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Chapter 831: No way!

Standing outside the room, Prince Xiang looked a little ugly as he saw all the clan members casting resentful and dissatisfied looks at him.

He should have expected that Zhu Yinqi didn't have any good intentions in staying in Zongxue.

As soon as this incident happened, public opinion began to stir up. It seemed that after this incident was over, they could no longer keep their father and son in the capital.

Thinking like this, King Xiang frowned and decided to disperse the crowd first. Otherwise, if the incident got bigger and bigger and spread, he would be the one who was embarrassed.

"King Zhennan, according to His Majesty's decree, you and your son should have gone to join the vassal a long time ago. Now that you are able to stay in the capital, Your Majesty is thinking that my great-uncle's body is still cold and there are still funeral matters that need to be dealt with, so you can be more merciful."

"Now that you are in the capital, I think that you are still young and need guidance, so I have allowed you to temporarily stay in Zongxue to study. But if you want to cause trouble in Zongxue, I will have to give you a copy in front of His Majesty!


The implication is, don't think that with Zhu Yinxi's presence, others can ignore his words. After saying this, King Xiang looked around and said majestically.

"I will take care of the matters here. It's still class time. Why don't you all return to your places?"

It should be said that King Xiang has been in charge of Zongxue for a long time and has accumulated prestige.

As soon as these words came out, a group of low-level clan members looked at each other, and quite a few of them began to shrink back.

However, some people are not afraid of him.

After pretending to be a good boy for so long, Zhu Fanzhi, who had always had a bad temper, couldn't bear it any longer and immediately stood up and said.

"Prince Xiang is so majestic. Why, is it wrong for us to care about the health of our clan members? If I don't listen to you and leave immediately, will you also have to deduct the hair of Lumi next month?"

"Could it be that His Majesty appointed you as the Great Zongzheng just to torture me and other members of the clan?"

This prince of Prince Xiangling has always been eager for justice and generous in giving. He has a good reputation among the clan members. Especially after Prince Xiang implemented this harsh assessment system, many poor clan members once passed the assessment.

If it is not good, Lumi will be stopped.

There were many people present who had received help from Zhu Fanzhi, and his words were very appealing among these people.

In addition, during this period of time, after King Xiang succeeded Da Zongzheng, he still remembered the scene when the clan disciples made trouble outside the Tenth Prince's Palace, so he became more strict on the clan's teachings, which made all the clan's disciples feel resentful.

Quite deep.

Some of them lived in poverty, but no matter how miserable they were, they were still of royal blood and descendants of the Tian family, so they still had arrogance.

Having been oppressed by King Xiang all this time, and now with Zhu Fanzhi taking the lead, the emotions of the people below were suddenly aroused, and they couldn't help shouting.

"More than just torture, this is clearly trying to force us to death!"

"Yes, yes, it seems that the death of one Jin Duo is not enough. You have to hang yourself together with me!"

"Prince Xiang, you are noble and noble, but are our lives worthless? We are both of the blood of Taizu. Aren't you afraid of thunder from the sky when you do this?"

King Xiang was also a little surprised to see the people below him suddenly so excited.

However, he soon saw the sneaky Zhu Chenglian and several other clan members who were usually restless hiding behind.

So, he subconsciously attributed today's events to the trio of Zhu Yinqi again stirring up trouble.

After all, this kind of trouble scene happened once in the Tenth Prince's Mansion, and now it's just the same old trick.

In all likelihood, Zhu Yincheng and his son stayed in the capital for too long, fearing that they would never have the chance to stay in the capital after the funeral arrangements of the old King Min were completed, so they couldn't help but start making trouble.

He said, how could Zhu Huixun, who had suffered such a big loss and showed no mercy to his biological brothers, just let it go?

However, the same trick had no effect last time. Will it be of any use this time?

At this thought, King Xiang's face darkened, he raised his voice and shouted.

"Never mind, this is a sect built under the supervision of His Majesty himself. You are allowed to study here just to cultivate your moral character and curb your stubborn temper."

"But you are enjoying the emperor's grace, but you don't think about making progress. You gather people and make noise all day long. What kind of behavior do you have?"

"If you don't disperse, don't blame me for punishing you according to the laws of our ancestors!"

As he spoke, King Xiang looked coldly at Zhu Yincheng and the others.

In his opinion, no matter how powerful Zhu Yinqi is and how he can incite public sentiment, he cannot let these people fight for him.

Wasn't that what happened last time?

It may be possible to wave the flag and shout, but if it really involves self-interest, who dares to really risk it?

Not to mention, now that he is the Great Sect Leader, it is only natural for him to punish these troublemaking clans.

Again, as long as the crowd is dispersed, the remaining few people won't be able to cause trouble even if they want to.

He still doesn't believe it. These few people are so stubborn, and everyone is so stubborn?

Today, he is going to show people like Zhu Yinqi who is in charge in this sect!

There was a commotion among the clan members below, and many of them had a look of retreat in their eyes. Seeing this situation, King Xiang decided to add more fire and use his ultimate move.

"If I count five times and still don't return to the school to study, this month's assessment will be based on the inferior assessment, and the lumi for this month and the next month will be withheld!"

After all, among sects, there are more low-level clans.

Because of this, King Xiang initially used the deduction of Lumi as a means of punishing students. Now that he has used this method, the effect will be immediate.

Looking at Zhu Yinqi and the others mockingly, King Xiang raised his right hand, slowly raised a finger, and shouted loudly.


Visible to the naked eye, many clan members have begun to retreat.


As King Xiang shouted a second time, more clan members were already panicking, which made King Xiang very satisfied.

However, at this moment, amid the commotion below, he suddenly heard two different sounds.

That was...a whimpering cry!

Taking a closer look, there were several clan members in the corner who were usually considered weak by King Xiang. They were actually forced to cry.

"What a bully!"

"Zhu Zhanzhen, you bully me so much that I won't be able to get along with you!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Dad, I want to go home..."

The sadness gradually spread. At first, a few low-level clan members who were usually inconspicuous were sobbing softly. Gradually, all the clan members thought of the hard days they had lived during this period, and couldn't help but feel sad. One by one, they couldn't help it.

Cover your sleeves and cry.

"That's right, if you don't get married, it's better to be at ease in the fiefdom than to be bullied here every day!"

"Damn it, brothers, let's go and see Your Majesty. Whoever falls in love with this corrupt sect will fall in love with you. Anyway, I want to go back to my fief. Even if I starve to death, I won't continue to suffer from this bird-like behavior!"

This time, it was not Zhu Fanzhi and others who started the incident, it was entirely the lower-level clan members who had been bullied too hard by King Xiang.

You know, people like them usually have a difficult life in the fiefdom, but at least they are quite comfortable.

Now that I arrived in the capital, I thought I would just spend my time studying, but I didn't expect to meet such a harsh Da Zongzheng as King Xiang, who would deduct Lumi at every turn.

Many of them are not good at studying in the first place. In order to save their money, they study hard every day so as not to be dragged to the end.

As a result, now, just because they came to care about the condition of the classmate who had just cut his pulse and committed suicide, King Xiang will deduct two months of their Lumi.

Who can stand this?

Not to mention, no matter how destitute these people are, they are still royal relatives. Being threatened by King Xiang again and again, their emotions have accumulated to a certain level, and sparks burst out.

Seeing this situation, King Xiang finally panicked. His original intention was to calm the matter down as soon as possible, but he didn't expect that the trouble was getting bigger and bigger now.

His great title was not given to him willingly by the emperor in the first place. If today's incident were to be brought to the emperor's face, how might he be blamed?

Even if he could keep his position as Da Zongzheng, he couldn't even control a group of clan members. He couldn't lose face because of trivial matters that repeatedly brought trouble to the emperor.

Seeing that all the clan members were about to leave, King Xiang finally became anxious and said angrily.

"How shameless, I think you are really going to rebel!"

"Come here, take them all to the training hall for me. I want them to practice family law!"

Normally, this level of intimidation would be enough to make any clan member stop immediately.

However, in this angry mood, many people have lost their minds. Seeing the officers and soldiers responsible for the Zongxue's security surrounding them, this group of people showed no fear and started to rush out.

Such a menacing appearance also caused a moment of embarrassment to the officers and soldiers at the door. The people present were all members of the royal family, and there were several inside, all sons of vassal kings and county princes. They were rich and noble. If one or two That's all, but if this large group of people accidentally bump into each other, who can bear the responsibility?

Seeing this situation, King Xiang became even more angry and roared.

"What are you still doing?"

"Didn't you hear what I said? Send these people to the training hall for me!"

"Let me see who dares?"

Seeing the officers and soldiers below hesitant and hesitant, seemingly intending to take action, Zhu Yinqi immediately gave a cold shout and said.

"I am the King of Zhennan, whom His Majesty has conferred. Who are you? How dare you stop me? Get away!"

I have to say that although Zhu Yinqi is young, he is still quite dignified when he really puts on airs.

Following closely behind him, Zhu Chenglian also spoke and said.

"We are all relatives of the Son of Heaven. We want to see His Majesty to express our feelings. Whoever dares to stop us today will alienate the Tian family and murder the clan. Who dares?"

The two men stood at the front and rushed forward with a group of clan members, forcing the officers and soldiers present to retreat step by step and dare not step forward.

Not long after, everyone broke through the gate of Zongxue and marched towards the palace gate in a mighty manner.


Qianqing Palace.

Zhu Qiyu was reviewing the memorials when two chamberlains hurried in and reported.

"Your Majesty, the King of Zhennan Zhu Yinqi, the Crown Prince Zhu Chenglian, the Crown Prince of Xiangling Zhu Fanzhi and a group of sect disciples gathered outside the palace gate and claimed that they wanted to see Your Majesty for something."

Looking up from the crowd of documents, Zhu Qiyu frowned and asked.

"Can you tell me why you want to see me?"

"I didn't explain clearly to Your Majesty, but looking at the excitement among the people, many members of the clan are clamoring for Your Majesty's permission to return to the fiefdom early."

After hearing this, Zhu Qiyu pondered for a moment, then turned sideways and gave a few instructions to Wynn. Afterwards, Wynn bowed his hands and said yes, and hurriedly led the people out of the palace gate.

At the same time, in the square outside the Meridian Gate, a group of clan members stood under the scorching sun, all with angry expressions, talking about the accusation against King Xiang.

Not far away, around the Waijinshui Bridge, many officials had gathered, including Yushi Yanguan and officials from various ministries.

These people were watching from a distance and talking in low voices.

Such a large number of clan disciples gathered outside the Meridian Gate, and they came out of the clan school and went straight to the palace gate. It was difficult not to attract attention.

Of course, this was just the beginning. As the commotion became louder and louder, many officials in the court were naturally alarmed. First, the cabinet ministers, the First Assistant Wang Ao and the Second Assistant Yu Shiyue came hand in hand. A moment later, from another direction, , Hu Hui, the Minister of Rites, and Chen Yi, the imperial censor of Zuodu, also rushed over.

However, the most eye-catching thing was naturally King Xiang who followed him in the same hurry.

"Prince Xiang, what on earth is going on?"

With so many people present, the one who had the most contact with King Xiang was naturally Uncle Hu Dazong from the Ministry of Rites. Therefore, outside the palace gate, several ministers exchanged words in low voices. Then, Hu Hui stepped forward and faced King Xiang.

He bowed his hands and asked.


On the way here, King Xiang finally realized what was happening and sent people to inquire about the situation of the clan member who committed suicide by cutting his pulse. Only then did he understand why these clan members were so excited.

The child who is still lying in Zongxue is named Zhu Jinduo. He is the fifth-generation grandson of Emperor Taizu and the fourth-generation grandson of King Ning Zhu Quan.

It's just that his family has a long blood relationship. When it comes to his generation, the only title left is the title of general of the auxiliary country. Moreover, he is still a concubine. If he wants to seize the title or be demoted to one level, he can only get the title of concubine.

General of the country.

Moreover, his mother was from a humble background, so he was not always welcome in the house.

When he came to the capital this time, others were forced to come, but he came on his own initiative. The first thing he did was to find a way out, and the second thing was to take some Lumi silver and ask someone to send it back to support his mother.

But it happened that he was not talented in studying, and his grades were only average. This assessment was a big test once a month. He was so hungry that he failed to answer two papers.

, came last in the exam.

According to the rules set by King Xiang, he would have to have his Lumi deducted for two consecutive months. The child couldn't accept it for a while. After reading the results, he went back and cut his pulse. If one of his classmates hadn't noticed something was wrong, he didn't come to class.

, went to look for it, I was afraid that my life could not be saved now.

After knowing the news, King Xiang actually couldn't help but regret. If he had known this, he shouldn't have mentioned Lumi again just now.

Isn't this just adding fuel to the fire?

But now that the matter has come to this, there is no point in regretting it. However, facing Hu Hui's question, Zhu Zhanzhen didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Fortunately, at this time, the palace door opened. Everyone looked up and saw Huai En, the emperor's personal servant, and a team of internal servants, hurriedly walked out...

This chapter has been completed!
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