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The ninth and forty-fourth chapters will be punished even if they are far away

The troops were divided into two groups.

Zhao Yuan led 50,000 Qin infantrymen across the Jiepai Pass and rushed straight to the Tianzun Grand Canyon, deep into the endless desert.

Until this time, the 50,000 Qin soldiers still didn't know why Zhao Yuan suddenly brought them to the desert. The original plan was that they were going to counterattack the Crusaders.

In the hot desert, Zhao Yuan did not rest. He ran for three hours and finally stopped when he reached the depths of the desert. The 50,000 soldiers were already covered in sweat, and the armor on their bodies was as heavy as a thousand catties.

Not only the fifty thousand soldiers were exhausted, but also a few women. After all, this was not Yu Jianfei.

Finally, Zhao Yuan stopped.

Rest on the spot.

Fifty thousand soldiers sat cross-legged around a sand dune, taking off their helmets to reveal 50,000 bald heads, which looked particularly funny. A group of tired and sweaty women couldn't help but snicker.

Zhao Yuan laughed a few times, touched his bald head, stood on the sand dune, and looked down at the 50,000 Qin soldiers.

Most of these 50,000 soldiers are veterans of the Great Qin Empire, and some are new recruits. Among them, there are also a group of mixed blood from the Great Qin and Or people.

Whether they are Da Qin people or mixed-race people, these people are all carefully selected, and their physical strength is outstanding. Because they do not have horses, they are still infantry for the time being. Of course, do not underestimate them, because the infantry of the Da Qin Empire

, it can be said to be famous all over the world.

Fifty thousand people held their breaths and were silent. They were all waiting for the undefeated God of War to speak.

Now, both the Daqin people and the Er people regard Zhao Yuan as their idol, otherwise, there would not be 50,000 bald heads.

"Brothers, I have something important to announce."

Zhao Yuan paused for a moment and glanced under the sand dunes with a scornful gaze. Immediately, the soldiers had the illusion that the gaze was falling on themselves.

"Our destination is not to counterattack the Qin Empire, but the Kingdom of Heaven!"


There was a bang in the heads of all the soldiers. No one had ever dreamed that Zhao Yuan actually wanted to attack the Kingdom of Heaven, which was far away across the ocean. This was really unbelievable and beyond the scope of people's imagination.

Fifty thousand infantry!

Fifty thousand infantrymen traveled across the sea to attack the Kingdom of Heaven?!

The fifty thousand soldiers did not speak, but there was a wry smile on every face.

The atmosphere is a bit heavy.

"I have the responsibility and obligation to tell everyone the truth! Now, the Great Qin Empire is at a critical stage. However, due to some irresistible factors on my part, I don't have much time to stay in the Great Qin Empire. Therefore, I face a dilemma.

Choice, if I leave, neither the Er tribe nor the Tianzun Grand Canyon nor the Jiepai Xiongguan Val City will be able to hold on to the military power of Blackwater City, because the Great Qin Empire is divided into two, and the military power of Blackwater City is beyond its reach.

We cannot take care of the distant Orr. We can be sure that when we send our troops to the north, the reinforcements from the Kingdom of Heaven will continuously pass through Orr and set foot on the territory of Zhanyun Continent. Then, the area around Vaal City will be attacked from both sides..."

"It is thousands of miles away from Zhenshuiguan Juzizhou to Vaal City, and there are many great passes in it. If the army of the Qin Empire wants to attack all the way to Vaal City and join us, it will definitely not be possible in a short time. So,

This means that Er and Jiepai Xiongguan will eventually fall, and even if the Qin Empire achieves the final military victory, Jiepai Xiongguan will fall into the hands of the Crusaders again."

"Actually, what we are worried about is not the Crusaders of the Qin Empire, but the reinforcements of the Kingdom of Heaven. Well, since there will be a war sooner or later, then why do we start a war in the Qin Empire? Why don't we bring the war to the mainland of the Kingdom of Heaven?


"Speaking of this, everyone must have thought of a problem. Once our iron hooves set foot on the territory of the Kingdom of Heaven, then the Kingdom of Heaven will have no time to take care of the Crusaders of the Qin Empire, and they will not have time to take care of themselves, because when we set foot on the Kingdom of Heaven

After that, we will implement the scorched earth policy, and we will turn the Kingdom of Heaven into a sea of ​​fire to teach them a harsh lesson and let them know that our Great Qin Empire is not something to be trifled with!"

Zhao Yuan's voice was not loud, but it was sonorous and powerful. Every soldier could hear it clearly.

Inexplicably, the blood is rushing.

"Brothers! We, the warriors of the Qin Empire!

The perfidious military attacks launched by the Crusaders against our motherland in the past few years are continuing. Although our soldiers have resisted heroically, and although many of the enemy's elite troops have been routed and buried on the battlefield, the enemy

They will invest new troops on the front line and continue to invade. The Celestial Crusaders once invaded more than 90% of the territory of the Qin Empire, leaving only Blackwater City as an isolated city, including our Qin Imperial Capital with a history of more than a thousand years. In

Thanks to the heroic and tenacious fighting of the Great Qin Imperial Army, we recovered nearly half of our territory. However, the Crusaders are expanding their bombing areas and plundering cities such as Juzizhou, Tongzhou City, and Zhenshuiguan. Our motherland is facing serious danger.


How could our glorious Iron Army of the Qin Dynasty allow the Heavenly Kingdom Army to occupy some of our cities and areas? Are the Crusaders really an invincible army as the boastful propagandists of the Heavenly Kingdom constantly boast? Of course not! History shows that invincibility

There is no army now, and there has never been one in the past. There have been many armies that were considered invincible on Zhanyun Continent, but these armies were defeated by other armies one after another.

During the first imperialist war in Zhanyun Continent, the Cinu army was also considered an invincible army. However, this army was defeated by the Qin Empire army several times and was finally defeated. As for the current Crusaders of the Kingdom of Heaven,

It should also be said that this army has not encountered significant resistance on the territory of the original Er Empire. It was only on the territory of the Great Qin Empire that it encountered significant resistance. Since due to this resistance, the Crusaders of the Kingdom of Heaven

Being defeated by the army of our Great Qin Empire means that just like the invincible army of Cinu was defeated, the Crusaders of the Kingdom of Heaven can also be defeated, and they will definitely be defeated.

As for part of our territory being occupied by the Celestial Crusaders after all, this is mainly because the Celestial Crusaders were launched under circumstances that were beneficial to the Crusaders and not conducive to the Qin Empire army. The problem is that the Celestial Army is engaged in war.

The country's army has all been fully mobilized. The millions of troops used by the Kingdom of Heaven to attack the Qin Empire and gathered at the borders of the Qin Empire were fully in a state of war readiness, just waiting for the signal to attack; at that time, the emperor of the Qin Empire's army arrived

Collapse, the new emperor is young, the people of the imperial court are disorganized, the war still needs to be fully mobilized, and it needs to be gathered at the border. There is another situation that plays a big role here, that is, the Heavenly Crusade does not care that it will be regarded as an attack by the whole world.

One party suddenly and treacherously tore up the non-aggression pact it had concluded on the territory of the Russian Empire.

Obviously, our peace-loving country is unwilling to break the treaty first, so it cannot embark on the path of treachery. Some people may ask: How could the Great Qin Empire enter into a mutually exclusive agreement with such treacherous people and devils as General Gore and Prince Philip?

What about the treaty of aggression? Did the Qin Empire make a mistake in this regard? Of course it did not! The non-aggression treaty is a peace treaty between the two countries. After the Kingdom of Heaven invaded the territory of the former Er Empire, it proposed to us exactly

Such a treaty. Can the Great Qin Empire refuse such a proposal? I think that no peace-loving country can refuse to conclude a peace agreement with its neighboring countries, even if the country is led by devils like Prince Philip and General Gore


Of course, this was concluded under a necessary condition, that is, the peace agreement can neither directly nor indirectly violate the territorial integrity, independence and honor of peace-loving countries. As we all know, the non-aggression treaty signed by the Kingdom of Heaven and the Qin Empire is precisely

Such a treaty. What have we gained by signing a non-aggression treaty with the Kingdom of Heaven?

What did the Heavenly Crusade gain and lose by treacherously breaking the treaty and attacking the Qin Empire? This gave its army a certain advantageous position in the short term, but it lost politically.

He exposed himself to the whole world as a bloody invader. There is no doubt that the temporary military gains made by the Heavenly Crusaders were just accidental factors, while the great political gains made by the Qin Empire were significant and long-term factors.

On this basis, the decisive military victory of the Qin army in the anti-Crusader war will surely expand day by day.

Because of this, all our heroic Great Qin merging people, the people of all nationalities in our country, Ci Nu, Er, and all outstanding people, condemn the treachery of the Heavenly Crusaders and sympathize with the Great Qin Empire, approve of the actions of the Great Qin Empire, and think that our

The cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, and we will win. Due to the war imposed on us, our country has launched a desperate struggle with the most vicious and insidious enemy-the Heavenly Crusaders. Our army is fighting against the armed forces.

The enemy is fighting bravely. The infantry and cavalry of the Qin Empire are overcoming numerous difficulties and fighting desperately to defend every inch of the Qin territory. The main force of more than one million people is going into battle.

The brave spirit of the soldiers of the Great Qin Empire is unparalleled in the world, and our resistance to the enemy is getting stronger day by day. All the people of Great Qin have risen up together with the army to defend the motherland. In order to eliminate the dangers facing our motherland, what needs to be done? In order to crush the enemy, we should take

What measures?

First of all, we Daqin people must understand the seriousness of the dangers that threaten our country, resolutely overcome the mentality of composure and indifference, and overcome the mood of peace building. This mood was completely understandable before the war, but now, when the war brings

When the situation changes fundamentally, it is very harmful. The enemy is cruel and ruthless. Their purpose is to invade the land that we have watered with our own sweat and plunder the food and wealth that we have obtained with our own labor... The Cross of Heaven

The military is extremely hostile to our motherland, which guarantees free labor and a better life for all workers. The people of all ethnic groups in Zhanyun Continent should rise up against the enemy and defend their rights and their homeland.

The cavalry, infantry and all citizens of the Qin Empire should defend every inch of the Qin territory, fight to the last drop of blood to defend our cities and villages, and show the inherent bravery, initiative and resourcefulness of our people.

Warriors! Our power is endless. The arrogant enemies will soon believe this. Together with the Qin army, there are tens of thousands of imperial subjects who fight against the enemies who invade our country. Our country has millions of people.

The people will rise up to fight. The workers from Heishui City to Juzizhou Zhenshuiguan have begun to form a militia with tens of thousands of people to support the Qin army. In our Patriotic War against the Heavenly Crusaders, every day

In a city that is in danger of being invaded by the enemy, our cavalry and infantry will crush the enemy and strive for victory.

Use all our strength to support our imperial army and our glorious imperial people who are fighting bloody battles in the Orange Island area! Use all the strength of the people to crush the enemy! For our victory, move forward! Fight all the way to the Kingdom of Heaven and make them pay

At the cost of bloodshed, anyone who offends my country, the Qin Dynasty, will be punished no matter how far away he is!"

"Anyone who offends our Great Qin will be punished no matter how far away he is!" The King of Corpses suddenly shouted loudly, and his voice, like a broken gong, was extremely harsh in the desert.

"Anyone who offends my country, the Qin Dynasty, will be punished no matter how far away he is!"

"Anyone who offends my country, the Qin Dynasty, will be punished no matter how far away he is!"

"Anyone who offends my country, the Qin Dynasty, will be punished no matter how far away he is!"

This chapter has been completed!
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