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Chapter 217 No one comes later

"Right now, Evergreen Biotech has entered a period of rapid development. Although the public opinion dividend will disappear when the heat passes.

However, using this period of time and sufficient funds in hand, I will carry out a series of personnel and system reforms within the company, and carry out certain optimization and reorganization of the industrial chain.

Although no obvious effects will be seen in the short term, tall buildings will rise from the ground.

If we want to develop Evergreen Biotech into a world-class medical group as you said, we must first lay a solid foundation."

In fact, the benefits gained from Gao Yuan's recent series of actions are second to none.

The most important thing is that Gao Yuan has established a strong entrepreneurial personality both internally and externally that she has the ability, means, background, and is resolute and decisive.

After this battle, she not only gained the trust of employees within the company, but also won the trust of partners.

Entrepreneurs' credit is actually accumulated bit by bit.

With such trust, she can begin to implement her own company reforms while building an external network.

"As you requested, the company will focus on the R&D department in the future and position itself as a high-tech medical company.

However, R&D investment is extremely uncertain. No matter how much money is invested, breakthrough results may not be achieved.

There is a certain element of gambling in this.

In fact, in my opinion, we don’t need to be so radical. It is more prudent to give me some time to develop the company and then invest resources in research and development to enhance the company’s competitiveness.”

Gao Yuan looked at Meng Lang, and while introducing future plans, she also put forward her own opinions tactfully.

"Haha!" Meng Lang smiled helplessly.

Of course he knows that R&D investment is a huge pit. If you are lucky, you will be the next unicorn, but if you are unlucky, you will be the next salted fish.

Even after experiencing so many lives and investing so many resources in Evergreen Biotechnology, it still can't cure a person with Alzheimer's disease?

There is no way to estimate how much money was wasted.

It is different from ordinary investment.

In ordinary investment, even if the investment fails, you can still get back part of the principal if you lose dozens of points. But if you invest in R&D, if it fails, you will lose all your money and you will not get back a dime.

There are countless companies in history that have failed to recover because of wrong technology tree selection and failed research and development. The number of cases is countless.

But does he have time to wait for evergreen creatures to climb the technology tree step by step?

You know they only have 25 years...

"I completely agree with your point of view. If we follow the development of ordinary enterprises, what we do is a bit radical.

But we are not trying to build an ordinary business.

Let's put it this way, you are talking about tactics, but we also need to consider strategy!

Sometimes tactics have to give way to strategy!”


Gao Yuan was stunned for a moment, then nodded slowly.

"Well! Your information channels are obviously more comprehensive than mine, and I trust your judgment!"


I was originally worried that my reason would not be convincing, but I didn’t expect Gao Yuan to be convinced so easily!

It’s true that I refreshed the “favorability” copy several times.

Is this the hidden benefit of a relationship that reaches “admiration”?

"Don't worry, regarding research and development, the organization has already made arrangements. Uncertainty is certain for us!"

Meng Lang said, taking out two pieces of information from his bag and pushing them in front of Gao Yuan.

He came a little late just now because he went home to pick up these two pieces of information.

Information again?

This scene is so familiar...

She picked up the first piece of information doubtfully and was slightly stunned.

"Technology for Predicting the Asymptomatic Phase of Alzheimer's Disease from Peripheral Blood Neurogenic Exosomal Synaptic Proteins"?

My first reaction was...the name is so long.

But looking down, there are a bunch of professional terms, which makes people feel a little dizzy.

She reads a lot of books, but medicine is still too unpopular for her.

Seeing that Gao Yuan was confused, Meng Lang opened his mouth to explain.

"What you have in your hand is a medical theory that can predict Alzheimer's disease 3 to 4 years in advance before symptoms appear.

This is a professional detection technology that does not help in the treatment of related symptoms, but it can predict the occurrence of the disease in advance."

"But why do you give me such professional documents?" Gao Yuan looked confused.

"This is not a professional document, but the latest research and development results of the organization!"

"What?!" Gao Yuan looked surprised.

"You mean...this is a scientific research result that has not yet been released?"

"Not bad!" Meng Lang nodded.

Seeing that Evergreen Creatures was on the right track and under complete control of his own side, the various technical materials in his hands naturally came into use.

However, most of the scientific research results were relatively sensitive, so Meng Lang decided to test the waters first with some technical data with lower technical content and higher "safety".

After all, today's Evergreen Biotech, like most domestic medical companies, is just a mid- to low-end pharmaceutical manufacturing company that uses a large number of foreign patents to earn some hard-earned money.

You didn't even have any foreshadowing, and just "snap" created a set of black technology with the design drawings of nerve connection prosthetics...

Is it because the National Paranormal Research Institute lacks research materials?

Those who are in technical secondary school, grinding mechas with their hands, or just getting a big special hammer to knock out nuclear fusion, and then they can still pretend to be cool and flirtatious, after all, it is just a parallel space...

Although he was in a hurry, he still had to eat his food one bite at a time.

When Evergreen Biotech's reputation as a "high-tech medical company" slowly builds up, it won't be so abrupt if it comes out with some more advanced scientific and technological achievements.

Security is also an important consideration.

It is true that you have black technology, but whether you can keep this black technology depends on whether you have the hard power to match it.

At the beginning, "Zero" was just a leak of information during the testing process, and it was directly out of his control, which eventually led to tragedy.

A person who speaks lightly will be guilty of carrying a jade!

It’s not that he is too proud of his broom, it’s just that he flaps his butterfly wings too hard, causing a storm that takes the world astray every time.

The "overclocking potion" was leaked, and he was shot in the head.

"Zero" was leaked, a "Report on the Destruction of Class"...

Brothers, you can waste your time, but the loss is only one soldier.

If he gets wild... then the whole army will be annihilated!

This risk...does he dare to take it?

My name is rough, but I seek stability in my life...

Seeing Gao Yuan's surprised look, Meng Lang explained again.

"This information is just a technical theory. I need you to go through the scientific research team of Evergreen Biotech and conduct clinical medical verification according to the formal process, so as to turn it into a formal patent and a steady stream of funds!"

The brother who smuggled this technical information was very considerate and has already modified the technical content to a certain extent.

Make it look more like a "theoretical research material".

Generally speaking, medical inventions must be supported by clinical experimental data under the supervision of various national agencies before they can become a complete technology recognized by the national medical system.

However, this technology and even the experimental process are carried out "out of time and space", so the clinical data cannot be fabricated out of thin air.

And this is where evergreen organisms come into play.

Relatively speaking, the approval process for this kind of detection technology application is relatively fast.

If it is a drug, the clinical verification time alone has to be calculated in years.

After all, you can talk nonsense, but you can't take medicine randomly...

"So, this technology is actually a semi-finished product that has not yet been verified?"

Gao Yuan nodded, thinking this was reasonable.

But she obviously misunderstood.

"Uh... that's about right!"

"If the information you provided can be successfully developed, it will definitely be enough for a small company like Evergreen Biotechnology to become a blockbuster." Gao Yuan smiled.

The Alzheimer's disease population is very large. In China alone, there are nearly 10 million patients, and the total number of patients worldwide is as high as tens of millions.

Such a large patient group means that there is a broad application market for related detection technologies.

If it can be included in the routine physical examination category, then just collecting the patent fee will probably cause hand cramps.

But obviously, she didn't have high hopes.

Semi-finished products are semi-finished products. How many R&D progresses have been advanced to 99%, only to be stuck there motionless?

This information can only be said to increase their chances of success, but it does not mean anything.

Meng Lang didn't explain too much.

Anyway, by then, she will know how complete this "semi-finished product" is...

Gao Yuan picked up the second piece of information.

"HLJ/18-17GD gene deletion recombinant virus (for pigs)"?

Well, this one is more professional...

Gao Yuan immediately gave up resistance, shook off the information and asked.

"So... do you want to use this technology in Mengshan Animal Husbandry?"

Although Gao Yuan could not understand the details of this technical information, she immediately guessed Meng Lang's general intention for giving her this thing from the three words "for use on pigs".

"Yes and no!" Meng Lang nodded, then shook his head.

"Do you know about African Z plague?"

"African Z plague?" Gao Yuan looked confused.

"Well! African Z-Fever is a virus 'ASFV' that was born in Africa. It is an infectious disease caused by infecting domestic pigs and wild boars. It first appeared in sub-Saharan Africa.

The virus first appeared in the Central American country of Baku in 1971.

This wave of plague caused heavy losses to Baku. About 500,000 pigs were culled across the country. Subsequently, African Z plague epidemics also occurred in several South American countries.

In 2007, African Z fever was introduced to the Caucasus, and large-scale domestic pig infections occurred in Giaglu, Damao, Ermao and other countries.

At present, African Z fever has been reported in more than 60 countries and regions around the world. It is a very scary virus for pigs and there is currently no significant treatment."

"Are you trying to say that what I have in my hand is the solution to Africa's Z virus?" Gao Yuan's eyes lit up.

"That's right! This recombinant virus is the key technical theory for making Africa's Z vaccine.

According to predictions, in theory, it meets the safety standards of domestic attenuated live vaccines and can provide 95% effective immune protection against the lethal attack of African Z virus!

Moreover, the vaccine strain can be efficiently cultured on SPF pig primary bone marrow cells.

The primary cells of a healthy piglet can prepare at least 200,000 doses of vaccine, which fully meets the conditions for large-scale production..."

Gao Yuan looked at Meng Lang who was talking eloquently with some surprise.

The advantages of this kind of vaccine for pigs are second to none.

The key point is... there are so many professional terms that sound confusing, and they are not like something a medical novice can say, right?

"You... still understand technology?"

How professional is it to be an agent these days?

"Ah! I understand a little bit! Although I can't compare with those professional technicians.

But since I am a formal member of the organization, I still need to do the on-the-job training."

Gao Yuan looked confused.

Whose intelligence organization teaches medicine on-the-job training?

Or a veterinarian?

What the hell?!

"This is not the point. The point is, based on the global spread of African Z plague, through coordinated simulation analysis by organized experts and big data.

We predict that at the earliest this year, and at the latest this year, African Z plague is very likely to invade China on a large scale!"

Gao Yuan was even more speechless.

The earliest is this year, and the latest is this year?

In your simulation analysis, is the time prediction a little too accurate?

Why don't you just tell me what month it is?

Regarding this issue, Meng Lang said that it was certainly possible to be precise to a few months, but in order to avoid being too shocking and being regarded as a prophetic emperor, he could only choose to "blur" it.

After all, my skill is so profound that I only contribute three points of my strength. I keep seven points because I am afraid that I will be too proud.

That's right, Meng Lang also did his homework in order to get rid of this technical information.

Although African Z plague has not yet been introduced to China, and most Chinese people are still unaware of its prestigious name, it is already something that makes people aware of it in the world.

Studying related technologies at this time will not feel out of the ordinary, it will just feel like your research direction is a little different.

Meng Lang's face gradually became serious.

"You must know that our country is a big pork consumer. Once this terrible Z plague spreads on a large scale in the country, it will be a major event that affects the rations of thousands of households!

The skyrocketing price of pork is completely foreseeable!

This is a crisis and also our opportunity!”

Even with Gao Yuan's calmness, she still felt that the information she had just received was a bit dizzying.

Out of concern for the accuracy of Meng Lang's intelligence, Gao Yuan did not directly question his prediction, but asked a question that she was more concerned about.

"So...this is also a new technology developed by the organization?

Isn’t the Society for the Unification of All Things an intelligence organization? Why does it feel more like a scientific research institution?”

Meng Lang smiled profoundly.

"Haha! People in the world think that we are an intelligence organization, but that is actually a misunderstanding of us.

The purpose of our organization has always been that technology changes lives!

The organization’s R&D capabilities are actually much stronger than you think.”

The world has never heard of our organization, so where is the misunderstanding...

Gao Yuan couldn't help but complain in her heart.

However, after hearing that Meng Lang was so confident in the organization's R&D capabilities, he couldn't help but ask curiously.

"What kind of strong method?"

"Well...no one has ever done it before, and no one will do it since!"


I can understand it like no one has ever done before. After all, it is a new technology and there will be no one like it after this...

Who gave you confidence?

I'm afraid no scientific research institution in the world dares to use these four words to describe itself...

Of course she didn't know that for Meng Xiaolang, who had already reached the "end of human civilization".

The technology he developed is truly "unparalleled"...

This chapter has been completed!
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