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Chapter 3240: Being soft

 "When the Immortal family is corrupted to the end, will it turn into a rotten existence? Isn't there a power that controls rebirth and rebirth?" I asked quickly. "What kind of things in heaven and earth are not corruptible? Do you think it is?"

Is there anything incorruptible in life? After thousands or tens of thousands of years, it will eventually decay, and the external factors encountered will continue to accelerate the speed of its decay. Even the immortal family is like this. You can survive hundreds of millions.

Are the years eternal? After all, they will

It will decay, and even if it is not rotten, it will die, right? And this innate rotten air is the aura that accelerates the entire rate of decay. Everything it passes is covered with dirt. The earth and sky all accelerate the decay and perish. This world has already

There is no longer eternal life, do you understand?" Dongfang Fu said calmly.

"Eternal life does not exist? Then what kind of immortality are you cultivating?" I asked dumbly. "Cultivation to immortality, cultivation to resist corruption, why not cultivate? Oh, do you think there is such a thing as eternal life? Saints are immortal, and their innate rotten energy

Isn't the existence of "superfluous"? In this world, there is mutual growth and restraint, there is yin and yang, there is positive and negative, there is speed and slowness, we can't turn our hands over, we can do whatever we want, cutting off all possibilities of not wanting to come, so we just

Energy is just tilting and balancing between these two endpoints. Whatever you want, you can go towards it, but there is also a negative side, and it is not without an end. Do you understand? Things must return to their extremes, which is between heaven and earth.

Perfect!" Dongfang Fu talked eloquently.

I said this and looked at the others. Everyone pondered, including Shen Miao, who clasped his hands together and was very convinced by what he said.

"But it is not the principle of heaven and earth to just rot without rebirth, but it has been like this for thousands of years. Why? Who is causing trouble?" I asked again, which I have been asking, but I have never gotten a real answer.

"Hey, who knows who is causing trouble? I only know that if you messed with me, I will let the person who did it pay for it. If you can't find it, go look for it! As for corruption, there is no life, you are right.

Nowadays, many things in the Nine Heavens are indeed rotten! This is the horror of innate rot. Without vitality to contend with, nature will continue to erode and rot the entire world. I am afraid that the entire world will not be completely corroded.

Life will never come back, so we are waiting and searching, right? Maybe tomorrow, maybe tens of millions of years later,

It will appear eventually, who knows?" Dongfang Fu explained.

"Waiting is so terrible!" I frowned and said, the thing in the world is that you know you are going to die, but you can't find a way to solve it, and now the decay is coming, which is constantly forcing people.

At present, living things are still decaying and dying. After losing the land, food, and companions that they depend on for survival, who can continue to live? "It's okay, you'll get used to it after waiting for a long time. As long as you don't die for a day, it's okay."

What's the matter? The thing like vitality may have been taken away by some saint on purpose, and the thing about decay may have been put into the Nine Heavens by that saint, so that the dirty world could start over again."

Dongfang Fuhe

He smiled and seemed not to be afraid at all.

"Purify the world?" I couldn't help but feel cold in my heart. I don't want to be purified in my lifetime. I don't want my children and my wife to watch me become a rotten fairy and decay step by step. Of course, I don't want to see them either.


So whoever wants to purify this world, I will first find a way to purify him! "Hey, purifying the world is a long process, but now that the world has been dissolved, even if there is still a large area in the Nine Heavens that has not been 'purified' by the rotten air, but

But it's too late to wait for us to run there to take refuge. I think I won't have much time for you next. Do you plan to purify it too? Or find a way to counteract it.

Resistance?" Dongfang Fu asked with a smile.

"Of course we have to cancel the purification! This is obviously an immoral act!" I originally wanted to curse, but maybe the saint could hear it. What if a lightsaber chops me apart?

"Jingshi, what qualifications does he have to decide between life and death?" Li Poxiao gritted his teeth, showing great dissatisfaction.

"Maybe the world makes him feel unclean, but using this method to purify the world is really too much, and I can't accept it," Fu Tianxiao said.

"God is so merciful that a poor nun cannot bear to kill living beings like this." Ci Ye clasped his hands together, but Shen Miao did not speak, but listened to us calmly.

"Then I'm counting on you, the younger generation. I hope you can kill the saint who was killed that day, hehe." Dongfang Fubu changed his unruly nature. "The heaven and the earth are unkind and treat all things as stupid dogs. The saint is unkind and treats the common people as his bastards."

Rugou, the governance of heaven and earth always has its difficulties. Being in a high position requires looking forward and backward to control the overall situation. Purification may be an option, but it is definitely not the best option. I will not let him do whatever he wants!" I

Said decisively.

Dongfang Fu did not laugh this time, but looked at me seriously and said, "Who taught you to say that?"

"That's what it says in the book." I smiled.

"Pfft! You brat, I almost scared you to death! I almost thought you were the leader. What's the best choice? It sounds like the truth!" Dongfang Fu spat.

He almost sprayed saliva all over my face.

I looked at him awkwardly and said, "Can't I be the leader?"

"Okay, of course, you are your leader. You are not my leader. You are my apprentice now!" Dongfang Fu laughed angrily at me.

I shrugged. Dongfang Fu definitely didn't believe me now. After all, Zulong went up and didn't come down. Besides, I didn't show the attitude or style that made him think I was the one.

But seeing that I didn't deny it, Dongfang Fu looked at me, patted my shoulder, and said seriously: "What you just said is indeed what a leader said, boy, come on, teachers rarely encourage people, but this

What you said is right this time. Being a teacher has clear rewards and punishments, so I won’t hesitate to praise you a few more times.”

"What's the reward? This has already reached Tiannan, how about we dig out the second batch of treasures? I heard that Tiannan was the center of the ancient god world back then, and you have hidden a lot of treasures..." I smiled cautiously.


When Dongfang Fu heard this, he cursed again: "Insatiable, simply insatiable! The jailer's family has been tossing me for two thousand years, and they only managed to mess with a few small treasures. How long have you been following me? You just fooled two old men! You are still the biggest.

Yes! Why did I accept a traitor like you!"

As a result, before he could get mad and beat me, Ruxue had already climbed onto his lap, with a cute expression on his face and said expectantly: "Grandpa, the old monster master, Ruxue wants a treasure, wants a treasure!"

When Dongfang Fu looked at the little baby's eyes, they melted like hot water on snow. His face suddenly became limp and paralyzed: "Oh, good boy, dig it, let's dig it right now."

I looked at him with contempt, and Dongfang Fu immediately stared back at me and said, "I just like to eat soft food, what's the matter? Yeah, you can do it, let's see what you can do." I spread my hands helplessly, not bothering to refute him any more.

So Jinglian quickly turned back to the direction of Tianzhong. I don't know what the old monster has done this time, but when I think about the treasure of this old man, I am still a little salivating. After all, there is a place on the east bottom of the sea.

Yes, it is estimated that Western teachings have had enough for many years. If we dig out this amount again, it will undoubtedly make the five worlds sublime again!

The location of the old monster was very accurate. After more than ten days, we arrived at a large mountain range. With the ghost soldiers and ghost generals I summoned, we worked together to dig out a large treasure nest covering the bottom of the mountain!

The huge treasure lair has rich collections and is full of large arrays. However, when the owner came, there was no sign of activation, and the configuration inside was still similar to that on the bottom of the sea. There were also several treasure ships. I also discovered a pattern, that is, Dongfang Fu

The treasure collection is directly proportional to the number of treasure ships. Excluding the small ships on the seabed, there are five large treasure ships in total, and the number is actually just enough. The configuration here is still the same, but there are nine large treasure ships in total, so the number can be seen

than sea

Nearly twice as much. This is probably because he kidnapped a lot of treasures in Tiannan back then! And even though there are many treasures in them that cannot be used due to the changes in immortal energy and vitality, because he chose all of them.

The top treasures in the world are definitely not comparable to the treasures hidden in Linye Kingdom at that time. The proportion of usable and unusable treasures is not large now.

This chapter has been completed!
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