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Chapter 175: This question...is problematic


In front of the desk, Meng Lang quickly typed on the keyboard, and strings of characters in the dialog box quickly appeared and disappeared on the screen.

Ordinary is ordinary, the brother with a disability but strong ambition is still conscientiously completing the open source tasks he should do.

Another batch of codes was updated in his mind, and Meng Lang coded them out while they were still hot.

But compared with the previous times, the harvest this time was obviously much less.

At best, it is just to polish the "nervous system model" he has created so far and improve some peripheral databases.

But there is not much innovation in the core algorithm and content.

The key is still stuck on three major mathematical problems!

Meng Lang flexed his fingers and couldn't help but look at the document he had just typed out.

The technical attachment of "The Ordinary Road" in this episode is a "Detailed Explanation of Leg Mechanical Prosthetic Technology".

It has a completely bionic structure and the internal parts are quite precise. Meng Lang printed no less than dozens of pages of drawings alone.

The mechanical design part is Meng Lang's knowledge blind spot. He is basically reading from heaven. He can only call him "beautiful", "awesome", "unclear"...

However, some of them fell into Meng Lang's professional category.

That is one of the most critical core technologies... "Motor Neuroprosthetic Technology"!

Neuroprosthetic technology, also known as neuroprosthetics.

It is a discipline related to neuroscience and biomedical engineering, which is used to help patients with various disabilities and paralysis restore their incomplete functions.

For example, cochlear implants are currently the most widely used. More than 700,000 successful surgeries have been completed around the world, helping countless deaf patients restore hearing.

But this is only the most basic application.

As the cutting-edge neuroprosthetic technology advances further, there will be another shining technological pearl - brain-computer interface technology!

By implanting a micro device in the brain, it reads the brain's consciousness, and then controls the movement of the mechanical prosthesis through short-range Bluetooth technology.

Musk Elon, known as "Iron Man", is said to be working on this thing recently.

This involves not only neurology, medicine, and biology, but also complex fields such as computer science and neural signal simulation.

To design a prosthetic limb that can imitate normal biological nerve signals, it is necessary to accurately simulate the nonlinear input/output of normal functional tissues (i


o) Parameters.

To realize the mutual conversion technology of neural signals and electrical signals, the computer modeling required is a complex task.

Coincidentally, Meng Lang has been involved in this aspect in the "nervous system model" he has been working on.

Currently, the world's most advanced bionic mechanical prostheses can already perform simple movements controlled by the brain, and even have rudimentary tactile feedback.

However, its practicality and cost do not meet the conditions for large-scale application.

However, the technical content of the prosthetic technology in Meng Lang's hands far exceeds the most cutting-edge technological level in the world today.

In addition to its time-honored mechanical design structure, the biggest difference between it and today's technology is that it uses rudimentary "neural connection technology"!

Unlike the densely controlled nerves of the hands and brain, the motor functions of the legs do not need to be as flexible as the hands, nor do they need to undertake the huge signal processing tasks of the central nervous system.

Therefore, the neural structure of the legs is relatively simple.

Involving the sciatic nerve, cutaneous nerve, peroneal nerve, tibial nerve, etc.

Therefore, mechanical prostheses for legs are relatively easy to implement.

The mechanical prosthesis in this drawing consists of two parts. One part is a "port" that is closely connected to the limb and nerves and is surgically installed at the end of the severed limb.

The other part is the main body of the mechanical prosthesis.

This technology does not require inserting a chip into the brain. When used, the mechanical prosthesis only needs to be inserted into the "port" to complete the mutual conversion of neural signals and electrical signals, achieving freely controlled neural connections.

Such mechanical prostheses not only have strong anti-interference ability, but are also very convenient to replace. The modular design can be replaced at any time.

"The civilian and military value of this thing seems to be very good!" Meng Lang thought.

Needless to say, in terms of civilian use, there are thousands of disabled people in the world, and this flexible prosthetic limb is simply good news to them.

Then put on a simulated skin and blend in with the crowd.

If you don’t get a disability certificate to mix with welfare, then no one will know that you can take the bus for free!

It is conceivable that after large-scale commercial production, you can add another channel to make money.

The impact on the military is even more profound. This kind of mechanical prosthetic limb can be controlled freely, and its speed and strength are far superior to ordinary soldiers.

In a sense, it is a kind of "endoskeleton armor".

Compared with the bloated exoskeleton, it is more compact and flexible. When the strength of the material increases, it can fight and run.

If Yan Weiwei puts on these long steel legs, the scene will be...

Can you imagine an ordinary soldier completing 20 kilometers of cross-country with a load at the speed of a Bolt, then changing a battery for himself, entering the battlefield, and then directly blasting the steel plates of the armored vehicle with one kick?

How powerful semi-mechanized humans are is not exaggerated in film and television works.

How many soldiers were disabled and retired during the war?

If this kind of technology becomes popular, how many more super soldiers will humanity be able to send to the front lines in 2043?

Although the biggest hidden danger of "madman's disease" has not been solved, this may only cause some negligible changes on the battlefield.

But quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, and advantages are always built up bit by bit.

Even better, the technology isn't too far ahead of the current state of the art.

With the current level of medical and material technology, large-scale mass production can be achieved.

Even if it attracts a certain range of attention, Meng Lang can use "huge R&D investment" to explain the source of the technology.

In contrast, overclocking medicine, a super drug that involves the forbidden area of ​​​​humanity, can easily irritate some people's sensitive nerves.

The doomsday crisis was so bad that he was beaten to the ground within seven days.

This kind of fighting power is completely unmatched!

It's time to arm humanity!


"Why do I feel that this technical document does not seem to be studied simply to satisfy the brother's desire to stand up again..."

Meng Lang touched his chin.

Biomedicine... Nervous system models... Neural connection technology... Mechanical prosthetics... Biocomputing...

One piece of technology is like a comic strip, connected in a series in the mind.

Meng Lang suddenly felt something in his heart.

Huh? Put it together... this looks like a technical suit!

Biology, computer science...if you add brain-computer interface technology as a bridge between the two...

Human-computer interaction…


That’s right! Mechanical prosthetics are just the most elementary application of this technology.

Its advanced technology, after realizing the perfect "brain-computer interface", is the ultimate technology that mankind has longed for and dreamed of...

virtual reality technology!

Meng Lang's eyes were bright, and he felt a sense of enlightenment in his heart.

All this time, my brothers have been fighting on their own.

In order to save ourselves, we accumulated today's advanced technology step by step.

But the problem is that a hammer in the east and a mallet in the west cannot form a system at all, and cannot form a resultant force.

There is a feeling of being a mob and having nowhere to go.

Nowadays, these scattered technical data seem to be connected in series by this "leg", pointing directly to a revolutionary technology that is not inferior to "nuclear fusion"!

"Virtual reality technology..."

In The Matrix, humans have a neural interface on the back of their necks.

As long as you access the "Matrix" through this interface, you can enter a fully immersive experience, which is equivalent to your consciousness entering the "Matrix World".

This is one of the applications of virtual reality technology.

It is conceivable that by that time, the organizational efficiency of human society will undergo earth-shaking changes.

The concepts of time and space will be completely subverted by the virtual world!

Meng Lang looked at the technical information with fiery eyes.

Where are the legs?

It’s simply the wings of dreams!

Of course, the ultimate technology of that level is already a super technology involving the central nervous system of the brain.

The one in Meng Lang's hand was naturally far different from it.

But looking at my current technology accumulation, it seems that... I have completed some kind of technical preparatory work without even realizing it?

If we continue to develop, the potential is endless!

"Wait a minute! This technology may have a more profound meaning to me..."

Meng Lang seemed to have caught something.

Life has its limits, but knowledge also has no limits.

So... is virtual reality technology the ultimate technology?

No! This technology still has the potential to continue to develop.

If it continues to develop... all kinds of science fiction movies and TV series come to mind.

For example...the famous "brain in a vat"?

If you abandon this sickly body and keep only a brain, can you go further?

If you go further, further...

The legendary "consciousness uploading" directly transforms oneself into a string of codes and lives in a virtual world?

Isn’t this a different kind of eternal life?

Eternal life...

The ultimate goal of the unity of all things.

Without any precaution, you just appeared in my world...

Although the method is somewhat unacceptable, what can't people do in despair?

Even if I don't use it, as long as one brother does...

"The End of the Universe" is not a dream!

Meng Lang seemed to suddenly have discovered the "technology tree" that suited him best.

In more popular terms...

This road...points directly to the main road!

"But this is a bit beyond the limits of human acceptance. As a last resort, let's see if there is a more human-like evolutionary path."

But the idea has been reviewed in my mind, and it is basically equivalent to making a company-wide announcement.

If all is not guaranteed, brothers will go to extremes.

It's just that this idea is too advanced. If you want to complete all technical research, I'm afraid it will take hundreds of years to build a foundation.

The road still has to be walked step by step.

Before trying to give others wings, you should think about how to give others legs first...

Meng Lang took out a piece of information from the drawer.

"Three unresolved mathematical problems in the establishment of neural models".

It seems that if this obstacle is not solved, it will be difficult to continue the work on system modeling.

After thinking for a while, I started to work on the computer.

After making a disguised agent and adding multiple springboards, Meng Lang successfully used a zombie user who had been dormant for more than ten years to register a BBS vest from Shuimu University.

On the university's internal forum, he posted three extremely long questions with a vest, and attached a high reward.

These three questions were purely mathematical and did not involve any technical information that could not be disclosed, so Meng Lang did not have much concern.

Shuimu is regarded as the top science university in China and has gathered the country's top mathematics professors and talents.

Even if they don't have a solution, as long as someone becomes interested in these problems, it will definitely spread among the top mathematical circles.

Then Meng Lang's goal will be achieved.

Even if you fail, it's okay. It's just an attempt anyway. If it doesn't work, just try again on another platform or forum.

He felt like he was growing fairy peaches in a peach orchard.

Plant the seeds, and then quietly wait for the vicissitudes of life and the changes in the world.

Perhaps decades or hundreds of years later, one of the brothers suddenly told him that the peaches were ripe, and then mailed one to him across a distance of time and space.

"Gurgling~" My stomach suddenly growled.

I woke up hungover and worked hard all afternoon. I looked at the time and saw that it was almost dinner time.

So I tidied up, classified various confidential materials, placed them properly, and walked out.

"Ding dong!" Pressed the doorbell opposite.

The person who opened the door was Yan Weiwei. When she saw Meng Lang, her face suddenly darkened.

"Uh...hehe! Is dinner ready? I'm a little hungry."

I don’t know when it started, but it seems to have become a natural thing to come over to have a meal.

Meng Lang smelled the fragrance and saw Xiao Yu busy inside.

"Uncle, dinner will be ready soon, please sit down for a while!" came the voice of light rain from inside.

"Huh!" Yan Weiwei snorted and ran to the sofa to watch TV.

Obviously, the anger from last night has not gone away.

The plan to indoctrinate Meng Lang failed again.

Yan Weiwei was knocked down for the second time, and this time, it was Meng Lang and Lin Haitang who joined forces...

What a shame!

Meng Lang was so happy that he didn't care. He just sat on the sofa and watched the bloody drama leisurely.

What he didn't know was that the math problem he casually posted to the Shuimu campus network had already caused a sensation.

However, it was not because of the problem itself in the first place...

"Holy shit! Who is this? The 0 behind the reward, is it because I got double vision?"

"10 million! Real or fake?"

"It's fake. You don't need a deposit to brag."

"Maybe it's South Vietnamese Dong? I can do it too!"


"I won't tell you the amount of the reward, but...why can't I understand this question? Please, I'm a doctoral student in the Department of Mathematics!"

"Haha! If ordinary people could understand it, would they offer a reward of 10 million?"

"Correction, Doctor is not an ordinary person."

"That's Doctor Ordinary!"

"Can any math guy explain it to me? I can understand every punctuation mark, and when you connect them together..."

"This seems to be an algorithm that needs to be used in data modeling... Forgive me, I can only help you here."

"Hiss! There's something wrong with this question!"

"What's wrong upstairs?"

"I found that the topic in this question actually inspired my research topic! Master!"

"What's your project?"

“To explain Bayes’ theorem in non-terminology is to use the probability of b happening under a condition to get the probability of a happening under b condition.

For example, if a kitten likes you, there is a% chance that it will turn its belly in front of you. What is the probability that the kitten will like you if it turns its belly in front of you? "


This chapter has been completed!
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