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Chapter 569: Wait, wait, wait

 Given Yu Qian's status, the plan he proposed was naturally very important in the court.

After listening to this, many ministers couldn't help but lower their heads and think.

The so-called East Palace leaving the cabinet and preparing the palace is actually a very general concept. After all, under normal circumstances, a new prince will appear only every few decades.

Since the Ming Dynasty, there are basically no officials and subordinates of the East Palace who are governed according to the so-called rituals. Each East Palace has different regulations on officials and subordinates due to different actual circumstances.

This is also the reason why the courtiers did not oppose much fiercely when the emperor arranged a ceremony for the present Crown Prince of the Eastern Palace to leave the palace, but did not plan to prepare a palace.

Now, the plan proposed by Yu Qian can be regarded as a compromise plan.

Under the East Palace, there are one office, two offices and one bureau, with built-in officials and subordinates to assist the prince. The so-called preparation of the government after the prince leaves the cabinet means that these yamen can operate together when the prince leaves the cabinet.

However, now, on the one hand, Donggong is too young and does not even have a basic education. Even if he leaves the cabinet, these yamen will not be able to play their role, so it is indeed unnecessary to prepare all the staff.

On the other hand, due to the delicate relationship between the Tian family and the vague rumors spreading throughout the government and the public, failure to prepare the government officials would damage the reputation of the emperor.

More importantly, the ministers did have a hint of worry in their hearts.

That is, if a few years later, the emperor really changes his mind and refuses to prepare subordinate officials for the East Palace, then it will be a troublesome matter for etiquette and government to be involved.

So, this is actually a dilemma.

But the solution Yu Qian mentioned can solve this dilemma.

That is to say, only the chief officers, assistant officers and subordinate officials of the Zhanshi Mansion, Left and Right Chunfang, and Economic Affairs Bureau are temporarily vacant. This is equivalent to pulling up the structure of the yamen, but not filling it with candidates for the time being.

In this way, nominally the East Palace Office has been prepared, and all that is needed is to transfer people there one by one. Moreover, these yamen have their own chief officials, so even if they need to deal with some affairs, they can still take care of them first.

, will not delay the business.

As a result, there was a low level of discussion in the court.

Then, Hu Hui from the Ministry of Rites took the lead to stand up and said: "Your Majesty, I think what Yu Shaobao said is in line with etiquette and can take into account the actual situation of the court. It is actually a good idea. In terms of etiquette, holding the ceremony of leaving the palace in the East Palace is like this."

It is also the most appropriate thing to do, and the old minister seconded the proposal."

On the throne, Zhu Qiyu was slightly surprised.

He did not expect that in this matter, Hu Hui, an old fox, would be the first to show up. This was not in line with his style of being in harmony with the light.

However, after scanning the bottom with his eyes, he still didn't speak.

As a result, the discussion in the court gradually became noisy, and all the ministers were a little unsure about what the emperor meant.

Previously, when Yu Yan came forward, they felt that it represented the emperor's intention. Later, when Chen Xun came forward, the emperor unexpectedly approved the proposal to open Zhan Shifu. They also felt that it represented the emperor's intention. Now, Yu Qian has come forward again.

Put forward different opinions.

And Yu Qian...

Although it is said that Yu Shaobao sometimes contradicts the emperor, Yu Shaobao should not be in the wrong position in this matter, right?

What's more, although it has not yet been determined, the emperor seems to have approved the personnel transfer of the Ministry of War and Yu Shaobao's memorial.

At this moment, if Yu Qian came forward, could he not be representing the emperor's wishes?

These various contradictory signs have completely confused the officials, and they are not sure what the emperor's attitude is.

After a while, another person stood out among the ministers, it was Yu Shiyue!

Like everyone else, he was unsure of the Emperor's intentions at the moment, but just now, when Yu Qian walked out, he glanced at him.

Although, after the conversation at the house that day, Yu Shiyue had already made up his mind to gradually distance himself from this old friend who had gone down a "wrong road".

However, as an old friend for many years, he still understood Yu Qian's meaning at a glance.

That means regret!

Due to the occasion, Yu Qian was unable to convey more, but Yu Shiyue understood it.

Yu Qian regrets that he has not spoken until now.

Or in other words, Yu Qian hopes that Yu Shiyue can stand in the court and speak at this time.

This look made Yu Shiyue struggle in his heart for a long time.

By now, he was completely unable to control the direction of this court discussion.

As a cabinet minister, the emperor's attitude was unclear, so Yu Shiyue made up his mind and remained silent.

However, Yu Qian's attitude...

To be honest, Yu Shiyue believed in Yu Qian's judgment and believed that he would not be confused on this kind of issue.

However, Yu Cifu's own family knew about his family affairs. Although his current relationship with the emperor was close, it was far from being a confidant. In terms of understanding the emperor's thoughts, it was impossible for him to be as good as Yu Qian.

It doesn't matter if you come forward, but if you say the wrong thing, especially on such a critical issue, the impact on your career will be huge.

As a result, Yu Shiyue did not stand up for a long time, but Yu Qian's regretful eyes kept lingering in his heart.

Until, when he looked at Yu Qian who remained motionless in the midst of the discussion, he suddenly remembered the warning Yu Qian gave him that night.

Keep your body upright, speak uprightly, do the right thing, and follow the right path!

What does the emperor mean, and is it important?

As a minister, the most important thing is to speak uprightly and do right things. If it is beneficial to the country, even if it goes against the emperor's will, what's the harm?

I only know how to guess the king's heart, follow his will, and live to the end, but he is just a sycophant.

If the entire dynasty is like this, what hope is there for the country and the country?

When did Yu Shichao become such a person?

Lowering his head and laughing at himself, Yu Cifu finally stood with Yu Qian again and said.

"Your Majesty, if the East Palace is stable, the inheritance will be orderly. If the foundation is stable, the country will be stable. I have received your majesty's wrong love and intends to ask me to assist the prince and serve in the prince's palace. I will do my best to guide the prince on the right path and secure the country based on the country.


These resounding words suddenly silenced the court. The ministers' eyes widened. You looked at me and I looked at you. They all seemed a little confused. Why is Yu Cifu so crazy?

With the current situation, no one can figure out what the emperor is thinking.

Even if Yu Qian is a member of the emperor, he has received the emperor's instructions to prepare the palace for the prince.

However, speaking from human nature, the emperor would feel uncomfortable no matter what.

At this time, as a cabinet minister, why should he rush into the limelight?

You must know that at this time, the emperor's golden words have already been decided. Even if you, Yu Cifu, say nothing, as long as the proposal to leave the cabinet can be passed, the position of Zhan Shi in the Prince's Mansion will not be lost.

Why do you need to rush out and show your loyalty to Dong Gong who has not yet left the cabinet?

Could it be that, after so many years in the court, you, Mr. Yu, still haven’t understood the truth that silence is golden?

So, as expected, the next moment, the officials saw that the emperor's brows frowned slightly.

It seemed a bit unexpected and a bit displeased.

Zhu Qiyu was indeed a little unhappy, but not with Yu Shiyue, but with...

"Otsuka Zai, Mr. Chen, what do you two think about this matter?"

To put the matter aside, it was not important to Zhu Qiyu whether the prince prepared a palace or not.

The deeds behind Zhu Jian's back were already exposed by a certain young man, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

The only thing that Zhu Qiyu didn't expect was King Xiang's intervention, but in the end, he was suppressed by King Lao Min.

Therefore, in fact, from beginning to end, although there were twists and turns, the development of things was always under Zhu Qiyu's control.

If the East Palace wants to set up a cabinet, it doesn't matter if it doesn't prepare a palace, or it doesn't matter if it prepares a palace.

In short, it cannot affect the overall situation.

The reason why he has been reluctant to express his attitude is because there has been an unhealthy trend in the DPRK recently.

He is very familiar with this sign. This is... party struggle!

There is no doubt that some time ago, Zhu Jian and Yu Shiyue were in the cabinet arena, which was a kind of performance.

However, this trend did not originate because of them, nor is it only reflected in them.

If we had to pinpoint the exact time, it would have started to spread around the time when the news that the Supreme Emperor was confirmed to return to the court came back.

Perhaps it was because the affairs of the Tian family were too sensitive. Starting from the discussion of the etiquette for welcoming the emperor, to the subsequent events in the court, the ministers became more and more concerned about their sides and positions.

The group of people who had been won over by the British government tried their best to fight for the Supreme Emperor, but Zhu Qiyu's words started to cause obstacles overtly and covertly.

Many ministers in the court who did not belong to either side began to be cautious in the court and were extremely cautious in expressing their opinions. When making any decision, they must first test the emperor's intentions in various ways before making a decision.

No matter what is right or wrong, no matter what is right or wrong, we only talk about interests and positions.

This is the prototype of party struggle!

When everyone starts to consider what is good for themselves and what is bad for their opponents, then cliques will inevitably emerge.

Party strife is a cancer, so it must be removed!

There is no doubt that the emperor is the greatest power above the court.

Therefore, the first sign of party struggle is to compete to please the emperor and decide one's own position based on the emperor's wishes.

If what Zhu Qiyu wants is to have monopoly power, to follow the law as he says, and to be welcomed by everyone in the court, then this is naturally a good thing.

However, after watching the rise and fall of a century, Zhu Qiyu's biggest feeling is that everyone is an ordinary person.

He has seen his eldest nephew's "Chenghua Liting", Zhu Youtang's "Hongzhi Zhongxing", Zhu Houcong's "Great Etiquette Conference", and Zhu Youjian's "Continuous Cabinet Changes".

These emperors may be wise, benevolent, strategic, or ambitious, but they also all make mistakes.

Zhu Jian deeply trusted the Wan family and killed the emperor's heir. Zhu Youtang favored his relatives and allowed them to do whatever they wanted. Zhu Houcong was so powerful that he could not tolerate Hai Rui, who dared to tell the truth. Zhu Youjiankong had great ambitions, but was petty and suspicious, and was difficult to save. The collapse of the building.

Even if he has seen the rise and fall of a hundred years, even if he is destined by fate.

But how can he dare to say that he will not make mistakes?

For example, everyone in the imperial court will decide their stance based on his will. Some people agree with his decision because they are his confidants, while some people oppose his decision because they support the emperor.

As time goes by, how can Zhu Qiyu distinguish between those who are real voices and those who choose a position first and then decide the reasons due to party disputes?

It is said that governing a big country is like cooking small dishes.

Always be cautious. When a person is complacent and feels that he can do anything, that is the most dangerous time.

The bottom line is that the party cannot fight.

However, if you want to suppress party strife, it is not enough to strike with a knife.

The more eager he is, the more fuel he will become for party strife.

Because those actions that deliberately avoid party strife due to his will are also following his will. In essence, there is no difference. On the contrary, it will make the ministers of the DPRK and the Central Government at a loss and not know what to do at all.

Therefore, if we want to eliminate party strife, we need people who can stand upright for the country and stand up for the government in the whirlpool of the court, regardless of their stance.

He needs to stand up and become a banner to guide everyone to the right path.

So, Zhu Qiyu has been waiting...

Ye Qian is back!

He never mentioned this matter to Yu Qian, but he knew that Yu Qian was such a person. Without him saying anything, Yu Qian would make the best choice for the court.

Putting aside everything else, preparing a palace for the East Palace will help the prince's palace to have a complete system and a stable foundation. The prince is the foundation of the country. If the East Palace is stable, the country will be stable.

Therefore, considering the overall situation, there are advantages to preparing the government. Of course, there are also disadvantages, but they do not affect the overall situation.

If the person who was to leave the cabinet this time was not the heir of the Supreme Emperor, but Zhu Qiyu's own prince, then this kind of controversy would not arise at all.

Yu Qian can see this clearly and has the courage to make a decision.

Of course, the premise is still that he, the emperor, will not object fiercely, otherwise, it will be another situation.

It should be said that Yu Qian did not disappoint Zhu Qiyu.

He stood up and did not deny the positive significance of preparing a palace for the East Palace just because he was the minister he relied on most.

Even though he had just approved his proposal to recommend ministers and approved his memorial to inspect military camps, he did not change his attitude.

He is an honest minister, the most important minister in the court today!

Therefore, Zhu Qiyu had great hopes for Qian.

He hoped that Yu Qian could make other ministers understand that what should really be focused on is the court situation and state affairs, not what the emperor is thinking.

Especially Wang Wen and Chen Yi, the two people he relied on most.

With their own support, their influence in the government is growing. If they cannot uphold their integrity and instead serve their own will, it will only turn the seedling of party struggle into a real party struggle.

However, he was a little disappointed.

Yu Qian stood up, and the old guy Hu Hui obviously saw something, so he appeared right after him, and then even Yu Shiyue also stood up.

However, the two people he expected remained silent.

In desperation, he had no choice but to order people himself.

So, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Chen Yi, the censor of Zuodu, and Wang Wen, the minister of official affairs, two important ministers in the court, stepped into the palace.

The two looked at each other, and both saw the confusion and hesitation on the other's face.

After a moment of silence, Wang Wen finally frowned, stepped forward and spoke first.

"Your Majesty, I think what Yu Shaobao said is inappropriate!"

This chapter has been completed!
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