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Chapter 782 A very clever encounter

In Shenzhen, the weather is very hot in the afternoon. The indoor air-conditioned environment and the outdoor heat are like two different worlds.

In such a climate, as a metropolis at the forefront of national development, beauties taking to the streets are not stingy about showing off their beauty. Their long and dazzling legs can be seen everywhere, which is a feast for the eyes of many men. This may be what hot weather means to men.

Let’s talk about the only advantage of going to the streets.

At the same time, at the Shenzhen TV Park, many male and female TV station staff were heading towards a studio as if they were rushing through the streets.

The crew of Chu Xuan and Liu Yifei's "Star You" came to their Shenzhen to film. This has spread throughout the streets and alleys of Shenzhen for more than a month. Colleagues from the local news channel of their TV station even sent a team to the crew to follow up and report.

I never expected that the crew of "Star You" would come to their TV station to film a scene today!

Moreover, the crew is short of extras, so it's great to let them gather the number of people to serve as the audience.

They could not only meet Chu Xuan and Liu Yifei, but also experience the feeling of filming, which made them excited and curious.

The studio door was open, as if waiting for their arrival.

As soon as I approached the door, I heard a burst of singing, which seemed to be rehearsing.

【"every time,

They are all strong in wandering and loneliness.】

Is this "Invisible Wings"? Many people can tell it after just one sentence.

This is a very popular song and is very popular. It was originally loved by people because of its inspirational and touching nature. However, due to the negative news about Zhang Shaohan in recent years, many people have turned against it.

As a staff member of a television station, I naturally know more about news and public opinion than ordinary people.

They didn't know why this song was being rehearsed in the studio, but they didn't care much. They were more looking forward to seeing Chu Xuan and Liu Yifei. This "national couple" was obviously more attractive.

【every time,

Even if I am hurt, I will not shed tears..."]

Just after listening to the second sentence, someone who seemed to be the director shouted to stop.


"Yang Mi, forget it if it's out of tune, Jay Chou will fix it for you. This is a small problem, but can you have some feelings?"

Listening to the voice, they didn't know who it was, but they knew the director was Chu Xuan. However, Chu Xuan's voice on the TV was different from the voice in reality, so they couldn't hear who it was for a while.

It wasn't until he walked into the studio and took a quick look and saw Chu Xuan himself that he was sure that the voice just now belonged to Chu Xuan.

Chu Xuan was not in front of the monitor. The camera was controlled by Ning Hao and other teachers. He and Liu Yifei sat in the front row of the auditorium and acted as the audience.

Since that night when Zhang Shaohan's public opinion might affect the crew's role, he had made some plans for it, and then made corresponding countermeasures according to the news coming from Zeng Ni every day. It has been more than half a month now.

He and Liu Yifei have been filming scenes on the set for a while, and the scene related to "Invisible Wings" has finally arrived today.

There were no changes to this scene and it went ahead as originally planned.

The music is indeed good music, which is enough to convey a better inspirational and sunny effect to the plot atmosphere.

It's just that the music is fine, the plot is fine, but the actors are a big problem.

Hearing Yang Mi's melodious singing voice, he couldn't help but stop complaining.

"You give me the feeling that you are just a commercial performer. I wish I could just take the money and leave. The whole thing is perfunctory. When you come to me, a good song becomes a recitation. Even if you recite it aloud, I can't find the tune. This song

Is the song difficult? I can pick any elementary school student and he can sing it better than you."

Liu Yifei covered her mouth and smiled, then patted Chu Xuan again.

This is the first time Chu Xuan has scolded Yang Mi. Although Yang Mi’s singing is indeed a bit out of tune and her KTV level is not even high, it’s too disrespectful to say so, right?

Directors such as Zhou Jielun, Ning Hao and Huang Lei couldn't help but laugh. After more than a month of working together in the same group, their current new director Chu Xuan has changed a lot.

From the initial politeness, in which the word "newcomer" was expressed vividly, it has completely changed now. Xu Shi is becoming more and more skilled in directing work, and no longer has the unfamiliarity brought by the unknown field. In recent scenes,

Mr. Chu Xuan of Time is not polite. If he doesn't do well, he will say it. If he doesn't act well, he will scold him.

"Finally we are on the road." The teachers joked in private.

The crew present also found it interesting. They had two biggest feelings since joining the cast one month ago.

One is that except for the hectic working atmosphere in the first few days, the crew has been working in a relatively relaxed state since then. They have seen crews that finish work on time, but this is the first time they have seen crews that finish work on time every day.

They didn't know that the director and the producer had a conflict that led to the change. They only regarded this crew style as the director taking care of the whole crew, so they often praised him in private: "Director Chu is so good, he is the best I have ever seen."

There is no such thing as a good director."

It can only be said that every time a man achieves or receives praise, there is a woman behind it. Liu Yifei also knows the crew's praise of Chu Xuan, and she is even more aware of the changes and gains her existence has brought to Chu Xuan, but she has nothing to do with it.

The mentality of taking credit is just to be proud of being together with Chu Xuan, this feeling is even better.

In addition, the crew members also have an interesting feeling. The director is becoming more and more professional, his work is becoming more and more skilled, and at the same time, the director's mouth is becoming more and more sharp.

Unlike some directors who lose their temper and become furious, their director Chu tends to be gentle in his preaching and cursing, and his words of criticism never contain curse words, but what he says will either make you angry to death, or it is highly sarcastic.

It is such a state that always makes the whole group feel happy, which is really interesting.

"The director, producer, and people are here." The crew came to remind. Chu Xuan and Liu Yifei turned around and saw that the TV station personnel who had been invited entered the scene.

"Chu Xuan! Liu Yifei!" Many people waved and greeted excitedly.

Seeing this, the couple had a tacit understanding after working together for a month. Without any communication, Liu Yifei led people to greet her. Chu Xuan stayed at his place to deal with the director's affairs. The two of them had a tacit understanding of division of labor and cooperation.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Hello, thank you for coming to help." Liu Yifei greeted the TV station staff.

This scene is a "concert scene" scene, which requires a certain number of people as the audience.

The crew didn't have enough extras, so it would be okay to hire more, but I thought that since we were going to the TV station to borrow scenes for filming, the staff who worked on the program knew better how to enhance the atmosphere of the studio scene. If we could hire these people

If you act as an extra, the shooting effect will definitely be better.

It was Shenzhen Cultural Tourism who was able to borrow the scene in the TV studio to start filming. The TV station not only agreed to borrow the scene, but also asked a group of TV station program staff to come and help her.

Naturally, the producer wanted to express his gratitude and talk about the show.

On Chu Xuan's side, he said to Yang Mi on the stage: "Let's find the feeling again, we will start filming later."

Yang Mi on the stage looked desperate. She had been busy with studio work in Beijing for a month and returned to the set yesterday.

Today's scene is her first scene on the set of "Star You". When she first read the script, she didn't think anything of it. She just sang a very simple song. How difficult could it be?

But after rehearsing several times just now, she was scolded badly by her senior brother Chu Xuan, which made her a little confused. Her singing was indeed not very good, but it wasn't that bad, right?

Gulina snickered next to Yang Mi. This Yang Mi sister must have a good figure, good looks, and a good singing voice.

"Why are you laughing? You and her are the same." A ruthless word interrupted her thoughts, making her suddenly stunned. She and Yang Mi looked at each other, and they both burst out laughing.

"Is it really that bad?" Yang Mi didn't believe it, and frowned and looked at Chu Xuan questioningly.

Chu Xuan is an actor and a director, but she is not a professional singer. During several rehearsals, she was told that her singing was too good, which made her a little dissatisfied.

"Don't believe it?" Chu Xuan waved his hand: "Come on, come on down, go to the director's team and listen to the radio playback."

Yang Mi and Gu Lina walked off the stage and followed Chu Xuan to the monitor.

Zhou Jielun called up the radio playback and let the two of them listen to his singing.

【"Every time, always..."】

With just five words, Yang Mi was embarrassed to see anyone.

"Listen for yourself, is it right? It's out of tune at the beginning. And it's not out of tune. It's just out of tune. It's like adding a little accent to Mandarin. How do you evaluate this? I can only say it's a second creation.

He is so capable that even the singing gods worship him."


Chu Xuan’s words can be divided into high and low emotional intelligence. Low emotional intelligence means singing out of tune; high emotional intelligence means strong secondary creation ability.

This is quite interesting and makes the teachers happy.

Yang Mi patted him, dumbfounded: "It's not that exaggerated. The overall melody is still right, but it's just out of tune."

Chu Xuan crossed his arms and said "Yeah": "It's just out of tune. Are you quite proud?"

Faced with Chu Xuan's merciless blow, Yang Mi was about to cry without tears: "Then my singing level is like this, and I can't do it quickly in a short time, what can I do?"

Chu Xuan looked at her and said: "That's why I just said that going out of tune is a trivial matter. With Jay Chou, a million-dollar tuner here, you can tune it back if your singing fails..."

"No." Zhou Jielun interrupted him: "If the song goes off track, you can adjust it back. If the song misses the mark, there's nothing I can do. Please hire Gao Ming."

Everyone laughed, as Zhou Jielun would always inadvertently say something like this to make the atmosphere interesting.

Chu Xuan continued to say to Yang Mi: "You sing in the first half of this scene, followed by the audience's chorus. Their singing will cover up your voices a lot. What I ask of you is that the singing is generally nothing. What I want is

Your feelings."

"You are people who have suffered injustice. To put it bluntly, you have suffered unspoken rules. Now you have come out of the dark atmosphere. What about your emotions? Even if your singing is not good, you still want me to hear your emotions, right?


"And your expressions and eyes should also change slightly with the melody, so that I can give you a close-up shot, so that the audience can feel this inspirational and bright-hearted emotional expression more deeply from your expressions and eyes.


Seeing Yang Mi thoughtfully, Chu Xuan added another point: "Didn't you tell me before that it's difficult to do this business? You yourself have also been suppressed. Now that your studio has joined the Brilliant Era,

What kind of changes in your character have this experience brought about? Isn't this similar to what your character wants to express in this scene?"

Yang Mi's eyes lit up, that's right! In reality, she was a little dark when she was suppressed before, but she was bright after joining the bright era. Isn't this similar to the plot of her character Song Huiru?

"Actors should look for a sense of belief and try their best to connect the character with the real self. Even if it is a tyrannical search, they should find or even assume a common point. Once there is a common point, the emotion will naturally be right. Hurry and think about it.

Get in good shape."

"Okay senior brother, I seem to understand."

With Chu Xuan's advice, Yang Mi found the direction of the performance, and with thoughts on how to deal with the characters, she ran onto the stage with Gu Lina, who looked like she didn't understand, and continued rehearsing to find her groove.

In Chu Xuan's eyes, Gu Lina's eyes are very clear, and her cute-looking face makes her very innocent. When she sings this song, she makes people feel naturally sunny and inspirational. This is Gu Li's current situation.

With Na's characteristics, she could perform the scene well with her normal performance, so he didn't tell Gulina anything about the scene and just let her play whatever she wanted.

Yang Mi also had this trait before, but now, perhaps because she has more social experience and a stronger will, Yang Mi now looks a bit aggressive even under normal circumstances. She wants the audience to see her bias.

The weak inspirational emotion requires a lot of thought in handling the characters.

On Liu Yifei's side, Lu Chuan and Huang Lei came over to talk about the drama for the TV station staff.

The chorus of "Invisible Wings"? The TV station staff had some fun.

Cantata? They are good at it. In many TV programs, when it comes to the singing part to convey the atmosphere, these "fake audiences" will sing in chorus to heighten the atmosphere. If they can lead the "real audience" to sing together, the effect will be even better, even if

Even if they can't attract "real audiences", they can still make the atmosphere of the program effective. This is their job and they are absolutely professional.

Chu Xuan and Liu Yifei asked them to act in such a scene? They can only say that they found the right person.

Isn't it just to enhance the atmosphere? Just take some time to memorize the lyrics, there is no need to rehearse at all, okay?

Facts have proved that this is indeed the case. After several rehearsals, Chu Xuan and Liu Yifei discovered that these people’s warm smiling expressions, sunny and warm eyes, and active movements of waving light sticks, Yang Mi and Gu Lina on the stage.

No actor can match this performance at all, and no one else can.

"We found the right person." Chu Xuan was very satisfied.

"Did you find the right one?" Liu Yifei raised her eyebrows at Chu Xuan.

Originally, the crew wanted to hire professional extras, but it was her suggestion to hire people from the TV station. Now that her suggestion has produced such good results, she feels very accomplished.

"It's great to have you." Chu Xuan's praise of his wife was undisguised, which made Liu Yifei frown in pleasure.

Chu Xuan stood up in the front row of the auditorium, turned around and said to the extras: "We will officially shoot it again. Thank you for your cooperation!"

"It's not hard work!" someone shouted loudly.

"Can we take a photo together after taking a photo?" someone asked happily.

"Can I get an autograph?" someone asked immediately.

Many people from the TV station who came seemed to be fans of Chu Xuan and Liu Yifei. They were very happy to be able to film with their idols.

"Okay, this little thing must be satisfied." Chu Xuan agreed happily.

"Oh——" Everyone was in high spirits, as if the scene was not filming a concert, but Chu Xuan and Liu Yifei were having a concert.

"Come on, all departments get ready!" Chu Xuan shouted looking at the whole audience.

In front of the monitor, Jay Chou was sitting in the director's seat with a walkie-talkie in his hand, and he felt like a director in this scene.

"Everyone is quiet, the recordkeeper is getting ready to record the game."


When the countdown ends, the notes are finished, and the music starts playing in the studio.

Yang Mi and Gulina waited for the music prelude to enter the main melody in the character state, and sang at the right time.

["Every time, I am strong in the loneliness. Every time, even if I am hurt, I will not shed tears. I know that I have always had a pair of invisible wings. Take me to fly, fly over despair~"]

In terms of pitch, after adjusting it several times, it was finally out of tune.

But that's it. In other aspects, such as the sound quality, it's really not that good.

If it were a real concert, it would be a bit like a disaster scene, which would require Zhou Jielun to do the post-processing very hard.

Chu Xuan and Liu Yifei, the male and female protagonists, acted as the audience in this scene, and together with the extras present, they all looked like fans of Yang Mi and Gu Lina.

Rao's singing voice is like that, and the professionalism of all the staff is also very online. They smile intoxicatedly, sway gently from side to side, and slowly shake the light sticks with both hands, as if listening to a piece of fairy music.

If the TV series is broadcast, the audience will definitely think that Yang Mi and Gulina sing really well.

The crew members watching the scene all had complicated expressions on their faces, as if they had something to hide and were speechless.

Until entering the chorus, the sense of hearing and atmosphere increased in several dimensions, and the crew members finally no longer had to close their ears.

["I finally saw that all the dreams have blossomed, and the singing voice of the chasing young people is so loud. I finally soared and stared with my heart without fear. Wherever there is wind, I can fly as far as I can~"]


Chu Xuan was also singing along, but he stopped after singing, stood up, turned around and said to the audience: "It's a little out of time, it feels like a duet. Let's find a tacit understanding and sing in unison as much as possible to sound more shocking and more exciting.

Touching, let’s start again, thank you all for your hard work.”

After that, Chu Xuan sat down in his seat, but at the moment when he turned around, he noticed something strange in the direction of the director's team with his peripheral vision. He looked in the direction of the director's team, and happened to meet the eyes of a tearful girl.

Chu Xuan's face softened, Zhang Shaohan smiled softly and waved to him.

Seeing this, Liu Yifei followed Chu Xuan's gaze and looked at Zhang Shaohan with a soft smile, and also waved.

They thought that Zhang Shaohan would be waiting at the hotel, but the couple did not expect that she would come to the set.

Judging from the way she cried, she must have been moved by the whole audience singing her song, right?

I just happened to be at a low point. It happened that the crew was rehearsing this scene today, and I happened to come to the scene. This was a very clever opportunity.

This chapter has been completed!
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