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Chapter 1028: Xu Youzhen’s opportunity

"Your Majesty, this is my plan, but..."

Standing at the steps of Chonghua Hall, Zhu Yi leisurely recounted all the plans he had told Zhang Xi that day. Finally, with a slightly embarrassed look on his face, he said.

"...It seems that Zhang Tongzhi is quite doubtful that I can accomplish this, so to this day, the progress on the military side is very slow."

Since the Supreme Emperor wanted to use the emperor's mental skills, Zhu Yi naturally had to cooperate with him.

The so-called way to govern is to show kindness and power at the same time. The 'beating' just now can be regarded as power, so naturally, the next step is to give the Supreme Emperor a chance to show kindness.

As expected, after hearing this, Zhu Qizhen smiled slightly and waved his hands.

"Wang Qin's matter, after all, it is you who become the Duke of Guo and benefit from it. Therefore, it is normal for Zhang Xi to hesitate. However, you are both the governor of the country. If there is any misunderstanding, just let it go."

"You don't have to worry about this matter. In two days' time, I will find an opportunity to talk to Zhang Xi and ask him to help you."

Zhu Yi handed over the words, so he was naturally prepared for it.

Hearing the Emperor's generous words, Zhu Yi was immediately overjoyed and said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"It doesn't matter, you do your job well, not only to serve the country, but also to be loyal to me, but..."

Zhu Qizhen nodded with satisfaction, then his expression became solemn again, and he asked.

"It's not a problem with Zhang Xi, but are you sure your plan is feasible? Don't you end up making wedding clothes for others?"

Seeing this situation, Zhu Yi also hesitated a little and said.

"Your Majesty is aware that I dare not say that I am 100% sure, but there is at least a 50% chance. I feel that I can give it a try. If nothing is done, the result will be the same in the end."

After saying this, Zhu Qizhen pondered for a moment, but nodded slightly, acknowledging Zhu Yi's statement.

Seeing this situation, Zhu Yi said cautiously.

"But Your Majesty, I still have one thing to worry about, that is, if I come forward directly in this matter, once something happens, it may involve the two houses, so I am thinking about whether I can find someone who has an established position in the court.

Someone brave enough to help."

"Who do you want to use?"

Zhu Qizhen frowned and asked bluntly.

So, Zhu Yi spit out a name, and then he knelt on the ground and said.

"Your Majesty, I know that doing this may offend my clan. However, after much thought, I have no other way. Please give me your advice."

Sure enough, after hearing this name, Zhu Qizhen's expression also changed.

However, looking at Zhu Yi kneeling on the ground, his expression also changed for a while, but in the end, he just waved his hand gently and said.

"Just be more careful."

He wasn't sure, and he wasn't sure either. However, Zhu Yi already understood this attitude and kowtowed again and said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

So, Zhu Qizhen sighed, and instead of getting too entangled in this matter, he said:

"On the hunting ground in the early spring, you proposed to the imperial court to build a young army. Now that Yang Jie has returned to Beijing, the emperor has no reason to delay this matter anymore, so he will take this opportunity to do it together. Alright."

These words were spoken in a calm tone, but they were obviously not a discussion but an order.

In other words, it was Zhu Qizhen’s condition.

Although Zhu Yi did not feel that Zhu Qizhen suffered a loss in what happened just now, he still stood up respectfully and said.

"I obey the decree..."


Qianqing Palace.

Shu Liang stood at the bottom and told what happened in Nangong one by one, saying.

"My lord, please forgive me. Zhang Xi went to Nangong once a few days ago, but the Supreme Emperor Huang Ping withdrew at that time. Therefore, he did not find out what was specifically discussed."

So, this is the shortcoming of being too laissez-faire to Nangong.

If, like in the previous life, the gates were filled with lead, all the trees were cut down, and the imperial army kept strict guard, then the connection between Zhu Qizhen and the outside world could be cut off to the greatest extent.

But it is useless to guard against such a thing strictly. You can only commit a thief for a thousand days, but there is no way to guard against a thief for a thousand days.

Under strict precautions, for Zhu Qizhen, as long as he can succeed once, then the entire situation can be reversed.

Therefore, until now, Zhu Qiyu has not ordered Nangong to be completely sealed off. Sometimes, hiding in the dark is much more useful than keeping everything in the open.

Of course, Zhu Qizhen was not stupid. He more or less listened to what Empress Dowager Sun said. At least the people around him were his confidants.

Moreover, when discussing some confidential matters, at most there are only two most confidant maids around.

So it is true that some information cannot be found out.

"It doesn't matter. If the Supreme Emperor doesn't even have this vigilance, there really is no threat."

Zhu Qiyu waved his hand, but didn't care about this matter.

No matter in his past life or this life, Zhu Qizhen, who has been reduced to the current situation, has actually become a figure whose symbolic significance is greater than his actual significance.

He may not have been the decision-maker for the Nangong Incident in his previous life, and he may not be able to control the nobles who rely on him now.

If Zhang Shi was really loyal to Nangong, he would not have joined forces with Zhu Yi to deceive Zhu Qizhen before.

Therefore, Zhu Qizhen is not the most critical. Of course, Zhu Yi's original move was indeed a bit reckless.

Thinking of this, Zhu Qiyu couldn't help but feel a headache. Whether it was Yang Jie, Zhu Yi, or even Ren Hong, these young people all had too many ideas. It was not impossible to do what they were told, but they often went too far, and even failed. He needs to come back to deal with the aftermath.

Zhu Qiyu shook his head and said.

"Now that the matter has come to this, it is not without benefits. At least it will be much easier for Zhu Yi to act in the court in the future."

"However, there is a growing grudge between him and Nangong, and there are still hidden dangers. From this point of view, Xu Youzhen should take action."

Shu Liang bowed, his voice respectful.

"What do you mean, Your Majesty?"

"Didn't Xu Youzhen always want to get promoted? Just give him a chance. Zhang Xi will let him find a way to gain the trust of the British government."

For Xu Youzhen, it was just an idle move at first, but now it seems that it is a wonderful move.

In the final analysis, keeping an eye on Zhu Qizhen is not the key, but keeping an eye on the people he has available is what is really useful.

"Yes, I will send a message to Master Xu when I get back."

Shu Liang nodded and said quickly.

"In addition to this matter, there is also news from the Duke that he has made all the preparations that need to be made, and only a few princes still need to make peace. However, during the New Year,

We can also prepare all the time and effort, and we can start at any time as long as His Majesty gives permission."

As soon as these words came out, the air pressure in the hall dropped significantly.

Shu Liang lowered his head, closed his mouth tightly, and did not speak again.

After a long time, a soft sigh sounded.

"Just find an opportunity after the Chinese New Year."

"This slave obeys the order..."

As the days went by, another snow fell, and the entire Forbidden City turned into a world covered in silver.

With a 'click' sound, the small lock buckle was buckled into the lock core, and the year was completely over.

Xu Youzhen smiled and greeted all her colleagues one by one, rubbed her hands, got into her small sedan, and gave instructions.

"Go to Chen Shangshu's residence."


"What? Xu Youzhen?"

Officials in the Ming Dynasty had very few formal holidays. Chen Shangshu finally made it to New Year's Eve and was playing with his little grandson when he received news of this uninvited guest.

Chen Xundao frowned.

"What is he here for?"

The butler below saw that Chen Xun's expression was not good, and his tone became a little cautious, and he said.

"I said I came to pay my New Year greetings to my master."

"pay a New Year call?"

Chen Xun sneered and said.

"Coming to pay New Year's greetings on New Year's Eve, he can actually think of it!"

So, the housekeeper asked cautiously.

"Then, how about I go and reject Mr. Xu?"

"No, let him wait for me in the hall!"

After thinking for a moment, Chen Xun finally spoke.

His personality is that he doesn't like to offend people. After all, Xu Youzhen is considered a member of the East Palace, so it won't be a big deal if you meet him.

What's more, since the last time he plotted against Du Ning and was scolded by Chen Xun and left, he has not dared to enter the Chen Mansion for a long time.

Now that he suddenly came over, Chen Xun was a little curious. What happened to him? He was not even afraid of being scolded.

So, the housekeeper went down to call for someone, and Chen Xun teased his grandson again. Then, without even changing out of his casual robe and shoes, he just put on a cloak and came to the flower hall.

There was a fire burning in the hall, and the person who came was a guest. Naturally, the people below would not treat Xu Youzhen lightly. Hand stoves, tea, and snacks were all prepared.

However, Xu Youzhen didn't even sit down, she kept waiting at the door with her hands down.

Seeing Chen Xun walking down the corridor, Xu Youzhen stepped forward with a respectful attitude and said:

"The student has met the teacher!"

"Yuan Yu has been away for a long time. Why do you want to visit me, an old man, today?"

When facing Xu Youzhen, Chen Xun still looked kind. He sat down in the flower hall, waved his hand to Xu Youzhen and said.


"It's the student's fault. In fact, as the New Year is approaching these days, the East Palace is busy, so I couldn't come to see the teacher in time. I hope the teacher can forgive me."

Xu Youzhen cupped her hands, her tone still respectful.

Seeing this situation, Chen Xun did not exchange too many greetings with him and said straightforwardly.

"The East Palace is busy, I know that, but tomorrow is the first day of the morning. As usual, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince will be congratulated in the Wenhua Hall. As an official of the East Palace, it must be another busy day for you. Now that you are off the Yamen, you

If you don’t go home quickly and rest, why did you come to my house?”

"Is it possible that you think I am the kind of person who is unkind and insists on asking his disciples to lead the way?"

This was said with a bit of a joke.

However, Xu Youzhen said quickly.

"The students don't dare, but the teacher has a clear understanding. The students here really have something to discuss with the teacher."

"What's the matter? Just tell me."

Chen Xun had already expected this, so he looked very calm and said.

So Xu Youzhen opened her mouth and asked.

"Students heard that after the New Year's Day, the official department will hold a big plan?"

"Well, there is such a thing."

Chen Xun nodded, his tone still calm.

Seeing this situation, Xu Youzhen smiled and said.

"Lord Tianguan, you are very courageous. The Beijing inspection is ahead of schedule, and the big plans must be ahead of schedule. It seems that next year will be a troubled year."

Hearing this, Chen Xun's eyes narrowed, but he did not speak.

However, this change in demeanor was naturally caught by Xu Youzhen, so he spoke.

"To tell you the truth, teacher, the students still remember that during the original inspection of the capital, Lord Tianguan was selfless and deposed a large number of officials in the capital, many of whom were old friends of the students. Some of them, I am afraid, will never be able to do it again in this life."

Back to the capital."

These words were filled with deep emotion, but after hearing this, Chen Xun's face became a little ugly. You must know that the suppression of Qingliu started with the Beijing Police.

During that Beijing inspection, many officials from Qingliu were hit hard. In fact, during the Beijing inspection, many young people he was optimistic about, such as Peng Shi, Pei Lun, and Shang Ren, all offended Wang Wen.

Was demoted from Beijing.

After that, Qingliu began to fail.

At this time, Xu Youzhen mentioned this matter and made it clear which pot should not be opened and which pot should be picked up. Chen Xun was naturally unhappy, and he said with a bit of displeasure as he spoke.

"During the Chinese New Year, you came to see me just to talk about this?"

Seeing that the old man was a little angry, Xu Youzhen said quickly.

"The teacher is kind, but the student is just worried. During the last inspection in the capital, Mr. Gao Ge, Shang Shidu and others were demoted from the capital. It can be seen that Master Tianguan has no good impression of the Qingliu lineage."

"Although this plan is not as good as Beijing Cha, students are still worried that the past will happen again."

During the Chinese New Year, uninvited guests came to the door. Mr. Chen was already in a bad mood. Looking at Xu Youzhen's 'worry' look on his face, he suddenly felt even more unhappy. He snorted coldly and said.

"What do you have to say? Just say it!"

The implication is that if he goes around and around again, he will serve tea to see off the guests.

Therefore, Xu Youzhen didn't dare to sell out anymore and said.

"Teacher, the student wants to say that it is not a good thing for the court to continue like this. Wang Wen, Yu Qian and others are now controlling the government, which is not a long-term solution."

"Your Majesty, during this period of time, has suppressed the academic system, neglected the Qing Dynasty, and relied on his close associates. If this continues, the imperial court may no longer have a legitimate voice."

"Of course, everyone knows about Yu Shaobao's Qing Dynasty. However, now that the Ministry of War is full of his cronies, it is hard to say that if the Ministry of Personnel has another big plan, it is not to further control the civil and military officials."

"Therefore, for the sake of the imperial court, the student feels that there should be some veteran ministers who can control the situation in the court hall and beside His Majesty. When necessary, they can advise the emperor, so as not to mislead the traitor and cast a shadow.

Big mistake."

Hearing the song and knowing its elegant meaning, Chen Xun only thought for a moment and understood what Xu Youzhen meant. He raised his eyebrows and softly uttered two words.


Nowadays, there are still vacancies in the court, and there are only a few cabinet ministers left who can be called important ministers.

According to the original regulations set by the emperor, the cabinet should have six people, but it was never full. After Jiang Yuan left, there were only four people left in the cabinet. The first assistant was Wang Ao, the second assistant was Yu Shiyue, and there was one person who was imprisoned due to the imperial examination.

Implicate Zhang Min and Zhu Jian, who are committing crimes.

Chen Xun had served in the cabinet, so he naturally knew how much government affairs the cabinet had to deal with every day. Especially since Yu Shiyue also served as the secretary of the Prince's Office, a large part of his energy had to be diverted from the cabinet.

So to be honest, the cabinet is indeed short of people now.

However, Xu Youzhen comes at this time...

With a strange flash in his eyes, Chen Xun asked.

"Who do you think is qualified?"

This chapter has been completed!
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