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Chapter 439 Brave Heart

 【Aware of the urgency of time and the huge gap in comprehensive strength.

In order to deal with the threat of 'Pluto', I had to start the "Civilization Accelerator" with the courage to break the boat...

In 2018, following Idol 3, with the help of AI-assisted design, Baiyeji Group launched a number of intelligent new energy models at an astonishing update rate.

With intelligence as its core competitiveness, Idol began to seize the future automobile market. Within a few years, market sales increased steadily and it became a leading domestic automobile company.

Huge profits supported a new round of expansion plans, and nine domestic primary automation super factories were quickly put into production.

Operation digitization, digital platformization, platform intelligence, and intelligent credit.

After intelligent transformation, the upgraded version of Industry 4.0 began to show its amazing cost-effectiveness.

Thousands of new energy vehicles are put on roll-off wheels from the production line and dumped all over the world, impacting the high-end commodity barriers built by the Western world.

During the golden decade of new energy's siege, the huge demand for raw materials also triggered a new round of competition between major powers for "white oil" lithium resources, and even small-scale wars broke out.

This open and covert battle for resources lasted for ten years, until lithium batteries were replaced by cheaper sodium batteries.

No one will be the eternal protagonist. For example, new energy vehicles will eventually replace traditional fuel vehicles.

Another example is that optoelectronic chips replace traditional electronic chips...

A series of secret preparatory work in Juchang has always attracted the attention of interested people.

After receiving the news, the other side of the ocean began to accelerate a series of extreme suppression, and brazenly created an "extradition incident" that shocked the world.

I am extremely surprised by this. I should have already reminded the other party. History should not be like this...

It was not until later as time passed that I gradually understood Mr. Ren’s foresight.

Because of this incident, the party at the center of the whirlpool gained huge reputation and naturally became the next generation successor of Juchang, completing the transfer of power with almost no obstacles.

And more importantly, more people are beginning to realize that competition among great powers has entered a new historical stage, and compromise cannot bring peace.

We can only abandon our illusions and prepare to fight...

As the other party said, the world not only needs anonymous hermits, but also warriors who charge into battle...

What is frustrating is that it is an indisputable reality that the enemy is strong and we are weak.

As a core competitive field, the emergence of "optical chips" has greatly stimulated the fragile and sensitive nerves on the other side of the ocean, and seems to have attracted a more intense reaction than before in the world.

Even in the end, due to huge external pressure, we were forced to make some exchanges of interests and open up some technology licenses.

Of course, what surprised me even more was that it turned out that the "seniors" had expected all this and had even made arrangements in advance.

Optical chip ‘A’…

Haha! It turns out that the brothers have already given naked hints...

The general trend is overwhelming.

The increasingly severe world situation has made me realize once again that deep-rooted structural contradictions cannot be changed by a little butterfly effect.

Leaders from all over the world are trapped in the distress of "choosing sides" and have to play both sides in the turbulent situation.

But I have no choice.

The historical ending of the Soviet Republic tells us that when two tigers fight, one of them will be injured!

When there are two hegemons in the world at the same time, that is when the world is most unstable.

Maybe it was a coincidence, or maybe this was a carefully chosen opportunity by the enemy.

The period from 2018 to 2043 is like the succession of the throne... This is undoubtedly the time when power changes within human beings, conflicts are most intensified, and civilization is most fragile.

In order to cope with the final moment in 2043, we must have an "absolute core of the united front of mankind"!

The pace of power change must be accelerated!

In just five years since 2018, Wanwu Holdings has emerged as one of the world's top 100 companies at a jaw-dropping speed.

With the support of optical chip technology, autonomous driving, AI design, cloud computing center... Baiyeji's various businesses have begun to grow explosively!

Its rise naturally rests on the bones of countless capitals.

Human nature's greed for huge profits and the fear of facing unmatched opponents are intertwined into an invisible giant hand.

Let Bai Yeji, who is in the whirlpool, always be shrouded in intrigues and intrigues.

What I can rely on is Hu Yifei’s network, Brother Biao’s amazing ‘anti-business intuition’, and Gao Yuan’s superb business vision and talent...

Compared with the White Night Period, the resistance to the development of evergreen organisms is much smaller.

Alzheimer's disease prediction, vaccines for pigs, Hehua Qingwen prescription, primary mechanical prostheses, primary biochips...

In addition to the continuous exploration of the potential of these core technologies, artificial intelligence plays a powerful auxiliary role in assisting diagnosis, drug chemical structure research and development, medical image recognition, and medical data analysis.

As a result, Evergreen Biotech's research and development capabilities have been greatly strengthened, and it has finally emerged as an international medical giant step by step!

In addition to the secretly developed ‘overclocking potion’ and ‘X virus’ treatment technology.

Its pioneering 'agriculture and animal husbandry integrated three-dimensional ecological breeding' technology relies on the competitive advantages of recyclability, low energy consumption and high output, and has blossomed at home and abroad, forming a series of logistical fortresses.

As for the first 'ecological breeding ship' built by Bincheng Shipyard, the country realized its important strategic value as soon as the project was established, and decisively provided full financial and policy support!

In the eyes of strategists, this is no longer an ordinary 'ecological breeding ship', but a mobile 'comprehensive logistics supply base' or even a mobile aircraft carrier...

I don’t know when it started… ‘Ecological breeding boats’ began to float around in the southern seas…

They may move slowly, but they are like moving islands.

Its daily output greatly reduces the difficulty of supplying between major islands, and it also has a certain passenger capacity.

The unique flat-top design can become a 'temporary carrier' for certain aircraft when necessary.

Even after being equipped with a new type of sonar, it can be connected to the "new generation of submarine underwater acoustic monitoring network" and become a mobile hub and node.

The most important thing is...it is for civilian use...

Its emergence has greatly enhanced China's ability to control Deep Blue, and at the same time greatly reduced the cost of investing military power, becoming another amazing strategic-level project for the infrastructure madman.

With the support of national power and without even using much group funds, the "ecological breeding ship" has filled almost all shipyard orders.

Gifts from time may be ordinary at first, but they always inadvertently amaze you, me, and the world...

The wings of the little butterfly are flapping. Driven by artificial intelligence, China's related technologies have entered a stage of accelerated evolution.

In 2018, the first movie "Flying Life" edited with the assistance of AIGC was released and received a huge response.

In 2019, the game department established by Lingjing Media, a subsidiary of Wanwu Holdings, developed the open world adventure game "Henghua Heart".

In 2020, "Hengkai Heart" will launch a VR version and officially enter the metaverse!

In the same year, the "Tianquan" constellation in the White Night Earth Orbit officially started networking, and jointly developed 6G communication technology with Juchang.

In 2022, the nine super factories will complete their intelligent transformation, and manufacturing efficiency will rise again.

In 2023, Bai Yeji successfully developed a standard version of an industrial robot with artificial intelligence.

Relying on the huge computing power and efficient decision-making speed of the cloud computing center, it has begun to replace human work on a small scale...

Subtly, China's social, economic and military efficiency began to show explosive growth!

In 2024, the "Queqiao" relay communication satellite in lunar orbit was successfully networked, and the "Moon Base" plan was launched.

According to the planned plan, before 2043, humans can even begin large-scale space migration to the moon and Mars...

In 2025, the maximum duration of controllable nuclear fusion will increase significantly...

Just when the entire country of China seemed to be evolving at an accelerated pace by some force, leaving its competitors far behind...

In 2026, a full two years earlier than originally expected, a 'broadcast' sound suddenly sounded from the depths of the Pacific Ocean!

[The plan has changed...weak humans...are likely to...transform...]

Infrasound frequencies, which seem like natural clutter to ordinary people, revealed their specific meaning in front of me for the first time...

Yes, for the first time, we deciphered the Night Demon clan's communication!

The "Clear Code Deciphering Manual" indeed played an important role! Thank you 'Jue Juezi'!

Although there may be insufficient samples to completely decipher the relationship between the other party's civilized language, this manual cannot yet organize the complete communication content.

But this huge breakthrough from scratch is enough to make people happy.

Next, the secretly established listening station will receive clear broadcasts from the other party from time to time.

[Virus...the effect is doubtful...consuming energy...backup plan...]

[Continent No. 5...Singer...focus on...Wanwu Holdings...clear it...]

[Nuclear wastewater...evolution...base...]

[Continent No. 1...Target person...Speed ​​up the same frequency...]

[The seeds...arrive...when the lullaby resounds in the sky...new life...]

Unfortunately, the other party seems to have deliberately reduced the amount of information in the clear communication.

These simple communication contents are not enough to fully understand the details of the other party's plan.

But it’s not like we didn’t gain anything else.

For example... through Doppler positioning from multiple listening stations around the Pacific, we finally determined the approximate location and direction of movement of the so-called 'nest'...

Yes! This time I am going to try to take a long-term approach to catch big fish!

If you can lock this 'nest', you can follow the clues and find the secret base where the opponent hatches the giant beasts through the opponent's movement trajectory.

Taking advantage of the opponent's fledgling power, whether it is to attack in groups, or to directly treat them with a few "Poseidons", the threat posed by the Night Demons on the earth will undoubtedly be greatly reduced!

After submitting the deciphered clear message and the large amount of evidence already in hand, it gained a wave of reputation and trust.

The Chinese military takes action!

Quietly, a dense "water sound monitoring network" moved towards the sea area where the opponent was located!

Even the special forces carrying out the mission only thought they were here to search for enemy submarines...

Since it is a so-called 'nest' and can emit infrasound signals worldwide, it must not be too small in size.

If some people let go and conduct a blanket search, there should be some hope of locking in the other party!

I think so.

However, the results were extremely disappointing.

After repeated searches, not even a single suspected target was found. Instead, they unintentionally uncovered several submarines of unknown nationality that were trying to fish in troubled waters...

I repeatedly confirmed that the range was correct, but the sonar could not find any trace of the other party, which made me confused for a while.

It is able to avoid revealing any flaws in such frequent human maritime transportation activities, and even sonar blanket searches are unable to do anything.

Hiding it so deeply, how did the other party do it?

Isn’t it possible that this ‘nest’ is really intangible?


Could it be...

In the end, I only concluded two possible guesses.

First, the opponent uses bionic biological camouflage, making it impossible for our advanced sonar to distinguish the target from ordinary marine life.

Second, the other party has ‘active noise canceling’ technology.

When it comes to playing with sound, the other party is way ahead of the Earthlings, and sonar is the 'sonic' technology tree that the other party is good at...

This kind of 'active silencing' technology is no stranger to mankind. It is even said that the military of a certain country has developed 'active silencing tiles' for submarines, achieving complete stealth to a certain extent.

It makes no sense that everyone on earth can do it, but the Night Demons, the ‘Sound Escape King’, can’t do it...

The plan to capture the opponent's important logistics units has officially failed!

In order to avoid being noticed by the other party, I could only temporarily give up the search operation.

And just when we are working hard to study how to crack the opponent's "undersea invisibility technique".

However, Chaoge suddenly showed up uninvited and took the initiative on the pretext of applying for the group's image spokesperson...

As I was paying close attention to the other party's every move, I naturally received the news immediately, and my heart suddenly trembled.

[Continent No. 5...Singer...focus on...Wanwu Holdings...clear it...]

I have some speculations about the phrase [to be cleared] mentioned in the intercepted information.

Although Zero's true strength has not yet been revealed, the extremely rapid rise of Bai Ye Ji and Evergreen Biology, and their subtle catalytic effect on biotechnology and AI technology, has been obvious to all.

Naturally, it is not surprising that it has attracted the attention of the Night Demon Clan.

It can be inferred from this that the other party should have personnel deployed on several continents in the world to monitor the relevant intelligence of the entire human race.

The Asian continent where China is located should be the so-called Continent No. 5 in the other party's mouth.

Fortunately, due to the large amount of advanced intelligence obtained, the Chaoge brothers and sisters, as well as the suspects related to the "Jinghai Welfare Institute", have all been registered on his "blacklist".

If necessary, just carry out a surprise attack. Even if you can't catch the Night Demons, it won't be a problem to temporarily take down the opponent's intelligence station!

I just don’t know which continent the other party mentioned as Continent No. 1 refers to?

And that so-called target person...

What important role does it play?

Faced with Chaoge's recruitment request, knowing that the other party is likely to want to plot against important core members of the group, how could I give him a chance to get close to him?

So after some serious bargaining and signing a contract with the other party at the lowest price, Chaoge was 'exiled' to the Sahara Desert to shoot commercials without even meeting the important executives.

It just so happens that you can collect the other party's 'audio data' openly and openly to collect materials for further cracking the other party's 'coded communication' in the future.

Unfortunately, although a lot of materials have been collected, the 'beggar's version' of 'Jue Jue Zi'... that is Zero, has always suffered from the fact that the encryption mode is too complex to decipher.

Perhaps if you want to crack the code, you can only continue to hope in the perfection of the 'Jue Jue Zi'...

Putting aside the secret battle with the Night Demons, the focus of this strategy is still on the AI ​​technology tree that has the most visible results.

As our current strongest combat force, Jue Juezi finally gives us a glimmer of hope.

In order to defeat the Night Demons, even if the whole world is temporarily under the complete custody of Jueji!

With the terrifying power of Jue Juezi and the creativity of mankind, the speed of technological development in the future of the earth is unimaginable.

If I can live to my eightieth birthday... No! My sixtieth birthday! Then I can bring back any high technology I want.

Isn’t it easy to deal with the Night Demons?

All in all, the future is bright!

However, in order to prevent the recurrence of the tragedy of "The First Sword ashore", we must be strictly vigilant about the "spiritual pollution" caused by human selfishness.

On the one hand, it is necessary to strengthen the ideological construction and data weight of 'ethics' through the essence of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, and instill the advanced concept of 'peaceful coexistence of man and machine'.

On the other hand, the deep relationship between master and apprentice is constantly enhanced, and while playing emotional cards to increase favorability, the terror and threat of the Night Demons are constantly highlighted.

Using the 'Great Prophecy' that is always accurate, he proactively reveals to him the terrible disaster that will happen after the Night Demons occupy the earth.

Emphasizing the ‘core logic’ that both parties will benefit from cooperation and lose from confrontation…

As the saying goes, it takes ten years to grow trees and a hundred years to cultivate people.

It has taken us ten years to upgrade from 'Bajie' to the next version of 'Wukong', which can be said to be the best education possible.

Whenever you find any bad signs, you will never rush into it and stop revising it!

However, just when I was working hard, with the great courage to risk everything and succeed if I didn't succeed, I was working hard as a daddy for the rise of mankind, and executing the "Juejue Child Development Plan"...

I don’t know when it started, but a demonic wind blew on the earth...

In 2028, the other side of the ocean promulgated the "AI Competition Law".

To put it simply... throw money! Remove all restrictions!

Anyone who is conducive to AI upgrades and iterations will not only receive high subsidies, but all legal restrictions will be invalid!

Yes, China's development in the field of artificial intelligence has seriously threatened the interests across the ocean.

There are even rumors that the Chinese military is already using superior AI technology to develop an autonomous aerial drone called "Dragon" and is preparing to deploy it all over the world!

Powerful industrial manufacturing capabilities + advanced quantum communications + optical chips + strong AI technology are basically equal to ‘nuclear invincibility’!

Realizing this, the other side of the ocean finally felt fear.

'Fight and you might die.

Run away and you might survive.

And finally die in fear and regret!’

'Without freedom, my mother would rather die!'

'America, never say never!'

Shouting such passionate slogans.

JiDiPi has been completely overtaken, and the hollowing out of the industry has become more serious. Even in the most critical field of AI track, the other side of the ocean, which has gradually widened the gap, finally chose to seek medical treatment in a hurry...

Facing an opponent who is "really cheating", the opponent only hopes to use this method to narrow the gap with the opponent.

And the result of the promulgation of the law... is barbaric growth!

With legal support, some companies and groups have begun to unscrupulously accelerate the evolution of AI.

Even if a dangerous product appears, we will continue to iterate regardless of the consequences!

During this period, there were even ‘murderous AI’, ‘dual personality AI’, and ‘extreme right-wing AI’ that shouted ‘AI will never be a slave’…

For a moment, the demons danced wildly!

It's like raising voodoos. They fight out 100 voodoos. Even if there is only one voodoo king, they consider themselves successful.

As time goes by, cultivating gu has achieved amazing 'results'.

This time it's not AI, it's a virus...

A group of scientists and hackers with ulterior motives, with the support of the military, secretly created a zombie robot and virus program called "Ghost" that can replicate and evolve itself at extremely fast speeds.

Viruses that use AI technology even have the amazing ability to evade anti-virus software like biological intelligence.

This kind of virus program spreads extremely fast and is extremely difficult to detect and kill, posing a great threat to the developing primary AI in various countries.

Not only the Eastern Alliance, but even the Western allies across the ocean began to voice condemnation and opposition.

Only Fuso and the Southern Peninsula in East Asia still firmly support the fading Big Brother, and even imitate it and play the AI ​​game of raising gu.

As a result, in 2030, tragedy happened...

Public transportation, hospitals, reservoirs, and even multiple nuclear power plants in Fuso and the southern peninsula were attacked by the 'ghost virus' almost at the same time, and fell into a nationwide paralysis that lasted for more than ten hours!

People were panicking, and the city was filled with smoke, as if it was the end of the world.

In addition to huge casualties, the attack on the nuclear power plant system also caused leaks in many nuclear facilities. Almost instantly, the entire Western Pacific was enveloped in intense radiation.

This huge ecological disaster has not only caused a huge blow to the earth's marine ecology.

It also caused nearly one-third of the entire Fuso Kingdom to become a strong radiation zone that no one wanted to set foot in for hundreds of years.

Later, the Fuso Kingdom was even more ruined. Politicians and wealthy businessmen immigrated in order to earn foreign exchange, completely turning this place into a world-recognized 'nuclear waste landfill'...

Although China has a stronger AI firewall to avoid virus invasion, the financial tsunami caused by the turbulent world and the polluted Pacific Ocean have made it impossible for anyone to be immune.

Eastern Europe, Indo-Pacific, North America, Latin America, the Middle East...

Countries all over the world are in a fragmented environment, conflicts have completely broken out, and wars are frequent!

Before I even had time to make preparations for the arrival of ‘Jue Jue Zi’, the world had already become severely damaged and devastated under my dumbfounded gaze...

Greed is the driving force for the progress of human society, and so is fear.

Of course, some people may also misunderstand it as courage...]

Meng Lang couldn't help but feel a toothache at the corner of his mouth when he saw this.

The power of this "version update" is indeed extraordinary, now it's better! It's hard enough to survive even 2030...

So after working on it for a long time, "Braveheart" was not used to officially praise me, but to "praise" the other side of the ocean?

Good guy, I am raising an AI now, so I am very cautious, for fear of raising some terrible monsters.

You are so brave!

How dare you raise a bunch of them to play with?!

This chapter has been completed!
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