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Chapter 272 The Strongest Otaku in History

"There are many schools of martial arts in China, but there is a division of strength that has been handed down since ancient times and is now almost universally recognized.

That is to say, the realm of martial arts practitioners is divided into Ming Jin, Dark Jin, and Hua Jin.

Ming Jin Yi Gu, at this time, practicing boxing is mainly to produce bone strength, with the purpose of returning to nature and turning the body back to pure yang, which is similar to the state of strong qi and blood when a baby is born.

As the saying goes, heaven moves vigorously, and a gentleman strives to constantly improve himself.

People in the Ming Jin state are full of energy, courageous, and fearless.

The more advanced a person is in spiritual practice, the more heroic he will appear, and he will stand out in a crowd. This is called bone bravery.

Most ordinary people like us will stay in the Ming Jin stage throughout our lives.

After Ming Jin is Dark Jin.

When the strength is strong but the shape is not obvious, it is said to be dark. Physiologically, it is the movement of the muscles and muscles. At this time, practicing boxing will bring out the strength of the muscles and bones.

When the muscles and bones are united, the whole body's strength can be concentrated into one point to explode.

A master who has reached the level of Anjin has a reserved spirit, and his physical appearance gradually makes it difficult to tell that he is a martial arts practitioner.

Their mastery of their own power has reached a new level, and they can integrate and refine various light and dark, hard and soft powers to achieve the best attack effect with the minimum consumption of physical energy.

A punch can hurt someone's heart.

Such masters are all the Taishan Beidou in the martial arts circle.

On an ancient battlefield, it can be said that there are hundreds of enemies.

As for the transformation energy after dark energy...

It only exists in specious descriptions in ancient books. For hundreds of years, I have never heard of anyone seeing it or practicing it.

The transformation of energy means changing according to the will of the heart. At this stage, there is no need to practice the rules of appearance, and it is purely practiced with the intention.

During the training, the whole body and limbs can move, rise and fall, advance and retreat without exerting any force, and can only be used by the mind.

When you notice it, your strength arises. You can send and receive it as you please. Mosquitoes and feathers can't get into you.

It is said that kung fu enters the brain at this stage, and the brain is the center of human thought.

When one's kung fu has reached this level, one will be full of energy and energy, and those who are full of energy are brave.

What a brave man! Even though tens of thousands of people have gone to me, I am an unparalleled warrior!

I always thought it was just a legend, but I didn’t expect..."

Yan Weiwei looked at Meng Lang with envy, awe, and a hint of unexplainable complex emotions.

As for Fan Shigang...

Well, he has completely reduced to a salted fish with only 666 in his eyes...


After listening to this explanation, Meng Lang finally understood what Yan Weiwei meant by Hua Jin.

It turns out to be a martial arts realm above An Jin...

But this completely put Meng Lang into trouble.

Your ability to associate...

Even though you have given me so many lofty adjectives, I have always been interested in science, not martial arts!

But...then again, if you think carefully about Yan Weiwei's words...

"It is said that kung fu enters the brain at this stage"...

This sentence made Meng Lang slightly concerned.

Is this... some kind of wonderful way to reach the same destination through different paths?

It is said that masters of Huajin can "keep no feathers from touching their bodies and prevent mosquitoes from landing"?

If you turn on the overclocking of your brain, with that enhanced perception ability, not to mention mosquitoes, any trouble will be hidden from you.

When the time comes, I just shake my shoulders, kick my legs, and see one bounce away. Although it consumes a little mana, it can indeed achieve a similar effect...

Isn’t it just a “human-shaped mosquito repellent”?

Even so, the style is in free fall.

But martial arts!

It is inevitable to exaggerate and spread rumors in a mysterious way, and it is understandable that some excessive myths will be spread later.

Let’s explain it like this.

Even Meng Lang felt that he really seemed to be a master of Huajin?

After all, the similarity between the two is really high!

The difference is that people who practice martial arts have to experience bright strength and dark strength. Ascetics generally constantly temper their bodies and spirits, and finally there is a slight possibility to break through the last shackles and practice Huajing.

Then open the mysterious and mysterious restricted area of ​​the brain.

But I relied on taking drugs again and again, and formed a certain kind of muscle memory by chance...

Is this equivalent to someone giving me direct initiation?

Well! The end of everything is science, and martial arts is no exception!

So, I skipped the so-called Ming Jin and Dark Jin and directly reached the ultimate realm that everyone dreams of?


The starting line is drawn on everyone's finish line without knowing it...

Thank you brothers for your rich spiritual and cultural heritage!

"Gu~" Fan Shigang swallowed hard.

"So...Master Meng, are you really the legendary master of energy transformation that is rare in thousands of years?"

Okay! All the honorifics are out.

But a master is a teacher, Master Meng?

Don't tell me, this title is quite touching...

"Once in a thousand years? Is it that exaggerated?" Meng Lang strangely scratched his head in embarrassment.

It always sounds like some kind of business bragging.

Such as a beautiful girl who meets once in a thousand years...

"It's not an exaggeration at all!" Yan Weiwei looked serious.

"According to historical records, there is only one person who can be sure to have achieved Huajin, and he appeared during the Southern and Northern Dynasties more than 1,500 years ago."

"Uh...who is so awesome?" Meng Lang asked curiously.

“Have you ever heard that ‘the world’s martial arts originated from Shaolin’?”

"Of course, the next sentence is that Guilin's landscape is the best in the world!"

Yan Weiwei: "..."

I can't beat you, but I can endure it!

"Then you should know who the founder of Shaolin is, right?"

Meng Lang was familiar with "Shooting the White Deer in the Snow", so this was not a problem for him.

"It should be Patriarch Bodhidharma, right? Uh... Could it be that the person you are talking about is Patriarch Bodhidharma?

Oh! No wonder you call Hua Jin the ‘Dharma Realm’?”

He also reacted.

"Yes! Although it is very different from what is shown in various novels, Shaolin martial arts should indeed come from the hands of Patriarch Bodhidharma.

Shaolin's world-famous "Seventy-two stunts" do exist, but most of the documents about these stunts have been lost.

According to legend, after crossing the river with a reed, the ancestor of Bodhidharma came to the cave of Shaoshi Mountain and faced the wall for nine years. He created seventy-two unique skills and became famous all over the world.

He is the only master who has reached the pinnacle of energy transformation recorded in ancient books!"

Uh...why do you keep getting more and more mysterious?

Created 72 unique skills in nine years, an average of eight per year...

Ancestors are also human beings, are they so productive?

Unless he cheats too!

However, if the other party is also a superman with brain overclocking skills, then it is not impossible?

But with the medical level at that time, it was basically impossible for technologies or drugs to interfere with the human brain to exist.

If people want to cheat, they can only explore on their own, thus opening up the restricted area for humans.

This difficulty...

How small is the probability that one will be born every 1,500 years?

Is this really something a human can do?

The originator of Zen Buddhism...

It is said that because Bodhidharma faced the wall all year round, the sun and moon cast his shadow on the stone wall, and his essence was imprinted into the stone, so there was a faint portrait of Bodhidharma on the stone.

This is the legendary "Dharma Face Shadow Stone".

This historical figure made great contributions to Chinese beliefs and martial arts, and can be called a legend.

What is even more legendary is that it only took him nine years to change such a significant trend of consciousness in China.

And during these nine years, he spent most of his time just facing the wall...

Definitely the strongest otaku in history!


Otakus and otakus always cherish each other.

If there was no autobiography, Meng Lang might only regard Bodhidharma as a god of his generation, but Yan Weiwei mentioned at this time that he was the only person in thousands of years who had achieved the same level of energy as himself.

And there is actually some quite coincidental "similarity" with myself...

Then Meng Lang couldn't help but think about it!

Ming Jin, dark Jin, Hua Jin...

If hundreds of billions of human beings throughout the ages can't do it, why can Bodhidharma do it?

Then...will he be like me?

Are you not fighting alone?

Knowledge can be accumulated, and so can martial arts experience!

After countless attempts, who says that a human body cannot kick open the door of the restricted area?

Meng Lang couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

But...why is it Buddhism again?

The same is true for Tang Seng with eighty-one difficulties, and the same is true for Bodhidharma with seventy-two stunts...

Even some Buddhist verses and Buddhist teachings made me feel that there was a strange connection with that autobiography...

A coincidence may be a coincidence.

So many coincidences...are they really still coincidences?

If they are all one of the former owners of "Autobiography", then does everything make sense?

It is said that a thousand readers have a thousand Hamlets. I saw "scientific self-help" from the book.

And among them, one became an "escape master" and the other became a "martial arts master"?

"what's on your mind?"

Seeing Meng Lang lost in thought and silent for a long time, Yan Weiwei asked.

"Well... I was just thinking that there are actually amazing and beautiful people like me in this world.

I am not alone in my ways..."

This chapter has been completed!
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