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669,Autumn Rain(2/2)

"Is this really here? Xi'er, did you remember correctly?"

Tan Jin'er rode a small electric donkey and took Xi'er around the huge campus, but she still couldn't find a specific classroom. Xi'er lay behind her and made suggestions, saying it was the red building in front of her.

"Really, it's over there, sister." Xi'er said firmly.

"How do you know? You were just guessing. Did you think the red building looked good when you saw it, so that's why you said it?"

"hiahiahia, that's what I think."

"I knew it."

Suddenly she stopped the e-Mule and saw a poster on the roadside bulletin board with a photo of the boss on it. She stopped and took a closer look and saw that it happened to be a poster for a lecture with the address on it.

"I found it, it's really in the red building."

Xi'er is so powerful now. Did she say she is so powerful? Is she proud? ╭(╯^╰)╮, my sister still doesn't believe she is so powerful!

When the two came downstairs, the lecture time had come, and they rushed to the classroom out of breath.

"Xi'er, I'll hold you."

"Huh huh~~ The baby is so tired. I need to eat some candy to calm down the shock."

Xi'er suddenly stopped, took out a candy, stuffed it into her mouth and ate it.

"What kind of preserved fruit is it this time?" Tan Jin'er asked as he carried her to the classroom, not noticing that Xi'ertian's eyes behind her were narrowed into slits.

"Wow, there are so many people." When Tan Jin'er appeared in the classroom, she saw such a big classroom and it was packed to the brim. She rubbed and rubbed, and finally got in, and stood in the last row of the lecture theater, leaning against the wall.

Now, just listen to it like this for now.

At the center of everyone's attention, Boss Zhang was giving a lecture with high spirits.

Xi'er, who was sitting on her back, couldn't help but said: "Boss Zhang is so awesome, sister."

Tan Jin'er hummed and listened attentively.

Zhang Tan taught her writing, but it was only a beginner's course. She tasted the convenience that writing brought. She kept writing in her diary and wanted to go further. When Xi'er heard that Zhang Tan was going to give a lecture at the university, she tried her best to follow her.


She didn't want to trouble anyone, so she never took the initiative to ask Zhang Tan for advice. Zhang Tan took the initiative to explain to her occasionally.

She looked at Zhang Tan on the podium and was really shining.

The lecture went well and the atmosphere was lively.

Zhang Tan is one of the most popular screenwriters this year. He won the Best New Screenwriter award last year when he debuted. At that time, he shared this award with two other people, but before the year was over, Zhang Tan had completely surpassed the other two.

People are left behind. Others can have a work published in a year, and it has already burned incense. If this work can still be a small hit, then you should recite Amitabha; and if this work is a big hit, then you really have to be there.

Build a shrine at home to worship.

As for Zhang Tan, he has released several hit works this year.

If so, he should enshrine his head on the shrine.

Very few people outside the circle know about Zhang Tan, but people within the circle, such as the students at Pujiang Theater Academy, especially the School of Art and Creation, know his name very well.

So when the college announced that Zhang Tan would replace one of the original screenwriters to hold a scriptwriting lecture at the college, there was an endless stream of people who signed up, and the seats were quickly filled.

Many students complain that there are too few places and that too many places are taken up by others outside the college.

Although the college has changed to more classrooms, it still cannot meet everyone's needs.

So much so that the aisles of the classroom were full of people. Everyone would rather stand and listen for three hours than miss this opportunity.

Since Zhang Tan became famous, he has only participated in a few publicity activities, and he was not the protagonist of those publicity activities. He was just a make-up.

Because he is mysterious and low-key, many people are particularly interested in his creative experience.

This time Chen Hongyi thought of inviting Zhang Tan, which hit the target of what the young students were thinking.

The lecture ended in a warm atmosphere, and Tan Jin'er left with Xi'er on her back. They came quietly and then left quietly, without disturbing Zhang Tan and Xiao Bai.

Xi'er kept asking along the way why she didn't go to find Xiaobai. Xiaobai was there and she had seen it.

She was puzzled by her sister's behavior.

Tan Jin'er ignored her words. She looked up at the sky, which was gloomy with dark clouds hanging over her head. She stretched out her hand to feel if there were any raindrops.

"Oh, it's going to rain."

Xi'er then looked up at the sky and stretched out her little hand: "Hey duck, Xi'er is about to sprout, hiahia."

Tan Jin'er smiled and said: "Silly Tan Xi'er~"

Xi'er responded: "My sister is so stupid."

"Let's go home quickly. It's going to rain. Don't get wet."

Xi'er followed closely at Tan Jin'er's feet and said, "Cheng Cheng said that small animals like to sing on rainy days, ah ah ah ah ah~~~"

"Stop ooohing and ohing. I'll carry you away."

Tan Jin'er turned around and picked her up, quickly walked to the electric donkey, put the helmet on Xi'er first, then put it on himself, started it, and rushed home.

The rain came faster than expected, and as soon as they left the school gate, raindrops began to fall.

This is the autumn rain, not heavy, but lingering, pattering, and continuous.

The rain gradually became heavier. Tan Jin'er parked the car under an overpass and turned around to look at Xi'er. She saw this silly little girl raising her hands above her head to protect herself from the rain.

Tan Jin'er laughed and said, "Don't block the rain with your hands. Aren't you wearing a helmet?"

Xi'er put down her little hand, smiled coquettishly, and said she had forgotten.

"Are your clothes wet?"

Tan Jin'er touched Xi'er everywhere, making Xi'er laugh and beg for mercy.

Xi'er's back was wet from the autumn rain. Tan Jin'er took off her coat and put it on Xi'er to protect her from the rain.

The wind blew under the overpass, and the wind blew in waves, which made Xi'er shiver a few times.

"Is it cold?"

Xi'er shook his head and hiahia smiled.

I even saw you trembling, and you were still shaking your head! Tan Jin'er said to herself, taking Xi'er with her, planning to rush home in the rain and change into dry clothes as soon as possible.

"Hold my sister tight, put my little hands in my sister's pockets, my sister is going to speed up."

Xi'er immediately warned her to pay attention to safety when driving: "Boss Zhang said that if you don't pay attention to safety while driving, your loved ones will shed a few tears."

"Did Boss Zhang say that?"

"...It was said in Boss Zhang's car."

"His car said that?"

"Isn't it?"

The two of them quickly shuttled through the rainy Pujiang City, turned into West Chang'an Street, passed the overpass, and came to the intersection of Huangjia Village and West Chang'an Street, walking through a small stall selling fried dumplings and scallion pancakes in the rain.

Finally entered Huangjia Village and passed by Little Red Horse Academy.

Xi'er shouted towards the empty school: "hiahia, is Gua Wazi here???"

No one answered. Only Lao Li stretched his head out of the guard box and looked outside. However, the rain was so thick that he couldn't see clearly who was sitting on the electric donkey that drove past.

After parking the car and connecting the charging cable, Tan Jin'er ran home with Xi'er. As they were crossing the narrow alley, Xi'er, who was running in front, suddenly stopped and stepped back.

"What's wrong? Go home quickly, it's raining heavily."

"An uncle is coming over." Xi'er said, pointing to the alley.

A middle-aged man hurriedly ran out of the narrow alley, smiled at the two of them, said thank you, and took a special look at Xi'er, who was wearing a helmet and had a big head and a small body.

Xi'er watched the other party go away and whispered: "You're welcome~~"

Tan Jin'er recognized that this was the man who lived in the haunted house in the building opposite.

"Ah Qiu~~~~" Xi'er sneezed.

Tan Jin'er took her back home quickly, took a hot bath, changed clothes, and dried her hair before it was her turn. The wet clothes stayed on her body for more than half an hour.

The next day, both of them caught colds. Tan Jin'er was more serious and had a low fever.

Xi'er had two slugs hanging on her face, touched her sister's cold hands, and gently comforted her not to be afraid.

"We have to be strong, sister. Xi'er will take care of you. Don't worry, I won't abandon you to take medicine."

Tan Jin'er was not so hot that she needed Xi'er to take care of her, but she still accepted the hot water brought by Xi'er.

"Where's the medicine?"

"hiahia, Xi'er is teasing you, we don't have any medicine."

This function is similar to how she wraps preserved fruit in candy paper, and it has a psychological effect.

The 38th cute protagonist was born, oh goo. I’ll add more thanks later, thank you. There will be bonuses in the easter egg chapter later.

This chapter has been completed!
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