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Chapter 472 Female Driver

Chapter 472 Female Driver

Author: Write a new dream

Chapter 472 Female Driver

Under the leadership of Emily, the family visited Yale University.

The distinctive ivy wall surrounding the campus, the World War II record monument, the Sterling Memorial Library, and the appreciation hall that records the history of various countries around the world... let the whole family feel the history and cultural heritage of this school.

Emily also said that Yale University is the school with the most students from billionaires and wealthy families in the world.

Regardless of the pressure of being in the same class with these students, studying in a school with such a good environment and a strong knowledge base seems to be quite wonderful.

As the sun set, the family left the school, and Emily enthusiastically took them to the school gate in person.

"Goodbye everyone, Sissi. If there is anything you want to know or have any doubts, please call me or send me a message at any time."

"Okay, thank you, Teacher Emily."

The two sides said goodbye, Emily returned to campus, and the family walked in the direction of the car. Zhou Wenqiong was going to invite the family of three to the restaurant for dinner.

On the street across from the school gate, there was a black car in the parking area, with the driver's window half-open.

Luo Xiaozhong took a high-definition long-tube camera and took several photos of a family across the street.

Ordinary paparazzi use cameras, but he is holding a professional camera. From this point, we can see the difference between him and his peers and the gap in professionalism.

He put the camera down, placed it on the passenger seat, turned the key and prepared to start the vehicle.

After spending a day with Chu Xuan and Liu Yifei, he was quite fruitful.

Eli community, where this family lives.

Yale University is obviously a place to study.

"Liu Yifei comes here to study." He immediately thought of this result.

The reason why Chu Xuan was not taken into consideration was because he knew that the Brilliant Era was developing rapidly, and as a boss, Chu Xuan could not stay outside the company for a long time, let alone a foreign country.

"Chu Xuan should be here to accompany Liu Yifei for a while and do some business." He had some prediction of Chu Xuan's intention.

Based on the information obtained so far, he also made an estimate of its news value.

Liu Yifei went abroad to study. This is a very fresh news, and it will cause some heat when it comes back to China.

But this is not enough. Further education is a relatively normal thing. If Liu Yifei was not so popular, this incident might not even be considered a piece of news.

What he was more concerned about was the living conditions of Chu Xuan and Liu Yifei alone after they separated.

Domestic audiences have watched the two together too much. If they continuously post their separate daily scenes, it will trigger a continuous sense of freshness among netizens, and the benefits will last for a period of time.

Compared with news like Liu Yifei's further studies, the situation after Chu Xuan and Liu Yifei separated is obviously more valuable.

As a senior and international-level entertainment reporter, he quickly figured out how to maximize the benefits of filming Liu Yifei.

Therefore, he needed to wait for Chu Xuan to leave before filming Liu Yifei alone.

He had a premonition that this would be a protracted battle, but the most important thing in this business, besides brains, was patience.

He never lacked patience, otherwise he would not have traveled around the world for several years, not only made a name for himself, but also earned a lot of savings.

I followed him for a day and took a lot of photos, and he wasn't going to send them back to China now.

Once it is sent back to China, Brilliant Times including Chu Xuan and Liu Yifei will immediately know that someone is following the photoshoot.

He is confident that no one can detect him, but it will definitely make the family wary and even reclusive, which is equivalent to making his candid photography work more difficult.

He plans to take his time, accumulate daily photos, and then send one or two back to China every day at about the same time to whet the appetite of netizens and provide continuous news to increase his commission income.

Seeing the family getting into the nanny car and leaving, Xiaozhong Luo turned the steering wheel and followed slowly.

Under the guidance of Zhou Wenqiong, the driver of the nanny van quickly came to a stop in front of a restaurant.

Chu Xuan and Liu Yifei got out of the car and looked at the restaurant sign, and they suddenly became very interested.

Happy-Home is the name of this restaurant, which can be translated as happy home or happy home.

But that's not important. What's important is that this is a Chinese restaurant.

"The only Chinese restaurant in New Haven." Zhou Wenqiong slammed the car door.

Chu Xuan nodded. Through today's experience, he found that this aunt was really reliable and considered everything carefully.

Although Liu Xiaoli and Liu Yifei are very close relatives to her, there are many strangers or troublesome people in this relationship.

Zhou Wenqiong's behavior of coming here a week in advance to get some trivial matters done because Liu Xiaoli and Liu Yifei were coming to New Haven undoubtedly does not mean that the relationship between this family is really good, and this is a real family.

"Chu Xuan?!"

"Liu Yifei?!"

As soon as the group of people entered the restaurant, there was an exclamation.

The foreign friends present heard the sound and looked at the unfamiliar faces of the family, and turned back with some doubts.

There was a girl who was probably underage, holding a plate with her left hand and covering her mouth with her right hand as she looked at the family in surprise, looking in disbelief.

Receiving the girl's exclamation, the two people who seemed to be the boss and the boss's wife also looked over.

Chu Xuan and Liu Yifei walked towards each other and greeted each other in Chinese. It felt like meeting an old friend in a foreign country.

After some cordial exchanges, the group found out that the girl, the boss, and the wife of the boss were a family of three.

The girl and the boss's surname is He, and the boss's surname is Fang. Their daughter is in high school and works as a restaurant waiter after class or during holidays. The boss's wife sits at the cashier and the boss is responsible for cooking.

This family of three has a clear division of labor, which is quite interesting.

"It's good now. I won't be afraid of what I eat in the future." Liu Yifei looked at the menu, and she was quite pleased with the familiar dishes on the menu.

Food is something that everyone likes and is a necessity in everyone's life. Being able to eat delicious domestic food abroad is something that makes her very happy.

"It's casual. It's fate to meet you abroad. I'll treat you to this meal." Boss He had a kind face and seemed very generous and enthusiastic.

It is often said that when you meet a Chinese person in a foreign country, if the other person is a businessman, you will be the one being cheated.

In fact, this is not the case. Unfriendly events are abnormal events, while friendly events are normal events.

For the media, how many people like to watch normal events? Of course, it is easier to arouse public opinion by reporting abnormal events.

Affected by the media, some people in China will stubbornly believe that everything abroad is unfriendly.

But like Boss He, who treats guests as soon as he comes and has a generous attitude, he is a normal business person.

Liu Yifei is a star, so she is naturally not short of money, and Liu Yifei will stay in New Haven for more than two years.

So, first give Liu Yifei a good impression, and how much will Liu Yifei spend in our store in the next two years or so?

Anyone with a little bit of business acumen will know what long-term interests are if they think about it.

Regarding Boss He's kindness, Chu Xuan and Liu Yifei repeatedly shied away from it. They didn't have to pay for a meal, and they were too embarrassed to accept Boss He's warm hospitality.

But Boss He insisted on treating them, saying that he wanted to express his welcome to them.

The family couldn't resist, and finally accepted Boss He's warm hospitality.

"How does it taste?" Boss He and his family put the dishes on the table.

Chu Xuan and Liu Yifei took a bite of the bullfrog. Liu Yifei nodded repeatedly. The delicious food made her squint her eyes: "It's so delicious. No wonder the business is so good."

"It's really delicious." Liu Xiaoli praised.

"Michelin level." Chu Xuan nodded.

Boss He laughed, and his face was brightened by the compliments from the group: "Please feel free to use it. If you think it suits your taste, you can come back often. You can also call us and we will deliver the goods."

"Okay." Liu Yifei accepted happily.

Boss He took the mother and daughter away. Zhou Wenqiong asked while eating: "Xiaoxuan, how do you feel when you come to the United States for the first time?"

Chu Xuan paused for a moment and continued to eat: "Except for the different environment, there seems to be no big difference. The biggest feeling is that Teacher Emily, this European and American expression is quite straightforward."

Hearing Chu Xuan mention Emily, Zhou Wenqiong smiled slightly: "Snobbish, right? This is normal. Many students in this school are either rich or noble. If a lower-class person stays here for a long time, he will also talk to Amy.

Like Li, she is not only good at observing people's words and emotions, but also actively interacts with anyone who is better than her."

Liu Xiaoli clinked glasses with her daughter and took a sip of red wine: "It's not that she expressed it in a straightforward way. It's because Emily knew that she would rarely have the chance to meet you again, so she praised you straightforwardly, even if you guessed what she was thinking.

It's okay, as long as she takes care of Sissi in school from now on, you will accept her as a favor."

Chu Xuan nodded, picked up the chopsticks and picked up the food: "It's quite scheming."

Zhou Wenqiong picked up the wine glass and touched it lightly with Chu Xuan's wine glass: "You are so young and become the teaching assistant of the advanced training class recognized as the highest level in the school. How can you survive without any tricks?"

"Yes." Chu Xuan nodded slightly and took the food into his mouth.

"Never mind her." Liu Yifei put down her wine glass and wiped her mouth with paper: "As long as you know she won't hurt me, it doesn't matter if she's not scheming, you can interact with her how you want."

"Not bad." Zhou Wenqiong smiled, stretched out her hand and pinched her niece's face: "Seeing things so thoroughly at such a young age will save your mother a lot of worry."

Seeing her aunt squeezing her face like a child, Liu Yifei pouted and looked at her like a baby. When she heard that it would save her mother's worries, she smiled at her mother again.

The whole family had a delicious Chinese dinner in this strange place and dispersed at night.

After returning to the hotel, they gathered together to watch TV and chat for a while. Since they had to get up early the next day to rent a house, they each went back to their rooms and fell asleep early.

Chu Xuan and Liu Yifei didn't know much about the efficiency of the relevant domestic departments.

But going through some formalities in New Haven allowed them to see a spectacle.

"Please wait a moment." The public official at the window took the document.

Chu Xuan, Liu Yifei, Liu Xiaoli, and Zhou Wenqiong returned to the hall and waited for the call.

According to Zhou Wenqiong, checking in as Liu Yifei's American nationality should be a very simple matter.

However, after the public officials received the documents, they did not summon them for a long time, which made them feel that this matter was not simple.

Zhou Wenqiong also couldn't figure it out. The systems and standards of each state in the United States are different. Unlike China's unified code of conduct, it was her first time in New Haven and she didn't know how complicated the service procedures here were.


But an hour later, Liu Yifei was called to the window, and Chu Xuan, Liu Xiaoli, and Zhou Wenqiong followed.

"Just sign here." The public official said.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was confused.

The same documents were not reviewed. The public officials seemed to have left them untouched, flipped through them without even looking at them, and finally stamped them in person.

Then just sign it?

Then what did you do earlier?

Can't you let Liu Yifei sign first?

For an hour, Chu Xuan listened to the public official chatting about cosmetics, health care, and men with the people next to him. He thought she was chatting while working.

Daqing is all about chatting and not working?

Chu Xuan was also convinced. The process was just signing, and he insisted on grinding for an hour.

Liu Yifei was also speechless. She signed the document and turned around to leave.

Looking at the foreign friends in the lobby, some are playing with their mobile phones, some are resting with their eyes closed, and some are smoking at the door and waiting for the lottery. They seem to be accustomed to such situations and are not in a hurry.

Chu Xuan felt funny in his heart. People said that America is a country of freedom and leisure. This time he really realized the "romance" of it.

In China, as long as you have money, an ID card, and a good eye, it only takes ten minutes to sign a contract and rent a house.

Zhou Wenqiong called the bearded agent, and it took Chu Xuan and Liu Xiaoli to accompany Liu Yifei for three days to finalize the rental matter.

No wonder some immigrants say that foreign countries are good. In fact, there is a certain truth. Compared with the increasingly fast pace of life in China, the pace here is really slow, so slow that you want to hit people, and slow enough to make yourself gradually change.

If you become decadent and lose your goals, you will only enjoy yourself.

Liu Yifei will live in New Haven for two years, so transportation tools are obviously necessary.

After settling the rental matter, spending a day packing the luggage, cleaning the villa and adding some decorations and objects, the group accompanied Liu Yifei to take the driver's license test.

Originally, it was hoped that Liu Yifei would take the driving license test in China, but last year there were so many things going on that there was no time to complete the matter, so we had to decide later.

Liu Yifei seemed very excited about being able to drive with a driver's license. She had always had a small wish that one day she would drive a sports car and go racing to feel the excitement.

After getting together with Chu Xuan, this wish turned into hoping that one day I would race with Chu Xuan to compete and experience the speed and passion with my boyfriend.

The process of registration, driving practice, and examination is quite simple. Of course, Chu Xuan's "money ability" is indispensable in this process.

If he were in China, even if he had the "money ability", he might not be able to use it. At least those who wanted to curry favor with him would help him get some things done.

But in this foreign country, Chu Xuan suddenly discovered that his "money ability" was really useful.

While others practice driving for an hour, Liu Yifei practices casually.

When others are called dogs by their coaches, what Liu Yifei hears the most is: That’s great, come on.

If you are a female student, you will occasionally be taken advantage of by the coach, but when it comes to Liu Yifei, the coach is very honest, as if you are a good teacher of the people and a good gardener of the country.

As a Chinese, Chu Xuan said that it was really satisfying to be able to have foreigners have such an attitude, even though he used his "money skills".

"Slow down, slow down!"

On a spacious road rarely used by people outside a suburban car dealership, a blue convertible BMW sports car was speeding.

Liu Yifei was sitting in the driver's seat, wearing sunglasses and driving happily.

Chu Xuan sat in the passenger seat and looked closely at the road ahead.

Liu Xiaoli and Zhou Wenqiong were in the back seat, repeatedly exclaiming and asking Liu Yifei to drive slower.

Liu Yifei slowed down the car, frowned and muttered: "You have to believe me!"

Liu Xiaoli shook her head repeatedly: "I don't believe it."

She was straightforward and did not give her daughter any face.

Liu Yifei couldn't laugh or cry.

"It's better to slow down." Zhou Wenqiong was a little scared.

Liu Yifei wrinkled her nose and pouted.

She turned her head and glanced at Chu Xuan, wanting to see if her boyfriend believed her.

"How about I drive?" Chu Xuan asked tentatively.

Liu Yifei immediately snorted and slowed down the car again, reaching 60 mph.

Liu Xiaoli felt the steady speed and breathed a sigh of relief: "You don't want to think about how you got your driver's license and how many procedures were omitted. It's better to be steady."

Chu Xuan's "money-making ability" allowed Liu Yifei to speed up the process of obtaining a driver's license. During the driving process, some driving links were greatly reduced, and she was arranged in advance to complete the test as quickly as possible.

After hearing what she said, Chu Xuan and Zhou Wenqiong burst into laughter.

"Oh, I'm driving, don't make me laugh!" Liu Yifei was afraid that something might happen while driving, so she slowly slowed down the car until it stopped on the side of the road, then she leaned on the steering wheel and laughed out loud.

Liu Xiaoli is worthy of being a mother. She has never lowered her level of complaints about her daughter.

"It doesn't matter. It's not like you can't drive. Just skip the parts of driving practice." Chu Xuan said.

When she was in the capital, Liu Yifei often changed seats with him to practice driving.

As time went by, although Liu Yifei did not have a driver's license before, she was already able to drive a vehicle skillfully.

"That's right, it's not like I can't drive!" Liu Yifei said arrogantly, confidently starting the car and preparing to drive again.

"But it's better to slow down. There are rumors that female drivers are road killers. It's not unreasonable. Let's take it slow." Chu Xuan said again.

Rumor has it that Liu Xiaoli and Zhou Wenqiong were amused when Chu Xuan teased Liu Yifei like this.

Liu Yifei's confident face changed, and she glared at Chu Xuan angrily. She moved her right hand skillfully on the gear shifter, stepped on the clutch and then stepped on the accelerator, released the clutch and accelerated again, accelerating again blindly for a second.

Eyes blocked.

Repeat this, and after five seconds, there is only a "buzz" sound, and a blue "white shadow" flashes past on the road.

"Slow down, slow down!!"

The mixed voices of Chu Xuan, Liu Xiaoli and Zhou Wenqiong were messy in the wind.

(End of chapter)

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