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Chapter 6: Conspiracy


When I was almost desperate, a miserable roar made the blood corpse stop for a moment.

Immediately, a tall man suddenly ran in from the door and pierced the bloody corpse's back with a sharp object.

The bloody corpse seemed to have lost all its strength in an instant and fell beside me.

I stood up in despair, lay on the side and vomited out the filthy stuff. I looked at the bloody corpse and found that the sharp object was a pair of scissors, with a talisman wrapped around the scissors.

I looked at the man. He was wearing a dead man's clothes and paper shoes made of oil paper. He was breathing heavily, kneeling on the ground and covering his face, constantly calling Zhou Xuan's name.

Who is this if not Zhang Yidan? I exclaimed: Yidan?

Wuwu Brother Tian! Why are you still here?

When he looked at me, his eyes showed a look that he had always relied on me when he was young.

I don’t know what to say. Facing Zhou Xuan, facing the people who died in the village outside, facing everything now, I don’t have the slightest idea. I’m not a grandmother. Grandma knows everything and can save people by turning over her fingers.


If Zhang Yidan hadn't appeared in time, I would probably be dead.

Yu Xiaoxue cried, and sat on her knees on the ground wiping her tears, while the pear blossoms were covered with rain.

There are not many families in the village, but she has a good relationship with sister-in-law Zhou Xuan. They often play cards and watch TV series together in their free time. Occasionally they go to Ganlong Village and go shopping together in the town. Now that she has seen this tragic situation, it is good that she has not broken down mentally.


I looked at the talismans drawn on Zhou Xuan's body from head to toe. While feeling sad, I discovered that she was not made into a blood corpse, but just a resentment corpse.

What was inserted into her body was a pair of scissors, with a soul-sealing paper talisman attached to it. The scrawled writing on the paper talisman showed that it was her grandmother's handwriting.

Maybe he was frightened at the time. If it was a blood corpse, a piece of paper talisman would not have any effect at all. But even so, Zhou Xuan died unjustly. He was tortured during his life and had his soul refined after his death. Now

After sealing my husband's soul, reincarnation will no longer be possible.

My sister-in-law didn’t warn me again, so Zhang Yidan is a living person, but why is he wearing the clothes of a dead person?

After a long period of silence, Zhang Yidan rearranged Zhou Xuan's clothes, carried her to an empty place, and then sat next to me.

Brother Tian, ​​once we come, we can’t leave.

The first words Zhang Yidan said made me stunned. Yu Xiaoxue also widened her eyes and squeezed towards me in fear.

My sister-in-law still didn’t move. I took a deep breath: Why? Who told you?

A few days ago, grandma asked the people in the village to leave. If they don't leave, they won't be able to leave. If she dies, everyone will die. Some people say that they will be buried with her.

Zhang Yidan's face was so pale that even I was a little worried.

Why didn't you leave? I continued to ask, because I heard Yu Xiaoxue said before that he took Zhou Xuan away with him on the day of his grandmother's death. There must have been something delayed in the meantime.

Zhang Yidan shook his head and glanced at Zhou Xuan who was not far away.

Brother Dan, if my sister-in-law hadn't covered her mouth and dared not speak after Yu Xiaoxue finished speaking that day, she would have been frightened.

Zhang Yidan looked at Yu Xiaoxue and said: She is your sister-in-law. But, Xue, do you still remember? Your sister-in-law went back to her parents' home some time ago and has never been back to Xiaoyitun.

Yu Xiaoxue was stunned. She never came back? Then who did she see?

I then went to your sister-in-law's house, but Xuan never returned to her house. I couldn't find her anywhere, so I knew something was wrong and called the police. The police asked me to go back to the village to wait for news.

I waited for several days, and when I really had no choice, I went to my grandma to do the calculation. After she finished doing the calculation, she was stunned on the spot. When she came to her senses, she took a broom and beat me to death, asking why I didn't come and ask her earlier.

It was me who killed Xuan. After saying that, Zhang Yidan wiped away his tears again.

Later, my grandma asked me for a pair of scissors that Xuan had used, and she hurriedly went into the mountain. I asked her, and she said she went to find someone to settle the accounts. When she came back a few days later, I thought she had settled the accounts clearly.

But she said that she was about to die, and even prepared a coffin, so that all the people in the village could leave, and they could not stay for a day.

I looked at her as if nothing was wrong, and after asking her several times, she said that she had been ambushed, and that the other party had been prepared for it. Not only had the feng shui of the village been ruined, but the gate of life was replaced by the gate of death, and it took twenty years.

I made something called a blood cloud coffin and locked up something about her. She said she would not live for seven days, and there would only be two days left when I got back. She told me to leave immediately without delaying for a moment.

Zhang Yidan smiled thoughtfully, and finally continued: Think about it, my grandma asked me to leave at that time, so I should leave. It is best not to know anything and leave good thoughts.

But I also understood at that time that things were not that simple, otherwise my grandma would not have whipped me with a broom that day. Later, seeing how stubborn I was and refusing to leave, she waited until she had no choice but to tell me that Xuan was letting people

Before becoming a walking corpse, she went to find that person to settle accounts.

I still didn't believe what grandma said, but when I saw Xuan, I cried for a long time. Xuan was snatched back, and it turned out that she was already a walking corpse, with the same pair of scissors still stuck in her body. I vowed to avenge Xuan.

Grandma said she couldn't avenge her, and neither could I.

Then he gave me some talisman water to drink, and prepared a set of clothes for a dead person, and asked me to take Xuan to the entrance of the village and bury her. But when I took Xuan to the cemetery, I couldn’t bear to bury her like this, so I

I pulled out the scissors to see if she could come back alive. It turned out that she was alive. I was wearing a dead person's clothes, so Xuan didn't recognize me and ran away without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Yu Xiaoxue was stunned on the spot, and her face became cold when she recalled it. It turned out that she wanted to bury Sister-in-law Xuan at that time.

I woke up at this time, she was no longer Xuan. I ran back and told my grandma. She sighed and asked me to pretend to be dead and lie on the road waiting for Xuan. If I really didn’t wait, I had to leave and don’t come back to look for her again.

I waited for her for two days, but Xuan didn't wait, but she waited for you, Brother Tian.

I pretended to be a ghost and told you not to go back to the village, but you didn't listen. I thought I had to listen to my grandma this time, and I couldn't expose the identity of the dead person no matter what, so I had no choice but to hide and wait for Xuan again. I stayed up until midnight, and finally

When she came, she ran very fast. I chased her for a long time before she got here. Brother Tian, ​​you know what happened next.

What Zhang Yidan said made me and Yu Xiaoxue stunned for a while, but since his education level is not high, it is difficult for him to try his best not to use swear words in his words.

After a long time, I contacted what Yu Xiaoxue said before, and the situation was roughly consistent. I analyzed the process of the incident. Zhou Xuan was not the beginning of the whole incident, but someone spent decades preparing the blood cloud coffin to plot against grandma, Zhou Xuan.

Just an introduction.

The feng shui of Xiaoyitun was ruined and the Shengmen Gate of Xiaoyitun became the door of death. I remembered why my wife-in-law didn’t let me return to Ganlong Village when I was walking to Xiaoyitun. It turned out that I had entered the door of death.

I don't know much about Feng Shui, but if you go back through the Door of Death, it will lead to a dead end. If you want to leave without solving the problem, you can only get out of this place by walking through the Door of Life.

Just when I was thinking about the Feng Shui bureau, I suddenly felt my sister-in-law pull me, and I stood up immediately.

Wow wow!

Immediately afterwards, a child's cry came, and I looked for the sound!

Zhou Xuan's belly swelled up at some point, and then it seemed to be torn open by something, and a blood-red baby crawled out of it!

Zhang Yidan was stunned on the spot, looking at the bloody ghost baby, his mouth wide open.

Yu Xiaoxue and I were also stunned. At this moment, the ghost child pulled out the scissors from Zhou Xuan and rushed towards us!

Father killed mother, this ghost kid wants to kill Zhang Yidan!

In an instant, I didn't know where I thought of this, so I quickly picked up the bloody bench that Yu Xiaoxue had dropped before and threw it at the ghost baby!

The ghost kid ignored me at all. He dodged the bench and stabbed Zhang Yidan with the scissors. At the critical moment, I flew up and kicked the ghost kid away!

The ghost baby rolled out of the door, gave me a sly smile with its open mouth, stared at Zhang Yidan with two big blood-red eyes, and then quickly disappeared into the night.

Raising a little ghost with a walking corpse! He also created the appearance of letting Zhang Yidan kill Zhou Xuan. This little ghost kid must hate Zhang Yidan. If the ghost kid kills Zhang Yidan, it will not mean that the father kills the mother, but the son kills the father.

Are there any tragedies in the world?

My heart was beating wildly, and I didn't dare to think about it anymore, who was so vicious and could think of such a cruel thing.

Grandma's talisman destroyed Zhou Xuan, but she didn't expect that Zhou Xuan still had a baby in her belly. Against all odds, she let that person plot it.

Even though the ghost baby is still young, once it returns to that person, through various secret methods, it will soon be no longer an ordinary spell and can be dealt with by means. When the time comes, Zhang Yidan will be dead when he encounters it, but it is just Zhang Yidan.

A life for an egg?

I thought, it won't be that simple! The ghost baby holds a grudge, and I guess it won't be easy for me either.

Zhang Yidan's face turned horribly blue and he couldn't even speak. I shook him several times, but he didn't come back to his senses.

Yidan! Listen to me, this child is not your child at all! What you see is just the surface! I said to Zhang Yidan loudly.

Zhang Yidan's eyes were dull. That was his child. His wife had just died, and now that the child was like this, the courage that originally supported him to live was gone.

It was all the people behind it! I almost yelled at Zhang Yidan.

Brother Tian, ​​it’s my child Zhang Yidan who is crazy. No matter who encounters this kind of thing, they will not recover easily.

It seems Zhang Yidan is finished.

I immediately looked at Yu Xiaoxue and found that although she was scared, she was still fine. But now that such a big thing had happened, keeping a vigil and leaving were already on the agenda.

I can't just leave Yu Xiaoxue and Zhang Yidan to die. If grandma is still alive, I don't want us to lose our lives to guard her body.

This chapter has been completed!
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