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Chapter 10 Outsmarting Xu San

Zhao Yuan didn't know the girl's subsequent story, nor was he interested in knowing it, because he was too tired. It took him eleven hours to get to Xujiaqiao. Not only was he exhausted, but he was also cold and hungry.

, hungry and cold, his bones are about to fall apart.

At this time, Xu Jiaqiao was already asleep. The cold wind gently rolled up the snow foam on the ground, forming small whirlpools. Except for the occasional barking of a dog, the deserted street was silent.

Zhao Yuan did not hesitate and went straight to Xu Sanjia in Xujia Lane.

"Bah, bah, bah..."

"Third brother, third brother, open the door, open the door quickly, I am Xiao Zhao..."

Amidst a rapid knock on the door, there was a rustling sound in the dark room, and then the warm light of a candle lit up inside the white paper-covered window.

"Which Xiao Zhao?" After a cough in the room, an angry voice sounded. In this cold weather, no one would be happy to be called out of bed.

"Third brother, I am Zhao Yuan. I have given you a piece of fine leather goods, which can be used to make a large mattress to keep my sister-in-law warm in the cold weather."

"I don't know Zhao Yuan...fur goods! What kind of leather goods? Let me see..."

With a creak, the door opened. Xu San was wearing a thick cotton coat and standing at the door holding a candle. The eyes on the knife-striped face were fixed on the Yangshan leopard fur in Zhao Yuan's hand, with a look of greed on his face.

Se. Xu San has been a servant in the Wan family for more than ten years, so he naturally has some discernment. Just by looking at it, he knew that this leather product was good.

"Third brother, this fur product is Xiao Zhao's filial piety to you. However, you must take the job I entrust you to find for me seriously... Hey, aren't you Liu Sange?" Zhao Yuan was busy opening the Yangshan leopard fur.

He suddenly raised his head, with a dull expression on his face.

"Hey, I am the third brother, but I am not the third brother Liu, I am the third brother Xu." Xu San said with a charming smile.

"That-that-then I got the wrong person, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Zhao Yuan bent down to apologize again and again, then lowered his head in frustration and rolled up the unrolled Yangshan leopard fur again.

"Don't rush, don't rush. It's freezing out here. Let's have a cup of hot tea to warm yourself up. Come on." Xu San opened the door enthusiastically, holding a candle in one hand and holding on to Zhao Yuan's leather goods with the other.

"No, I have to go to Brother Liu San. He said he would introduce me to a good job." Zhao Yuan grabbed the fur tightly and looked at Xu San with a wary face.

"Isn't it just a job! Ask the neighbor next door who I, Xu San, am? It's not that I, Xu San, am bragging. Who in Xujiaqiao won't give me Xu San some face." Xu San was afraid that Zhao Yuan would leave, so he hurriedly boasted.

Dao. Of course, Xu San is not completely bragging, because he helps tens of thousands of families on the first and fifteenth day of every month, and some poor families still respect him.

"But...ah...I remembered, you are Mr. Xu Sanye of the Wan family! You are a good person!" Zhao Yuan suddenly looked at Xu San with an expression of disbelief, and "Third Brother" also became

"Third Master".

"Yes, that's me, that's me." Seeing that Zhao Yuan recognized his identity, Xu San enjoyed the shocked expression on Zhao Yuan's face, "Don't worry, it's freezing cold in the middle of the night.

Who will find you a job? You stay here first, and you can find it tomorrow. Come on, are you still afraid that I, Xu San, will eat you up? You see, I have seniors and juniors, and I don’t dare to do those illegal things.

Ji's matter is fine... What are you looking at? Hurry up and boil some hot water for Xiao Zhao, wash your feet with hot water, and drink some hot soup. Look, the bare feet in straw sandals... are all frozen, oops...


At this time, everyone in Xu San's family woke up. The old man lay on the bed and kept coughing. Xu San's wife watched from a distance, while Xu San's two sons leaned against the door and touched curiously.


"Okay, I'm really a little hungry..." Zhao Yuan swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"That's it, come in, come in, I have some white flour steamed buns at home so you can eat enough." Seeing Zhao Yuan's expression of interest, Xu San was overjoyed and quickly grabbed the fur and dragged him into the house.

Under Xu San's enthusiastic invitation, Zhao Yuan entered the room half-heartedly.

Soon, a basin of hot water, a bowl of broth, and several white steamed buns were placed in front of Zhao Yuan.

While Zhao Yuan was enjoying the feast, Xu San kept stroking his fur and occasionally whispered to his wife, seeming to be discussing something.

"Zhao Yuan, my wife and I have discussed it and we will take you to Wanjia tomorrow to try your luck. However, you must tell me your situation honestly and not lie." Xu San waited for Zhao Yuan to finish eating and drinking, then struck while the iron was hot.


"Third Master, both of my parents are dead. I have been wandering outside since I was a child. I have been unable to find a serious job and have no fixed place to live. A few months ago, I met an Orion named Liu San in Niu Town. Everyone else calls him

Third brother, he said that if there are good leather goods for him, he will find me a carpentry job. A few days ago, I wandered to the foot of Xiaoyang Mountain. I was cold and hungry. I wanted to go up to Xiaoyang Mountain to hunt some rabbits.

I changed some clothes to keep out the cold, but I saw a big animal I didn't recognize was sick. I couldn't carry the animal down the mountain, so I skinned it and went down the mountain. I remembered Brother Liu San's words, so I asked for his address along the way.

, they say that Third Brother lives in Xujiaxiang, so you know, I just asked Third Brother about Third Brother, but they thought I was looking for Third Master Xu and told me his address..."

Zhao Yuan's answer can be said to be true and false, watertight. Even if he wants to trace it, there is no way to start.

Zhao Yuan knew very well that for a large family like Wanjia, when recruiting people, they must inquire clearly and would never allow unknown people to enter. But now that Zhao Yuan could not reveal his identity, he simply did not say anything and threw away the problem.

Give it to Xu San so that he won’t be betrayed later.

"That's it...otherwise, when the time comes you say they are my distant relatives...no, no, no...you can't say they are from my wife's natal family...no, no..."

Xu San suddenly looked frustrated. He had served the Wan family for more than ten years, so he naturally knew the rules of the Wan family. An unknown wanderer like Zhao Yuan would never work in the Wan family.

"Third Master, I won't bother you. Until tomorrow, I will find Brother Liu San to introduce me to a part-time job. After the winter, I will go to the north to join the army." Zhao Yuan took retreat as a way forward.

"We in Xujiaqiao don't have a figure like Brother Liu San. He's probably just a fur collector trying to blackmail you, so don't even think about it." Xu San suddenly thought of something, thought for a moment and said, "I can't help but work a long-term job. I can't survive on a part-time job."

There is no problem in surviving this winter, but... the work must be rough work, and the salary is..."

"Third Master, you are kidding me. People like me have no skills and can only do menial jobs. I don't care about the salary. As long as I have enough money and arrange a place to sleep in a place that won't freeze to death, I will be satisfied." Zhao Yuan said with a bitter smile.


"Yes, yes, it's hard to find a job now. In this winter, I don't know how many people will freeze to death. Xiao Zhao, don't worry, your affairs will be taken care of by the third brother. You should have a good sleep now."

Refresh yourself, I will take you to see my wife tomorrow, and after making arrangements, I will ensure that you eat well and sleep well every night." Xu San said, patting his chest.

"Thank you, Third Master."

"Just call me Third Brother. Third Master is so old." Seeing Zhao Yuan agree, Xu San immediately beamed.

"Thank you, third brother. Thank you, third brother."

Xu San's home was narrow, with two small rooms and three beds. The two children were pushed to the old man's bed, leaving one bed for Zhao Yuan.

Zhao Yuan did not refuse. This was the effect he wanted - achieving his goal while maintaining his dignity.

If someone like Xu San deliberately tries to please someone, he will definitely get his way.

The development of things is accidental in Xu San's eyes, but inevitable in Zhao Yuan's eyes. Only by achieving such an effect will he not arouse Wanjia's suspicion. At the same time, Xu San will do his best

He tried his best to help him. If there was anything he needed to do, Xu San would do it for him without any need for words.

In fact, Zhao Yuan also thought about selling Yangshan leopard skins, making a small fortune, and buying a house to survive the winter. However, after weighing the pros and cons, Zhao Yuan still chose Wanjia. Comparing the two, inside the wealthy compound


The most important thing is that in a large mixed-use compound like the Wan family, he can remain anonymous and get information, which is far better than living alone.

Early in the morning of the next day, when the genius was bright, Xu San dragged Zhao Yuan to Wan's house without even eating breakfast.

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