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Chapter 302 Bad for the skin

 【Things you deliberately look for are often not found.

It's like my lost childhood.

Everything in the world comes and goes in its own time.

Just like, his book...

I don't know what book was so important to him. It's just that on the day of mountain climbing, it was the first time I saw him so lost and depressed.

At "3:12:21 in the afternoon", Weiwei was defeated and suffered serious injuries.

I don’t know whether it was because Weiwei was injured or because he suddenly lost the book. In short... he was very angry that day.

Then... he used what is said to be "Twelve Road Tan's unique skill that usually does not hit the leg, but will definitely kill the opponent", and won the title of "Guanzhong Hero". (Face covering)

Later I learned from Weiwei that he was really a "master of energy transformation".

"If it doesn't work, uncle, I will go on stage personally and beat those opponents to the top of the mountain for you, Sister Weiwei."

I originally thought this was just a joke from him, but it turned out that it was really a promise he made to Xiaoyu.

He gave us another surprise, as usual.

The surprises he gives are always endless...

Although afterwards, he also felt that he was a little impulsive and that his methods were not aboveboard enough and violated the principles of chivalry.

But soon, he boasted of his unrivaled wit, and since then he has lost many worries of being "tired by fame".

“The so-called great chivalrous person serves the country and the people; the small chivalrous person serves as a friend and neighbor!

Thanks to the great love of my colleagues in the martial arts world, I can only make an appropriate choice." He explained to himself this way.

He did not attend the celebration party in the evening. Under the cover of Weiwei, the three of us "non-charlatans" sneaked out of the back door.

I curiously asked him: "Are you number one in the world? This shouldn't be the highlight of your life. Is it really okay if you miss it?"

He looked at me quite seriously, and then gave me an unexpected but expected answer.

"Because I always feel...that someone at the banquet is trying to harm me!"

So, is your motivation for becoming “the best in the world” or is it because you feel insecure?

That night, he was so tired that he fell asleep directly on the sofa.

I don't know if he was pretending to sleep, he was wearing clothes and a quilt but he didn't dare to fall asleep.

Finally, in the middle of the night, I couldn't help but tiptoe over to him and cover him with a blanket. I looked at his sleeping face and thought about everything that had happened since I met him...

I never told him that when he and Weiwei said they were going to go on a cruise for a night, I had insomnia.

I didn't tell him that he would occasionally take out that recording, cover himself in the quilt and laugh.

I won't tell him that although I can't help but be attracted, I always want to run away...

Do you like him? Yes, I do.

Does he like me? He probably does too.

But I know that a man's love is temporary.

In the end, he will regret it whether they are together or not together.

The day my parents divorced, I told myself not to lose myself in front of anything, even the hardships of life, even strange eyes, even love...

But looking at his sleeping profile, she still couldn't help but give him a gentle kiss on the cheek like a thief.

Just to say thank you.

Thank you for everything he has done for me and Xiaoyu along the way...

Yes, it is like that!

It's just that...the heartbeat is a bit strong...

The day after the mountaineering meeting, we went to see the Terracotta Warriors.

He always seemed to keep his promise to Xiaoyu.

No matter how incredible the promise may seem at first...

Sometimes I even feel that he seems to care more about Xiao Yu than me?

Alas! I actually ended up being jealous of Xiaoyu... I thought I was hopeless.

When buying ice cream, I rushed to pay.

Do you always feel like you can draw a clear line with him this way?

While playing, we unexpectedly encountered an unexpected incident. A group of people gathered around an old man who fell to the ground and was gasping for breath.

...It's Master Li of Baji Quan!

Before the ambulance came, the person was already dying. It was said that the old disease had relapsed.

Li Lei, a burly and strong man, cried like a child.

Originally, I wanted to honor my master and take him on a sightseeing trip, but unexpectedly it turned out to be the final farewell.

Life is so unpredictable.

The opponents who were fighting each other with all their strength yesterday have become separated from each other today.

Only later did we find out that Master Li's old illness had no cure, and even after visiting major hospitals, we were unable to do anything. We could only rely on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to alleviate his condition.

Because of such an unexpected situation, we suddenly lost our mood to play.

Perhaps it was the first time I saw someone passing away in front of me. On the way back, Xiaoyu kept her head down and seemed a little depressed. Finally she raised her head and said to me.

"Sister, uncle is right. Life and health cannot be bought with money. I don't want you to be like that old man in the future...

So I decided! When I grow up... I want to study medicine!"

I just thought that Xiao Yu was just a temporary emotion, and I felt it. After a while, I naturally forgot about it.

Unexpectedly, Meng Lang touched his chin with a serious look on his face and began to make Xiaoyu's life plan in a serious manner.

"Well! I am deeply impressed by Xiao Yuqian's decision, and now I feel that studying medicine...at least just studying Western medicine is not enough!

I used to only focus on the universal therapies of Western medicine, but ignored the precious medical experience passed down by our ancestors for thousands of years.

As you can see, there are problems that Western medicine cannot solve. Although Chinese medicine is not the mainstream now, it definitely has its advantages.

Western medicine overwhelms Chinese medicine, or Chinese medicine overwhelms Western medicine. This is a biased view.

So I think we can set a longer-term goal.

If Western medicine doesn’t work, let’s learn Chinese medicine!

If Chinese medicine is not good, let’s learn both Chinese and Western medicine!”

I was a little speechless when I watched the first grade and the first grade begin a heated discussion about Xiaoyu’s future school and major plans.

It was not until many years later that I discovered that I had underestimated the execution ability of these two guys...

The future and the past are connected, the future is the beginning of past actions, and the past is the reason for future actions...

On the afternoon after returning from the Terracotta Warriors and Horses, a secretary named Zhao Guangming came to visit the "Guanzhong Hero" on behalf of the government with a banner and a bonus.

I saw Meng Lang's surprise.

However, this surprise does not seem to be for the bonus?

On the other side, Yan Feng, who looked a little complicated, finally recognized the validity of the agreement and admitted that Weiwei had won three years for him.

The biggest goal of this trip was achieved, everyone was very happy, and everyone seemed to have gained something...

Before returning to Suzhou City, he suddenly said that he wanted to stop by and visit us, and extended an invitation to us.

"I wanna go!"

In Xiaoyu's expectant eyes, we decided to take advantage of the May Day holiday to change routes and boarded the high-speed train to Wushi.

However, Weiwei did not come with us on the pretext of staying with Lao Yan for two more days.

At the farewell station, she still smiled so heartlessly, but the hint of loneliness in her eyes made me feel a strong sense of guilt...

The train started slowly and I looked out the window and waved goodbye to Weiwei. At that moment, I made a decision in my heart...

Mengjiacun is a quiet and peaceful small mountain village. I fell in love with it at first sight. Meng's father and mother were also very enthusiastic when they saw us...the enthusiasm was a bit overwhelming.

It was then that I learned that Meng’s father ran a large-scale ecological breeding farm.

Considering the economic size of a small mountain village, such a large investment is quite surprising.

"This is what Gao Yuan and I invested together, well... you can think of it as part of the organization's strategy."

He didn't hide anything and told me an even more surprising truth.

"What do you want here?"

He pointed at the continuous Mengshan Mountains and said with a smile, "This place... will be a fortress that will never fall in the future!"

I do not understand.

"The secret must not be leaked. I will tell you when the time comes."

"When is the time right?"

"Well... maybe, when this world comes to an end, or maybe, when I really win this life...

Don't ask, it's not that I won't tell you, it's just that the more you know about some things, the more painful it will be.

I’m doing it for your own good. It takes courage to bear everything by yourself, okay?"

"You have a phobia of machines and bulletproof cars. You want to put on a bulletproof vest when you go out. Do you have any misunderstandings about courage?"

He smiled and said, "Yeah, I used to think that if a person pressed his finger on the nuclear explosion switch and actually dared to press it, that was bravery.

But now I think that true bravery should be when you know you will lose before you even start, but you still do it and stick to it no matter what..."

When he said this, he still had a playful smile on his face.

I felt an inexplicable distress in my heart.

I couldn't help but reach out my hand and interlock with his fingers...

That night after Xiaoyu fell asleep, I mustered up perhaps the greatest courage in my life and quietly entered his room...

After returning to Sioux City, I quickly applied to the company for a long-term assignment to Beijing.

I didn't even have the courage to tell him face to face, so I had no choice but to leave without saying goodbye.

I wish you and Weiwei happiness!

And...I'm sorry...

However, these three words could only be said to him in my heart.

This is my decision.

I think before you love anything, you have to realize that you might lose it.

Since you can't make the most perfect ending in your life, then make it the most beautiful episode in your life...

When I was working in Beijing, the world seemed to be colorless.

I think this is what lawyers should be like.

Until, he appeared in front of me again...

He smiled and said to me, "The lost people are lost, and the people who meet will meet again. This is fate."

I don't know why he can find me no matter how I avoid him, but I know that this is definitely not fate.

I cursed myself in annoyance, why did I forget that this guy was engaged in intelligence...

I could only pretend to be cold and distant, and I was cruel and acted like a bad woman who always gave up and didn't want to take responsibility.

Maybe he was heartbroken by me, or maybe he saw my persistence.

He didn't say anything in the end and left the capital.

Later I heard that he and Gao Yuan formed an investment partnership, and their net worth kept changing every year, and they soon entered the list of Asia's richest people.

Medical care, film and television, entertainment, new energy vehicles, artificial intelligence, and even traditional Chinese medicine...

It covers a variety of fields, just like the "hobby books" he placed in his study back then.

I wasn't too surprised, but I felt in my heart that this is what that man should really look like...

I watched him silently and blessed him in my heart.

And the days are like this book.

A lifetime may be just a few pages, constantly revising and copying poems, from black hair to white hair...

Although I have gone through the baptism of time, I found that my sincere feelings have not faded.

Life is short, but some things are eternal.

What makes me feel lucky is that I have someone I can miss, and I am also very happy...

Until one day, I suddenly received a call from him.

"Sorry, I failed."

His first words made my heart skip a beat.

"Where are you now? What happened to you?"

"Hospital, but no need to come. With acute viral encephalitis, you can't survive more than 24 hours."


The phone fell to the ground and tears fell silently.

When I tremblingly picked up the phone again, the voice inside seemed very relaxed.

"Don't be sad, I knew the day I climbed the mountain that one day would come sooner or later. In fact, living too long may not be a good thing for me.

I have just called my parents, relatives, seven aunts, eight aunts, and business partners.

Everything that needs to be explained has been explained, and there are no regrets.

But now, I have something to ask you."

"...you said." My voice trembled.

"You will be my ghostwriter and I will write an autobiography for me?"


"Well! These are my last thoughts. The time... will start from the day of mountain climbing."


“Of course it’s to record my failed life!

Alas! If Duan Xian hadn't been careful, I wouldn't have been infected with multiple complex viruses. This is fate...

Forget it, let’s not talk about these unhappy things.

Haha! The first day we met, you wanted to make a will for me. Now it’s better, it’s a prophecy! Do you think this is fate?

I still remember the first time I met you..."

Listening to the other end of the phone, he was talking about the past like a twilight old man.

I could only hold back my sadness, like a good friend who has known me for many years. With tears in my eyes, I talked with him about the past scenes with a smile.

"Do you know? The night I came back from hiking, I kissed you secretly, but I never dared to tell you."

"Is it……"

The person on the other end of the phone seemed to be suppressing a smile.

Finally, he sighed and said to me with some gloating: If you want to really keep a secret from me, remember, it must be forever...

The sound gradually became inaudible...

The next day, when I rushed there, what I saw was the black and white photo of the deceased on the wall.

In the photo, he still smiles brightly.

Just like, the most beautiful scenery I have ever passed in my life...

If only we could turn back time.

I think I will sing to him.

That should be a little love song...]


When Meng Lang woke up the next day due to the sunlight shining through the curtains, he felt as if he had had a long, long dream.

The consciousness gradually changes from blur to clarity.

The first thing I did after waking up was to touch my face, which looked a little weird.

So...did she kiss her last night or not?

Alas! Why do all the benefits of my life have to happen when I am unconscious...

River crab master! I hate you!

"Are you awake?" Lin Haitang wiped the water stains on his face and walked out of the bathroom.

He saw Meng Lang sitting up from the sofa with a natural look on his face.

"Go wash your face, we are getting ready to eat."

Meng Lang thought for a while and sternly refused.

"Well... it still doesn't work. Scientists say that washing your face too much is bad for your skin."

Lin Haitang: "..."

What about the essays you want, and the votes I want?

This chapter has been completed!
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