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Chapter 347 A Different Journey of Play

Chapter 347 A different travel trip

There are countless people around the world who are obviously afraid of horror movies, but still watch them anyway.

However, after watching it, there will be a period of psychological shadow, and I even have to sleep with the light on.

Chu Xuan and Liu Yifei are like this. People are addicted to food, and many people pursue excitement to pass the boring time.

In the early morning, the bright moon hung in the night sky.

There was silence all around. On the third floor of the two villas, there was a bedroom with bright lights on.

Suddenly, two alarm bells rang simultaneously in the two brightly lit bedrooms.

The alarm on Chu Xuan's side was louder, while the one on Liu Yifei's side was quieter.

Afraid of waking her mother, Liu Yifei deliberately set the volume down and put her phone on the pillow for fear that she would not be able to hear.

With a clear understanding of each other, the two of them opened their eyes at the same time, and simultaneously picked up their mobile phones and turned off the alarm.

Chu Xuan was sleepy. He opened his eyelids a few times to cheer up, opened Penguin QQ, and prepared to send a message.

Liu Yifei's eyes were hazy, she was rubbing her eyes with one hand and opened Penguin QQ with the other hand, preparing to send a message.

After a few seconds, almost at the same time, messages popped up in their respective chat boxes on their mobile phones.

Liu Yifei’s Chu Xuan: [Are you awake? 】

Liu Yifei from Chu Xuan: [Are you awake? 】

Under the disgusting nickname, there is exactly the same message.

Due to a tacit understanding, the two people raised the corners of their mouths at the same time despite being in different places.

From the sound of the alarm to this moment, Chu Xuan and Liu Yifei vividly presented the plot of an idol drama that is so sweet.

Liu Yifei’s fingers were pressing the keys: [Come to pick me up, I’m afraid.]

Chu Xuan, who had already stood up on the bed, replied: [Two minutes, you go brush your teeth and wash your face first.]

Liu Yifei wrinkled her nose, looking cute and cute, and typed: [I don’t dare to get out of bed, come and accompany me to the bathroom.]

Chu Xuan got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom. When he saw the message from Liu Yifei, he couldn't laugh or cry, and replied: "Wait for me."

Liu Yifei put down her cell phone. Lying on the bed, she kept looking around, fearing that coconut milk would pop up from somewhere.

I haven’t watched a horror movie for a long time. I watched one for the first time, and now I can’t help but think about these things.

So annoying!

Liu Yifei covered her head with the quilt, but her eyes were darting around inside the dark quilt, and she was afraid that Coconut Coco would get out of the quilt.

So angry!

Liu Yifei simply lifted off the quilt, stood up and leaned on the back of the bed, scanning the surroundings with her eyes, which were very sharp, as if any monster could be wiped out with one glance.

Suddenly, in the corner of her eye, the door to the room was opened, and Liu Yifei was startled. When she saw clearly that it was Chu Xuan, she breathed a sigh of relief and coquettishly opened her hands for a hug.

Chu Xuan wore a white sportswear and smiled brightly. He walked to the bedside and gave Liu Yifei a loving hug.

"Do you still watch horror movies?" he said.

"Look!" Liu Yifei was very determined. She was afraid of returning, but it was exciting.

Chu Xuan couldn't help but laugh, patted her back and said: "Hurry up and go wash up."

Liu Yifei got out of bed, put on her slippers and pulled Chu Xuan to the bathroom without any explanation.

After washing up, they changed into black couple's sportswear, turned off the lights in the room, and the two of them quietly went downstairs and walked out of the villa.

Breathing in the early morning air, it was slightly cool.

It rained a little last night and the ground was a little wet.

The street lights in the community outside the wall are bright, mixed with the emergency orange light on the walls of the two villas, and accompanied by the faint moonlight shining in the night sky, giving this cold environment a unique romantic atmosphere.

Liu Yifei held Chu Xuan's hand and pressed close to his side for a sense of security.

In the middle of the night, Chu Xuan and I were preparing to go on a trip, which was the first time in our lives.

Exciting and fun, romantic and interesting.

"Two years ago, before "Tianlong" was broadcast, we said that we would seek exciting things that we have never done before." Liu Yifei shook Chu Xuan's hand.

"Remember, your excitement is romance." Chu Xuan always remembered what happened with Liu Yifei.

I still remember that day Liu Yifei ran to the dormitory to look for him, then held hands to escape the sight of the dormitory aunt, and then sneaked into the movie theater hand in hand in public.

On the way to the cinema, Liu Yifei said that excitement is romance and love must be vigorous.

Seeing that Chu Xuan remembered these things, Liu Yifei smiled, followed Chu Xuan to the parking lot, and got into the passenger seat of the Mercedes-Benz SUV.

With two "bang" sounds in succession, the two of them closed the car door.

Chu Xuan took the key to start the car, first turned on the lights inside the car, and fastened his seat belts with Liu Yifei, then released the handbrake and slowly shifted into gear and stepped on the accelerator to start.

After Liu Yifei took the remote control and entered the password to open the door, Chu Xuan drove the car out of the garden villa and came to the streets of the community, officially starting a different journey.

At five o'clock in the morning in Beijing, there are still many vehicles coming and going, and there are more trucks transporting goods than during the day. These heavy truck drivers are people who make money with their lives. If you slam on the brakes, your life may be lost, but life is

The hardships forced them to live in such fear.

Chu Xuan was far away from these heavy trucks. Fortunately, the road conditions were relatively deserted at the moment, so he waited for the green light and took the opportunity to overtake.

Liu Yifei watched everything in the city through the car window. Apart from filming in the crew, this was her first time in the city.

Although there are still some vehicles on the avenue, few people walk on the human-shaped streets on both sides. Only some sanitation workers are cleaning the garbage and mud on the ground at intervals.

In contrast to these sanitation workers, people in the night market are shouting. In front of the nightclub, many drunk men and women are helping each other to say goodbye. There are also some tattooed men and rich second-generation people sitting in sports cars with a beautiful woman in their arms.


"Fun and luxurious," Liu Yifei muttered.

Chu Xuan, who was driving the car, was startled, then laughed and said: "Under the bustling city, there is temptation everywhere."

"Why do you think there are these temptations?" Liu Yifei was also idle and couldn't help but want to discuss this issue with Chu Xuan.

Chu Xuan stopped in front of the red light, stretched out his hand to put on the gear, and said: "There is a saying in the Buddhist scriptures: Everything in the world is empty. It means that there is nothing in this world, but with people, everything is there."

Liu Yifei blinked: "Then does Buddha have any solution?"

Chu Xuan put his hands on the steering wheel, tilted his head to look at her and said: "As long as it is empty, it can tolerate all things. It means that without obsession and greed for temptation, it can tolerate everything."

Liu Yifei became interested. She knew that Chu Xuan liked to read a lot of miscellaneous books. She usually read them with Chu Xuan, but not as much as Chu Xuan, so she asked: "There is something in the Buddhist scriptures, but what about the Taoist scriptures?"

Chu Xuan saw the green light, put the gear in gear and stepped on the accelerator to start again, saying: "The Tao Te Ching says: See simplicity and embrace simplicity, be less selfish and have few desires, and learn without worries. It means that people's thinking and cognition must be corrected.

We must maintain a pure and simple heart and reduce selfish desires and distracting thoughts, so that we can ultimately be free from worries."

Liu Yifei pursed her lips, thinking about Chu Xuan's words.

"These are all nonsense. Even if you know it, you may not be able to do it. If you do it, it may not be good to live in the current society. Just listen." Chu Xuan turned the steering wheel and turned.

"But you said that reading these books can help you feel at ease." Liu Yifei remembered clearly what Chu Xuan said.

"Thinking of these words, it is also useful when thinking about characters and scripts, including analyzing film and television dramas. It can be viewed objectively and abandon subjective consciousness." Chu Xuan turned the steering wheel and turned another corner. The destination of Phoenix Ridge was not far ahead.

Liu Yifei nodded. She had experienced it herself and found that it was indeed useful.

Since she and Chu Xuan have big plans for the future, and she and Chu Xuan want to create original works, it will definitely require a lot of knowledge accumulation. As producers and directors, what they strive for is cultural literacy.

On weekdays, whenever she and Chu Xuan had free time, they would read books to enrich themselves.

The next moment, Liu Yifei changed the topic and said with a smile: "Then can you resist those temptations?"

"What temptation?" Chu Xuan glanced at her, and then looked at the road ahead, but looking at the unique smile on her face, Chu Xuan couldn't help but said: "Your question makes me feel dangerous."

Liu Yifei shook her head and said, "No, just ask."

Chu Xuan put the gear on and said: "With the development of the Brilliant Era, I don't know where I will go in the future. Maybe my status will be getting higher and higher, and my assets will be getting more and more."

Chu Xuan stepped on the brakes and said: "One billion? Billions? Ten billion? I have never reached or experienced that level of change. I don't know if my mentality will change when I reach this point.

So I can’t answer your question.”

Liu Yifei smoothed her hair and nodded. In her opinion, Chu Xuan was telling the truth. After all, people grow up. As the position gets higher and higher, the mentality will definitely change, but it may be good or bad.

It's just a difference.

"However." Chu Xuan slowly drove the car into the parking lot and said, "I have a very clear understanding of one thing."

"What?" Liu Yifei looked at him.

Chu Xuan stopped the car steadily, looked at her and said: "Our mutual achievements and career compatibility cannot be replaced by anyone. As long as we make steady progress, both of us are indispensable."

, we only need to maintain a balance between the two parties, and any temptation will be just a cloud in front of us."

The corners of Liu Yifei's mouth gradually turned up, her face softened.

Chu Xuan looked at her warmly and kissed her lips.

After Chu Xuan separated, Liu Yifei immediately returned the kiss playfully.

"Get out of the car." Chu Xuan opened the door and walked out, then closed the door with a bang.

Liu Yifei got out of the car on the passenger side, closed the door and walked towards the front of the car, reaching out to Chu Xuan.

Chu Xuan held her hand and clasped her fingers tightly.

"The air is good." Liu Yifei spread out her other arm, raised her head to face the sky, closed her eyes and took a breath, feeling the beauty of nature.

Chu Xuan walked up the mountain side by side with her, walking leisurely.

It was nearly six o'clock in the morning, and the sky was getting slightly brighter.

At the break of dawn, wandering among the mountains and rivers, accompanied by her beloved, Liu Yifei's heart was filled with joy, and her eyes looking at the scenery made ripples.

The refreshing air in the mountains made Liu Yifei couldn't help but say: "After the new rain in the empty mountains, the weather comes late...spring."

Chu Xuan pursed his lips and said, "If I remember correctly, it should be the late autumn weather?"

Liu Yifei walked forward, tilted her head and pouted cutely at Chu Xuan, saying: "It's just that the weather is late and spring is coming, that's what I said."

Chu Xuan nodded repeatedly and said: "You are right, but I remembered it wrong."

Liu Yifei pursed her lips and smiled. Feeling Chu Xuan's favor, her steps became lighter and she even jumped from time to time.

"After the new rain in the empty mountains, the weather will be late and spring will come!" She read it again to nature.

Seeing her cheerful look, Chu Xuan thought for a while and said: "At this time when the sky is still dark, I suddenly heard the fairy voice of Wise Words in my ears. I wonder if I am lucky enough to ask this girl her name?"

Liu Yifei blinked her eyes cutely. She felt quite amused by Chu Xuan's words, so she cooperated and said, "The little girl's last name is Liu, her last name is Qian, and her given name is Chenyu."

Chu Xuan was startled for a moment, the word Chenyu?

He couldn't help but recall all the joking scenes about "Liu Chenyu" in the past and laughed.

"May I ask what the young master's name is?" Liu Yifei said playfully, while holding Chu Xuan's hand, she walked backwards and faced Chu Xuan face to face.

Chu Xuan thought for a moment and said: "The boy's surname is Chu, his surname is Xuan, and his surname is Pan An."

The word is Pan An?...Liu Yifei made a "puff" sound and covered her mouth with joy.

"We are both so ashamed," she said.

Chu Xuan looked around and said: "It's okay, there is no one nearby, no one can see our shame."

Liu Yifei bent down, overjoyed.

Seeing that he was about to turn a corner ahead, Chu Xuan pulled Liu Yifei's hand.

Liu Yifei turned her head and glanced, then returned to Chu Xuan's side and walked side by side.

Fog started to form on the road, and the fog became thicker as we walked up the mountain.

This is a good sign, indicating that the weather will be fine today.

When Liu Yifei saw this scene, the sight of white mist mixed with the mountains floating in the darkness, she couldn't help but express admiration.

Probably because her artistic heart couldn't be restrained, she lightly parted her pink lips: "The mountains are not high, if there are immortals, they will be famous; if the water is not deep, if there are dragons, there will be spirits; this is a humble house, but I am virtuous; there are great scholars who talk and laugh,

There’s no one who comes and goes…”

"It's a bit fake." Chu Xuan said, his thumb carelessly stroked the back of Liu Yifei's hand, feeling the coldness on the back of her hand, he took Liu Yifei's hand and put it into his purse.

"Why fake?" Liu Yifei asked.

Chu Xuan's move of putting her hand into her purse made her feel warm, but Chu Xuan's words made her curious.

Chu Xuan tilted his head towards her and said: "As long as I have some money, I won't live in the mountains. I guess I am too poor and have no choice but to live in a humble house."

Liu Yifei laughed, slapped Chu Xuan, and said angrily: "I just had some feelings, and you ruined my artistic conception!"

Chu Xuan raised his lips slightly and said, "I'll give you something with some artistic conception."

Liu Yifei smoothed her hair and said, "Come on."

Chu Xuan pointed at the sky and said, "Yuns are born in the southeast."

Liu Yifei followed his finger and looked around. It was already past six o'clock, and the dark sky cracked open, and layers of clouds appeared.

Chu Xuan made a half circle with his finger and said: "The fog is rising from the northwest."

Liu Yifei turned her head and looked around, seeing white mist lingering among the mountains in front of her.

"Sometimes the breeze creates air-conditioning."

Liu Yifei blinked, there was indeed wind blowing on her face with air-conditioning on this mountain.

"In a moment, the rain will enter the world."

Rain?...Liu Yifei felt it, it rained last night, and the air was indeed very moist.

"It nourishes the crops and nourishes the crops, and the flower branches hang with exquisite jade."

"The land is fertile and the grass is tipped with emerald pearls."

Liu Yifei lowered her head and looked down at the farmland down the mountain, and then looked at the morning dew on the nearby flowers and plants.

She looked at Chu Xuan, her eyes fluttering, and said: "Okay, classmate Chu Xuan, a cultural person! Which poem is this?"

Chu Xuan shook his head and said: "It's not a poem, it's just a simple description. It comes from "The Romance of the Gods". It should be a description of a certain scene about Dong Jun."

"Who is Dongjun?" Liu Yifei asked curiously.

"The first male immortal." Chu Xuan replied.

"Oh, the head of the female fairies is the Queen Mother of the West?" Liu Yifei said.

"Yes." Chu Xuan nodded.

Already halfway up the mountain, Liu Yifei took Chu Xuan's hand and jumped forward.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, except for the faint gray that temporarily covered the blue behind.

Climbing high and looking into the distance, Liu Yifei looked down at the unobstructed view of the capital city, her eyes showing her utmost admiration.

"When I was a freshman, there weren't that many high-rise buildings in HD District." Chu Xuan said softly, watching the city scenery with Liu Yifei.

Liu Yifei said "Yeah" and said softly: "Time flies so fast, and the city develops so fast."

Chu Xuan nodded and said: "This shows that the country is getting stronger and stronger."

Liu Yifei frowned slightly, but then she was startled. The mention of "country" suddenly reminded her of something.

"Last night, I overheard my mother and Sister Hua discussing my return to nationality," she said.

Chu Xuan was stunned for a moment, and then said: "It would be best if I could turn back."

Liu Yifei nodded and looked at Chu Xuan with a gentle look.

Chu Xuan caught her in this state with his peripheral vision and couldn't help but look at her.

"What's wrong?" he said.

Liu Yifei blinked, with a playful look on her face, and said, "I heard from my mother and Sister Hua that we should wait until we get the small notebook before talking."

A small notebook?...Chu Xuan thought for a while, then reacted and said: "What a small notebook?"

Liu Yifei raised her eyebrows and said, "Don't pretend to be stupid."

Chu Xuan smiled slightly and said nothing.

Liu Yifei moved the hand held by Chu Xuan in his purse, wrapped it around his palm, and said, "When are you going to get the notebook?"

Chu Xuan was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Liu Yifei to ask so directly.

He looked at Liu Yifei, and Liu Yifei also looked at him.

Looking at each other for a while, Chu Xuan said gently: "Wait until you finish your training?"

Liu Yifei wrinkled her nose charmingly, and then gradually raised the corners of her mouth. She didn't say anything, and turned back to look at the scenery, but her heart was pounding.

Chu Xuan stopped talking and looked at the natural scenery in the morning with her, feeling very happy in his heart.

Maybe this topic is a bit sensitive for both parties, and the shame deep in the hearts of the two people who have been together for many years bursts out.

Silent for a long time.

Chu Xuan raised his hand and looked at his watch and said, "Go back, or your mother will wake up."

Liu Yifei took a deep breath, and the fresh air from the mountainside entered her nose, making her feel very refreshed.

Just at this moment, a rising sun broke through the clouds, and the light of dawn suddenly hit our face.

Liu Yifei smiled, took out the hand from Chu Xuan's purse, opened her arms and raised her head to face the sun.

Seeing this, Chu Xuan came to her back and hugged her, welcoming the first daylight with her.

Liu Yifei leaned back and leaned into Chu Xuan's arms, her two cheeks pressed together. She rubbed them gently a few times, feeling the familiar and warm love.

"Let's go." she said.

Liu Yifei turned around and took Chu Xuan's hand again, walking down the mountain with him.

"I will find time to continue in the future. Climbing the mountain so early in the morning is a wonderful thing. The most important thing is that there are only two of us," she said.

"Okay." Chu Xuan tightened Liu Yifei's hand and naturally nodded in agreement to her proposal.

On the mountain road going down, two figures gradually moved away.

In this early morning, no one knew that a pair of lovers embraced the rising sun here. This symbolically beautiful scene was the unique footprint of the two of them.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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