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Chapter 866: Is it necessary to hold one and step on one?

 It should be said that a unified system has unparalleled advantages in mobilizing resources and strength.

After this small-scale court meeting, in addition to the errands of various ministries and courts ordered by the emperor himself, various yamen in the capital also started to move.

The news announced by the imperial court to the outside world was that the seismometer of the Qintian Prison had an alarm, saying that there was an earthquake in the southeast, and there was a fear of aftershocks affecting the capital, so early precautions were needed.

Regarding this statement, many ministers in the court were quite critical. They felt that the Qin Tian Jian was making a fuss out of a molehill. Some imperial censors bluntly said that eight out of ten predictions made by the seismometer were inaccurate, so disturbing the Holy Listeners was a dereliction of duty.

However, regardless of the public opinion of the people below, the emperor's will has been firm and he has reached an agreement with a group of important ministers.

If this is the case, then the disturbance of public opinion in the DPRK and the start of the operation of the huge machine of the imperial court have become two parallel lines.

The first is Shuntian Prefecture and the Five Cities Military and Horse Division. Since the court said that it will respond as if there will be aftershocks, the first thing to consider is the issue of order.

According to usual experience in disaster relief, the disaster itself is often not the most terrifying thing, but what is most terrifying is the various riots caused by people's panic after the disaster occurs.

Therefore, the most important task of Shuntian Mansion and the Wucheng Army and Horse Division is to eliminate these unstable factors. In just three days, with the cooperation of Dongchang Tiqi, Shuntian Mansion often made trouble in the streets and alleys of the capital.

All the local gangsters were wiped out.

Those who have criminal records but have not committed any crimes are ordered to stay at home and are prohibited from wandering on the streets in recent days. In the past month, those who have committed crimes have been thrown directly into jail.

At the same time, government officials were dispatched to go door-to-door to tell people that they should go out as little as possible in recent days unless necessary. They were especially prohibited from going to dense forests, hills, rocky mountains and other places prone to collapse, mudslides, and rockfalls.

For some places where secondary disasters were very likely to occur, after receiving the emperor's order, the Ministry of War directly mobilized the officers and soldiers of the Beijing camp to blockade the areas.

Of course, this was just the beginning. Under the assignment of the Ministry of Household Affairs, Shuntian Prefecture specially recruited 300 carts and began to transport grain from the Changping warehouse around the capital to the capital. The Ministry of Works also began to coordinate the gathering of craftsmen, freeing up

Many houses used for disaster relief are preparing to build porridge sheds and other disaster relief buildings, and are stepping up their efforts to reserve a series of supplies such as medicine and clean water.

For a moment, the originally prosperous capital city seemed to have been pressed on the pause button. The streets were sparsely populated and patrolled by officers and soldiers everywhere.

However, the yamen represented by the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Household Affairs, the Ministry of Industry, Shuntian Prefecture, and the Wucheng Army and Horses Division were extremely busy.

Just like that, seven or eight days passed by in a flash.

As night fell, Yu Qian dragged his tired body back to the mansion. As soon as he got off the sedan, Yu Mian came up to him and said.


"Father, Yu Shibo is here and waiting for you in the study."

"Okay, I understand. After I change my father's clothes, I will go see him."

After this period of time, it should be said that the busiest person is Yu Qian.

On the one hand, the emperor's decree has been issued, and he needs to prepare for leaving the capital. This matter seems simple, but in fact it is complicated.

The first is personnel coordination. The Metropolitan Procuratorate has already given many candidates, but what Yu Qian wants is elite soldiers and generals, so he must personally inspect each one.

In addition, in ordering military camps, various places encountered obstacles of varying degrees, and the situation in each place was different. Where to go first, where to go later.

Since the emperor has said that it will be completed before the end of the year, then the order is very important. To put it bluntly, time is tight and the tasks are heavy, so there is no room for any mistakes.

This matter is the most urgent, but besides this, preparation for earthquakes is the most urgent.

Although Yu Qian also had reservations about the emperor taking this matter so seriously, Yu Shaobao's temperament had changed a lot under the influence of Mr. Hu during this period.

At least he would no longer be stubborn in his opinions, but would learn to slowly understand during implementation. Maybe there was a deeper meaning behind the emperor's move.

Moreover, it is always good to be more prepared. If it is true, then the preparations made now will certainly be able to greatly reduce the casualties and losses of the people.

It is not unreasonable to be cautious.

Of course, there is no lesson learned from the past, so if this time it turns out to be a false alarm, Yu Shaobao will definitely have a lot of advice afterwards.

But at this stage, since the emperor attaches so much importance to this matter, Yu Qian will naturally go all out.

The mobilization of the capital camp, the cooperation between the Five Cities Military and Horse Division and the Shuntian Prefecture, and even the mobilization of the patrol censors, many specific matters require the support of the Ministry of War.

Although Yu Qian mostly left this matter to two ministers, since it involves the mobilization of officers and soldiers, it is inevitable that many things can only be carried out with the approval of him, the Minister of War.

With so many things suppressed at the same time, the Ministry of War was almost spinning.

Yu Qian had to coordinate all parties during the day, review the deployment of officers and troops, inquire about the preparation status of many supplies, and examine the new batch of censors who were about to go to the local areas to preside over the military camps one by one. He also had to work overtime at night to read the files recently sent from various places.

Eucalyptus materials and make adequate preparations for leaving Beijing.

Almost every day, he had to stay up until late at night before returning, and today was no exception.

However, in addition to being tired, Yu Qian's worries became more and more serious as time went by.

In recent days, although the capital has been very peaceful, the DPRK is not peaceful...

"Brother Shichao, I've been waiting for a long time!"

After hurriedly changing clothes, Yu Qian went to the study room and saw Yu Shiyue, who had been waiting for a long time.

Compared with the Ministry of War, the cabinet was a little lighter during this period, but it was not much better, especially since Yu Shiyue also held the post of Zhan Shi of the Prince's Mansion and was busy at both ends, so it was not much easier.

The two have been friends for many years, so naturally they don't use too many formalities. Sitting down in the study, Yu Shiyue looked at the tired look on Yu Qian's face and couldn't help but say.

"Tingyi, you still have to pay attention to your health. Although you have a lot of things these days, you have more important things to do next. If you collapse while lighting the lamp and boiling oil at this time, this big mess will be really serious.

No one can carry it anymore."

"Thank you for your concern, Brother Shichao. I know it well, but the country is in such a difficult situation now. As an important minister of the imperial court, I really can't rest while waiting."

Yu Qian took a sip of warm tea, but he didn't exchange too much greetings and turned to talk.

"Brother Shi Chao came here late at night, but because of some noises in the court recently?"

He was busy, but Yu Qian's political sense was still there. Yu Shiyue was in the cabinet and could detect more signals than him. He could guess what he was doing when he came so late at night.

"You noticed it too?"

Yu Shiyue sighed, with a flash of worry in his eyes, and said.

"There is no one else here, so I tell the truth. Your Majesty is indeed a little careless about preparing for disasters in advance. Since ancient times, although there have been various theories about earthquakes, few can truly predict them accurately.


"Even though there are police officers in the Qintian Prison, His Majesty is so aggressive that everyone from the court to the people has complained. I won't hide it from you. During these days, even if Mr. Chen is trying his best to suppress it, but all the people in various disciplines have complained.

The memorial is still on the ground like snowflakes."

"Most of them are saying that the Shuntian Prefecture and the Wucheng Military and Horse Division disturbed the livelihood of the common people and were violent and harsh. Some people impeached the Qintian Supervisor and bewitched the emperor with evil intentions. Some people bluntly said that His Majesty suddenly used the army for no reason.

Disturbing people's livelihood is an act of willfulness and recklessness."

"These memorials are now being suppressed in the cabinet. I and the Chief Assistant don't dare to hand them all over, and they don't dare to suppress them for too long. It's really..."

To put it bluntly, the cabinet is there to solve problems for the emperor.

But in fact, this degree is very difficult to determine. Although the cabinet votes are not announced to the public, they are not deliberately hidden.

Especially for this large-scale memorial, after Emperor Zhu approved it, it was sent to the General Affairs Department for preservation. There are traces of drafting on it.

At the small court meeting that day, the emperor's attitude was made very clear. Everything was prepared in accordance with the standards for an imminent disaster. Anyone who deliberately obstructed it would be punished immediately.

Once so many memorials are submitted, it will be a big deal if the emperor is really angry and sends these people to prison.

Failure to reconcile the monarch and his ministers is a dereliction of duty on the part of the cabinet!

Therefore, we can only suppress it for the time being. Although the emperor must be aware of the existence of these memorials, if the cabinet submits them in batches a little later, at least it can make this storm seem a little calmer and leave it for the emperor to deal with.

Some buffering room.

However, this method is destined to only delay time but not solve the problem.

If the demands of the ministers below are not met and there is no strong deterrence, they will naturally feel that their voices are not enough and will continue to complain.

Moreover, at this time, the cabinet is actually, to put it bluntly, taking the blame.

After so many memorials were submitted, the emperor's intention was already clear, so when the cabinet drafted the vote, the general intention was naturally to reject it.

When the memorial was handed to the imperial court, the emperor made it right with a stroke of his pen. However, as the memorial was sent to the General Affairs Department, more and more ministers saw the contents of the draft and slowly turned their attention to the cabinet.

He accused the cabinet of being incompetent, not admonishing the emperor, and only trying to please the emperor.

Anyway, it’s a dilemma at both ends!

"Your Majesty also has the people in mind, so he made this move. If Qin Tianjian's prediction is true, then the preparations made by the government and the public will be able to minimize the losses. If we estimate the best case scenario, the transition will be completely smooth.

It’s not impossible.”

After pondering for a moment, Yu Qian slowly opened his mouth and said.

"Even if it is a false alarm, it is better than a real disaster and the court being unprepared."

"But, after all, no one can say for sure about this kind of thing."

Yu Shiyue also sighed softly and paused briefly. He seemed to be hesitant. After hesitating for a moment, he said.

"In fact, many ministers in the DPRK have also discussed privately that even if His Majesty really pays attention to Qin Tianjian's prediction, he only needs to make reserves and quickly order the various government agencies to provide disaster relief when a disaster really occurs. This way, it is both safe and secure.

It wouldn’t have caused such a commotion in the city, alas..."

Halfway through saying this, Yu Shiyue noticed that Yu Qian looked at him with a somewhat unkind look.

In fact, he himself felt a little guilty. Later, his voice became lower and lower, and he unconsciously turned his head and looked out the window.

Today is the first quarter moon, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse. It is very hot in the courtyard without a trace of cool breeze. The chirping of insects and the occasional sound of flapping wings makes people feel upset.

However, I still can't escape...

A moment later, Yu Qian's solemn voice sounded in Yu Shiyue's ears, saying.

"Brother Shichao, what are you saying? Aren't the lives of ordinary people less important than the so-called public opinion in the court?"

Yu Shiyue turned around reluctantly and said dullly.

"That's not what I meant, it's just..."

"I just feel that His Majesty is making a fuss out of a molehill and tormenting the entire capital just because of a mere omen. It is really unnecessary, thankless, and even a bit stupid, right?"

After all, Yu Qian is Yu Qian. Even though his personality is somewhat restrained, his words are still to the point.

"Tingyi, be careful what you say!"

Yu Shiyue had a wry smile on his face. This Yu Qian really dared to say anything, and he was not afraid that if his words were spread, he would be labeled as a critic.

However, he had to admit that he did have some such thoughts in his heart, and this was not only his thoughts, but also the thoughts of many ministers in the court.

The best way to deal with such warnings that are unclear whether they are true or false is to ignore them and carry on as usual.

In this way, even if a disaster does occur, as long as disaster relief is done, everything will be fine. However, if preparations are made in advance, the disaster does not come, and there will be a lot of complaints.

From a political perspective, this is definitely not a worthwhile deal.

However, this utilitarian idea is obviously not acceptable to Yu Shaobao.

However, what surprised Yu Shiyue was that Yu Qian, who had always been upright, did not get angry this time. After asking, he calmed down and asked.

"Brother Shi Chao, now that I've said this, I won't hide it from you. I also feel a little too nervous about His Majesty's actions this time. However, even so, I still try my best to trust His Majesty's judgment, one by one.

Do you know why you should conscientiously implement all measures?"


We are all people who have been in officialdom for many years. Under this situation, naturally we will not talk about the so-called loyalty, no matter whether the emperor's order is right or wrong, and unswerving ambition.

What's more, Yu Shiyue also knows that Yu Qian is not such a person. As a courtier, if the emperor has made a mistake, he should be remonstrated. If he does not listen to the remonstrance, he should die. This is the behavior of a state official.

Fighting to the death in battle and admonishment in literature are eternal truths and honorable matters. Yu Qian is not the kind of person who is foolish and loyal to his emperor and has no principles.

(A certain king named Tianguan should be circled here)

There was no need for Yu Shiyue to guess, the next moment, Yu Qian gave the answer himself.

"It is precisely because your Majesty's move is not in the interests of others that it is even more precious!"

"No one is a saint, and no one can make mistakes. Even if your Majesty is the emperor, it is impossible not to make mistakes. Otherwise, what is the use of having ministers?"

"It's not terrible to have a past. What's terrible is that you only care about your own interests and don't care about the people of the world, like..."

Yu Qian seemed to want to say something, but seeing Yu Shiyue's sudden change of expression, he finally paused, jumped over, and continued.

"For the sake of one's own achievements, putting all the people at risk is a great disaster."

"Your Majesty is now willing to stake his reputation on behalf of all people. Even if it is wrong, this heart of kindness and love for all people is extremely precious and cannot be bruised."

"So, even though Yu is doubtful about the so-called early warning from the Qintian Prison, he is still willing to work with His Majesty to make serious preparations in advance."

"This time, even if it is a mistake, Yu will make the same mistake as His Majesty!"

This chapter has been completed!
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