

In this way, with Liu Yifei's name at the front and Chu Xuan's name at the end, as a subliminal rendering of the secrecy of the title, female people will also have the feeling that Liu Yifei is highly valued by major media.

Under the deep resonance between themselves and Princess Nihuang and Liu Yifei through publicity and marketing, the female public will be unconsciously excited and happy, and they are happy that Liu Yifei is so valued by major media.

As a result, female people will subconsciously have a favorable impression of the report, the copywriting, the publicity and the advertisers behind it, and then capital will subtly acquire and expand a share of the female market.

This is ideological propaganda. The focus of propaganda cannot be discovered, but it can deeply affect a person's thoughts and outlook. If this person does not broaden his cognitive level and does not make progress, he will never realize that he has already

be altered or distorted.

This can only be said that the South Korean entertainment industry is worthy of entertaining themselves to death, and they have thoroughly studied the ideological tricks.

In the evening, another piece of Liu Yifei's business was announced by a partner. The implicit propaganda in the title seemed to have been agreed upon, and was exactly the same as the headlines of business announcements and some reports that had been circulated on the Internet.

#On November 1st, Nihuang Princess Liu Yifei and Lin Shu Oppa Chuxuan will start a road show at the Busan Cinema. Friends from Busan are welcome to come and participate~#

“That’s great! I’m actually coming to Busan!”

"Is it November 1st? I have to pick you up at the airport!"

"It's great. Princess Nihuang looks even more beautiful in real life than in the show. I must go and see it!"


Throughout the day, several roadshow partners supported Liu Yefei one after another, which greatly boosted the morale of South Korean women who pay attention to public opinion.

In the past few years, a women's ideological movement has finally gained momentum, but it was feared that the authorities would forcibly suppress it or inexplicably downplay it. This was a phenomenon that existed in previous years.

However, it seems to be different this time. Not only has the wave of public opinion not been suppressed, but it has continued to gather in the direction of a bigger storm, and several capitals have publicly supported it.

Even if capital is pursuing profit, but in general it meets the needs of women and satisfies the emotional catharsis of female people, then this is enough, and the rest is not important.

But, this is not enough.

What about the organization of the women’s ideological movement?

How come the official representatives didn’t say anything about this?

Many South Korean women are looking forward to it and waiting for it.

They are very eager to have more big names or powerful forces support Liu Yifei.

Under the deliberate creation of the media, they believe that supporting Liu Yifei means supporting their group.

Many women throughout South Korea have trouble sleeping at night and cannot fall asleep in bed. They get up from time to time and go online to see if there are any changes in news and public opinion.

Late at night, the lights of thousands of houses in South Korea went out again.

It's just the wave of thoughts emanating from all over the country, intertwined with the neon light that stays up all night, under the stars in the sky, which seems to indicate that something great is about to happen.

When the moon sets and the sun rises, the sun shines on the earth.

After a day and two nights of heated public opinion, it completely attracted the attention of some high-level figures.

Bell, the head of luxury brand Lv.

He came to South Korea for travel and fun. He was leaning on the sofa chair comfortably, facing the spacious floor-to-ceiling windows, with a panoramic view of the city.

Bathed in the bright sunshine coming in from the window, he was drinking coffee while looking at the laptop on the small coffee table on his left with a slightly tilted gaze, browsing news and opinions on social platforms.

He had already learned about this when public opinion started to gain momentum the night before yesterday.

It's just that whether any outbreak of public opinion can take off and continue is unknown at the beginning, so he just saw it as a piece of fun and didn't take it seriously.

But I didn't expect that such ideological conflict and public opinion could last for a day and two nights, and it is still spreading and spreading today, with an unstoppable trend.

As the world's top capital, he knows very well that the official silence is because the country's media tools are in the hands of capital, and the reason why local capital does not suppress or cannot suppress public opinion is because local forces are not overseas capital at all.

On the other hand, they are facing opponents in front of the publicity trend caused by joining together.

"Liu Yifei..."

"The female ideological movement is another label that goes beyond the entertainment industry."

Bell whispered to himself. From his brief words, it can be seen that he has a very high level of understanding of matters in the public opinion field.

When it comes to labels and heights beyond the scope of the entertainment industry, for him, one person immediately comes to mind, and that is Michael Jackson.

In the eyes of their Western capital, this is a "deviant" legendary superstar. Even if it is necessary to admit and appreciate Jackson's musical talent and dancing talent that no one can match, but Jackson's ideas violate the ideas of capitalists, then this person is

Shouldn't exist.

Love and peace are very grand ideals and thoughts. Infected by this thought, people around the world will become united.

But capitalists don’t need unity. What they need is for everyone to be self-interested and work for themselves rather than for the common good. Only then can they divide, create conflicts, and cut leeks better.

Therefore, Jackson has been subjected to global suppression and slander since he became popular, but Jackson can gain love and admiration from people all over the world no matter where he goes.

According to the media, Jackson is a bad person.

In reality, people all over the world pursue him from the bottom of their hearts.

Such a strange phenomenon of very inconsistent online and offline processes is the ideological conflict between capital and the public.

Jackson died of illness in June 2009, which shows that capital has won.

Jackson has become history, but not long ago, another star emerged with a label that transcended the circle.

Bell became a little interested in this. There were not many things that interested him, and this kind of thing was one of them.

This Liu Yifei first had some independent thoughts about women because of the drama, and now she created such thoughts at a press conference. Combined with the strong national conditions that hit the urgent demands of women in South Korea, and the media

What I like to do most is to stir up big public opinion. The sum of various factors has created the huge public opinion in front of me.

He didn't know whether Liu Yifei, or the team behind her, did it on purpose or just took advantage of the situation.

Anyway, in his opinion, Liu Yifei is very lucky, or she is truly blessed with this luck.

In his eyes, all this seems to be destined that Liu Yifei will become very popular in South Korea, and perhaps even throughout Asia.

Because not only South Korea, but also regions and countries other than China, there are varying degrees of female ideological trends, and the South Korean media and entertainment industry are connected to the entire Asia. It is foreseeable that Liu Yifei will become popular throughout Asia once this matter is spread.


And this "fire" is not just ordinary fire. Liu Yifei, who has a label that transcends the entertainment industry, may be on the road to stardom as the next Jackson.

Of course, this is limited to Asia, but being an Asian Jackson is also a very remarkable thing.

The most important thing is that women's rights do not conflict with the profit-seeking direction of capitalists, and are labels and attributes that can be exploited.

The reason why he was interested in this matter was precisely because of this.

Just like women in South Korea today, whether they want equal treatment or equal benefits, if these demands are met, for other major luxury goods, doesn't this mean that they are improving and expanding?

Is it a consumer market for women?

"Interesting." Bell laughed. Seeing that many women in South Korea were expressing support for Liu Yifei on social platforms, he picked up his mobile phone and made a call.

Soon, in the increasingly heated public opinion field, a piece of news exploded like thunder.

#Praise to Princess Nihuang, praise Liu Yifei, and hope that Lv will be with your feminine glory#



This world's top brand is almost invincible in South Korea, because the taxes that Lv generates for South Korea every year make it invincible.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! But why did such an awesome company suddenly make such a statement?

Not only that, she is also very "dog-licking" inside and outside her words. With just one sentence, Liu Yifei was praised to the sky.

What is this for?

Moreover, you must know that foreign capital will basically not interfere in the social conflicts and contradictions of other countries. These things have nothing to do with foreign capital. As long as it does not affect their money making, they will always be above the Nine Heavens and disdain to participate in the society.

A trivial foreign matter in their eyes.

However, now they are participating for the first time.

Capital and the media were not stupid, and they quickly realized that Lv wanted to take advantage of Liu Yifei's trend to increase the influence and competitiveness of its brand.

Judging from the cheers of the women on the Internet, it is obvious that Lv has won the favor and further recognition of the majority of women with just this sentence.

"Lv is great! I will buy your products tomorrow!"

"Great! Lv also supports Liu Yifei! My Princess Nihuang is really shining!"

"The trend is irreversible, and our struggle will eventually succeed!"

"Oli, here you go! I'm so happy, I'll go to the airport to pick up Liu Yifei tomorrow!"


Any change in the general trend will trigger a butterfly effect.

South Korea not only has Lv, but also Hermès, Chanel, Gucci, Bulgari and many other brands.

When Lv, like an old fox who eats crabs, took the lead to ride on Liu Yifei's popularity and wanted to dig deeper and expand the female market with just one sentence, what did the other brands think?

If you do nothing, it is equivalent to Lv being able to seize their market at zero cost.

Can this be tolerated? Of course not!

What should I do if I can't bear it?

Obviously, follow suit and support Liu Yifei!

When these foreign giants began to express their support for Liu Yifei, a foreign star, the whole of South Korea was shocked, and countless women became fanatical and excited...

This chapter has been completed!
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