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Chapter 436: Talking Car

"Mr. Bao, what happened just now? Is that video real?"

"Yes. Could it be that remote control was installed to create false propaganda?"

"Mr. Bao, can you explain it to me?"

Before Mr. Bao could go on to explain the theme of this press conference, the reporters in the audience impatiently asked about the video just now.

The "talking car" thing isn't important, you should explain the "self-driving car" first.

In addition to industry peers, everyone present here is familiar with the various technologies of new energy vehicles, even columnists, so they naturally understand what it means if the video just now is true.

That means... today they will witness the world's premiere of an A00-class mini car with automatic parking function...

"A new level of involution! Will autonomous driving enter the mini-car field?"

"A dying company releases a shocking bomb!"

“Aidou New Energy’s PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds!”

Just thinking about the sensational effect that such a headline can cause, the reporters present seemed to have found the traffic password, and each one seemed impatient, eager to confirm the authenticity of the video.

And the children who came from a major were even more so that their eyes almost popped out of their heads.

If it is just pure automatic parking, there are not seven or eight but three or four technical routes. If you pile up materials and take tricks at any cost, it is not impossible to achieve similar effects.

But the strange thing is, why does the video continuously play the footage of "parking failure" and the final perfect storage?

For mature "autonomous parking", it is a bit superfluous.

Unless...the other party is hinting...

This car's "automatic parking system" has a self-learning function...

To know the iterative evolution of the current "automatic parking" technology, it can be roughly divided into four categories: "APA automatic parking", "RPA remote control parking", "self-learning parking", and "AVP autonomous valet parking"

Staged development process.

And "self-learning parking" is the third generation of cutting-edge parking technology.

The fourth-generation autonomous valet parking technology that “gets off the car and walks, and the pedestrians arrive” is almost only one step away!

Even the Xiaopeng G3, which will be released at the end of the year and has a similar automatic parking function, is currently only a quasi-third-generation product.

At present, the only one that can truly reach the third generation technically is Tesla, and it is a high-end sedan version if you look around the world.

Isn’t it possible that a domestic company that is almost in disgrace can suddenly develop its autonomous driving technology by leaps and bounds and be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Tesla?

That’s outrageous!

"Impossible! Cheating! This must be cheating!" Xiaopeng tried hard to keep his three views intact.


Faced with doubts from the audience, Mr. Bao smiled confidently.

He took out his cell phone and spoke into the phone.

"Bajie, help me park the car in parking space No. 1!"

【Okay.】A gentle mechanical sound came from the phone.

Then the next moment, the exhibition car on the stage automatically started to flash twice, and under the astonished eyes of everyone, it started to reverse at a relatively slow speed...

Multiple parking spaces with different angles and orientations have been drawn on the stage in advance.

At the same time, the large screen behind Mr. Bao immediately switched to appear to be a projection of the car-machine interface.

The interface does not have a camera screen in the traditional sense, but is replaced by a 3D simulation screen.

The highlighted blue car body, surrounding obstacles, automatically marked parking spaces...even Mr. Bao standing aside is displayed as a humanoid object without facial features.

Finally, the car made a side and rear parking maneuver that was very accurate even for experienced drivers, and accurately drove into the standard parking space with "1" written on it.

Just when everyone was shocked, Mr. Bao seemed to feel that the demonstration was not enough, and spoke into the phone microphone again.

"Bajie, I don't like this parking space very much. Please help me park in parking space No. 5."

【Okay, we will switch to parking space No. 5.】

The exhibition car slowly left the garage, changed its angle, and parked firmly into parking space No. 5 using side parking.

Then there is parking space No. 3...

"Bajie, come and pick me up now."

【OK, just a second.】

After the vehicle had bypassed most of the booth, it stopped steadily in front of Mr. Bao...

"Wow~" The whole audience was in an uproar, and the flashlight flashed again.

Regardless of whether there is cheating or not, when there is no one in the driver's seat, you can control the car with just a mobile phone, accurately recognize voice commands, and perform parking and summoning functions.

This scene in 2018, when new energy vehicles have just emerged and have not yet been widely popularized, the sense of technology is absolutely exploding!

Even Tesla, which is currently the leader in autonomous driving in the world and started the automotive revolution with its "Edamame" series, is almost at this level...

Is it possible that the technical level of "This Bean" is almost catching up with "Bedou's"?

"This is impossible!"

Seeing this, classmate Xiaopeng's face was completely shattered.

In the scene just now, let alone the level of automatic parking, the advanced "mobile terminal car-machine interconnection" and "accurate voice recognition" alone are high-end technologies that are rare in the market.

It may not be the first one created by the other party, but it is definitely the cutting-edge technology!

The key is... such an advanced intelligent control system is actually installed on a mini car that gives people the impression of "cheap" and "poor"...

This design... is simply unreasonable!

Just like the 86 of Fujiwara Tofu Factory, it is obviously covered in a cheap shell, but once you lift the hood, you will see that it is a racing-grade modified treasure!

The other two "friends" around me also looked unacceptable.

Is it possible that Mr. Bao, knowing that he can't compete with his competitors in terms of hardware, secretly exerts his efforts in software, and has grown to this level of obscenity?

The point is...

"Are you crazy? Realizing car-machine interconnection, intelligent assistant and automatic parking on mini-cars..."

How much material did Mr. Bao pile on the car? How many laser radars were installed?

But even if one is piled up, the price of this car shouldn’t be 100,000+?

Who would buy a mini car if they really had a budget of 100,000?

What about market positioning? What about target customers?

Is it so arbitrary to build a car?

Quite satisfied with the reaction from the audience, Mr. Bao continued to speak and immediately dropped another shocking news!

“Everyone, the two new cars we released this time have completely abandoned the original third-generation Douban system.

At the same time, we strategically introduced the ‘Tianxuan Zhixuan’ vehicle-mounted intelligent control full-scenario solution newly developed by Baiyeji Company!”

"Oh~" There was another burst of discussion in the audience, and many people looked surprised.

"So they brought in foreign aid? No wonder this sense of technology... is completely different from before!"

"The confidentiality is pretty good, there was no news at all before."

"Bai Yeji? Why haven't I heard of this company? Are there any dark horses like this in the industry?"

"It seems a bit familiar, as if I've heard it somewhere..."

"It seems that this is Mr. Bao's trump card. This press conference... seems to be promising!"

Generally speaking, new energy car companies will choose to develop their own car-machine systems unless they have to. After all, they will not be controlled by others at critical times.

Moreover, software is the core soul of new energy vehicles.

If software cannot be autonomous, it is nothing more than a soulless body.

Outsourcing the entire software system can already show that Mr. Bao has almost reached the end of his rope and can only try to make a comeback with the help of external forces.

"The 'Tianxuan Intelligent Selection' system... uh..."

After all, he was sharpening his skills in battle, so Mr. Bao unexpectedly forgot his words in the middle of the sentence. He picked up the cheat sheet in his hand, looked at the contents on it, and then continued to introduce.

"Ahem! This system brings together a number of the most cutting-edge intelligent network technologies in the market, including in-vehicle Internet of Things, digital maps, smart car machines...

After receiving the intellectual blessing of ‘Tianxuan System’, our vehicle-machine system has also been greatly improved in terms of intelligent applications!

For example, supported by the 'Tianxuan' system, it can provide users with a variety of intelligent services closely related to driving and travel, such as vehicle status checking, vehicle remote control, vehicle fault diagnosis, driving reports, charging pile inquiry and social entertainment.

For another example, in terms of keyless unlocking, various unlocking scenarios such as mobile fingerprint unlocking, facial recognition unlocking, and voiceprint unlocking have been added.

In terms of assisted driving, it has realized L3 level automatic parking function within a short distance.

At the same time, the supporting ‘Tianxuan APP’ can realize multiple functions such as remote control and remote parking on the mobile terminal.

It can also be started by voice, just like operating Siri on a mobile phone, and various instructions can be issued through voice interaction.

In addition, in addition to being equipped with dual nine-inch screens to provide users with a comfortable operating interface, the car is also equipped with a new generation of intelligent voice assistant 'Bajie'..."

Everyone was stunned. There are three keyless unlocking methods...

Voiceprint unlocking?

Do BBA’s high-end cars have this level of intelligence?

Many people have begun to roll their eyes inwardly.

Compared to the situation where seeing was believing just now, this time hearing is believing, and the feeling given to everyone is...

This propaganda is obviously fake...

But it is a new car launch after all, and none of the current car companies are boasting about it.

When it comes to a new technology, I can’t wait to come up with ten professional terms.

"Well... as a 'talking car', rather than saying it is a new energy vehicle, we prefer to define it as an 'intelligent travel robot'..."

Following Mr. Bao's explanation and summary, the 3D models and parameters of the two models of Idol D3 appeared on the big screen behind him...

The three students sitting in the front row automatically ignored the mention of "talking cars", "intelligent travel robots" and the like, which sounded like "bragging".

There are only a few of the most advanced smart voice assistants on the market.

Siri is a retard, what a "talking car"...

Isn’t it just adding a smart speaker?

And a “talking car”?

I didn't see that it was obviously the theme of this press conference, but Mr. Bao just mentioned it in vague terms. It was all false and empty, and there was no substantive content at all.

This is obviously a lack of confidence!

Obviously autonomous parking is topical enough...

While they regarded this inexplicable "theme" as the failure of the press conference, they fixed their eyes on the key parameters on the screen.

The strange thing is that nothing about the configuration is written, just a few brief parameters are simply marked.

The "Douniushi" version has a cruising range of 150km.

"Saint Beans" version 200km?!

Hmm? It's a bit higher than expected. Originally, outsiders predicted it would be around 180.

But the outcome won't be any different.

According to the latest subsidy rules, the maximum subsidy for pure electric vehicles with a comprehensive range of 150-200km is only 15,000.

It’s almost cut in half compared to before.

With a subsidy difference of nearly RMB 20,000 to RMB 30,000 per vehicle, Mr. Bao would have no choice but to significantly increase the price unless he sold it at a loss.

But a mini car with a price of about 50,000 yuan has increased by 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, which is almost the same as disappearing from the market.

Even if you have the gimmick of "autonomous parking", you will still be disappointed!

"Huh~ I thought the other party could make a comeback, but it seems I thought too much."

The classmate seemed to be relieved.

"Yes, technology is a flaw!

Originally, we were already going to sell the car at a loss without getting the subsidy. Instead of thinking about reducing costs, we actually went all out to stack materials and make it smart, which is simply unreasonable!"

"Haha! Maybe they want to enter the high-end field with a mini car?"

"High-end? Is it possible that he still wants to set the price to 200,000?"

"Haha... now I'm a little curious about the other party's pricing strategy."

"I guess it should be about 120,000."

"Well...I'm more optimistic than you, it should be around 100,000."

"Haha! Then I'll compromise and guess 11w."

The three of them spoke in a relaxed tone and even made a bet.

If Idol fails, they, who are also entrepreneurs of new energy vehicles, will inevitably feel a bit sad.

But if idols survive, they will be their potential competitors.

Relatively speaking, they naturally do not want another strong competitor to pop up in the already crowded domestic market.

After all, the series of operations performed by this new car just now really scared them.

"Mr. Bao, please stop being so pretentious and tell me the price of this car!"

A reporter in the audience urged.

"Yes, what is the price of a mini car with automatic parking function? If it is not expensive, I will consider buying one for my road killer!"

"Haha! Mr. Bao, please reveal the answer quickly and make this guy give up!"

There was a burst of laughter below.

When Mr. Bao heard this, he did not reveal the answer directly. Instead, he looked at the reporter who just said that he wanted to buy a car for his wife with a smile, and then spread his hands.

"I don't know the price of this car either. Why don't you let this gentleman come up and ask about this car yourself?"

"Ah?" Everyone was stunned for a while.

The boss doesn't know the price of his new car, so he's joking, but...

Come up and ask about this car yourself?

What's the meaning?

The reporter was obviously a social worker, so he didn't give in. He directly took the microphone handed to him by the staff and walked to the stage in a few steps.

"Mr. Bao, um...how should I ask?"

"Haha! The first step is to open the car door."


The audience was immediately amused by Mr. Bao’s words.

The reporter scratched his head, and with Mr. Bao's guidance, he curiously opened the door and got into the cab.

The staff immediately came forward with a camera, and the large-screen lens was directly shown inside the car.

To be fair, this new car designed by Idou, no matter how many shortcomings it has, is indeed ambitious in terms of car display and intelligence.

In terms of hardware, it is at the forefront of new energy vehicles.

Two nine-inch screens are definitely full of sincerity for a mini car.

The reporter looked at the interior of the car and thought it was good, so he tried to use Mr. Bao's tone just now.


A sound wave lit up on the home screen in front of me.

【Hello, what do you need?】

This operation...is no different from the smart speakers on the market!

The reporter who thought he had figured out how to ask questions immediately gave up the burden.

"May I ask, how do you sell it?"

"Hahaha!" There was another burst of laughter from the audience.

The reporter, who thought he had become clever, was feeling proud, but unexpectedly there was another wave of noise.

[If the company betrays me, I hope it will be sold by the pound.]



The laughter at the scene became even louder.

This voice assistant can actually answer jokes...it's kind of interesting...

The reporter in the car also got excited and said not to be outdone.

"Don't be ridiculous, I just want to ask, how much would it cost if I wanted to buy a car of the same model as yours?

But be careful, my wife is in charge of the money at home, so I only have 30,000 yuan in my pocket, so you have to try your best to give me a discount, 20% off is not too little, and 40% off is not too much."

Many people laughed.

They all saw that the reporter was obviously trying to make things difficult for the voice assistant.

After all, in this era of "artificial mental retardation", if your sentences are a little longer, your speaking speed is a little faster, and your logic is a little more complex, the other person's next sentence will basically be "Sorry."

Everyone is waiting to see Mr. Bao get into trouble.


[Welcome to purchase our company’s products. This car is the top model of Idol’s 2018 ‘Shengdou Shi’. The bare car price is 6.98w.

The profit is small and the 20% off and 45% off are not included in the company's current promotion plan.

In view of your current lack of funds, we now provide the following solutions.

1. Installment payment.

The company provides customers with preferential financing plans with up to zero down payment and up to 5 years.

Two, find a new love.

Let’s take a look at the low-end version of this car called “Dou Niu Shi”.

Three, once and for all

Let me meet with your ladyship.

Believe me, she will fall in love with me soon after meeting me.

Doesn’t this solve the money problem?】


Everyone was stunned.

They obviously didn't expect that "Bajie" would give such an answer.

The reporter in the car was also confused.

God, once and for all, why do I hear that you want to fall in love with me?

But then again, there seems to be nothing wrong with the other party’s logic?

Damn it!

This car...has become a spirit, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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