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Chapter 497: Too Much Happened

Chapter 497 A lot of things happened

Author: Write a new dream

Chapter 497 A lot of things happened

New Haven, United States.

In an old apartment not far from the Yi Lai community, the lights are a little dim.

On the desktop laptop, Weiyu, Tianya Forum, Tieba, Maopu... and other domestic social networking sites are fully open in the browser. The current page shows Weiyu, and the comments in the comment area are silent.


The refresh speed is very fast. If you don't touch it with the mouse to stop it, you can't see clearly what the comments that are constantly refreshing are saying.

In addition to a laptop computer, there are photos arranged in a messy manner on the desktop.

There are many photos with different backgrounds, but the same thing is that the owner of the photos is the same person - Liu Yifei.

Luo Xiaozhong was sitting on a chair, with his left leg bent and propped up on the chair. His left hand was resting on his knee, and he and his right hand were flipping through the photos in their hands.

His face was covered with stubble, and he must have been unkempt for some time, giving him a sense of vicissitudes of life.

He still had a cigarette in his mouth, and the ashes that kept the shape of the smoke ring extended for several centimeters without falling off, looking precarious.

The smoke was thick and dazzling. He lowered his head and looked at the photo in his hand with half-squinted eyes, lost in thought.

Liu Yifei's further studies were not made public before, so this matter can be regarded as his exclusive tracking news.

But today's "breakup incident" occurred, and Liu Yifei's further education was widely publicized.

Don't think too much, there will definitely be colleagues who will inquire about the information and come to New Haven to compete with him for business.

He suddenly "hissed", and the sparks burned to the butt of the cigarette without realizing it. The corner of his mouth was burned. He raised his hand and threw away the cigarette quickly, and the few centimeters of ash drifted away in an instant.

He quickly reached out and patted the cigarette ash that fell on his pants. Some of the cigarette ash was deflated, leaving a few dirty black and gray traces of cigarette ash on his pants.

Principal Luo sighed, today's unexpected scene disrupted his plan.

My sister is still lying in the hospital, waiting for money for treatment.

His current harvest is estimated to be only a few hundred thousand, which is still far from his goal.

Originally, he thought about continuing to follow Liu Yifei during the exclusive news stage in order to gain more, but he did not expect that today, Bright Times would make the news about Liu Yifei public.

Faced with this situation, he currently has two choices.

One is to call it a day and return to China, the other is to continue.

"Even if those people find out about New Haven, it will take some time. Let's continue working. It will depend on the situation."

Principal Luo made a decision, took out a cigarette from the cigarette pack, and lit it with a "pop" of lighter.

He took a puff of cigarette, raised his eyebrows and looked at the message on the screen, but it was a joke: "Jin Zaixi..."

He paused, then smiled and said, "What a powerful woman."

He made an evaluation, took another puff of cigarette, and then said to himself in a joking tone: "However, let's forget about using your family's power to control public opinion in South Korea. Go to China and do the same thing you did in South Korea.


"Tens of thousands of comments are considered public opinion in South Korea, but they are nothing in China."

"In South Korea you can easily control the direction of fans' public opinion, but you still do this when faced with tens of millions of fans in China."

"Be careful if you take it off, it will be more interesting."

After muttering to himself, Luo Xiaozhong took a deep breath from his cigarette, threw it away, picked up his coat hanging on the back of the chair, stood up and left.

Now that I have chosen to continue working, it’s time to go and stay at the gate of Yi Lai Community.

——Elay Community.

It's almost noon, in the big villa.

In a small studio, under three fixed lenses, Liu Yifei walked, and each step seemed to be a fixed distance.

At the door of the studio, Caitlin folded her arms and leaned against the door, watching the excitement.

Seeing Liu Yifei walking like a little daughter, she couldn't help but said: "Then what kind of princess is not a general? You don't walk like a general like this."

Liu Yifei did not stop because of her words, and continued walking, considering her steps, and replied: "Princess Nihuang is a general when she puts on a military uniform. After taking off the military uniform, she can be appropriately gentle and gentle. It is best to create a contrast. A person always

It needs to be multi-faceted, I want to perform both the postures of Princess Nihuang."

Hearing this, Caitlin raised her eyebrows. She didn't know how to act, so naturally Liu Yifei did whatever she said.

"Didn't the boss propose that you play an elf in a movie and use a bow and arrow as a weapon? Are you going to practice some time? There is a local shooting club. I will take you there." She changed the subject.

Liu Yifei didn't look back, and was still practicing her steps: "It's not an elf, it's a human, it's just a bow and arrow as a weapon, and he wants me to wear linen, like a beggar, really."

Hearing Liu Yifei's complaints, Caitlin felt very interesting: "If I were you, I wouldn't want this boyfriend."

Hearing such a joke, Liu Yifei stopped, turned her head and winked at Caitlin, then puffed out her cheeks like a small bun, and then smiled again: "I want it."

As soon as the dog food came, Caitlin couldn't help but shook her head: "I'm going to Boss He's for lunch at noon. You can go and prepare now."

Hearing this, Liu Yifei stopped practicing her steps, turned around and walked in the direction of Caitlin, raised her hands and smoothed her hair: "I'll go up and rest for a while."

Under Caitlin's watch, Liu Yifei clattered up the stairs.

Arriving at the bedroom, Liu Yifei walked into the bathroom and filled the bathtub with water. The amount of water was small to control the speed at which the bathtub filled with water, but the water temperature was not so hot when the water was filled. This was her habit of taking a bath.

She returned to the bedroom, sat down at the desk, entered the password to unlock the laptop screen, and prepared to surf the Internet to kill the boring time before taking a bath.

She logged into Weiyu, raised her eyebrows and looked at the page for a moment, her face blank.

In the hot search section, news that surprised her appeared.

-Yuan Fang, how do you see?

—Guess with prizes: Can Gui Li resurrect Baguio?

- "Detective Detective Dee 2" ranked first in ratings during the same time period, setting a new high.

—On which one is stronger or weaker in combat between Ghost Li and Ghost King.

—Zhang Ziyi appeared at the Cannes Film Festival wearing a "bellyband".

—Zou Xun appeared at the Cannes Film Festival and lamented: There are so many people.

—Chu Xuan is suspected of breaking up with Liu Yifei?

—The Tianya forum was blasted within three hours.

—Tianya Forum issued a statement: Please be rational and pursue stars!

—Liu Yifei went to the United States for further study: I ​​want to be independent and self-reliant!

"What happened?" Liu Yifei blinked blankly.

She scrolled through the web page and looked at the hot searches, especially since the "breakup" hot search, basically all of them were news about her and Chu Xuan.

However, there was no such news before going to bed last night.

From going to bed last night, to getting up this morning, to training until now, what happened in these ten hours?

Why are she and Chu Xuan breaking up?

Why do these inexplicable news items appear on hot searches all at once?

Also, my interview has been published?

There's a lot going on here.

Liu Yifei was very curious and opened them one by one from back to front in the order of hot searches.

When she saw the report about [Zhang Nala's partner Chu Xuan], she frowned and felt a little uncomfortable.

But after reading the entire message, she frowned again and muttered: "It's just for the heat."

She has been with Sister Hua and the others in the company for several years, and she can still distinguish marketing, public relations and other things at a glance.

Exit this report and scroll up.

After seeing the reports and comments about "Ren Quan Hotel Opening, All Stars Gathering", she suddenly realized that Chu Xuan showed up alone without her, and then black fans said they broke up.

[Hells, Liu Yifei is going to the United States for further study. If you have anything else to say, please tell me. Grandpa, I will stay with you until the end. 】

[Nothing to say? Keep going, you bunch of idiots! 】

[Even if your mother breaks off the relationship with you, Chu Xuan and Liu Yifei will not break up.]

[Come on, come on, you guys, don’t run away, let’s fight all night long!]


Liu Yifei saw all the slanderous comments and could only imagine what was going on.

It was probably the anti-fans who attacked first, and then the audience and fans of her and Chu Xuan counterattacked.

Although looking at the trends in the comment area, she and Chu Xuan's audience and fans currently have the upper hand, but some vulgar words still made her frown. Such arguments made her feel bad.

She exited this hot search and looked at her interview again - [Set sail, I will be stronger when I return.]

This news report was posted on the official WeChat account of Bright Times. It was accompanied by a video of her interview at the time, as well as some very inspirational copywriting. Most of the comments in the comment section were supportive of her remarks.

["I don't want to rely on anyone, even if he is my boyfriend." That's so awesome! Liu Yifei, I will always support you, come on! 】

["Chu Xuan was the one who helped me in the past. I hope that I will be the one to help him in the future, so I have to become stronger." I like Liu Yifei like this! So handsome! 】

["To get to this point, I often rely on luck, but I hope I can rely on strength in the future. I will work hard to get what I want." I like your hard work and personality, smiley face.jgp.]

["Some people have always said that Chu Xuan took me. It might be interesting if I take him in the future." Haha, I like this sentence very much. Chu Xuan, be careful. Your girlfriend is going to make you soft.


[I love this interview so much! I love Liu Yifei so much! There are no words to describe it. You will always be my idol! You are my fairy sister!]

[Super unique, Liu Yifei rushes! 】

【Liu Yifei, come on!!】


Liu Yifei burst into laughter, and the comments from the audience and fans made her feel inspired and gave her more motivation to move forward.

She moved the mouse to exit this report, and then scrolled up to read another hot search - [Tianya Forum: Please be rational and chase stars].

When she clicked on this hot search and took a look, she was surprised.

She and Chu Xuan’s audience and fans are fighting against forum black fans?

The forum's server couldn't withstand the pressure and was forced to close the post?

Liu Yifei immediately opened a new web page and logged into Tianya Forum to see what was going on.

There are many sections on the Tianya forum. She opened the [Entertainment] section with ease and found a post with ease.

The reason why she is so familiar is mainly because this post left a deep impression on her back then and was specifically designed to blackmail her.

The post is currently in a muted state, but the content in the post is still visible.

[Liu Yifei was just a newcomer when she was in "Golden Dust", and her acting skills were indeed not very good, but which actor didn't come here like this? Just say one or two words, and you still keep criticizing her now. Are you mentally distorted?

[What’s wrong with bringing money into the group? Which of the male and female protagonists in film and television dramas didn’t bring money into the group? This is why they have to complain? Can’t they do it if they have the capital? 】

[Liu Yifei was kept by a giant man? This is the funniest thing! Liu’s mother brought Liu Yifei up since she was a child, and the mother and daughter have always been together. You should first ask your mother if she would like to see her daughter being kept, and then discuss this issue with me.


[Liu Yifei left the Red Star House and said she was being kept by Chu Xuan. This is also funny. When Chu Xuan and Liu Yifei were together, Chu Xuan still had nothing, okay! 】

[That is, at that time, Chu Xuan had not yet debuted and had no reputation. Liu Yifei was much more popular than Chu Xuan. How could Chu Xuan support him? How could he be supported by the mouths of you black men? Some people just don’t look at the facts! 】

[Is Liu Yifei playing Xiao Longnu a secret operation? This really amused me. Chu Xuan is Liu Yifei’s boyfriend. Isn’t it normal to help his girlfriend get resources? Oh, it’s right not to help your girlfriend to help others, right?

[Chu Xuan and Liu Yifei have fallen in love early and are eating up your family's rice? If it affects teenagers, blame Chu Xuan and Liu Yifei? What the hell are parents who eat shit? They can't control their own children and blame others? ]

[Whenever something happens, I blame others. According to your logic, if I am poor, I blame my parents? If I go astray, I blame the society. If I learn bad things, I blame the news I see? What kind of logic! Come on! 】


Liu Yifei's eyes widened, and there were so many comments about her talking to Chu Xuan that she couldn't help but be stunned.

She has never encountered such a situation. The negative fans who once made her very sad seemed to have disappeared, and she did not see many negative comments.

Looking at the page number [999+] at the bottom, I don’t know how many comments have accumulated. No wonder the forum’s server cannot withstand the pressure. This is completely a sign of the pressure of the army.

After so many years, she no longer worries about the past of being hacked.

But seeing so many viewers and fans fighting for her, even though she felt vaguely that this wasn't very good, she felt moved and relieved.

At this moment, she also completely understood the reason why there were so many hot searches related to her and Chu Xuan.

First, Chu Xuan appeared at Renquan Hotel and was found to be alone.

Then she was attacked by black fans, saying that she and Chu Xuan broke up.

The audience and fans have no definite reason to fight back and are therefore passive.

It wasn't until news of her interview came out that viewers and fans fought back against the negative fans' comments.

In the end, the audience and fans were displeased and chose to go straight to Huanglong, destroying the forum where she was hacked.

After figuring out all this, Liu Yifei looked at the time and found that it was about eleven o'clock in the morning, so it should be about eleven o'clock in the evening at Chu Xuan's place.

"Should we go home after dinner?" She muttered, picking up her mobile phone and dialing Chu Xuan's number.

After a while, the call was connected.

"Go home?" she asked immediately.

"I'm back, I just took a shower." Chu Xuan's voice came from the other side of the phone.

Hearing Chu Xuan's voice, Liu Yifei stood up happily, then jumped on the bed and lay on the bed: "Have you read the news on the Internet?"

"I just took a look." Chu Xuan replied.

Liu Yifei thought for a while, wondering what words to use to describe what she just saw. After thinking for a while, she couldn't think of any good words, and finally she said: "So strong."

"Yeah." Chu Xuan said with a smile: "It's indeed a bit fierce."

"But I feel that this situation is not very good." Liu Yifei frowned slightly.

"Well, the impact is not good." Chu Xuan and Liu Yifei agreed, but they added, "But it's beyond our control."

"That's right." Liu Yifei nodded, and then changed the topic: "What's going on with Zhang Nala, is he partnering with you?"

"Don't worry about the heat." Chu Xuan said.

Liu Yifei's legs swung at the end of the bed, and there was a hint of slyness in her eyes: "But I think that Zhang Nala is quite beautiful, and she would be a good partner with you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Xuan chuckled from the phone: "Witch, are you trying to dig a hole for me again? Please stop your thoughts, I won't be fooled."

Liu Yifei turned over from the bed and looked at the chandelier on the ceiling. Seeing that Chu Xuan had not fallen into her trick, she smiled: "What are you doing now?"

Chu Xuan said: "Lie on the bed and get ready to sleep. How about you?"

Liu Yifei glanced in the direction of the bathroom, listening to the sound of water running in her ears. She suddenly looked naughty and said with a slightly seductive tone: "I'm ready to take a bath, will you come?"

The other side of the phone fell into silence, and then there was a burst of laughter: "Witch! Believe it or not, I'm flying over to kill you right now!"

"Come on." Liu Yifei was so happy that she turned over and lay on the bed again.

"Okay, let's stop here, otherwise we will get too angry. What are your plans for the afternoon?" Chu Xuan said.

"Uncle He's Chinese restaurant is celebrating its first anniversary today, and my mother and I were invited to have a free Overlord meal." Liu Yifei said happily.

Uncle He is Boss He, the owner of the only Chinese restaurant in New Haven. He had been to this restaurant when Chu Xuan accompanied Liu Yifei here. After Chu Xuan left, Liu Yifei and Liu Xiaoli also frequented the business, and they became acquaintances and friends over time.


"Send me a message that business is booming." Chu Xuan said.

Liu Yifei said "Yeah": "Then you go to bed early, I'm going to take a shower."

"Well, good afternoon."

"Good night."

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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