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Chapter 377 Don't give up fast enough

 “We are honored to witness this moment!

Humanity's booming computer deep learning technology created Go AI!

The existence of Go AI has in turn improved human understanding and technical level of Go, and promoted the development of Go technology!

Doesn't this foreshadow our future?

Today, our AI technology may only have taken a small step, but it has taken a big step toward the integration of human society and artificial intelligence!

Let us give warm applause to congratulate Cretaceous Company’s ‘Star Array’ for winning the championship of this ‘World AI Go Competition’!”

"Bah bang bang!"

The final result of this competition did not exceed most people's expectations.


The Cretaceous "Star Formation" continued its invincible posture in the qualifiers and won the championship of this AI competition with a complete victory record!

There is still no enemy for me!

When Hu Yifei raised the crystal trophy belonging to the championship and the 2 million competition prize check on behalf of the Cretaceous, he could not hide the excitement on his face.

The flashbulbs of various news media are flashing in front of our eyes.

With everything in front of him, he felt as if he had reached the peak of his life...

But soon, he realized that he seemed to be happy too early...

"Mr. Hu, we are very optimistic about the development prospects of Star Formation. I wonder if there is any interest in letting us Penguin invest in it?"

When Director Liu suddenly made this proposal by shaking hands and congratulating him, Hu Yifei was stunned on the spot.


Could it be that I have encountered the legendary Nanshan Pizza Hut’s ultimate move...

Join if you can't beat it?

He had thought that someone would definitely be interested in the company after today, but he never thought that the first person to extend an olive branch would be one of the three BAT giants...

If you can embrace this kind of thigh, it will be difficult for Cretaceous Company not to take off!

Seeing the peak again after the peak, life is full of surprises!

"Haha!" Seeing Hu Yifei's excited expression, Director Liu smiled slightly.

There was no trace of embarrassment on his face.

If you can't get it on the field, get it in the mall.

Use money power... without any shame!

After some "friendly exchanges", Director Liu had quickly determined how much the previous so-called Cretaceous CTO weighed.

With the technical level of the three-legged cat...are you afraid that the other party is using it as a shield to deceive you?

No wonder the introduction just now was so refreshing!

Since he couldn't find a corner, and considering that "Star Formation" was at least 3 to 5 years ahead of his own in terms of technological content, Director Liu quickly made the most rational judgment...

Acquire it!

It's true that he is engaged in technology, but technology can also be bought...

Doesn’t the chess club want to change its training software?

I'll give you a different soup instead of medicine!

When the shareholding or even acquisition is completed, we will still be a family!

Well! We must find out the dog planner in the Cretaceous Company who designed the trash talk...

Let him sing "Conquer" in the KTV box for the entire night!

"Haha! Mr. Liu, what a coincidence! I just wanted to talk to Mr. Hu about investment, but unexpectedly you got in first..."

Hu Yifei turned around in confusion, and was stunned again when he saw the speaker clearly.

"Uh...Mr. Wang?"

Chief Technology Officer of Baidu, I just handed over my business card today.

Director Liu, who usually did not deal with the other party, frowned when he heard this.

"Why, you Baidu are also interested in Cretaceous Company?"

“Of course, when it comes to attaching great importance to the artificial intelligence track, Baidu is the earliest company to enter the industry and invest the most.

Mr. Hu, good birds choose trees to roost in, are you interested in considering our Baidu?"

Mr. Wang said with a smile.

"Hey! What do you mean?" Director Liu quit.

Oh! You are good wood and we are rotten wood?

Facing Cheng Yaojin who came out halfway, Director Liu was quite dissatisfied and immediately spoke rudely.

"You, Baidu, were the first to enter the game and invested the most, but your output seems to be the least, right?

Last year, you, Mr. Li, were engaged in intelligent driving, and even personally participated in the live broadcast of driving a driverless car on the highway.

The result? Changing lanes illegally in front of the whole world!

I was even stopped by the traffic police!

Isn’t it possible to be on the hot search list without spending a dime?”

Mr. Wang looked embarrassed and snorted coldly.

“If you invest, you may at least gain something; if you don’t invest, you won’t have any chance at all!

Forgive me for being ignorant, but I really don’t know. In addition to your generous spending on entertainment and games, what other resources does Penguin have in terms of cutting-edge AI technology?”

"Ha! At least we still have great skills in the Go AI.

Let alone self-driving cars, in addition to your rapid progress in the intelligence of search rankings, what other AI technologies are you capable of?"

Technical people don't have so many worries, they are basically upright boys, and Director Liu doesn't give him any face.


Mr. Wang's face turned dark immediately after someone exposed his scar so unceremoniously.

But he didn't have the confidence to refute.

This has to mention Baidu’s embarrassing situation in recent years.

There was originally a saying in the Internet circle that Alibaba understood operations, Penguin made products, and Baidu made technology.

Unexpectedly, in the past few years, Penguin’s game operations have spread all over the world, and Alibaba’s technical staff solved the Double Eleven nightmare.

But Baidu’s AI technology, which has been hyped for many years, has no splash at all...

Since 2015, Baidu has invested more than 20 billion in R&D, most of which has been invested in artificial intelligence.

In those years, they hired many AI experts, and even the CEO of Penguin publicly admitted that AI technology depends on Baidu.

Seeing that AI has become a hot topic, Alibaba and Penguin quickly followed up and started AI.

Penguin's unique skills defeated most human chess players, and Ali launched the NASA project.

But Baidu, which struck first, played its cards badly, and AI talents have left one after another in recent years.

In the end, it was ridiculed as the "Whampoa Military Academy" in the AI ​​world.

Some internal employees even bluntly said that Baidu’s AI business has actually made no achievements and now relies entirely on showmanship.

Baidu has always claimed that what it produces is the lowest level technology, but the implication is that their products are not put into use that quickly.

But any technology must ultimately serve the scene and consumers.

The problem now is that we don’t know how Baidu’s underlying technology is doing. Anyway, its competitors have already created many powerful scenarios...

For example, the real industry leader today is Lao Du Skull Song.

AlphaGo, the Go AI that shocked the world, is still recognized as the number one in the industry.

There are also AI assistants (Gu Ge), AI face-changing (ZAO), AI medical care (University of Notre Dame), face recognition (Megvii), pig face recognition (Jingdong), speech recognition (HKUST Xunfei)...

All this... has nothing to do with Baidu...

"Ahem! You two, you see, this occasion is not appropriate. How about we find time to talk in detail in two days?"

Seeing that the two of them wanted to speak, the scene was full of tension, so Hu Yifei quickly spoke out to dissuade them.

Although it is rare to see two big bosses fighting each other, and it is really enjoyable to watch, but if they were to fight, which side would he advise?

It seems that I still underestimated the charm of "Star Array".

It actually directly attracted the investment intention of the two giants...

Hu Yifei was secretly happy. As the saying goes, the snipe and the clam are fighting each other. Since the two giants have investment intentions, why don't they just wait for the price?

This is a great thing for the Cretaceous!

As the saying goes, it is easy to enjoy the shade with a big tree at your back. Introducing funds can not only make it bigger and stronger, but also obtain traffic support from the ecological resources of giants.

This was of great benefit and no harm to the Cretaceous!

"Humph!" The two of them glared at each other.

Mr. Wang didn't waste any time and asked directly.

"Mr. Hu, I don't know what your psychological valuation of Cretaceous Company is, so I might as well go back and negotiate with our investment department.

If the conditions are right, I think we might be able to have further cooperation."

"Mr. Hu, I have the same attitude, but I hope you can consider all conditions comprehensively. Some people offer high prices, which may not give you a stage for development.

We Penguins are very sincere this time. If Star Formation and Jueyi join forces and join forces, the future prospects are limitless!"

Director Liu also immediately expressed his position.

"This... this is a serious matter, please allow me to go back and think about it."

"Okay! I'm waiting for news from Mr. Hu!"

After seeing the two of them off, Hu Yifei breathed a sigh of relief, and then he couldn't help but feel so excited that he wanted to shout loudly.

It seems that my name was not chosen in vain.

This life is destined to soar to the sky!

Master Meng is truly my noble person, Hu Yifei!

This ingenious plan is not something that can be taken lightly. Once the "best policy" comes out, the world will be settled!

The promised stop loss...it's obviously a win-win situation!

He summed up the first half of his life with emotion on his face, and suddenly gained some life experience.

If success comes slowly, you should reflect on it...

Didn't I give up quickly enough?

This chapter has been completed!
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