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Chapter 637 Li Zhen's Test

Seeing that Li Zhen had already sat down against the conference table, Xi Changzhen reined in his horse, then threw the Daguan Dao in Chen Zhengshi's hand, lifted his robe, and turned over to dismount.

It was just a casual throw, but Li Zhen's eyes lit up.

In Xi Changzhen's hand, the Daguandao was like a feather, light and weightless. But when it was in Chen Zhengshi's hand, when he took the Daguandao, it was held with both hands. Even so, Chen Zhengshi still held it with great effort. It took a lot of effort to put the Daguan Dao on the ground, so that I wouldn't be unable to grasp the Daguan Dao firmly.

Obviously, the Daguandao is not light in weight.

"He's a master."

Li Zhen made a conclusion in his mind, and then thought that Xi Yinglong also had a martial arts background, and it was not surprising that Xi Changzhen in front of him knew martial arts, but Li Zhen didn't know how strong Xi Changzhen's martial arts was.

Chen Zhengshi held the Daguan Dao and said: "Li Zhen is so bold, I'm afraid there is an ambush. Please be careful."

"He won't kill me if there is an ambush." ​​Xi Changzhen said: "Li Zhen asked me out, and I was going to the meeting alone. It was said that it was a good talk. If Li Zhen set an ambush to ambush me, his reputation would be ruined. This is very important to Li Zhen." , it’s not cost-effective, besides, the defense of Zhennanguan has been arranged, I’m not afraid of him ambushing me, even if he kills me, Li Zhen won’t get any benefit.”

After finishing speaking, Xi Changzhen lifted up his robe and strode forward.

Li Zhen watched Xi Changzhen approaching, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Why is this guy dressed the same as Mr. Guan? He is wearing a parrot green robe, a cuckold, a long beard, and red cheeks. He walks with a scurrying pace and is full of airs. Li Zhen saw Looking like this, I knew in my heart that this person was probably an admirer of Guan Gong, otherwise he wouldn't be like this.

Not long after, Xi Changzhen walked to the other end of the conference table and sat down.

Xi Changzhen said: "Isn't my outfit very chic? Does it look like a public official?" After a moment of pause, Xi Changzhen said again: "It took me a long time to take care of this outfit. It’s not easy to come out.”


Li Zhen immediately laughed, amused by Xi Changzhen's words.

This person is really interesting.

Li Zhen nodded and said: "It looks good, it looks good."

Xi Changzhen had a satisfied look on his face and an expression of joy. He looked at Li Zhen as if he had met a confidant. He put his hands on the conference table, the smile on his face faded, and he said seriously: "Let's not talk about clothes for now. Mention, if you really have any ideas, we can write letters and communicate privately. Let’s get down to business and call the general from all the way over if you need anything.”

After he finished speaking, he smiled again.

As soon as he smiled, the serious expression on his face disappeared immediately, and he lost all his majesty.

Li Zhen opened his mouth and said, "I invite you to come. Naturally, I want to have a talk with you."

"What are we talking about?" Xi Changzhen asked again.

Li Zhen said straight to the point: "I want you to submit to me, so I will offer you Zhennanguan Pass."

Xi Changzhen said: "I'll offer you a pass, do you think you'll accept it?"

Li Zhen smiled and said: "If you dare to offer, I will dare to follow. If you don't have this courage, how can you get around in the world."

Xi Changzhen snorted, his expression became serious again, and he said in a deep voice: "You have a good idea, it is impossible to surrender, and it is impossible to submit. I am Xi Yinglong's eldest brother, how can I submit to you? You are really Whimsical.”

Li Zhen said: "Everything is possible."

Xi Changzhen smiled and said: "Absolutely impossible."

Li Zhen shook his head slightly and said: "Xi Yinglong raised his troops to rebel, the whole country opposed it, and all the people resisted. Xi Yinglong has become unpopular. You followed Xi Yinglong in rebellion and are not loyal to the emperor. Your Xi family is a famous family, and your ancestors have been loyal to the emperor for generations. Now you are helping Xi Yinglong rebelled, and was unfilial to his ancestors; Xi Yinglong rebelled, and the people were in dire straits, but you helped the tyrants do evil, and showed no benevolence. Xi Yinglong was unfaithful, unfilial, and unkind. Do you think you should be unfaithful, unfilial, and unkind?"

"What a sharp-tongued man."

Xi Changzhen's face changed slightly, and he immediately retorted: "It seems that what the world has said is true. They all say that you, Li Zhen, have sharp teeth and a sharp mouth. It seems that you are truly worthy of your reputation. I have learned a lesson."

His expression quickly became indifferent and he didn't take Li Zhen's words to heart.

They have already rebelled, so why are they still thinking about what to do?

"Thank you, thank you." Li Zhen raised his voice and said: "I heard people say that Xi Changzhen is a thick-skinned person. Now it seems that he is not only thick-skinned, but also as strong as a city wall. A person who is unfaithful, unfilial, and unkind can still I am ashamed of my ability to sit calmly and calmly."

Xi Changzhen frowned, his calm heart slightly agitated.

Li Zhen is always obsessed with one thing, which makes people very unhappy.

However, Xi Changzhen is a smart man and understands that Li Zhen is provoking him and trying to make him confused.

Xi Changzhen calmed down again and said: "Your little tricks are of no use to me. I can't fall into the trap. Tell me, what's the matter? If nothing goes wrong, I will go back to Zhennanguan. Alas, I will see you." I'm really disappointed. People say that Li Zhen is unparalleled and powerful. I also thought that Li Zhen is a strong and domineering person. But now it seems that his reputation is in vain. He looks like a pretty boy, has a sharp tongue, and has no big heart. None, which is disappointing.”

Li Zhen smiled and said: "Xi Changzhen, if I like to use tricks, I can kill you if you come here. As for whether I look like a pretty boy or not, you can't decide. On the contrary, you are always wearing one." Cuckold, could it be..."

At this point, Li Zhen's words stopped abruptly.

Xi Changzhen naturally understood what Li Zhenhua meant. He said that being a cuckold meant that a woman in the family was stealing a man. Xi Changzhen stood up and slapped the conference table with his palm. With a livid face, he yelled: "Li Zhen, kid, you are bullying me." You are so generous, I will be waiting at Zhennan Pass, waiting for you to come and die."

"Go slowly and don't see me off."

Li Zhen shouted and watched Xi Changzhen leave.

Yang Banhou came over and asked: "Commander, how is this man?"

Li Zhen looked solemn and said seriously: "I have been observing him and found that this guy is really difficult to deal with. When he slammed the table and left just now, there was a sullen look on his face, but his expression was very calm. He was not really touched by me. I was irritated. He did this just to create an illusion for me, showing that he is not a calm person. It seems that it is not easy to deal with Xi Changzhen."

After finishing speaking, Li Zhen also stood up and went back to the camp.

When Xi Changzhen returned, Chen Zhengshi asked: "General, how is the situation?"

Xi Changzhen said angrily: "This Li Zhen is making excuses for my cuckolding again. It's so abominable."

Chen Zhengshi said: "You don't care, right?"

Xi Changzhen smiled and said: "I really don't care, but in order to deceive Li Zhen, I pretended to be angry, then waved my hands and left. Li Zhen must have thought that I was an easily provoked person, and then he started to arrange means to deal with me and left.

, let’s go back to Zhennanguan and wait for Li Zhen’s new move.”

Chen Zhengshi glanced in Li Zhen's direction and followed Xi Changzhen back.

ps: first update;

This chapter has been completed!
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