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Chapter 763 From the beginning to the end

The male protagonist Jock is a "cancer clown" in the "real world", reflecting the countless low-class people who are forced by the pressure of survival and cancer patients who have absolutely no hope in life.

In Song Xiaobao, a sympathetic character, the male protagonist Jiao Ke burst out with the "light" in his heart. Through the plot of the two characters, this "light" can be interpreted as: Even if life is full of difficulties, you can still face the sea and feel happy.

, release and find happiness to make up for the shortcomings and regrets in the heart, and this character’s conception and empathy come from this.

With this idea and sense of empathy, the character Jock has a soul.

But this is the soul of "Joker". If you want the character to have progressive emotional levels, it needs to be sublimated.

The male protagonist Jock plays the clown in the "real world" because of the low self-esteem, depression, and social fear caused by cancer and waiting for death, and guided by the desire for survival and happiness deep in his heart.

I was forced to choose not to show my true face to cover up my inferiority complex, not to communicate with others to cover up my social fear, and just to immerse myself in my own world and perform to cover up my inner depression. In this state, I experienced the benefits of making the audience happy by performing my performance.

Happy clown.

This is a choice brought to the male protagonist by factors in the "real world", but these factors do not exist in the "game world", so the male protagonist must change.

Facing a bunch of "data" in the "game world", players of the fourth natural disaster have nothing to fear, let alone low self-esteem and social fear.

A clown can do magic, and a magician can do magic. These two professions have the same attributes.

But one is a comic performer, and the other is a gentleman, and these two professions are potentially antagonistic.

Here is a thought-provoking point. The clown and the magician are the same profession. They just hide their faces and show their faces. This is equivalent to: the clown is a magician when he reveals his face.

And often people who are forced by life find it difficult to reveal their true nature, so they can only hide their faces and show off.

Therefore, in the script design of "Star You", the male protagonist Jock needs to reveal his face and work as a magician in the "game world" to complete this metaphor, add depth and connotation, and satisfy the audience's spiritual expectations at the same time.

Make the character's ideas richer.

But just relying on the subjective initiative of the character to make changes requires a lot of effort to make the male protagonist move in the direction of a magician in a logical and self-consistent manner. This requires external forces to promote the rhythm of the plot.


Shot from behind, Chu Xuan is sitting on a virtual device, which is a massage chair and comes with a helmet. The props are all coated with green paint and will be processed with high-tech special effects later.

The scene of Chu Xuan is the first time that Qiao Ke enters and ends the "game world". Since his parents died while researching virtual devices, he has always been repelled by virtual devices and virtual games, and has never played virtual games.

Because he got the "light" from Wu Xiaobao, he felt relieved for a while. After returning home, he had the courage to open up the dusty birthday gift that his parents gave him the year of the accident, which was a virtual device, thus entering the "virtual world".

Experienced it once in "Game".

Experienced a series of funny events caused by him, the fourth natural disaster, and ended with watching the heroine Anxin's competition short film in the theater.

At this time, the heroine has not yet appeared, but is only appearing on the screen as an actor in the form of a drama within a drama. The male protagonist Jock naturally has no problem with the heroine An Xin, but is interested in the fact that the "virtual game" is so real.

What he sighed: "What a real game."

There is a detail here. The helmet has fallen off, and some instruments on the virtual device that are to be attached to the human body have also fallen off.

Chu Xuan obviously put on these gadgets one by one when he entered the game, but when he came out of the game, they were all in a state of falling off.

This detail reminds the audience that Chu Xuan, the male protagonist Jiao Ke, is not playing a game, but has directly traveled through the past.

There are some details in the drama to support the fact that the male protagonist has traveled through time, but now that the media has publicized everything that should be promoted about "Star You", the audience will naturally understand what is going on when they watch the drama.

It's just that Qiao Ke, who was playing the game for the first time, didn't pay attention to this detail. Chu Xuan immediately got up and walked out, with the camera following him.

Chu Xuan opened the door, took a step outside and then paused. The door opposite was open. Ouyang Nabi moved a small stool and sat in front of the TV. She put her hands on her chin and looked bored as she watched the TV.

Chu Xuan blinked his eyes and pursed his lips in silence. The fear of society after returning to reality made him hesitate to speak. In the end, he closed the door and returned home without saying anything, dressing himself up like a clown.


Perhaps because of sympathy for each other, Qiao Ke began to like getting along with the little girl Wu Xiaobao and was willing to dress up as a clown to make her happy.

But when Chu Xuan finished putting on his makeup and opened the door, there was another scene in the room opposite.

"Wow, daddy is so awesome!"

Ouyang Nabi jumped up and down and clapped her hands happily.

Wu Qian, played by Zhang Luyi, is Wu Xiaobao's father, who is doing balloon magic for his daughter.

Chu Xuan was stunned and couldn't recover for a long time.

Under the close-up shot, the complex eyes on the clown's face showed an unspeakable heart-wrenching emotion, as if his own light had been deprived of him, and the rippling eyes no longer fluctuated, and slowly became dim.

"Oh, this Xiaoxuan's eye expression is really good." Tang Jili, who was in front of the monitor, praised.

"That's good." Ning Hao and the teachers nodded.

Liu Yifei held her chin with her right hand and looked at the monitor. While enjoying Chu Xuan's performance, she smiled slightly. She felt honored that her husband was praised.

In the final shot of this scene, Chu Xuan's peeping angle was shown from the back shot, the door slowly closed, and from the front shot angle, only Chu Xuan's clown face and dull eyes were slowly seen.

Covered by the door, it ends when the door quietly closes.

Qiao Ke wanted to surprise Wu Xiaobao and pretended to be a clown to make her happy. Unexpectedly, his position was replaced by Wu Qian, which made him feel very uncomfortable. The "light" he got from Wu Xiaobao tended to dim.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Wu Qian played by Zhang Luyi, the magician role of Wu Xiaobao’s father, is what promotes Jock’s transformation from “clown” to “magician”

The root cause and the underlying logic of the change in the character's behavior is that the clown's position as a clown who spreads happiness and obtains happiness is replaced by a magician, which gives Jock the clown's motivation to reveal himself and become a magician.

But Jock doesn't have the courage to reveal his face and change in the "real world" yet, so he will start to grow as a character by uncovering his face and changing in the "game world".


From an overhead shot, Chu Xuan sat back on the "virtual device" and entered the "virtual game" again.

In the second "game experience", Jock joined the street clown performance team, but he no longer pretended to be a clown, but showed his true colors openly and performed as a magician under the name "Mr. Magic".

The heroine An Xin happened to be watching this performance, and the two people's eyes met. This was also the beginning of the fate between the male and female protagonists.

"An Xin, so beautiful." Chu Xuan returned to reality from the "game", recalled his encounter with the heroine An Xin, and immediately stood up and said: "It's a pity, it's fake."

In the second "game experience", Jock also didn't pay attention to the details on the virtual device, and he didn't realize that he had traveled through time.

The change this experience brought to Jock was that the clown slowly began to become himself again, which released some of the inner depression of this character.


Panoramic view of the corridor. Chu Xuan put his hands in his trouser pockets and walked forward. Several people came to the stairs. The leader immediately scolded them.

"Just him, why does a dying person live here? I don't want to live with such a person. It's bad luck! Landlord, if you don't let him move out today, then I will move out."

This scene is to make the characters more in line with real life situations. It will always be awkward to live with a dying person. Of course, there are also some aunts like the previous ones who like to gossip, but it is still good, and there are also many people who have nothing to do with themselves.

If you remain silent, some people will naturally express their disgust and rejection openly.

It is unrealistic for science fiction elements to appear in cities, and these real-life situations need to be used to add some credibility and a sense of substitution.

Chu Xuan stopped and said: "Aren't you also a person who will die sooner or later? How can you tell me whether I am evil or disgusting?"

Chu Xuan bumped this person away: "Get out of the way!"

Then he walked downstairs alone.

The people who were knocked away were frightened by Chu Xuan's momentum, and were stunned and did not dare to speak.

The neighbors and landlord who came out to watch the theater were a little surprised. The main reason was that Jock had been depressed since he moved in. He never communicated with others and never said anything when others talked about him. But today Jock seemed to be a different person.

This scene is intended to illustrate the changes in the characters, and the lines in it are also carefully written.

Everyone will die sooner or later, so what's the difference between you and me?

Only when one can look at all things from this perspective and insist on the equality of all living beings can one live a transparent life.

Liu Yifei in front of the monitor arched her eyebrows. She felt that this line was very meaningful, and it might be widely circulated by netizens and become a famous saying.

Going through the very real experience of the "game world" with the mentality of the Fourth Natural Disaster, the character of Jock began to change his heart. As the experience deepened again and again, he met, got acquainted, and got to know each other safely with the heroine.

In the process, the purity, truth, kindness and beauty of the heroine also made the light inspired by Wu Xiaobao in Qiao Ke's heart rest on An Xin.

Jock couldn't deny that he fell in love with a data. This was a feeling he had never experienced before, but he also knew that everything was "fake." How could he fall in love with a data?

"It would be great if I could marry such a fairy as my wife." Chu Xuan came out of the "game world" and muttered helplessly.

Liu Yifei in front of the monitor made a "poof" sound, then covered her mouth and laughed silently, and the teachers all had expressions of laughter.

This line was added by Chu Xuan himself and was not originally in the script. The reason was to make his interpretation of the role more immersive. After all, the heroine is Liu Yifei and his wife, so it would be more interesting to say something nice.

"It's really not possible. With my conditions, I belong to the Huohuo family." Chu Xuan shook his head again and said.

Jock's feelings towards An Xin cannot be viewed purely in terms of the player's attitude towards NPCs.

Because Jock has never been in love in reality, and he is unable to find a girlfriend due to his cancer condition, so the desire for him in the "real world" is equivalent to completely cutting off the future.

For Jiao Ke, An Xin gave him the taste of love. Even if he thought it was just a pair of data, he could not treat it with a normal player's mentality, and finally chose to deliberately escape without hurting An An.

But it's hard to avoid the feeling of love. It not only hurts yourself but also hurts others.

After Qiao Ke struggled in the "real world" for a long time, Wu Xiaobao inadvertently said, "If you give me happiness, then I will give you happiness too, isn't that right?" He suddenly woke up and took the initiative to apologize and apologize in the "game world".

Reconcile with peace of mind.

At this time, Jock's mentality changed to a wanton life. Since the "real world" cannot escape tragedy, the "fake world" makes people nostalgic even more, and the "fake world" is fake after all, so why not be free and easy and start from the heart?

In this way, the love between Qiao Ke and An Xin continued, until with Qiao Ke's encouragement and motivation, An Xin's career as an artist improved, but their relationship was exposed by the media, causing An Xin's career, which had not improved for a long time, to decline again.

It doesn't matter if he feels at ease. He comforts Jock by saying "what makes you comfortable". Regardless of the disturbances from the outside world, all he wants is for us to be happy together.

Qiao Ke tried hard to help An Xin with advice but to no avail. Faced with the ironclad rule that the market did not allow celebrities to fall in love, Qiao Ke had no choice but to leave An Xin again in order to prevent An Xin from being implicated by him.

No matter how hard she searched, An Xin couldn't find Jiao Ke. She became a changed person under the sadness. Ironically, her career improved a lot after the official announcement of the breakup. She made it through all the difficulties and became an actress.

And Jock turned into a clown in the "real world", lying down doing nothing every day, taking medicine, and performing on the street, until he discovered that the "virtual game" was the situation in the real world...

"You're moving out?"

"Yes, the world is so big, I want to go out for a walk."

"Hey, that's right. Let's go out and take a look while you can still move."

"I think so too."

"But what about your luggage?"

"There is a breeze in my sleeves, and I am alone. Everything outside me is just a cloud. I just want to ask you to do something. Help me burn that black chair after I leave tomorrow. It is a relic of my parents, and I can't take it with me.

The chair is running around, let it go with the wind, the rest will be given to you, thank you for taking care of me."


The landlord looked at Chu Xuan who was walking upstairs and his eyes widened: "Good boy, are you looking down on life and death? Are you so free and easy?"

As soon as the camera turned, Chu Xuan went upstairs, stopped showing off, changed from a calm state to extremely excited, and ran back home.

Chu Xuan sat on the virtual device. The virtual device had been tampered with by him. After a series of operations, it would be destroyed periodically. After he put on the machine, he murmured: "During the period when I don't exist, you are still here."

love me?"

The next moment, Chu Xuan's eyes became firm.

At this time, Jock no longer had any decadence or low self-esteem, and looked completely in high spirits.

This state remained for a few seconds, and Liu Yifei happily picked up the walkie-talkie at the right moment.


"The studio is finished!"

The two-day studio shooting, the male protagonist Jock's character interpretation from the beginning to the end, ended successfully with the efforts of all the crew.

This chapter has been completed!
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