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Chapter 615 Soldiers approaching Nanjing City

Outside the city of Nanjing, an army of nearly ten thousand arrived. This army was the soldiers of the Jiangbei camp led by Li Zhen. In order to avoid something unexpected happening when Chen Yucheng brought the soldiers back for rescue, Li Zhen led the army on the road day and night. Arrive at Taipingmen, located in the northeast of Nanjing City, in the shortest possible time.

After the army arrived, they marched straight towards Taiping Gate.

This action made the defenders on the tower of Taipingmen very nervous, and they all watched intently.

Li Zhen was riding on his horse, looking at the soldiers standing at the front, with a faint smile on his lips. He had already decided on a strategy to attack Nanjing, and all he needed to do next was to execute it. Everything would go according to his plan.

The soldiers at the front of the military formation were not carrying guns. They were all holding curved bows and a bow and arrow in their hands. In fact, the soldiers led by Li Zhen did not carry these weapons because they were pretending to be guards. However, the soldiers in charge of logistics were there. After Li Zhen led more than 8,000 soldiers to leave the Jiangbei camp, he had quietly escorted weapons to Nanjing via another road.

Therefore, Li Zhen was able to equip the bows, crossbows, muskets and other equipment in the shortest possible time. All the soldiers holding bows only had one bow and arrow in their hands, and there was a note tied to the bow and arrow.

Obviously, Li Zhen had a purpose in letting the soldiers shoot.

Li Zhen saw thousands of soldiers standing under the tower and ordered: "Shoot."

The order was given and the soldiers carried it out.

After a while, the order was conveyed to the ears of the soldiers in the front row.

"Whoosh, whoosh,..."

One after another, the bows and arrows came out of the string, and the dense bows and arrows flew out like a downpour. The sound of the bows and arrows piercing the air lingered in my ears, and the dense rain of arrows came into my eyes. After the first arrow rain was shot, I stood there. The soldiers in the first row immediately retreated, and the soldiers in the second row began to shoot arrows at the tower.

In this way, ten waves of attacks were carried out in succession, and Li Zhen ordered the soldiers to retreat.

Nearly nine thousand soldiers turned around and retreated in order.

On the city tower, the soldiers guarding the city were all relieved after seeing the army retreating. However, when the soldiers saw the scattered bows and arrows on the city tower, they immediately discovered the notes tied to the bows and arrows. The soldiers picked up the bows and arrows, and opened them. I opened the note and saw what was on it.

"Tomorrow, the army will attack the city."

On the note, six simple big characters appeared in the eyes of the soldiers. This news made the soldiers who saw the news look horrified on their faces. Soon, the soldiers started chattering again.

"Li Zhen defeated General Chen, and now he is leading an attack on Taipingmen. Can we stop him?"

"You can't stop it, but I don't think it can."

"Well, I don't think it can be stopped. Think about it, King Dong was defeated by Li Zhen, King Yan was defeated, and General Chen was also defeated. Now Li Zhen comes to attack Taipingmen. I think it is unstoppable." At this point, The soldier lowered his voice and whispered: "Brother, let me remind you, act according to the situation tomorrow and try to save your own life. This is the most important thing. It is better to die than to live. If you live, you will have everything. ."

The other soldier nodded and stopped talking.

Wang Buyi, the general guarding the city, did not ask what the soldiers were talking about, but he could already guess what the soldiers under his command were talking about. He himself had no hope and could not stop it.

Wang Buyi did not dare to delay and rushed to the city immediately.

The news that Li Zhen will attack Nanjing tomorrow is extremely important. Wang Buyi dare not hide it. Moreover, in order to guard the city gate, Wang Buyi also needs help guarding the Taiping Gate. Wang Buyi rode a horse and ran all the way. After arriving at the Tianwang Mansion, he The news was told to the guards outside the Heavenly King's Mansion, involving the safety of Nanjing City, and the guards immediately went to report it.

Not long after, the guards came out and took Wang Buyi into the mansion and came to the Palace of the Heavenly King.

Wang Buyi knelt on the ground with a plop and saluted Hong Xiuquan.

Hong Xiuquan was wearing a dragon robe and uniform, sitting upright. He waved his hand with a majestic expression for Wang Buyi to stand up, and asked: "Li Zhen is attacking Nanjing. You are not guarding the Taiping Gate. What are you doing here to find me?"

The corner of Wang Buyi's mouth twitched, and he thought to himself that if he could stop Li Zhen, would I still come to report him?

However, he obviously did not dare to say that.

Wang Buyi became more respectful and said loudly: "Reporting to the King of Heaven, Li Zhen has issued a letter of war and will attack the city tomorrow. I kindly ask the King of Heaven to send some troops to support Taipingmen, otherwise we will use our Taipingmen troops to face Li Zhen's army. It's hard to resist." As he spoke, Wang Buyi handed the note tied to the bow and arrow to the eunuch, who handed it over.

After Hong Xiuquan read the note, his face changed drastically, and his majestic expression completely disappeared.

He slapped the dragon chair and shouted: "Arrogant, really arrogant, Li Zhen is so arrogant." He took a deep breath and shouted: "King An, King Fu, King Lars Lai." Discussing matters in the palace." Hong Xiuquan was good at political power, but not good at managing political affairs, and Xu Yuan was not in the city, so he could only bring Lars, Hong Renfa and others to discuss it.

About fifteen minutes later, Lars, An Wang Hong Renfa and Fu Wang Hong Renda all arrived. After the three of them greeted each other, Hong Renfa asked: "Brother Wang, why did you come to see us?"

Hong Xiuquan told what had just happened and said with a serious expression: "Li Zhen's army is going to attack Taipingmen. Wang Buyi asked for support. What do you think?"

An Wang Hong Renfa immediately said: "Support, support immediately, we can't let Li Zhen attack Nanjing."

Hong Renda also said: "Yes, support immediately."

The two people directly agreed to support without any thought. Because Li Zhen wanted to attack Taiping Gate, they naturally had to send soldiers to resist and prevent Taiping Gate from being breached.

After hearing the two people's opinions, Hong Xiuquan shook his head in his heart.

The suggestions of these two people were too superficial. He turned his eyes and asked: "Mr. Lars, what do you think?"

Lars said neither humble nor arrogantly: "King of Heaven, I don't agree with the suggestions of King An and King Fu."


Hong Renfa and Hong Renda were like cats whose tails had been stepped on, and they exclaimed at the same time. Hong Renfa's face turned red, and he even said loudly with excitement: "Lars, when we came together, you also said that we must support Taipingmen. , now, how do you change your tone, tell me, why."

In fact, they had already received the news about Li Zhen's attack on Taipingmen.

When Hong Xiuquan saw this, a trace of gloom flashed between his brows. It seemed that all these people knew about it. He was the only one who didn't know. Hong Xiuquan felt slightly cold and asked: "Mr. Lars, tell me what you think."

"Yes, tell me quickly." Hong Renfa asked.

Hong Renda said again: "Speak quickly."

The two people talked repeatedly, which made Hong Xiuquan very unhappy. Hong Xiuquan looked coldly and shouted: "Shut up, if you don't interrupt, no one will think you are dumb."

After this loud shouting, Hong Renfa and Hong Renda no longer dared to speak.

Lars looked calm and said calmly: "The reason why I disagree is because I can't be sure of Li Zhen's intention. On the surface, Li Zhen said in a big way that he was preparing to attack Taiping Gate, but if we move all the soldiers behind Taiping Gate, Li Zhen will Zhen Que changed the city gate to attack, wouldn't we have fallen into the trap? Therefore, I do not agree to support."

Hong Xiuquan asked: "Mr. Lars said it very well, what do you think should be done next?"

ps: The second update is coming, keep up the hard work; let’s count the votes to stimulate your dizzy head, haha, please subscribe.

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