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Chapter 404: Change

 In the office building, general manager’s office.

"This interview of yours is quite interesting. This is the first time I heard that recruiting talents does not require an interviewer, it is purely a computer-based test."

The middle-aged man looked through the floor-to-ceiling windows at the endless stream of interviewers below.

"Secretary Li is laughing. The technical department is solely responsible for talent recruitment. I, a layman, will not give random orders." Hu Yifei said with a smile.

The person in front of me is Father Hu’s secretary.

Although the administrative level is not high, he is still a third-rank official in front of the prime minister, and no one dares to look down upon him in this three-acre area of ​​Su City.

"Hmm! There really is a bit of a 'talent first' business philosophy in it. No wonder we were able to produce a star product like 'Star Array' in such a short period of time.

Even the leaders can’t put it down, it’s not easy!”

"Haha! Secretary Li has been praised. Professional matters should be left to professionals.

Technology companies should focus wholeheartedly on the development of technology, and senior executives and CEOs should all do auxiliary work for technical staff!"

Secretary Li looked at Hu Yifei in surprise.

Hu's father landed in Su City by air. He had just become Hu City's secretary, and he had not had much interaction with the leader's son in the past.

Hu's father was careful to avoid suspicion, and usually did not want any close contact between the two parties.

He always thought that Hu Yifei was just a young man making small fortunes in the business world, but he never expected that this young man would become a blockbuster without making a fuss!

The most discussed thing in the city recently is the news of the successful bailout of Bincheng Shipyard.

Naturally, there are also rumors about Mr. Hu...

"It's rare! When you are young and you succeed, the biggest fear is to get carried away.

I didn’t expect that with such great success, I can still be neither arrogant nor impetuous, and know how to lower my profile and value talents. I am worthy of being a leader’s son. He is really a tiger father but no dog son!"

Hu Yifei chuckled.

I relied on the talented team of "The Demon Hunter" to turn the tables. Do you think I can ignore "talent"?

"Secretary Li..."

"Hey! What do you call Secretary Li? In private, just call me Uncle Li." Secretary Li said with a smile.

Hearing the intimacy in Secretary Li's words, Hu Yifei naturally walked down the slope.

"Uncle Li, I haven't had time to thank you properly. Without you, Bai Yeji wouldn't have been able to settle in the industrial park so quickly and get a piece of land with such a good location.

I will be the host tonight, and Uncle Li will definitely reward me!"

The industrial park where Bai Yeji settled is the center of the city's electronics industry.

The surrounding transportation is developed, such as Siemens, Samsung, Fujitsu...

As soon as you step on the accelerator, there are five or six internationally renowned manufacturers, and the supporting facilities for related industries are quite complete.

In recent years, Jiangsu City has responded to the national call to vigorously support high-tech enterprises and engage in economic transformation.

Therefore, the settlement policies for software, chip, medical, new energy and other companies are quite favorable.

As soon as Baiyeji was launched, the policy support it received included low-priced land purchase, two-year tax exemption, export tax rebate, scientific research funding support, talent attraction discounts, etc.

Even the piece of land that Bai Yeji obtained seems to consist of only an inconspicuous old office building at first glance, but behind it is a large area of ​​undeveloped virgin land.

As long as there is need, Baiyeji Company can spend some money to continue to expand the scale of land at any time.

It is a good position with huge development potential that no one else can get!

If you want to complete all kinds of complicated procedures for more than a dozen departments in just a few days, and let Bai Yeji successfully land, it will still be the kind with full benefits...

If Secretary Li hadn't coordinated this, you wouldn't have been able to get it done in three to five months.

It can be said that these preferential policies alone also have "administrative costs".

The time and expense saved would have allowed Meng Lang to recover the cost of his "investment" in Hu Yifei.

"Hey! I don't dare to take credit. Without the leader's nod, how could I dare to give Bai Yeji the green light all the way?" Secretary Li smiled and waved his hand.

"Speaking of which, we should be the ones to say thank you. You have done us a big favor.

I heard that the funds at Bincheng Shipyard have been secured and production has begun.

This credit is nothing to a piece of industrial land, it’s just a reciprocation from the city.”

Bai Yeji's "golden body" power to help the shipyard bail out began to appear.

Coupled with Hu Yifei's "relationship amplifier", Bai Yeji's landing was so smooth.

"Haha! Do you know why Bai Ye Ji did not enter this batch of "high-tech key support enterprises", but received the same preferential policies?

Because even Cardinal Hong can’t raise any objections on this matter.”

"Cardinal Hong..."

Hu Yifei frowned when he heard this name.

He also heard about what happened at the city meeting not long ago.

It was obvious that Cardinal Hong was hostile to Evergreen Biotech and actually vetoed Evergreen Biotech’s nomination of supporting companies on the spot.

"Ha! I heard that Cardinal Hong has a close relationship with the Xu Group, and Director Gao of Evergreen Biotech is very at odds with Mr. Xu of the Xu Group..."

Seeing Hu Yifei frowning, Secretary Li smiled and made a pointer.

As a secretary in the city, I naturally have very good information channels.

Huh? So that’s it…

As today's ally and the largest controlling shareholder, Evergreen Biotechnology now has a relationship with Baiyeji where both prosper and lose.

Not to mention the relationship between Hu’s father and the relationship between Evergreen Biotech and the Xu Group, Bai Yeji and Cardinal Hong seem to be naturally opposed to each other!

Cardinal Hong, Xu Group...

This is an absolute big shot in politics and business. Unexpectedly, I, Hu Yifei, was competing with "a dog" on the Internet not long ago, and now my opponent has jumped to this level?

Thinking about it, it’s really stressful...


Thinking of that day, the master's words, "I can take his place," still ring in my ears, and I suddenly feel a surge of pride in my heart.

"Ha! The Xu Group? Cardinal Hong has the Xu Group. We in Hu City can also have Bai Yeji!" Hu Yifei said proudly.

"This..." Secretary Li was left speechless.

Does this mean you still want to compare Bai Yeji with the Xu Group?

Given the current size gap between the two parties, should I say you are too confident in yourself, or are you just a newborn calf...

Secretary Li patted Hu Yifei on the shoulder and smiled.

"Haha! Okay! Young people should have such an aggressive spirit! Don't worry, if you need any help, just come to you, Uncle Li!"

"Really? I just have something, and I want to ask Uncle Li for help." Hu Yifei said honestly and directly.

"Uh..." Secretary Li was stunned.

"What's the deal?"

"It's like this. Our company has newly developed a cloud ERP system, so I want Uncle Li to help me pay attention to whether there are any government and enterprise procurement needs in this area."

"Oh, that's how it is……"

It turned out to be a business promotion...

Secretary Li glanced at Hu Yifei suspiciously.

Don't you want to...

Although you have just made a great contribution and the leader sent me to escort you, this is beyond the scope of my authority...

When Hu Yifei saw the other party's expression, he immediately understood that there was a misunderstanding and said quickly.

"Uncle Li, don't think too much, I just want relevant project information.

The products developed by our company's technical department are absolutely excellent!

As long as there is a fair opportunity and there are no evil ways, we will definitely be No. 1 in the industry!"

Secretary Li carefully discerned whether the expression on Hu Yifei's face was true, or whether he was speaking from the bottom of his heart.

"I'm a little curious now about what kind of excellent product it is that can give you such confidence."

"How excellent..."

Hu Yifei smiled as he recalled his experience after using this system to work.

“It’s absolutely amazing that people can’t put it down!”


Hu Yifei talked about everything, so Secretary Li naturally had no reason not to agree.

"Okay, later I will send you a copy of the city's statistics on government and enterprise-related procurement needs. Whether it works or not depends on you.

By the way, what’s the name of your product?”

"Tianshu... Tianshu ERP!"

Novi, the capital is Oslo.

The Nordic man with a pipe in his hand sat on the boss's chair, frowning slightly as he read a piece of news handed over by his subordinates.

John Frederiksen first entered a shipping brokerage company and started working alone at the age of 27.

In the 1980s, his tanker took risks to transport oil during the Iran-Iraq war and made huge profits, earning him his "first pot of gold."

Today, he is the largest tanker owner in the world, owning more than 70 tankers, mainly engaged in the shipping and logistics industry, and is known as the "Ship King" of Novi.

Ranked 129th on the 2018 Forbes Global Billionaires List!

"Bincheng Shipyard has resumed work? Is the news accurate?"

"It has been confirmed, the information is accurate!"

"Oh? It's not that they have a funding gap of more than 2 billion. How did they raise it in such a short period of time?"

"I heard that a company called Baiyeji invested a total of 3 billion RMB to buy the eight oil tankers." Shixiahui reported.

"Hmm? 3 billion?"

When he heard that eight oil tankers were bought by others for a high price of 3 billion, John frowned.

Regardless of the original 6 billion contract, the other party now only paid 3 billion to get it, but considering the current market for new oil tankers, this is already considered a high price.

Anyone who dares to take over now can definitely be called a warrior!

Due to the OPEC production reduction agreement, the economic crisis, and the current downturn in the tanker freight market, major shipping companies have suffered huge losses this year, and even his company is no exception.

Only in his position can he feel the harsh winter of the industry more clearly.

Almost all major consulting firms around the world predict that the industry will become increasingly depressed in the next few years.

Major international shipowners are afraid that oil tankers will fall on their hands, so how can they dare to buy new ships?

This has resulted in a large number of new ships being destroyed and a large number of old ships being scrapped.

Mainstream players in the market are desperately trying to reduce their own oil transportation capacity.

Even John, the shipping king, took 10 old ships in his hands to the dismantling plant for recycling.

The purpose is to reduce operating costs and prepare to lose weight to survive this industry winter.

"Bai Yeji? I've never heard of it. Is it a large shipping company in China?" John asked with a frown.

"No, judging from the registration information, it should be a newly established IT company."

"IT company?" Even the experienced shipping king was a little confused when he heard this.

"What kind of tanker should an IT company buy?"

"This...according to the news from our people, the other party seems to want to enter the field of ship autonomous driving.

And a plan to automate the transformation of the next three semi-product oil tankers has been proposed to the shipyard."


Well, this is really the professional field of IT companies.

However, even if IT companies in the world are interested in entering this field, they usually cooperate with large shipping companies to reduce financial pressure.

After all, IT companies are generally asset-light companies. How do you think they are spending 3 billion yuan on a tanker?

The ship king had a question mark on his face.

"By the way, it is said that a certain senior executive of this Baiye Ji seems to be related to the Chinese officials responsible for the shipyard bailout project.

It is possible that this is a good show directed and performed by China in order to avoid the collapse of Bincheng Shipyard."

"Oh?" John nodded.

This makes sense.

Generally speaking, China will try its best to save state-owned enterprises like this, regardless of whether they have been eliminated by the market...

"Boss, now there has been a reply from Bincheng Shipyard, agreeing to refund the 600 million deposit. This is the settlement agreement drawn up by both parties.

As long as you sign, we can officially terminate the contract with Bincheng Shipyard."

The subordinate handed over a document.

John was stunned for a long time, originally thinking it would be a protracted lawsuit.

I didn’t expect the money to come back so easily...

I was a little dazed for a moment.

After coming back to his senses, he slowly picked up the pen.

However, after staying on the signature column of the document for a long time, I couldn't place the signature.

After hesitating for a moment, his expression changed, but he reluctantly put the pen down again.

"Uh... boss? What's wrong?" The subordinate was a little confused.

"This Bai Yeji appeared at the wrong time..." He slapped his pipe heavily on the agreement.

"Uh...but the Bincheng Shipyard has agreed to return the deposit, so we don't have to pay a penny for this order.

Isn’t this another big victory for us?”

John shook his head.

"That was before, now... the situation seems to have changed a bit..."

"Ah? What change?"

John said nothing.

The so-called "spring duck prophet", the international situation is changing rapidly, there are some things that only a person in his position can detect in advance...

He has been able to dominate the shipping industry for so many years because of his capital operation and risk awareness.

He had already made two preparations since signing the contract with Bincheng Shipyard.

When the market is bad, he can cancel orders and escape from the crisis unscathed.

But what if...

Originally, according to his plan, canceling the order put Bincheng Shipyard in trouble, but that was just the helpless first step.

And when the Bincheng Shipyard was on the verge of bankruptcy and had to resell the eight oil tankers at a low price...

As long as he finds a third-party company, he can buy back these eight oil tankers at one third of the original price, or even lower...

In this way, no matter how the international situation changes, you can remain invincible!


My Plan B...seems to have been cut off...


This chapter has been completed!
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