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Chapter 144 Don't mess around


The difference between black and white is very conspicuous. Almost everyone present saw the eye-catching white on the black Ferrari.

"Wow~" the whole place was excited instantly!

After nearly three minutes of cat-and-mouse hunting, the two sides switched positions in an instant. Meng Lang, who was originally on the hunted side, actually made a beautiful counterattack with an astonishing maneuver similar to a carbine!

"What just happened? Can you play it back in slow motion?"

"So handsome!" "My heart can't stand it anymore!"

"Then what's the name of the Porsche driver? The masked driver? Uh... well, no matter who he is, I'm a fan!"

"Masked Rider, I love you!"

The whole place suddenly burst into screams and cheers.

"Awesome!" Hu Yifei clenched his hands into fists, looking dazzled.

A layman watching the fun, only the insiders like them know how amazing the action just was.

Hu Yifei was very excited, but Hong Shijie's originally confident smile froze on his face.

"What are you talking about! It's only one point, and it's not a win. Maybe it's a blind cat that meets a dead mouse!"

A boy next to him couldn't help but want to regain some ground, but he was glared at by Hong Shijie.

Xu Jinfeng was not allowed to touch the edge for three minutes. Such a blind cat, then Xu Jinfeng is probably a dead rat.

"Young Master Hong, look!"

There was another exclamation from the crowd.

Xu Jinfeng's expression was absent-minded for a moment.

Even though he couldn't see the condition of his car, he could guess from the cheers and screams coming from around the stadium that he had just lost a point...

After understanding what happened, a sense of anger and humiliation instantly surged into his heart, making his face slightly distorted.

He was a professional player who had returned from an overseas competition, and in his first battle back in Suzhou City, he was beaten first by a domestic driver that he had always looked down on?!

What a shame!

What made him even more angry was that this was the key battle for him to show his strength in Hong Shijie's circle after returning to China.

Previously, he confidently said "I'm going to hit ten", but in the blink of an eye, someone took one of his own blood?

This makes his arrogant self-esteem completely nowhere to rest!

The glass was broken to pieces!


However, the roar of the motor behind him was like a basin of cold water, making him sober in an instant, and he no longer had time to care about his broken glass.

"Tsk~" Xu Jinfeng controlled the black Ferrari to flick, accelerated to the left, made a sudden turn at the boundary of the field formed by the roadblock, and then made another continuous drift!

He kept changing directions, trying hard to get rid of his pursuers who had circled behind him.

However, the undulating motor noise is like a shadowy whisper, following closely behind.

From the corner of his eye, Xu Jinfeng saw the red phantom in the reversing mirror rapidly enlarging.

"Don't even think about it!"

Xu Jinfeng shook the steering wheel and then swung it to the left!

Following his movements, the rear of the Ferrari made a fake movement of swinging left and right, and finally drifted sharply to the left!



However, the imagined escape from entanglement did not happen...

When he heard the almost simultaneous violent tire noise coming from his ears, Xu Jinfeng's expression immediately changed.

Turning his head, sure enough, the red car shadow was stuck firmly to his side.

The other party is actually using an almost concentric drift method to play a side-to-side dance with himself.

Damn it! My actions were predicted!

What's worse is... the front of the other party's car is already aimed at your own door, and the distance between the two is less than one meter...

At this moment, Xu Jinfeng could see his opponent at close range through the car window.

Although he couldn't see the other person's expression clearly, Xu Jinfeng could imagine that under the red scarf... there must be a sarcastic and sarcastic face!


Xu Jinfeng gritted his teeth and turned the steering wheel hard to the right!

However, the opponent lightly stepped on the brakes and avoided the rear of the car that was thrown towards him. As if he was hit with a single blow, the assassin who had fled thousands of miles quickly disappeared from Xu Jinfeng's sight.

Before Xu Jinfeng could relax a little, the life-threatening sound of the motor sounded next to him again...

The next twelve minutes will definitely be the longest twelve minutes that Xu Jinfeng has ever spent in his life.

Even though he tried his best and performed all kinds of amazing extreme moves, his opponent was like a piece of plaster, stuck to his body and unable to be peeled off.

He has lost count of the number of times the two sides have engaged in close combat.

The highly tense nerves left him no time to care about anything else and could only focus on how to escape his opponent's pursuit.

He didn't even notice that the noisy screams and cheers around him had gradually fallen silent...

Meng Lang was in a very strange state at the moment.

In his eyes, the black Ferrari in front of him, the amplitude of its swing, the trajectory of its drift, and what it wants to do next, all it takes is one glance, and his brain seems to be able to draw conclusions directly.

The whole world is like an animation that has been slowed down twice.

Time seems to be stretched at this moment...

His perception of the cluttered information from the outside world seemed to be reduced to a minimum, and he could not even hear the cheers and screams coming from around him.

But his extreme concentration allowed his information processing speed on specific events to increase exponentially!

Physiologically, humans have a very magical state called the "fight-flight response."

When people's emotions are in extreme situations, such as facing fear or death, the sympathetic nervous system is often collectively activated.

At the same time, the norepinephrine and epinephrine released in the body will cause a large amount of activity in the internal organs of the body to provide fuel for the brain.

This systemic response caused by the concentrated activity of the sympathetic nervous system is called the "fight-or-flight response."

It refers to the stress response driven by nerves and glands that prepares the body to defend, struggle, or escape.

In this state, the secretion of adrenaline and brain stress hormone accelerates.

The heartbeat speeds up, blood vessels constrict, accelerates blood circulation, and increases the amount of oxygen delivered to various parts of the body.

Unnecessary organs in the body will reduce blood supply, and the brain and major muscles of the body will increase blood supply.

At the same time, the body will actively reduce the hearing function, the pupils will shrink, and the field of vision will become smaller, so you can focus more!

Because of this, when the "fight-flight response" occurs, the speed and muscle strength of the brain's information transmission to the body will be one to two times that of usual, so that when danger occurs, you can have greater survival when you choose to escape or fight back.


According to some rumors, in car accidents, falls, etc., people who are on the verge of death will have a feeling that time suddenly slows down.

This is the intuitive feeling caused by the activation of the sympathetic nervous system, which accelerates the brain's information processing capabilities and the body's reaction speed.

Studies have shown that the brain collects information from human senses and uses them to form a biological clock. The more information it processes, the slower the biological clock runs.

So in fact, it’s not that time is “slowing down,” but that our brains are running “faster.”

Some people call this human talent of instantly improving brain and muscle capabilities... "gene lock"!

It is generally believed that the control center of this stress response is located in the lower part of the thalamus, which is the so-called "hypothalamus".

The hypothalamus also controls many types of emotional stress responses, so the hypothalamus is sometimes regarded as the stress management center.

At this time, Meng Lang's hypothalamus was in a very active state, secreting stress hormones that swept through the entire brain like a storm.

Therefore, the "SB protein concentration" in the nervous system also increases!

In a sense, his "spiritual resonance" this time triggered a magical "muscle memory".

Thus, by chance, I enjoyed a unique experience that originally required a neurostimulant such as "Meng Po Tang".

However, the shackles set by the Creator for mankind may not be a fence to protect mankind...

"Didi! Didi!"

When the car horn sounded at the end of the game, Xu Jinfeng, who was sweating profusely, was still immersed in the fierce confrontation and couldn't extricate himself, and made two more escape moves out of habit.

It wasn't until he discovered that the accompanying roar of the motor seemed to have disappeared that he gradually came to his senses and slowly stopped the car.

Looking around blankly, he realized that the red Porsche that frightened him had slowly returned to the starting point of the race...

He opened the car door in despair and got out of the car.

Then the next moment, looking at the seven or eight white marks on the car body, the whole person fell into a state of aphasia.

Who am I? Where am I? What just happened to me?

On the other side, the crowd looked at the red Porsche, which was slowly approaching and turning a little gray in the dust, with eyes full of shock and admiration.

"Masked Rider!"

"Masked driver! Masked driver..."

I don’t know who started it. The crowd went from silence to slowly raising their arms and shouting.

In the end, the only thing left in the crowd was the fanatical shouting for the "masked driver", and everyone was impressed by this wonderful game.

Even among Hong Shijie's group, there were many people who looked at the car with reverence.

"Masked driver! Masked driver! Masked driver..."

Amid cheers, Meng Lang opened the car window.

Ignoring the crowd whose cheers rose several decibels, he just said something hoarsely to Yan Weiwei, who was excited and flushed.




Looking at the red Porsche that was gradually moving away and disappearing into the night, Big Wave opened his mouth.

"He...he just left like that? Why don't you stay and open a bottle of champagne to celebrate! You haven't even given me the money yet!"

Hu Yifei couldn't help but sigh.

"When it's over, go away and hide your merits and fame! The demeanor of a master... This is the true master!

With their level, do you think they really care about such a small amount of money?"

The man with the earring, who had just questioned the "masked driver", now also had a look of admiration on his face.

"From today on, I am the 'Masked Driver'... Oh no! I am a crazy fan of the 'Masked Driver'!"


Meng Lang's new fans don't know this.

The red Porsche didn't drive very far when it suddenly stopped on a deserted roadside.

"Uh...why are we parked here?"

"Hu~hu~" Meng Lang did not answer. In the quiet space, Yan Weiwei could clearly hear his heavy breathing.

"Hey! Why don't you talk?"

Yan Weiwei had gradually calmed down from the feverish atmosphere just now, and she soon discovered something strange about Meng Lang.

She was dragged here without saying a word. The surroundings were remote and there wasn't even a streetlight.

This environment can be called dark and windy...

"You...what do you want to do?" She gradually realized that she was in a bad situation and couldn't help but feel her heart pounding.

A man and a woman alone, living together in this narrow space in this inaccessible wilderness...

All kinds of plot points in TV dramas come to mind one after another for some reason.

This guy wouldn't think that just because he won the game, he would want...

Yan Weiwei's face turned slightly red and her mind went blank.

If he gets too excited and gets carried away and pounces on me, should I kick him against the glass or...

Once love comes to mind, Yan Weiwei can't help but have random thoughts.

Meng Lang clutched the steering wheel with both hands, as if trying to restrain something.

"Hu~hu~" His breathing became a little heavier, and he turned his head with a strange expression, as if he wanted to say something.

But as soon as she turned around, Yan Weiwei was startled by his red eyes.

"Hey! I'm telling you, you...don't mess around! I...I haven't..."

"Hmm!" At this moment, Meng Lang suddenly made a strange whimpering sound in his throat, and then he pulled off the red scarf on his face under Yan Weiwei's astonished gaze.

Then he opened the car door anxiously.


Yan Weiwei: "..."

This chapter has been completed!
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