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Chapter 568 Meeting at Morning Tea Room

In the Chinese restaurant, Grande and Jack were sitting in a booth by the window. During the conversation, they suddenly saw a car approaching on the roadside outside the window. Grande said "Here we come", and Jack tilted his head and looked out the window.

When he saw Liu Yifei opening the car door and revealing her figure, he vaguely remembered that he had seen her once. He had seen her inadvertently at the door of the teaching building a few months ago when he was waiting for Ailande to finish the exam, but he had no impression of her after a quick glance at her.

When he saw Liu Yifei getting out of the car and revealing her full face, he thought of another woman, Kim Jae Hee.

The only two women among a group of investors made him subconsciously compare them.

It's just that these two women are different in every aspect except their beauty. The only similarity is the indescribable temperament. One is mature and stable to the extreme, and the other is young and intellectual and cheerful. The different charms they exude are easy to attract people.


Liu Yifei glanced at them through the window, raised her hand to take off her sunglasses, waved to them, and walked into the restaurant.

It would be okay if it was a normal communication, but it was just the first time in her life that she was doing business alone, so she was still a little nervous.

But it was not like she had never seen big scenes with Chu Xuan. Han Sanping, Mr. Cao and other big figures had faced them many times. She quickly adjusted her mentality and sat down on the booth: "Hello Jack,

I am Liu Yifei."

She said hello to Jack across from her, then looked at the daughter of the He family at the counter: "Xiao He, I want a mung bean cake."

"Sister Qian, come here." The daughter of the He family responded sweetly. They were already very familiar with this big star sister who came from the motherland.

"Hello, Sissi, this should be the second time we meet." Jack said.

"Yes." Liu Yifei smiled and nodded. When she saw Edland and Jack kissing wildly under the tree outside the teaching building, she complained to Jack in her heart that she was too anxious to grow up and his face was covered with beard.

But listening to what Grande told these days, Jack studied film and television with his parents after graduating from college. Now he is an experienced and excellent young producer. This ability has allowed her to change her view of Jack.

Although the appearance does not meet her aesthetic taste, she should not judge people by their appearance in the future. She must reflect on herself on this point.

"I was delayed due to something in Los Angeles. I came to New Haven last night and only met you today. I'm very sorry." Jack behaved very politely.

"You're welcome." Liu Yifei shook her head indifferently.

Jack took a sip of tea. The bitterness in the tea made his face twist into a knot. He couldn't figure out why his girlfriend, an American, suddenly liked to drink this damn thing. It was really hard for him to swallow, so he wiped his mouth with paper.

Then he said to the waiter: "Please bring me a cup of iced milk tea, thank you."

Liu Yifei and Ailand looked at him with embarrassed expressions, and looked at each other secretly amused.

It is true that few foreigners are accustomed to drinking tea, and Ireland is a rare exception.

"It's too tiring to talk to investors these days. You and Grande are very good friends, and they are also my friends, so we might as well talk about some things directly and openly. This is more sincere. What do you think?" Jack


"Okay, it's just what I want." Liu Yifei said with a smile, raising her right hand to smooth the hair beside her ear.

She and Chu Xuan also went to discuss cooperation together. Naturally, she knew that the negotiation process was very tiring, and many things had to be guessed at the other party's intentions. This was also normal.

Unexpectedly, Jack didn't like this situation very much and expressed his feelings directly.

This Jack looks rough, but he is actually a very interesting person.

It just so happened that she didn't like roundabout communication either, so Jack's words were in line with her wishes.

"One of the reasons why you want to invest in Mark Hua is to help Grande earn face in front of my parents?" Jack asked.

Liu Yifei raised her eyebrows and glanced at Ailande. It was probably Ailande who told Jack about the communication between them.

And Jack's words are really direct enough, but when asked such a question, looking at his attitude, and looking at the way Grande clings to Jack, it can be seen that the two of them really love each other.

"Helping friends within the scope of my ability has always been something I am happy to do." Liu Yifei took a plate of mung bean cake from the He family's daughter, picked up a piece from the plate and took a bite.

Jack and Ailand smiled slightly. For Jack, Liu Yifei's words made him feel good: "Thank you, I have always wanted to change the situation between Ailande and my parents, but there has been no way. Ailande can follow

She is lucky to have you as a friend."

Ailande nodded repeatedly and raised an eyebrow at Liu Yifei.

Liu Yifei blinked her right eye at her, and both of them understood each other tacitly, expressing their feelings through small movements.

Jack saw this scene in his eyes and felt that his girlfriend Ireland had finally found a good sister who was reassuring and reliable.

"If you want to invest in Mark Hua, can I understand that it means Brilliant Era?" He got to the point.

Liu Yifei shook her head and said: "Not yet. Nothing has been discussed yet, and there is no preliminary cooperation agreement. I don't think it is necessary to tell my fiancé. Telling him or not has no impact. We have to talk about it anyway.


Jack nodded. This was consistent with what he learned from Ireland. Liu Yifei's current desire to invest in Mark Hua was just her own intention and had nothing to do with Brilliant Times and Chu Xuan for the time being.

But he didn't look down on Liu Yifei because of this. He felt that she currently had no support and lowered his expectations.

If it were in China, and Liu Yifei came to negotiate under such a situation, many investors might not be interested, and would directly call Chu Xuan to negotiate.

Due to the influence of traditional thinking, China's preference for boys over girls is still a bit serious compared to overseas countries.

Even for an unmarried couple, the fiancée often cannot represent the fiancé outside the home, let alone interfere with the fiancé's decisions.

It is different in Europe and the United States. For couples in upper-class circles, as long as they confirm the name of the fiancée, the fiancée can often represent the fiancé when away from home and can also influence the fiancé's decision-making.

Often when something comes to discuss matters, if the man is not around, the woman can still do most of the talking. This is the norm among the upper class circles in Europe and America. The main reason is that women who can marry into rich families all have backgrounds and are no weaker than their men.

Under Jack's concept, he also regarded Liu Yifei as such a woman. Even if there was no support behind her, Liu Yifei could be enough to influence Chu Xuan's decision.

So, having a preliminary meeting with Liu Yifei is no different from having a meeting with Chu Xuan.

"The investors I met a few days ago have all expressed their intentions through emails, and you and I have to start from scratch. Can you tell me what you want from investing in Mark Hua?" Jack asked.

"Solid partners, a win-win cooperation model, and sincerity to learn from each other's strengths." Liu Yifei expressed the three-sentence cooperation policy summarized in the homework she has done these days.

Jack became interested. In three simple words, he expressed profound intentions and cooperation intention.

The meaning of the three sentences was also positive and sounded very beneficial, which made him feel more hopeful.

"Capital transactions are rarely stable," he said.

Liu Yifei glanced at Grande and said to Jack: "Alander said you will succeed Macron in a few years?"

"Hmm, not bad." Jack nodded.

Liu Yifei picked up the mung bean cake, took a small bite, and said: "I am a friend of Ai Rande. Because of her relationship, I solved Mark Hua's problem. Your parents should accept Ai Rande by then, and that will also make it easier."

Your future marriage will be more perfect."

"We are very similar to each other. You have always helped Grande, and my fiancé has always helped me. If we cooperate successfully in this regard, we should have a lot of common topics and get along very happily."

"Our friendship will be more harmonious and our cooperative relationship will be stronger."

"I think so too." Eiland agreed, easing the relationship with Jack's parents has always been a worry for her. If this problem can be solved with Liu Yifei's help, it will be a very happy and beautiful thing.

A smile appeared on Jack's face, he took the milk tea from the He family's daughter and took a sip from the straw.

What Liu Yifei said was something he didn't expect.

He has never experienced the mixing of personal emotions into business negotiations.

He could tell that it was Liu Yifei's first time participating in such a commercial occasion, and the expressions in her words were so straightforward and pure.

Some businessmen always like to talk in a roundabout way, and Liu Yifei's expression has nothing to do with businessmen.

However, beating around the bush sometimes means being smart. Liu Yifei’s way of expression is compared with those businessmen who always speak ambiguously.

It seemed more intelligent to him, and it also made him very fond of it and made him feel comfortable.

He expected and pursued a happy marriage with Alander, and Liu Yifei's words also touched his heart.

If you rely solely on emotion in a negotiation, it is acting on emotion.

But as Liu Yifei said, if the two-level relationship from Liu Yifei to Ailand and then to him can be maintained, then after he takes charge of Mark Hua in the future, the cooperation and friendship between the two parties will indeed be stronger than cooperation with other capitals.

Bright Times is a Chinese company with its roots in China.

He is famous in Hollywood and has his roots in America.

There is no fundamental conflict of interest or competition between the two, so if they can become a strong partner, this is something worth looking forward to and considering.

As for what my father said about it being embarrassing to cooperate with the Chinese? That doesn't exist here.

Compared with many people in Hollywood who look at things through colored glasses, in his eyes, China is a vast market and an awakening lion.

"I like stable partners. This is something I can't see in other investors." Jack put down the milk tea glass. The transparent glass was very high and was specially made for cold drinks. It also contained some black pearls and

Small pieces of coconut fruit.

Liu Yifei smiled lightly and said: "A stable partner has always been the most important thing for my fiancé in seeking cooperation. Although I haven't told him about it yet, I know him very well in this regard."

"Stability can last long, but interests are unpredictable." Jack smiled and said: "Your fiancé Chu Xuan pursues stability, so he is a qualified entrepreneur, not capital. Of course, this is just my personal opinion."

Liu Yifei nodded slightly and said, "Thank you for your evaluation of him. I will tell him and he will also be happy with your evaluation."

"I hope I have the opportunity to become friends with him." Jack said. Considering that Chu Xuan has achieved such a high level of achievement at his age, he has a desire to associate with such an outstanding person.

"Yes." Liu Yifei nodded. Regardless of whether cooperation can be reached or not, this will not affect her friendship with Ailande. Ailande and Jack are lovers, so Chu Xuan will meet Jack sooner or later.

It's just that in her opinion, Chu Xuan and Jack cannot be allowed to get to know each other before she has roughly settled the matter.

Otherwise, if Chu Xuan knew in advance that she was doing this, there would be no surprise at all.

"What is the win-win cooperation model?" Jack's interest changed and he mentioned the second vision mentioned by Liu Yifei.

Liu Yifei took a cup and took a sip of tea. She drank too much tea with Chu Xuan and Sister Hua in the company. As soon as she drank it, she knew that the tea served by Boss He was not authentic. She usually did not drink tea here, she always drank it at home with her mother.

Brought by China.

But if I have ordered all of it, it is better than nothing.

She put down the tea cup and said: "The Chinese market cannot compare with overseas markets now, but its potential is huge, and the speed of development is visible to the naked eye."

Macron was startled and a little excited.

The meaning of Liu Yifei's words is obvious. Can Macron enter the Chinese market?

"Brilliant Times and China Film Group have an in-depth cooperative relationship. We have the conditions and capabilities to help Macron's movies be released in China."

"Jack, you should know very well that overseas movies released in China every year require the approval of China Film Group. Even if Shenghai Film Factory gradually gains momentum, it can still handle overseas movies."

"But Shenghai Film Studio is far inferior to China Film Group. If Macron cooperates with Bright Times and has China Film Group's Chinese release channels, without having to go through Hollywood third-party distributors, I think it will be more beneficial to Mark Long.

The long-term development of Long is very beneficial."

After hearing Liu Yifei's words, Macron calmed down his excitement.

Compared with the in-depth expansion of the Japanese, Korean, Southeast Asian markets, and European and American markets that Kim Jae-hee can provide, it is obvious that the Chinese market is more attractive to him.

China's box office market has grown from tens of millions per movie in the Millennium to now up to 400 million per movie. In a few more years of development, the breadth of the market will be unpredictable. Unlike the European and American markets, which have already begun


If European and American movies want to be released in China, most film producers have to go through third-party distributors and do not have that kind of relationship to directly contact China Film Group and Shenghai Film Factory.

This is just like Chinese entertainment companies. If they want to release their films in Europe and the United States, they must go through third-party distributors, and they have no direct contact with the distribution company's network.

The distributor is the middleman, and the box office share deducted from it is painful, and it is even more painful if it is harvested by the theater chain.

If they, European and American entertainment companies, could directly contact Huaying Group, they would save a lot of money for the company's operations.

Another important point is that not all European and American movies can be released in China. Even if they pass the review, they still have to queue up and find a way to arrange a good schedule.

Under China's strategy of prioritizing the local market and then overseas, it is enough for many irrelevant capitals to temporarily abandon the Chinese market, because the waiting period is too long, measured in several years.

He only knew that the development momentum of the Bright Times was good, and he did not know the relationship network of the Bright Times. But when Liu Yifei said that the Bright Times had a close relationship with the China Film Group, he did not think that Liu Yifei was cheating. At least he could tell from the previous conversations.

Liu Yifei’s purity and sincerity.

If we cooperate with Bright Times and let Macron have a channel to be released in China, it will be unimaginable for Macron's development.

The movie was successfully released in China, and this cake was basically a thing of the eight major Hollywood companies. Other companies could only watch it, and they couldn't even drink the soup.

Now Macron seems to have seen an opportunity...

Jack became excited again, took a deep sip of milk tea from the cup, and calmed down imperceptibly.

"We give Macron distribution channels, and Macron gives us distribution channels in return. This is what I call win-win cooperation."

"Of course, since we have direct supply channels, Macron should also give us direct supply channels."

Liu Yifei looked at Jack and made such a request.

Jack nodded, but the next moment he suddenly reacted and looked stunned.

Direct distribution channels?

He, Macron, now also has to rely on cooperating distributors, and will also be deducted an additional percentage of the box office share.

According to what Liu Yifei means, I will give you the distribution channels of Macron Huaying Group so that you can avoid extra expenses. Then you should do the same for Bright Times, giving us direct distribution channels instead of going through intermediary distributors.

"This..." Jack lost his previous excitement and excitement, and his heart sank.

If Macron could distribute it himself, then all this would not matter, but it is very difficult to obtain distribution qualifications in Hollywood, and Macron does not have the qualifications yet.

Unless we rely on one of the eight major Hollywood giants to provide help.

But the competition among the eight major Hollywood companies is even more fierce, so there is no time to pay attention to these losers.

"What if we can't do it?" Jack said seriously.

"The proportion of the additional deductions will be returned to Bright Times by Macron. I think this is the most fair and equal cooperation." Liu Yifei said.

If she were talking to a normal Hollywood company, she would not raise this request.

Just like what Chu Xuan and Sister Hua said, it would be fine if Hollywood didn't squeeze them to death. It would be extremely difficult to get them to take back the share of the box office they deducted.

But Macron is different. It is facing difficulties. Liu Yifei feels that she represents the Brilliant Era and is qualified to raise this condition. This condition is also the goal that Chu Xuan and Hua Jie often want to achieve in their company's overseas expansion plans.

A 10% or 20% share of the box office is equivalent to several hundred million for a blockbuster movie in the global market. This is not a small amount, and it is comparable to the total assets of some small and medium-sized enterprises.

"We need to consider this, please understand." Jack said, this issue must be considered carefully, and its importance is several levels higher than the participation in corporate management proposed by Kim Jae-hee.

"Of course I understand. I will wait for your good news and can discuss it in detail at any time." Liu Yifei nodded in understanding.

"Please have another drink." Jack looked at the empty glass and said to the waiter.

There is no need to discuss it in detail now. He has to go back and discuss it with his parents first, and then discuss it in detail if he thinks there is a possibility of cooperation. It is useless to discuss it more now. Today is just a preliminary negotiation to see the cooperation intentions of both parties.

"Then what kind of cooperation method are you talking about where the two parties can learn from each other's strengths and offset their weaknesses?" Jack changed the topic and moved to the last wish that Liu Yifei said.

Liu Yifei took a knife and fork, cut the fried eggs on the plate, and pushed the yolk aside.

"Give it to me." Ellen handed the plate over. After getting along with each other for so many days, she already knew that her Chinese sister didn't like to eat egg yolks. She thought it was a waste, as egg yolks are the essence.

Liu Yifei poked the egg yolk with a fork and put it into Ailande's plate.

Ailand reciprocated and used a fork to tear off half of the egg whites on her plate and gave it to Liu Yifei.

Seeing this friendly scene, Jack's trust in Liu Yifei increased a little.

"Jack, the Hollywood series adaptation route is very popular now, and the demand for high-quality novels and comics is very high, right?" Liu Yifei took a bite of protein.

"Yes, the trend of Hollywood is the trend led by those eight companies, and we all follow the trend. Currently, the demand for film and television copyrights of novels and comics is very high, but most of them are not of good quality." Jack nodded.

"Good quality will be occupied by the eight major Hollywood companies, and other companies can only try their luck to choose from the remaining novels and comics." Liu Yifei said a fact.

Jack smiled bitterly and nodded: "You're right, of course those authors are willing to give priority to big companies when selling copyrights. This is a very troublesome thing for companies like us."

Different from the copyright market in China, most novel copyrights are in the hands of the platform. As a capital, the platform naturally prioritizes interests, regardless of who buys the copyright and whether it has the strength in film and television production.

The copyrights of novels and comics in Europe and the United States are basically in the hands of the authors themselves. They are at most sold to book companies or cultural companies on behalf of others. The author has the final say as to who the copyright will be sold to.

For an author, the content of his novel is naturally the clearest. As long as he understands the production style of the film and television company, he can probably know which company is most suitable for selling his novel.

The eight major categories of Hollywood represent eight styles, covering almost all types of film and television industry in Hollywood.

Although the copyright fee paid is less than that of other companies, as long as the author hopes that his work will be produced in a higher-quality film and television, he will basically choose to cooperate with the eight major Hollywood companies, and most of the authors will also serve as screenwriters of their own works.

"For you, high-quality novels and comics are your shortcomings, and they are also what you need very much, and Bright Master Era has what you need." Liu Yifei put down her knife and fork and looked at Jack.

Jack was startled and said: "Brilliant Era has the copyrights for high-quality novels and comics that Hollywood needs?"

This surprised him. A Chinese company would have the copyright in this area?

The market in your own country has not yet been fully developed, so why do you think so long-term?

However, how do you know that the novels and comics you own are of high quality?

The criteria for judging this aspect should be viewed from the perspective of Hollywood, not Chinese companies.

"'Twilight', 'A Song of Ice and Fire'..." Liu Yifei said.

But before he finished speaking, Jack was shocked and said: "Wait! The copyright of "Twilight" is in your hands?!"

He seemed to have heard something incredible, and his face was full of disbelief.

"Not bad." Liu Yifei looked at him and said: "My fiancé thought this book was quite good, so he bought his global film and television rights. By the way, the global copyright purchase plan of Brilliant Times has been continued to this day, some of which

The adaptation of the novel should be in line with the trends of Hollywood, so you might be interested."

"Very interested." Jack shook his head and was convinced in his heart. Chu Xuan, whom he had not yet met but had heard of many times, had a far-reaching vision.

I heard Liu Yifei say that Brilliant Times’ global copyright purchase plan continues to this day.

It reminded him that Chu Xuan had already begun to make plans in advance a few years before the Hollywood series adaptation route became popular.

This foresight really impressed him, and he became even more determined to make friends with Chu Xuan.

"'Twilight' is very popular right now, and its global sales have begun to explode this year," Liu Yifei said.

"More than that." Jack sighed with emotion: "Many companies wanted to grab the film and television rights of this novel, but when they heard that the rights had been sold, they all felt sorry and had no choice but to leave it alone. I really didn't expect the copyright of "Twilight"

In your hands, Hollywood companies will be ashamed if they know this."

"In the past, "Twilight" was rejected by capital due to certain factors, but it was favored by Chinese companies. Now that "Twilight" has become popular, they lick their faces and want the copyright. In contrast, Hao

Hollywood’s vision is not as good as that of a company in China.”

"To be precise." Liu Yifei's face brightened slightly: "The eyes of the entire Hollywood industry cannot compare to my fiancé."

Ireland looked at Liu Yifei speechlessly. This Sissi started to show off her husband again. She had eaten a lot of dog food these days. It was clear that Chu Xian had never appeared, but she always felt his presence.

"Haha." Jack laughed out loud: "That's right. It also makes me want to meet your fiancé even more. He is a very curious and mysterious person."

"I have a chance to meet you." Liu Yifei took a sip of tea, put down her cup and said, "What do you think if you can choose some novels and adapt them into movies to collaborate?"

Jack's eyes lit up and he said: "You mean, give up the copyright and cooperate with us in filming?"

"No." Liu Yifei shook her head: "My fiancé and I agree that the culture of any place should be fully handled by professionals in that cultural field. Just as you can't make Chinese movies, we can't make Hollywood movies either.


"If we cooperate, take "Twilight" as an example, you will handle the entire process from screenwriting to filming to production. We will not interfere too much. We will only share the box office and provide distribution channels in China."

"What we need is that our people should participate in learning and observing during the production process."

"Also, it is an indisputable fact that China's film and television industry has a weak foundation."

"So, we need your help, including but not limited to special effects production, studio construction, and props advice."

"And, including but not limited to 3D cameras, high-precision large and small monitors, three-axis automated cranes, combined mechanical automation wire devices, multiple spliced ​​ground mirror slides, high-precision green cloth special effects positioning laser devices, etc."

Jack lowered his eyebrows and thought, the foundation of China's film and television industry is indeed weak, and it makes sense to him that the bright era needs such support.

But he doesn't think it's just simple support, the bright era may need more.

He said: "If you come to us to film, there will be no problem with these. The machines can be provided. But if you transport the machines to China, it may be difficult, but it is not impossible."

"It is a normal business transaction to shoot scenes in China in the name of company shooting and have these machines transported through customs. The blockade in the film and television industry is not a rule in public documents, but an unwritten rule in Hollywood."

"It's just that these machines are very expensive, and they are not a hard demand for Chinese movies, so I have almost never heard of any capital in China buying these machines."

Jack looked at Liu Yifei and smiled: "The dazzling era requires these machines, so it is not difficult for me to think that you want to shoot blockbusters belonging to China. This is also the development route you want to take."

Liu Yifei smiled and said nothing. She and Chu Xuan really wanted to take this road, but they hadn't started yet. Without experience and basis for the actual situation, she didn't want to talk too much about this topic.

She only said: "We provide the copyrights and funds you need, and you provide the industrial infrastructure equipment we need as well as strategic cooperation channels to participate in learning and observation. This is what I mean by learning from each other's strengths."

Jack took a deep breath, took the milk tea from the waiter, and smiled: "This is the most substantial and reliable cooperation intention I have discussed in a few days. I think if you have time, you can go to Los Angeles with me.

Meet my parents, they will definitely be very interested in these three directions of cooperation of yours."

Liu Yifei was stunned. She saw Jack's parents and Macron's actual controllers. In other words, had her first negotiation today been successful?

She was very happy and nodded repeatedly: "Okay, let's set a time and take Ailand with us."

Grande was very excited, and looked at each other with Liu Yifei, thinking about going to see Old Jack with Liu Yifei. She wanted to see if Old Jack would show off to her, which made her look forward to it.

Jack looked at Ireland and heard Liu Yifei specifically say that she wanted to take Ireland with her. He also knew Liu Yifei's purpose, but he was also looking forward to it. This might be a very interesting thing.

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