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Chapter 416 Heroes are immortal (1)

The little devil sneaked into Guangzhou for the first time and kidnapped Li Xiaotong quietly, hoping to take the opportunity to blackmail Li Zhen for his weapons. As a result, he was wiped out by Li Zhen and no one was left. This time, the little devil resorted to the trick of diverting the tiger away from the mountain. He sent troops to attack Turi Island, but asked another group of Japanese warriors to attack Guangzhou with the intention of plundering Guangzhou.

After doing this twice in a row, Li Zhen's heart was filled with murderous intent.

However, with Li Zhen's current strength, it is impossible for him to lead his soldiers to the island, because Li Zhen has not yet let go of the energy to do things. The only way is to strengthen defense to prevent the little devils from coming to Guangzhou to cause trouble. , when he thought of this, Li Zhen felt deeply helpless again.

The little devil took the initiative to attack every time, but he could only be beaten passively.

Li Zhen sighed in his heart, looked at Liu Taiping, and said seriously: "Sir, the Admiral's Mansion is in crisis, and the people in the city have come to the rescue, which proves that our Admiral's Mansion has appeal. However, the people have sacrificed their own flesh and blood to compete with the Japanese samurai. There will definitely be injured people in the fight. We can't ignore it, so please sir, take action on this matter.

Li Zhen said with emotion: "As the saying goes, water can carry a boat or capsize it. The people support us, so we must put the people's interests first. When Mr. sends people to look for injured people, if it is found that the people are dead, , we must provide adequate compensation, comfort the families of the injured, and do not chill the hearts of the people.

Liu Taiping nodded and said: "I'm sorry, sir, don't worry."

Liu Taiping experienced this incident personally and saw hundreds of people helping the Admiral's Mansion. He felt extremely grateful and made up his mind to appease the people.

It is not only a public matter, but also a private matter of conscience.

Li Zhen continued: "Sir, you are responsible for the people's problems. Brother-in-law, you are responsible for counting the casualties of the soldiers. The most important thing is to find out the roster of the soldiers who defended the city. Record clearly the situation of all the soldiers who defended the city on the roster, and find them." Pensions will be given to the families of soldiers."


Wang Xiaoyang nodded in agreement with a serious expression.

Wang Xiaoyang also personally participated in the defense of the Admiral's Mansion this time. He knew the miserable situation of the soldiers guarding the city gate. If it were not for the desperate delay of the soldiers guarding the city in front, the Admiral's Mansion would not have been able to wait until the people gathered to stop it, and it would not have been able to withstand Long Ao's appearance. , so the funeral affairs of these soldiers must be handled well.

Li Zhen breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Except for the matters of the people and soldiers, there is nothing else. You can go back and rest. I will handle the rest."

The two nodded and stood up to say goodbye.

In the study, Li Zhen sat quietly alone, thinking about the soldiers. He already had a certain idea in his mind, and now he needed to perfect the idea. Time passed, and at some point, Li Zhen fell asleep on the desk. The oil lamp was also extinguished, leaving only the faint sound of breathing.

Early the next morning, there was a rapid knock on the door outside the study.

Li Zhen woke up with a start, got up and opened the door.

Ye Chengzhong stood at the door of the study and said: "Sir, Lord Guiliang, Da Fujin and the eunuch Han Laiyu have arrived at the house and are waiting for you in the hall."

Li Zhen waved his hands and said, "I'll wash up first and let them wait." Ye Chengzhong went to pass on the news. Li Zhen hurriedly asked people to prepare washing utensils. After he finished washing, he sent someone to fetch Zhilan from the backyard.

Zhilan stood next to Li Zhen and asked: "Husband, what can I do?"

Li Zhen said: "My father-in-law and mother-in-law are here, let's go and greet them."

The two of them entered the hall hand in hand. Zhi Lan had a faint smile on her lips, and her face was in high spirits. Moreover, her bun had been tied up. This was a proof that she became Li Zhen's wife. Li Zhen looked at the three of them respectfully and saluted. : "Father-in-law, Eunuch Han, mother-in-law, you guys came here early in the morning. What can I do for you?"

Guiliang said: "I have agreed with Eunuch Han to return to Beijing today."


Zhilan exclaimed and interrupted: "Ama, why are you going back so soon?"

Li Zhen also frowned and said, "Why are you so anxious?"

Han Laiyu said: "Admiral Li, it is already the end of September, close to October, and it is already very late to return to Beijing. The original plan of Mr. Shangshu and I was to get married to you and Miss Zhilan immediately after arriving in Guangzhou. Because of the flood, so We have just been delayed in Guangzhou for a while, and the emperor must be thinking that it is time to return to Beijing after the temporary stay is over."

Seeing Han Laiyu's determined expression, Li Zhen knew that the eunuch would not change his mind, so he nodded and said, "I will give my father-in-law and Eunuch Han a ride."

Guiliang smiled and said: "The carriage is already outside the house, it is enough to send it out."

Zhi Lan knew that nothing could be changed, so she held Da Fujin's hand and whispered something.

Li Zhen and Zhilan sent the Guiliang couple and Han Laiyu out of the house, and stood at the gate waving goodbye. The groom shouted, and the horse walked forward, the wheels turning, and slowly left. Li Zhen saw off the three of them. He sent Zhilan back to the backyard, comforted her for a while before returning to the study, and asked Ye Chengzhong to summon Liu Taiping and Wang Xiaoyang.

After the two came in, Li Zhen waved his hand for them to sit down and said in a deep voice: "Sir, I thought about it all night and decided to kill all the captured Japanese pirates."

Liu Taiping frowned and said, "Would this cause any resistance from Ye Mingchen?"

Liu Taiping had more things to consider because Ye Mingchen was also in Guangzhou.

When the Japanese pirates entered Guangzhou last night, Ye Mingchen clearly had an army, but he chose to ignore it and did not send troops to rescue the Admiral's Mansion. He clearly planned to sit back and watch the Admiral's Mansion be destroyed.

Wang Xiaoyang had no good impression of the Japanese pirates at all, and said in a cold voice: "Mr. Liu, if Long Ao hadn't suddenly come to the rescue last night, the Admiral's Mansion would have been occupied by the Japanese pirates. The Japanese pirates would not understand that you are already an old man in your early forties. It's better not to be a bad person. If you let the Japanese pirates go this time, they will come and kill you next time."

After a pause, Wang Xiaoyang continued: "Think about the people who were killed by the Japanese pirates in the past. Did they die in vain? Did the soldiers stationed at the city gate also die in vain? What could Ye Mingchen do in Guangzhou, even if the adults ordered to kill them? Even if the Japanese pirates are gone, Ye Mingchen does not dare to speak. I support your decision."

Li Zhen nodded and said: "I also think that we should kill all the Japanese pirates. Since my brother-in-law has this plan, he will go to the prison and bring the Japanese pirates to the military camp. All the Japanese pirates will be beheaded, and their bodies will be burned with lime. Treat it a little and use it to pay homage to the dead soldiers who defended the city."

Wang Xiaoyang stood up and left, with a happy look on his face.

Immediately, Li Zhen looked at Liu Taiping and said: "Sir, I plan to bury the soldiers who died in the city in the city. They have no tombstones, but I plan to erect a heroic monument in the city with the names of all the dead soldiers engraved on it. I Erect a monument to heroes in the city for future generations to remember, and also to give some comfort to the dead soldiers."

Liu Taiping said: "This is a good idea. It not only appeases the soldiers, but also rectifies their names."

ps: Second update; I’m still at my cousin’s house, so there will only be two chapters today, sorry.

This chapter has been completed!
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