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【341】Sword Master Can’t

Since Mo Le didn't come forward to disturb, Gu Yu and Jifeng were naturally embarrassed to come forward.

However, staying in this hot forging room for a while is torture. Even if Gu Yu and Jifeng are cultivators, they cannot stand the gradually rising temperature.


The hammer struck the ironware again and again, and the sound was as heavy as the strike in everyone's heart.

Amidst the flying sparks, a resolute face loomed, and Gu Yu knew that it was the sword-smith who Mo Le said was unable to do anything.

For a long time, Gu Yu and Jifeng felt that their clothes were soaked with sweat and they were feeling dizzy from the heat. Only then did the hammering sound stop suddenly.

A tall and strong figure slowly approached Gu Yu and others, "Brother Moller, you are here."

Mohler smiled and said: "Junior Brother Wu, we have been waiting for you here for a long time." Although Mohler had a smile on his face, he had already scolded this guy bloody in his heart, just because of what this guy did.

It's a stinking rule, so I'll get heated here.

Unable to bow to Moller, he laughed boldly and said: "Senior Brother Moller is still so misspoken. I have already said that if you come, you can wait for me outside."

Moller pursed his lips and said: "You are a complete workaholic. If you don't go in and wait, you won't pay attention to me at all. I won't say more. I will introduce you to two friends." He turned slightly and pointed.

Gu Yu, sweating like rain, said: "This is Donor Gu Yu, and the other is Donor Jifeng. They are my good friends."

Unable to bow to the two of them, and then said with a smile: "Welcome you two. The temperature here is too high. If you have any questions, please go to the quiet room to discuss it in detail."

There is no way to know that Moller can bring Gu Yu and Jifeng to his forging room. These two people must not be ordinary characters.

What Gu Yu and Jifeng want to do most right now is to leave this scorching hot forging room. It would be great if they could have a glass of iced soda or sour plum soup to cool down the heat.

Now that they couldn't say that, Gu Yu and Jifeng hurriedly returned the salute and rushed out of the forging room as if they were running away.

As soon as they came out of the forging room, Gu Yu and Jifeng couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, feeling refreshed.

"Brother Yu, it's like entering a sauna inside. People can't stand the heat," Jifeng said with a long sigh.

Wen Wen smiled and said: "Donor Jifeng, the temperature in my forging room is much higher than the temperature in the sauna room. It seems unusual that you can stay in it for so long." Wen Wen was naked with his upper body covered in clothes.

Like a leopard pattern, it is dotted with many traces of high-temperature burns.

Gu Yu glanced at the leopard-print scars that looked like outstanding military exploits, and felt a little more reverence in his heart. He smiled and said: "Isn't Master Helpless an extraordinary person? You can forge all kinds of things next to that furnace.

Magic weapon, such a person is really powerful. We are just showing off a big sword in front of Guan Gong, not worth a penny."

Unable to be in a good mood by Gu Yu's words, he laughed and said: "Donor Gu Yu is really interesting to come. Come to my quiet room to rest for a while. I will ask Junior Brother Li Yuan to get you some iced juice."

Invited everyone into the quiet room

No, this quiet room is really quiet. It feels like walking into a room and being surrounded by walls.

However, there are some things inside that are useful for practicing meditation, such as wooden fish, Buddhist beads, etc. It seems that after work, I can’t study the Dharma every day.

Mohler smiled and said: "My junior brother and I are completely two extreme people. I am a bohemian and happy-go-lucky person, but he is a person who pursues liberation, wholeheartedly doing good deeds, and will never forget to practice under any circumstances.


Gu Yu nodded and said, "I've seen this a long time ago. But what puzzles me is why Master Fang would open a blacksmith shop in such a small town?"

Mohler smiled faintly and said: "I think this is related to his personal practice. Everyone has different methods when encountering a bottleneck in practice. We monks usually travel around to find ways to break through the bottleneck, but I am helpless.

He has great attainments in Buddhism, and also has an understanding of blacksmithing that is different from ordinary people. When he encounters a bottleneck in his Buddhist practice, he will use blacksmithing to enlighten his mind and allow him to find a way to break through. But it seems that he hasn't found one yet this time.

"Zen Enlightenment"

Ji Feng said in surprise: "Speaking of Master Mohler, I really wanted to hear you say last night that he is a monk who only recognizes money and not people. Logically speaking, a greedy monk who only recognizes money and not people would not be like this."

In such a big world, it is probably impractical to use forging to enlighten the mind."

"Haha... Donor Jifeng is right, my senior brother Mo Le knows how to speak ill of me behind my back." At this moment, Wen Wen suddenly came in with a few glasses of cold juice from outside the door, and he also put on clean clothes.

Regular clothes, looks no different from ordinary people

Moller didn't expect that the helpless would suddenly appear. He couldn't help but laughed and said: "This is a misunderstanding, haha, misunderstanding, but helpless. I brought these two friends here today and want you to build a magic weapon for them."

Unable nodded and said: "That's no problem. I'm the best at forging. What kind of magic weapon do you want to make? As long as you can tell me, I can make it for you. Even if you can't tell me, I can.

Design one for you based on your body shape, exercises, etc."

Jifeng was slightly startled and said: "Like designing clothes?"

Unable to smile and said: "Yes, but these processes are quite troublesome. From the looks of you, you should be in a hurry to use them, so I will wait until later when I have enough time to design the magic weapon."

Gu Yu nodded and said: "Master is indeed very discerning. We came here this time in a hurry to make a magic weapon, so we hope that Master can help."

Unable to think about it, he said: "Did something really happen to the world of cultivation? In the past few months, I have received many orders for making magic weapons. As far as I know, even the magic weapons on the black market are almost sold out.


Gu Yu glanced at Noble in confusion and said, "Master, don't you know about the world of cultivation?"

Unable to shake his head and said: "I don't know, I have been busy with cultivation some time ago, and later I signed a lot of orders for making magical instruments. I just knew that something happened in the cultivation world, but I don't know what it is."

Seeing that Bu Bu really didn't know, he briefly told Bu Bu about the masters that had happened recently in the world of cultivation. At the same time, he also revealed some of his wish to recast the Qiankun Liuhong Sword to Bu Bu.

Hearing what Gu Yu said, he couldn't help but be shocked. He had always stayed in this small town and didn't know anything about the world of cultivation. Now that he heard that such a big thing happened in the world of cultivation, how could he not be surprised?

"Donor Gu Yu, since you are determined to eradicate Xiang Su, the big devil, I can't help but do my best to help. Although the sword body of Qiankun Liuhong Sword is broken, as long as the sword spirit is still intact, it can be recast. And you can rest assured, I will definitely

I will use the best gold and iron to recast the sword body of the Qiankun Liuhong Sword, and then I will consecrate it to you with the power of Buddha. After being consecrated by Buddha's power, the Qiankun Liuhong Sword can exert the power of your Seven Treasures Tianxuan true power."

Naturally, Gu Yu was extremely happy if he couldn't. He nodded and said, "Then I'll thank the master first."

Unable waved his hand and said: "Don't thank me in a hurry. This sword-making is not my business alone. The most critical stage depends on you. What I forge is just a tangible sword body, but you have to refine it."

What is transformed is the sword spirit. If you can completely incorporate the sword spirit into the sword body, it depends on the tacit understanding between you and the sword spirit and your creation."

Gu Yu naturally knew this. Moller had already told him about it before. But when it came to this sword spirit, Gu Yu was really reluctant to refine it. After getting along with it for the past few days, Gu Yu seemed to regard it as his naughty little sister.

However, if it is not refined, not only will it not be able to deal with Xiang Su, but one day it will be annihilated due to exhaustion of spiritual power. Perhaps refining it is its best destination, at least so that it can live forever.

In the sword body of Qiankun Liuhong Sword, it always accompanies him.

Gu Yu sighed and said: "Master Wu, I know, don't worry, I will communicate with the sword spirit properly, I will not waste your efforts, and I will not let the sword spirit sacrifice in vain."

Unable to nod and say: "This is the best."

Gu Yu made up his mind and said: "Okay, Master Feng, since you are doing business, let's get straight to the point. You help me forge the sword. How much do I have to pay you? But do you have to give me some discount? Anyway, Mo and I

Master Le is still a life-and-death friend. Since you are his junior brother, can you...hehe..."

Unable to see the philistine look on Gu Yu's face, he was speechless. He shook his head and smiled: "You, I didn't expect you to be more philistine than me. Now that you said that, what else can I say? In this way, it's all for the cost."

Price, I am going to use the best black ice and cold iron to make it for you. This black ice and cold iron can only be produced in the Millennium Cold Pond, and only one kilogram can be produced in a cold pond, so it is extremely precious. I spent five

I have only collected two kilograms in a year, and I plan to use them all to cast the sword body of the Qiankun Liuhong Sword. I plan to fix the hilt with black walnut wood and fine steel wire. What do you think?"

Although Gu Yu doesn't know how to make swords, he also knows the market price of these materials. Xuan Bing Han Iron is the king of cold iron. It is an excellent material for making swords. The price is naturally not low. One kilogram can be purchased for 30 million on the black market.

The price of the black mahogany wood and fine steel wire is not as valuable as the Xuan Bing Han Iron, but it is still expensive. In this case, it is at least about 40 million. This is not a small amount. For Gu Yu, it is simply a sky-high price. Although he

There is a company, but it is impossible to spend 40 million at once

Gu Yu smiled bitterly and said: "Master Wu, as far as I know, this Xuan Bing Han Iron is very expensive. I'm afraid I won't be able to afford that much money for a while."

Wen Feng waved his hand and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't charge according to the price on the black market, not to mention good iron to make a good sword. I save this Xuan Bing Cold Iron just to forge a peerless good sword one day. You have a world."

The sword spirit of Liuhong Sword, if I forge a good sword and you refine the sword spirit, then this sword must be a superb sword hehe..." Wenfa started dancing excitedly

This chapter has been completed!
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