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Chapter 1059: Are you scared? Shen Shangshu

 Reorganizing the military and military camps is a major policy of the court, and it is also an act that benefits the country and the people!

For the imperial court, taking back the land that had been occupied and cultivated privately for various reasons would greatly ease the financial pressure and ensure tax revenue.

For the common people, soldiers and civilians, after these fields are taken back, their burden will be greatly reduced.

From Shen Yi's point of view, he could naturally see that once the imperial village was opened, it would allow the court to get rid of the trouble of how to pay for redemption and purchase silver. At the same time, it could also be used to resettle the refugees.

But there is one biggest problem in this, and that is the people!

At the beginning, considering the livelihood issues of the people who cultivated these fields, the organization of the military settlements actually only involved the transfer of ownership, that is, from the hands of the feudal princes, nobles, officials and gentry families, to the hands of the local governments. For the actual farming,

The tenants have not been changed, and they have all been taken over by the original tenants.

The biggest advantage of doing this is that it can maintain stability and will not give unscrupulous people the opportunity to stir up civil unrest. At the same time, when private land is converted into official land or military land, although taxes will increase, compared with land rent,

, is still greatly reduced, which also reduces the burden on tenants, which can be said to be the best of both worlds.

The disadvantage is that the workload of the imperial court has greatly increased, and the manpower and material resources consumed have also increased. However, the opposite is true for Huangzhuang.

After reading this memorial, Shen Yi immediately understood the nature of Huangzhuang, which was actually a re-division of interests.

Originally, the income from these private fields was in the hands of the original vassal kings, nobles, and gentry, which in turn prevented the court from collecting taxes and affected the annual revenue of the national treasury. Now that the fields have been returned to the court, it is natural to give priority to ensuring that the court


On this basis, according to the original charter, there should not be any additional land rent, but under the Huangzhuang system, this land rent was added back.

Although the feudal king would continue to invest money in the Imperial Manor, purchase cattle, grow grain, farm tools and even provide housing, these were all guaranteed by the future income of the Imperial Manor.

In other words, the feudal king gave up part of his interests through this method, but in a long-term way, he retained his long-term power to collect rent from the Huangzhuang fields.

Of course, in this memorial, there are obvious restrictions on the system. For example, the internal supervision is in charge, the local officials assist, and the royal officials supervise the three-party checks and balances, instead of direct rent collection and management by the lord. At the same time, there is a decrease year by year.

The mechanism of land rent.

All these can play a big role, but one thing that is undeniable is that for the people, the actual burden has not become lighter, at least, not in the past few years.

The land rent they have to pay is the same as usual, but after the land rent is paid, how it is distributed has undergone earth-shaking changes...

Chen Yi is not a pedantic person. He is very clear about the benefits of doing this. However, this does not mean that there will be no objections to this matter when it comes to court.

No, this is actually an understatement, because based on Shen Yi's experience, once this idea is released, there will definitely be a large number of officials who will oppose it.

To put it bluntly, this imperial village is a partnership between the imperial court and the vassal princes to compete for profits with the people!

This article alone was enough to make the ministers in the imperial court ignore all its benefits, so Shen Yicai said that the emperor had given him a big problem.

Now that things have developed, the situation has basically become clear. It is clear that the emperor and the feudal princes have set up the situation together.

Whether it was the king making trouble in front of the household department, or the feudal king entering the palace at this time to submit a memorial to the imperial village, the fact was that the purpose was to get the household department to support the matter.

"The question is indeed difficult, but I believe that Shangshu Shen will not be unable to solve it."

Looking at the sad-looking Shen Yi below, Zhu Qiyu smiled calmly and said.

"I know what Shangshu Shen is worried about, but I have already discussed this matter with the kings. Even if it goes to the court, it will not be changed. The official land in various places is under the control of the Ministry of Revenue, so

I just came to see you today to discuss the details together."

The words were a bit awkward. First, he said there would be no changes, and then he said he would come over to discuss the details. It sounded a bit inconsistent, but in fact, the meaning couldn't be clearer.

That is to say, the emperor has made up his mind and has agreed with the vassal princes, but they also know that this matter is not easy to pass in the court, so they asked Shen Yi to come over and think of a way.

This made Shen Shangshu worried. After thinking for a moment, he spoke.

"Your Majesty clearly knows that this matter involves many things and is not a matter of the Ministry of Household Affairs alone. It actually requires the cooperation of all the yamen up and down the imperial court. Especially when it involves the fields of military camps, the Ministry of War cannot be bypassed. Even if

I am willing to cooperate with this matter, but I am afraid..."

When encountering this kind of thing, there are usually two ways to go. Either stand up, be a direct minister, and painstakingly advise the Holy Emperor. However, this is quite risky. If you are not careful, you will anger the emperor, or you can just be obedient.

Follow the emperor's wishes, but if you do this, you will easily be regarded as a scapegoat and withstand the pressure from the court.

As soon as he thought about this, Shen Shangshu remembered the seal he had just sent to the Shangren Mansion, and glanced at Prince Min next to him intentionally or unintentionally, feeling a sense of sympathy for him.

Of course, for a minister like Shen Yi who has been in the government for many years, he has a third way, which is to delay and divert trouble away.

Shangshu Shen himself did not dare to stand up to the emperor, but there were people in the court who dared, for example, a certain Shangshu of the Ministry of War...

However, the emperor had obviously expected that he would say this, he said calmly.

"The matters at the Ministry of War are the Ministry of War's business. I just ask Shen Shangshu, what do you think?"

What he said made Chen Yi look like he was about to cry.

Your Majesty, you are clearly bullying an honest person...

What is called the Ministry of War's business is the Ministry of War's business. If you have the ability, you can settle Yu Qian's affairs first. He, Lao Shen, will definitely not say anything about it and is willing to stick with him.

But now, the emperor only came to him. Obviously he didn't want to touch Yu Qian's fault, so he wanted him to come forward. He is not such a bully...

Under the gaze of everyone present, Shen Yi thought for a while, but still did not dare to agree, but said.

"Your Majesty, this matter is important and may need to be decided by the court. I dare not say anything unreasonable."

"A court meeting?"

The emperor repeated it gently, his expression became meaningful, and he said.

"In fact, there is no need for any court meeting. The kings have made this report to share the worries of the court and redeem the money. The Ministry of Finance is in charge of it. If Shen Shangshu feels that this is inappropriate, the Ministry of Finance will issue a charter and raise the money. In fact, it is also

Nothing is impossible.”

This was said lightly, but it suddenly made Chen Yi's face darken.

At the same time, the feudal kings on the side also echoed.

"Yes, if Shangshu Shen can come up with the money, there is no need to go to such trouble. Since it is a major government matter, we will fully support it."

Just kidding, if he could show it, why would he say so much here?

Looking at the emperor's imperative gaze, Shen Shangshu struggled for a while, but still couldn't hold it back and said.

"Your Majesty, this proposal is of great importance. If it can be implemented, it will alleviate the financial pressure on the imperial court. Therefore, it will definitely be a good thing for the Ministry of Revenue. However, there are many policies involved. Even if the minister is willing to cooperate, if other yamen are not

Even if you are willing, I'm afraid it will be difficult to implement, so please give me your Majesty's warning."

Having said that, this is Shen Yi's bottom line. The Ministry of Revenue may not obstruct it, but it is impossible for him to be the one who stands out.

After all, there are too many people to offend, and if he is not careful, his reputation in the government and the public will become that of a treacherous minister who exploits the people's wealth and support.

King Min dared to submit this memorial because he was a member of the clan and he didn't care about his reputation. But Shen Yi was different. As a civil servant, he couldn't afford the reputation of tormenting the people!

The so-called monarch and ministers are not slaves and masters. At Shen Yi's level, although he is afraid of monarchy, he will not agree to everything unconditionally.

When he said this, he had already made a plan. If the emperor still forced him to do this, then Shen Shangshu would have to be a direct minister who broke his words and remonstrated.

However, the emperor obviously understood this truth. Seeing Shen Yi's heavy expression, Zhu Qiyu also smiled and said.

"Why does Shen Shangshu look so resolute? I don't know. You think I'm forcing a good girl into prostitution..."

It's almost over, Your Majesty. Shen Shangshu's eyes were filled with resentment and he secretly cursed in his heart.

Zhu Qiyu said as a small joke.

"I naturally know what this matter involves. The Ministry of Revenue only needs to do its own thing. As for the rest, Shangshu Shen doesn't have to worry about it."

Until he walked out of the palace and returned to the Ministry of Household Affairs, Shen Shangshu still felt that something was not real.

He never expected that such a thing would be involved behind the scenes of a mere acting king causing trouble in the household department.

In fact, as soon as he agreed, he regretted it.

This imperial estate is clearly a hot potato. From Shen Yi's own point of view, he must think that it is a good thing for the court to take a break. However, even he does not dare to say that in order to make the court more generous, he must

Just raise taxes on the people.

Although Huangzhuang's method does not explicitly increase taxes on the people, in fact, it is almost the same. Once this move comes out, it will definitely cause an uproar in the court.

In fact, he only needs to bear it, and when the matter slowly spreads, someone will naturally bear the pressure for him, but...

Thinking of the scene in the palace where he was surrounded by all the vassal kings and stared at him, Shen Shangshu couldn't help but trembled, so he might as well forget it.

Nowadays, these vassal kings are clearly eyeing the profits of Huangzhuang. To oppose them at this time is to block their way.

It would be fine if it were just these vassal kings, but the problem is that the emperor is also standing with these vassal kings. Facing the emperor, Shen Shangshu is really... a little timid.

It's not that Shen Shangshu was born without the so-called scholarly character and remonstrating qualities, but the situation in the court did not allow him to do this.

To stand in the court, you either have a position or you have the ability. Sometimes the position is more important than the ability.

To be honest, Shen Yi knew very well that he was able to sit in this position because of the emperor's promotion and trust. However, the relationship between the family is complicated after all, and no one is sure where it will eventually go.

So for Shen Yi, he can only do his duty and wait and see what happens. Of course, he knows very well that the reason why he can have such a stance is because today's people are broad-minded and tolerant.


From this point of view, he is indeed doing his best for the emperor, and hopes that the emperor will be the ultimate winner. However, it is precisely because of the emperor's kindness that Chen Yi can be alone without joining the royal whirlpool.

Chen Yi often wonders, if everything remains unchanged and the emperor is the one in Nangong, will he still have such a chance?

The answer is definitely, no!

When Wang Zhen was here, he could get a glimpse of the situation. For Nangong, loyalty and obedience were more important. Therefore, if he was in a different place and in the government, anyone with some status would be the first to take a stand.

For people like him who just do things and don't want to get involved, the best result is to be ignored.

But the world is often so ironic, and Shen Yi knows very well that the latter approach is the most effective. On the contrary, such a benevolent act by the emperor will lay hidden dangers, so that if something happens, everyone can stand by and watch.

So sometimes Chen Yi always thinks that the principles of saints he has read tell him that the benevolent are invincible, but the reality is that the ruthless are often invincible. Is this really in line with the principles of saints?

Or is it that the so-called way of saints is just a scam?

After thinking blankly for a moment, Shen Yi shook his head. He didn't know the answer, but after all, he still had a place in the current court situation.

Since he has no firm stance, he must have his own role. Therefore, in the court, Shen Yi basically never fights with the emperor. From the initial mutual trade to this Huangzhuang incident, how can he

If you can't be persuaded, then give in.

Being able to continuously solve all kinds of problems encountered by the household department is the greatest role of Shen Yi's existence.

He also believed that as long as he maintained this, he would always have his place in the court.

If there is only one person in the palace now, then Shen Yi will definitely not make this compromise, but will choose to insist on direct remonstrance, but after all, the current situation in the court is not like this.

Therefore, he cannot serve as a remonstrator between two evils. If others discuss it, just discuss it. For the sake of the government and for yourself, let’s wait and see...

Sighing, Chen Yi stood up and looked in the direction of Miyagi, leaving all these thoughts behind. No matter what his thoughts were, he would do his best to cooperate.

However, what Chen Yi couldn't figure out was how the emperor could persuade other ministers besides him.

You know, even if the Ministry of Revenue does not object, once it comes to the court meeting, many ministers will definitely speak out against it. The most he can do is to remain silent.

Not to mention, there is Yu Qian's stubborn temper. Apart from him, although Wang Wen has always followed the emperor, on such matters, he probably cannot let the emperor do whatever he wants.

People like Chen Xun, Chen Yi, Wang Ao, and Jin Lian are all in all likelihood opposed to it. Yu Shiyue in the cabinet may be in favor, but I can't say for sure about the other people.

However, as soon as this move came out, the eldest uncle of the Ministry of Rites, the clan reform that had been brewing for a while, was afraid that it would be abolished. From these days of contact, Shen Yi knew very well that Hu Hui really planned to

This thing was done, but now...

In short, what he really couldn't figure out was that even if the emperor persuaded him, how should the emperor deal with all the other pressures?

This chapter has been completed!
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