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Chapter 74: The inside should be combined with the outside

 In Jiyi Hall.

After Xing'an finished speaking, the courtiers suddenly had different expressions.

Although the words just spoken were a bit incoherent, and it was not even clear who did it, no one in the government or the public knew that it was the Queen Mother who made the final decision in the inner palace.

Empress Dowager Sun felt her face burning even more. She had acted like a loving mother just now, pretending to persuade Zhu Qiyu to concentrate on state affairs. But as soon as she finished speaking, something happened to the Wu family in the harem. Not only that, even Princess Xi fainted.


This is not a slap in the face!

Feeling the thoughtful glances cast by the courtiers, Empress Dowager Sun felt even more embarrassed.

This Li Yongchang can't handle such things well!

He was only asked to arrest one person, but why did he make such a fuss that he knocked everyone unconscious? Not only that, but someone also came out to inform him.

Doesn't this make it clear that she will not be able to step down?

In fact, Empress Dowager Sun's original plan was to have Li Yongchang detain the Wu family first.

Anyway, the courtiers have nothing to do with matters in the palace, not to mention the "evidence", although there are some loopholes, but if something goes wrong, she, the Queen Mother, will always have to investigate. When the time comes, she will have someone in hand, and everything will be easy to handle.

But who would have expected that as soon as he entered the palace, Zhu Qiyu actually made a scene of resigning, and the courtiers turned to him wholeheartedly, forcing the Empress Dowager Sun to show her condolences.

At this moment, Li Yongchang acted so improperly that he let someone come out to report the news...

Queen Mother Sun's mind raced, and she made a decision in an instant. She suppressed the shock and anger in her heart, took a step forward, and said with concern: "What? Princess Xi has fainted? Has the imperial doctor been sent to her? Quickly take the Ai family to have a look.


Now that the matter has come to this, the best way is to slow down the matter, at least not to reveal it in front of so many ministers. Otherwise, the harem affairs that the Queen Mother, her grandson, could have settled with one word, may have to become

The ministers discussed the affairs of the court.

However, Empress Dowager Sun was very good at planning, so how could Zhu Qiyu let her succeed so easily?

Before Empress Dowager Sun could take two steps forward, Zhu Qiyu crossed his body and stood in front of her, saying: "The Empress Dowager, why should you be anxious? The mother-in-law and the princess were attacked in the palace. If such a major incident is not dealt with properly,

Find out clearly, how can I, the king, have the face to continue to be the regent of the government?"

After saying that, he turned to Xing'an and said, "What exactly is going on? Let me tell you clearly in front of all the ministers and the Queen Mother!"

Of course, Zhu Qiyu was equally anxious. He thought that with his arrangements, the Wu family and the Wang family could keep themselves safe in the palace, but he did not expect that the matter would cause such a big fuss.

Although he didn't know what happened, he knew that Wu was creating opportunities for him.

So no matter how anxious he was, he did not mess around. If he let the Queen Mother escape at this time, all his efforts would be in vain, and the sufferings Wu and Wang suffered in the palace would be in vain.

So Xing'an wiped away his tears and told the story again.

"...Then Eunuch Li held the Queen Mother's seal in his hand, saying that our Concubine Xian was colluding with the foreign court, uniting with the prince to plot evil, and wanted to arrest the Concubine Xian and send her to the cold palace. After the Queen Mother and the Concubine looked at the evidence, they both said it was true.

It's fake, but Eunuch Li didn't care. In front of the Queen, he ordered people to arrest him by force. As a result, in the chaos, in order to protect the Concubine Xian, the Princess was pushed and hit the mahogany box on the side.

went up and fainted..."

Xing'an didn't hide a word, he only described what happened in Changchun Palace in detail word for word, and the effect was enough.

The courtiers looked at each other, unable to hide the shock in their eyes.

Then Li Yongchang is from Cining Palace, and he holds the Queen Mother's seal in his hand. He insists on arresting people despite the obstruction of the Queen and the concubine. Is this what he, a chief eunuch, dares to do?

You don’t have to guess who is behind this!

After Zhu Qiyu heard this, he fell to the ground with a livid face and said:

"Holy Mother, my mother and concubine have always been cautious, respectful and tolerant in the palace. Although I don't believe whether this matter is true or not, I dare not judge on behalf of the Holy Mother. However, let's not talk about the truth or falsehood of this matter for now. Even if my mother and concubine are at fault, as a

The late emperor's concubine should have some dignity, so why should she forcefully break into the palace and arrest people with violence?"

"What's more, the Queen was present at the time and had already concluded the matter. Then Li Yongchang ignored the Queen's order and arrested people, causing the princess to be injured by the thugs. Could it be that someone was behind such a bold and reckless person?"

"Since I have been in charge of the country, I have been working hard and diligently, without daring to slack off. However, first the courtiers beat each other and killed the ministers, and then there were traitors in the palace who injured the mother and concubine in the palace, and affected the princess. I can't do anything for the country.

To appease the government, because Xiao is implicated in his mother and concubine, who is frightened, and because the family cannot protect his wife, it is really shameful to stand in the court hall. I beg the Holy Mother to exempt the minister from the power of supervising the country, and allow the minister to return to the palace and live in peace."

After saying that, Zhu Qiyu's face looked sad and he knocked on the ground again and said.

"My lord, thank the Holy Mother for her kindness."

Queen Mother Sun was so angry that she was shaking all over, but she couldn't get angry.

Zhu Qiyu's words, Pi Liyangqiu almost pointed at her nose and said, I have worked hard for the country and cleaned up the mess for your son, but you stabbed me in the back? I am not as ungrateful as you!

Okay, you are great, you win, I quit, you can go find whoever you like!

Queen Mother Sun was so angry that she almost vomited blood.

It's true that she did this, but if you, King Tan, hadn't pressed you everywhere, would the Queen Mother have used such despicable means?

At this time, the courtiers below also came forward one after another. The first one to speak was Yu Qian, who also said with a livid face.

"Holy Mother, His Royal Highness, King Tao, has worked hard for the country and taken care of the overall situation. Under such circumstances, someone dared to openly attack the virtuous concubine in the palace. This matter is not simple. It is clearly to accuse the virtuous concubine, but in fact it is intended to force King Tao

Your Highness, please obey. Those who are so disregarding the overall situation and disrupting our country cannot be tolerated and must be investigated thoroughly!"

Yu Qian is indeed Yu Qian. When his temper breaks out, no one cares.

Although all the ministers present knew that the Queen Mother was behind Li Yongchang, and the target of Li Yongchang's attack on the Xian Concubine was indeed King Tan, no one dared to say it out.

After all, in this situation, it is better not to cause too much trouble. If it can be controlled within the confines of the harem, that would be the best.

However, as soon as Yu Qian opened his mouth, he not only broke through this layer of window paper, but also increased the severity to the point of causing chaos to the country and the country.

This is just to say, the Queen Mother, if you do this, it is no different from ruining the Ming Dynasty!

Empress Dowager Sun tried her best to suppress her anger and forced out a smile, hoping to relieve the depressing atmosphere in the palace and said.

"It's not as serious as what King Tan and Yu Shangshu said. Maybe Li Yongchang discovered something and didn't know how to deal with it, so he acted inappropriately for a while, and the people below him just didn't have a sense of proportion. How could it involve Jiangshan Sheji?"

Yu Qian's eyes darkened and he was about to speak again, but Wang Zhi on the other end glanced at him and said.

"Holy Mother, since the Empress has already concluded this matter, it can be seen that Li Yongchang is indeed plotting evil and committing illegal acts. I beg Holy Mother to imprison this traitor and punish him according to the law! His Royal Highness King Xi is now the regent of the government and is actually the pillar of the imperial court. Please, Holy Mother

Consider it."

This chapter has been completed!
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