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Chapter 666: More hope

Frank announcement is the most effective way of communication. After Chu Xuan, Liu Yifei and Wang Jinhua openly and sincerely explained the specific situation, everyone present was completely relieved about the stock transfer, and because of Chu Xuan's mutually beneficial plan, they were optimistic about future development.

Full of expectations, the emotional bond between the two parties has further deepened.

Under such circumstances, it was rare for everyone to gather neatly together. The wine party at Yao Wu Yao Liu was not too noisy, so after the meal, they went to the hotel KTV to continue having fun.

How could it be called noisy when more than twenty people were singing?

The combined sound of drinking and talking is louder than someone singing with a microphone.

These people came to drink somewhere else, not to sing at all.

It's just that others are drinking, but in a corner of the extra-long sofa, Chu Xuan and Liu Yifei are eating pistachios from a plate, not singing, deliberately not attracting attention, obviously avoiding drinking.

Not to mention Hu Jun and Liu Jialing, the two recognized male and female drinking kings in the industry, let's talk about Ren Quan, Li Zhengyi and others. They are also huge drinkers. Drinking with these people is destined to lead to misfortune.

The two of them had drank a lot at the dinner, and if they drank any more, they would probably lie down and go home.

Faced with such a situation, the young couple had the same strategy and gave in immediately.

By early morning, those who had drunk were all drunk. Compared to them, Chu Xuan and Liu Yifei, who were much less drunk, were a little sober. This was called a strategic victory.

The same waiter will send the drunk people back to their rooms, and those who are not drunk will be taken home by their respective assistants or family members.

After seeing all the people leaving, the family of three and Wang Jinhua took the car brought by the company to pick them up and walked home.

"Stop here and take a walk." The car stopped at the entrance of Donglin Villa, and the family was going to take a walk back, taking advantage of the night breeze and the night breeze to sober up a little.

Late at 1 a.m., the security guard let a group of people pass.

On the quiet street of the community, Liu Xiaoli and Wang Jinhua stepped on short high heels, and their calm and powerful voices were very clear.

Liu Yifei held Chu Xuan's arm and walked behind them, and heard Wang Jinhua say: "The most troublesome step is finally done, and the next step will be much easier."

We have a lot of affection with people like Li Zhengtong. It is often difficult to deal with matters of interest when talking about interests with people who have a close affection with each other. Things that were originally simple will become very complicated, just like Chu Xuan this time

It's like making a very complicated decision to deal with this seemingly simple matter.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly. Once this group of people was dealt with, the company's groupization plan could be carried out smoothly. At the same time, Liu Yifei could also successfully become a shareholder and improve the group company's equity structure.

Wang Jinhua’s emotion is also a double entendre that expresses these two good results.

"If Sissi buys shares, I will hold the shares first," Liu Xiaoli said.

"It's best to wait until Sissi's nationality is transferred back before giving it to her." Wang Jinhua turned to look at Liu Yifei: "What do you think, Sissi?"

Liu Yifei smoothed her hair and said, "No problem. Isn't that what we discussed before?"

"This nationality must be transferred back as soon as possible." Liu Xiaoli said: "It was okay before. Sissi couldn't make a lot of money just as an actress. But if she invests in Brilliant Times, she will probably give them hundreds of millions in taxes every year."

"Brilliant Times is getting bigger and bigger, and its business in Haolaiwu has also started. If the interests of certain capital are touched, Bao Buqi will use the matter of Sissi's nationality and identity to affect Xiaoxuan. Maybe there are some

Someone might do something wrong."

"This is a big problem." Wang Jinhua nodded.

Liu Yifei pursed her lips and glanced at Chu Xuan.

Some fans have been using her nationality to criticize her. Even though she doesn't pay much attention to online comments, she still knows that some words are indispensable.

This is her private matter, and she will take it lightly after seeing it too much.

Just hearing from her mother that someone would have the capital to influence Chu Xuan with her personal affairs would touch her bottom line.

Chu Xuan felt her worried mood, raised his hands and put his hands on her shoulders and leaned into his arms, comforting her not to think too much.

"It's just that it's really difficult to change nationality for the second time." Liu Xiaoli sighed.

At first, it was just for Sissi’s sake. It would be very inconvenient to study in the United States for a long time without a green card. Once the one-month visa expires, you have to go back to your country to apply for a visa. If you study for a year, you have to travel back and forth 12 times at home and abroad. Moreover, it is also difficult to study in the United States without a green card.

Attend a good school.

Without qualifications to study in the United States, Sissi was unable to get admitted to Beijing Film Academy at the age of 15.

But now for the future of Sissi and the future of Sissi and Xiaoxuan, it is necessary to transfer her nationality back. This second transfer seems to be somewhat difficult.

Looking back on the matter of transferring nationality to Sissi, she somewhat regretted it.

But no one can explain many things clearly. Without her decision to transfer her nationality to Sissi, there would be no Sissi now. Sissi would never have met Xiaoxuan, nor would she have such a beautiful family and career environment now.


Therefore, life is always a chain of links. If you focus on one thing, you will lose another. Now facing the turning point of Sissi's life, it is nothing more than trying to find a way to get back what was lost.

"It is quite difficult, but Sissi has a chance." Wang Jinhua said: "Some celebrities have changed their nationality for the sake of development. Now that the country is getting better, they want to switch back but cannot. That is because they themselves have not created more social value.

, the personal influence of celebrities is dispensable in front of our country."

"Our country is pragmatic, and the core system does not engage in ideological things. Unlike those countries in the West that turn away from reality and focus on finance, the entertainment industry is also a derivative of finance and is more ideological than ours.

The country’s national conditions and needs are biased.”

"Our country's nationality is also recognized as the most difficult to obtain in the world. Since you voluntarily renounced your nationality and want to transfer it back, then this is not a money issue like the West, but what you are going to do to make up for giving up our nationality in the first place.


"Xiaoxuan created micro-entertainment to activate domestic Internet social networking, launched Longyou revitalization, and promoted the development of related markets. So, will talents like Xiaoxuan be lobbied by foreigners to join foreign nationality because of Sissi? Can Sissi

Xiaoxuan is an important factor to consider whether to transfer his nationality back."

"Secondly, Brilliant Era engages in the industrialization of film and television, which is also promoted by Xiaoxuan and Xixi. The industrialization of film and television is not an ideological thing, but an industry with industry standards and entities that can create jobs, and the industry value and social value it can generate.

It is of great significance.”

"This is a good thing, so if Sissi is a foreign national, will she be interfered and influenced by external forces when doing this? This is also an important consideration."

"Thirdly, Sissi's career in recent years has been all in China. She only went abroad for further study. She has no career abroad and has a permanent residence permit in China. These basic considerations have been met."

Wang Jinhua lifted the satchel on her right shoulder: "My third brother and I have discussed this issue several times. If Sissi is just an actor or a star, there is almost no chance of returning her nationality. The country does not value ideological influence.

and value, but now Sissi’s situation has a good chance..."

She turned to look at Liu Yifei and raised her eyebrows: "Hurry up and get the certificate, take the certificate to the consulate to fill out the form, and then go to the Public Security Bureau to apply."

Liu Yifei looked silly and cute. What Sister Hua said was very profound, and she was still listening to it. Why did she go to the testimonials while she was talking?

It would be okay if she was just facing Chu Xuan alone, but facing her elders still made her a little shy, and her face, which was originally a little pink after drinking, turned even redder.

Liu Xiaoli turned around and looked around, seeing the sweet couple cuddling together, thinking about Xiaoxuan's proposal on Sissi's upcoming birthday, why not just finish the proposal and get the certificate directly?

Chu Xuan didn't know what Liu Xiaoli was thinking, but the looking look in her eyes made him panic: "Auntie, your look makes me panic."

Liu Xiaoli smiled and said nothing, turned her head back, and arrived at the gate of the villa. She said goodbye to Wang Jinhua: "Go to bed early and good night."

"Good night, Sister Hua." Liu Yifei waved her hand.

"Good night, you guys should go to bed early." Wang Jinhua said: "I will convene people tomorrow and hold a company meeting in two days to start implementing the groupization."

Under the planning of the brothers and sisters, the groupization of the company must be put on the agenda as soon as possible and the framework of the grouping must be implemented as soon as possible. Only then can the integrated resources be distributed reasonably. The effective operation of each company can drive the further development of the entire collective of Bright Times.


Seeing that Li Congtong and the others had managed it, Wang Jinhua also acted resolutely and decided to immediately summon all shareholders and the management of each company to a meeting to explain the situation of the groupization.

"Okay, I'll wait for your notification, sister." Chu Xuan nodded, closed the door of the villa, said "good night" to his mother-in-law, and walked into the big villa with Liu Yifei.

Just when she came to the stairs, Liu Yifei opened her hands and said, "Can you carry me upstairs?"

Chu Xuan was stunned for a moment, feeling surprised.

In the past, I just let him carry me on my back, but why did he suddenly let me carry her upstairs and act very coquettishly?

"What if I fall down after drinking?" he asked.

"Then let's throw it together." Liu Yifei didn't care.

Chu Xuan saw her begging for a hug, and after hearing what she said, he immediately picked her up like a princess.

Even though I drank some wine, I still had no problem carrying her to the third floor.

But Chu Xuan was very confused. Seeing Liu Yifei's tender look, what changes had occurred in her mood?

There was a thought in his mind. Maybe it had something to do with the face-to-face discussion between the mother-in-law and Sister Hua about the evidence?

Because of this, Liu Yifei used a woman’s sixth sense to know that good things are about to happen?

So, you suddenly became squeamish when facing him?

Chu Xuan smiled. He didn't know if his guess was right, but that was probably it.

"Sister Hua said she wanted to testify, and Auntie said she would do it as soon as possible. What did you say?" He asked deliberately, revealing Liu Yifei's heart.

Liu Yifei put her arms around Chu Xuan's neck and leaned her head on Chu Xuan's shoulder. Seeing that Chu Xuan directly said what was on her mind, as if her heartstrings were being stirred, her eyelashes trembled: "Look at you."

Chu Xuan lowered his head and looked at her, the two eyes intertwined with each other's affections, and immediately both of them stopped talking, tacitly no longer delving into the topic.

The two parents, Liu Xiaoli and Wang Jinhua, suddenly openly discussed the matter of testifying in front of them, as if this indicated that the matter would soon be settled. This made Liu Yifei, who had hardly discussed this topic with Chu Xuan,

At this moment, there was a spark in my heart that I had never experienced before.

There is also one more thing. In the past, it was only vaguely visible, but now it is a very concrete hope.

In the past, Liu Yifei overheard the discussion between her mother and Sister Hua about nationality and the issue of evidence.

Eavesdropping means that her mother is behind her back, and it also means that the matter is subject to discussion.

Now, Sister Hua has publicly talked about the evidence-breaking thing. Although my mother didn't express her position clearly, her expression showed that she agreed.

With her mother's acquiescence, Liu Yifei's state of mind suddenly changed a lot.

In the next few days of home life, Chu Xuan saw all her changes.

"Chu Xuan, my feet are sore..." In the morning, Liu Yifei finished practicing basic dance skills in the dance studio. She sat on the yoga mat and muttered "my feet are sore" and motioned to Chu Xuan to help her rub it.

"Teacher Chu, I want to eat dragon fruit, can you go and buy it for me?" In the morning, Liu Yifei was sitting on the sofa watching TV, and suddenly she looked coquettish.

"Chu Xuan, I want milk and ice." In the afternoon, Liu Yifei was reading on the rooftop and instructed Chu Xuan to go downstairs and get milk from the refrigerator for her.

"Teacher Chu, please help me press my back." In the evening, Liu Yifei, who had never been out since she was lying down at home, insisted that she had back pain and asked Chu Xuan to massage her.

Chu Xuan felt the change in Liu Yifei. If the coquettish behavior in the past was an occasional coquettishness, then the coquettish behavior these days could be described as a spoiled wife.

The mother-in-law tacitly agreed to testify. In Liu Yifei's opinion, it seemed that the testimonials had been obtained and she had now entered the role.

The family's consent to testify is equivalent to consent to the marriage.

Chu Xuan didn't know what kind of changes would happen to women in the world when faced with such a situation.

But this change in Liu Yifei made him dumbfounded. These days he was feeling pain and happiness at the same time.

Happiness is enjoying Liu Yifei's coquettishness like a spoiled wife. This is a feeling he has never experienced before, and it is very fresh.

The so-called pain is that if you have to endure such coquettishness, you have to pay the same price as licking a dog. This will consume a man's will and make him spend a lot of energy.

But he also knew that Liu Yifei's state was not her character, it was just a temporary change in her mood. Maybe she would return to normal after the proposal, after she really got the evidence, or in a few days.

"Chu Xuan, help me put on my tie." In front of the dressing table, Liu Yifei was arranging her clothes in front of the mirror. It was still the same white women's suit she wore when meeting Macron and his wife in Los Angeles, but with an extra pair that she had never worn before.

Black women's tie.

Chu Xuan was wearing a blue suit. After buttoning his collar, he came over to help Liu Yifei put on her tie.

Through Sister Hua's call, all the company's shareholders and management personnel of various companies came to Beijing. Today is also the day when Bright Era holds a group meeting.

Originally, there were no rules on what to wear during the meeting, so there was no need to dress so formally.

However, this was Liu Yifei's first time to participate in a large-scale group meeting of the company's power structure, and she was participating as the boss's wife. Liu Yifei felt that it should be more solemn and formal, so she insisted on wearing a suit and tie.

Seeing her like this, Chu Xuan had no choice but to wear a matching suit with her, otherwise it wouldn't match even if they sat next to each other in the conference room.

Chu Xuan lowered his head to help Liu Yifei tie his tie. Liu Yifei looked at him and suddenly smiled: "Teacher Chu, you have been very tired these days."

Chu Xuan raised his eyebrows to look at her, then lowered his eyebrows to help her tie her tie: "I thought you didn't know how you had changed, and you got carried away after Auntie acquiesced to the matter of pulling evidence."

"At first it was a little overwhelming, a passionate feeling of seeing further happiness." Liu Yifei asked: "Do you think my change is good?"

Chu Xuan smoothed her tie and raised his hand to scratch her nose: "Do you want your man to be a licker?"

Liu Yifei wrinkled her nose cutely, took Chu Xuan's arm and walked out: "How is it possible? You are the best, but..."

She blinked: "It's good to do this occasionally."

Chu Xuan shook his head: "A woman's mind is just like a QR code, you can't see through it at all."

Liu Yifei smiled, stood up on tiptoes and kissed Chu Xuan on the face: "I love you."

When Sister Hua said she was lying, why did mom just acquiesce without any objection?

Are you asking for evidence? You need to get engaged before then.

Engaged? Propose before then.

Proposal? She recalled the situation where Chu Xuan and her mother jointly refused to let her return to China a month ago, and then Chu Xuan went to work all over the country after returning to China. Is Chu Xuan really just doing things? He wasn't preparing something secretly, right?

She didn't know when Chu Xuan would propose to her, and she didn't ask, but she had a hunch that this day was not far away.

This was the real reason for her sudden change of mood.

"Wear it so formally." Liu Xiaoli was waiting for them at the door.

Yixuan Investment held a large share of Longyou, and Longyou's large shares were to be merged into Bright Times. She participated in the meeting as the legal representative of Yixuan Investment, and specially picked a black gauze dress. She thought it was dignified enough, but she didn't know that the two children were wearing separate dresses.

A suit makes it look so formal even when going to a meeting in my company.

"The matter of Longyou and the group has been finalized in the past few days, and you are going to go filming for a while. Director Tang and the others are already back, waiting for you to join the group." Liu Xiaoli got into the passenger seat.

"Okay, let's go." Liu Yifei closed the car door with a bang and sat in the back seat with Chu Xuan.

Zeng Ni stayed at home, and Lu Tao drove a car with his family of three to set off for the Brilliant Era.

This chapter has been completed!
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