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Chapter 1034: The First Day of the New Year

 With serious dissatisfaction with the vacation system, the elders, who had half of their three-day vacation taken up, stood by the Jinshui Bridge when the sky was dim as usual.

As usual, at the beginning of the new year, basically nothing major happens. However, this year, everyone is not living a peaceful life.

As the New Year comes, families visit each other, gather and have banquets, and all the news spreads quickly. Among them, the most hotly discussed one is that Yu Qian went to the Tenth Prince's Mansion to apologize.

Since that day, Yu Qian came to the door to apologize, but was turned away. For three consecutive days, Yu Qian came to the door every day, but was turned away every day.

It was not until noon on the third day that King Zhou came late. However, he also did not even let Yu Qian in. He only accepted the apology form, left a blank sentence to do something for himself, and turned back to his home.

The dignified Minister of the Ministry of War and the Minister of the Seventh Qing Dynasty walked to see him for three consecutive days. His intentions could not be said to be dishonest and his attitude could not be said to be low.

However, in the face of such sincerity, the postures of the kings were still aloof and extremely arrogant. In fact, except for the King of Zhou, the other kings did not even show their faces.

This matter has spread throughout the capital in just a few days, and countless people are talking about it. Especially among the officials, there are many people who are filled with righteous indignation. Many people think that the kings are too rude and domineering.

Of course, more focus is still on Yu Qian. However, after this incident, Yu Qian basically stayed away from home. Even during the Chinese New Year, he rarely went out to visit friends.

He refused to meet all the people who asked for invitations. It is said that even a certain assistant to the cabinet was rejected.

During this New Year's Day, all kinds of news spread all over the sky. It was not until this morning that all the officials saw Yu Qian again.

As usual, he stood at the forefront of the civil servants, talking to several important ministers. Looking from a distance, there was nothing wrong with his face, as if the incident years ago had no impact on him.

With the sound of heavy drums and the sound of three whips beside the Jinshui Bridge, the palace gate opened wide and the ministers entered the Wenhua Hall one by one along the palace gate.

"Long live my emperor!"

After all the salutes, the emperor sat on the throne, his face as calm as ever, and ordered his ministers to begin their duties.

Logically speaking, the first morning court meeting after the New Year is basically nothing major, but this time it is extremely different.

First, Wang Wen, the Minister of Civil Affairs, stepped forward and handed over a copy of "Invitation for Great Plans", which immediately confirmed the recent rumors in Beijing.

Although it is said that the Grand Plan is different from the Beijing inspection, in that it is local officials who are evaluated rather than officials in the capital, so it is not directly related to the ministers who can stand in the Wenhua Palace, but in the officialdom, the most important thing is personal connections.


Among all the ministers in this palace, there will be no disciples or old friends, descendants from the same hometown, and all the plans will come together. All kinds of relationships and friendships will inevitably come one after another, and no one will be able to live in peace.

And, more importantly, there have been rumors in the DPRK that the Ministry of Punishment will also be involved in this big plan. This is something that has never happened in previous years.

There was a flurry of discussion in the court, but the emperor made a quick decision. With just one word from Jinkou Yuyin, the matter was finalized.

But this is normal. Since rumors can spread about the big plan, it means that it has been discussed in private, so this time it is just a formality to announce it to the officials.

Of course, this memorial only preliminarily determines the time and scope of the plan. As for the specific regulations, it cannot be determined in a day or two. The officials will definitely update the details again in the future.

Although the memorial about the grand plan aroused a lot of discussion, it did not cause too much trouble. After all, although this matter involved many people, it was not directly related to the people present.

However, the confirmation of this matter has also aroused the thoughts of many ministers. If a big plan is launched, the positions of deputy censor of the capital and censor of the capital that have been vacant for a long time in the Metropolitan Procuratorate must be added. If it is according to the rumors, the Ministry of Punishment will be replaced this time.

If you want to participate, then the post of Minister of Dali Temple will probably no longer remain vacant.

Compared to the big plan, these things are probably what they care more about.

When everyone was in confusion, the officials had already retreated, and then the punishment department came forward and reported the situation of many prisoners currently being held in the punishment department's jail.

"...commanded Xie Xiang, a minister, and violently injured people. He privately mobilized officers and soldiers with the intention of murdering the imperial minister. The minister asked the king to order a flag and killed him on the spot. Later it was found out that Xie Xiang invaded 325 hectares of farmland and was forced to death.

Among the sixty-three officers and soldiers, among others, they were guilty of taking credit, taking pay, and killing civilians indiscriminately. After interrogation of their subordinates Liu Qing and Li Qi, the evidence was conclusive. The Ministry of Punishment sentenced their family property to confiscation, and their clan was exiled to guard the border...


"...Counselor Hu Yong, who used officers and soldiers to privately cultivate 152 hectares of land, refused to plead guilty after being arrested. It was later found out that he had bribed and taken credit, forced the death of thirty-one officers and soldiers, and was also raped.

For crimes such as robbing civilian girls and setting up torture chambers to kill innocent people with sticks, the Ministry of Punishment sentenced them to death, their property was confiscated, and their clan was exiled to guard the border..."

"...Deputy General Liu Qin...Qianhu Li Ming...general Wang Li..."

In sharp contrast to the simple memorials of the Ministry of Officials, the memorials of Jin Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishments are extremely detailed. In his dull voice, the fate of each of the generals is finalized.

A group of ministers were listening, their thoughts drifting away. Although the crimes of these generals had been investigated for a long time, after all, there were a large number of people involved, and there were several third- and fourth-grade generals among them.

, which can be considered very important.

The speed of the Ministry of Punishment this time is so fast that it can be said to be a quick cut of the mess. It seems that Jin Shangshu has put in a lot of effort. Moreover, if you listen carefully, you will find that the crimes of these people are light and heavy, and the punishments are different, but most of them have

One thing they all have in common is that their property was confiscated...

Looking at a certain household secretary, everyone couldn't help but hear another rumor in the capital recently.

Sure enough, after listening to the report from the Ministry of Punishment below, the emperor also put down the memorial in his hand, and then the jade sound sounded, saying.

"With approval and at the request of the Ministry of Household Affairs, after the confiscation of the official's property, it will be temporarily returned to the national treasury for use in case of emergencies."

Swish, swish, swish...

After the emperor finished speaking, all the eyes in the palace turned to Shen Shangshu of the Ministry of Revenue, which made the great situ look a little embarrassed.

Why does Your Majesty still hold a grudge and say...

His old face turned red and Chen Yi grimaced, but he still walked forward honestly and said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your consideration."

"I report to Your Majesty that the Ministry of Household Affairs, in compliance with His Majesty's decree, clarified the state treasury and Changping warehouses in various places, and the government's grain inventory. I have now found out that the Beijing warehouse now has 14.42 million shi of rice and wheat. Tongzhou


Well, it seems that the always shameless Shen Shangshu can't stand it any longer. This is obviously changing the topic.

Fortunately, the emperor did not continue to struggle with this matter. He calmly listened to the report from the Ministry of Revenue and gave instructions.

"Farming is the foundation of the country. If there is a disaster, food is the life of the people. The Ministry of Household Affairs should continue to supervise all prefectures and counties to collect grain and fill the Changping warehouses in various places to more than 80% full. Ministry of Personnel?"

"I'm here."

Wang Wen took a step forward and bowed his head to listen to the instruction.

Therefore, the emperor continued: "In this big plan, one of the evaluations is whether the Changping Granary is full. Starting from April this year, the Metropolitan Procuratorate will send various inspection censors to check the Changping Granary. If the food is less than 80%,

They will not be given higher-level evaluations."

As soon as these words came out, there was a small wave in the palace.

Regarding the big plan, rumors have already spread in the capital. In addition to the one that everyone is most concerned about, the Ministry of Punishment is about to participate in it, and the other is the rumor about Chang Pingcang.

However, when this rumor was spread, most of the court officials scoffed at it and thought it was too ridiculous.

You must know that the Ministry of Civil Affairs has its own set of detailed and complicated regulations for evaluating officials. Local punishments, folk customs, taxes, culture, education, public security, etc., all aspects will be taken into consideration. In addition to these, the officials themselves

Virtue, integrity, and evaluation by superior officers are also among the standards.

All kinds of complicated standards will eventually give a relatively moderate evaluation. This set of standards was revised many times by the Ministry of Officials, with reference to the standards of previous dynasties, and was finally determined. It involves almost every aspect. How could it suddenly increase now?

Such a one?

You must know that many officials in this court have local experience, so they know very well that if they just want to fill Changpingcang, there are many methods available.

The simplest way is to use the treasury money to buy grain. The more complicated way is to borrow grain from a familiar squire. The other way is to confiscate the grain and impose exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes. As long as you want to do it, it is very easy.

But the problem is that all means of collecting large amounts of food in a short period of time will eventually be passed on to the people and become harsh governance. If some local officials act recklessly under the banner of the imperial court, they may even trigger a civil uprising.

Moreover, a large amount of grain is hoarded in Changping warehouse. How to preserve it is also a problem. There is too much old grain. If you don't want it to go to waste, you can only sell it at a low price.

These questions can all be thought of with a little thought, so among the various rumors, this is the one that the courtiers do not believe the most.

However, no one thought that this was actually true?

After discussing for a while, finally, a few censors came forward and spoke out the 'pros and cons' of this.

However, in the face of the objections of the ministers below, the emperor's attitude was very firm, saying.

"I have decided this matter, and there is no need to say more. The system of Chang Pingcang is the responsibility of officials. If the warehouse is not true, it is a fault. If the people are taxed because of this edict, it means that the officials here have not been able to do it.

Do your duty faithfully.”

"I will order the Metropolitan Procuratorate to investigate in detail. Whether there is such a thing will also be used as a reference for the evaluation of the Ministry of Personnel. If it is serious, it can be handed over to the Ministry of Criminal Affairs for detailed investigation after requesting an order."

Well, instead of being dissuaded, the news that the Ministry of Punishment was about to participate in the big plan was also confirmed.

The emperor has been on the throne for so long, and the courtiers have gradually figured out the emperor's character and temperament. Before the matter is settled, the emperor can listen to any discussion, but if the emperor has already made a decision, then

It is extremely difficult to change something.

Anyway, in the final analysis, it is the local officials who make the assessment, not them. Since the emperor wants to be willful, they have no choice but to wait until problems really arise in the future, and then use the facts to persuade the emperor.

So, the matter came to an end. Next, Yu Shangshu from the Ministry of War, who was the focus of the courtiers, finally came forward and reported on the situation of this trip to Beijing to rectify the military camp.

"...I came out of the capital with the imperial decree and inspected private fields in various places totaling 84,700 hectares, and Qingzhang's hidden military fields totaling 276,800 hectares..."

The memorial to the Ministry of War was very long, but very boring. It was all about numbers and distributions. Moreover, the ministers listened carefully, but found that they never heard what they wanted to hear.

Nowadays, the most concerning thing in the capital is the conflict between Yu Qian and the prince of the sect. After Yu Qian went to the Tenth Prince’s Mansion to apologize, many people are speculating that if Shaobao is so humiliated, he will definitely find a way to get his money back in the court.


Obviously, the military settlement issue is a good opportunity. Everyone knows that Yu Qian left the capital this time for the military fields that were occupied by the feudal kings. The vast majority of the fields taken back by the court were

Seizing food from the vassal king's mouth.

Invading military fields and resisting the imperial government, no matter which one it is, is enough for the Ministry of War to use the topic to have another good fight with the clan.

However, after listening to the entire memorial of Yu Qian, not only did it not deliberately highlight the crimes of the clan, but it even changed Yu Qian's usual plain style, only talking about the results, and briefly mentioning the detailed sources of these acres, just like...

These details are the same in Lake Shamrock.

I have to say that this made all the ministers in the palace quite confused.

While thinking like this, Yu Qian's memorial had ended. At the same time, the emperor also put down the memorial in his hand, nodded slightly, and said.

"Yu Shaobao has worked hard on this trip. I will give him a red python robe, a ceremonial sword, a coral, and ten pearls."

"I thank your Majesty for the reward."

Yu Qian bowed and thanked him.

Until they saw Yu Qian retreating into the distance with a calm expression, all the ministers were still a little confused.

Is this the end?

Did you really not mention anything about the Ten Princes’ Mansion?

The facts show that it really wasn’t mentioned at all!

After Yu Qian returned to the queue, each yamen reported some government affairs that were neither salty nor insipid. It could be done or it would be fine if it was not done immediately. Seeing that the time was almost up, the first morning court after the festival was just like this.

it's over.

To be fair, the content of this early dynasty is still very high. The plans surrounding the Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Household Affairs, the Ministry of Punishment, and the respective roles of the Metropolitan Procuratorate have all begun to take shape. The emperor's next actions can already be seen.

Many previous rumors have been confirmed one by one.

After returning home, the bosses should also make good preparations for this. If there are mistakes, they should make arrangements early. If they do well, they should use connections and connections.

The direction of time can be said to be fruitful.

However, for some reason, the calm atmosphere in the court hall, as if the incident in the Tenth Prince's Mansion had never happened, always made many ministers feel a little uneasy.

Especially the final duel between Yu Qian and the Emperor. Although many people couldn't say anything, they always had an awkward feeling in their hearts...

This chapter has been completed!
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