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Chapter 441: Nervous God

 [In order to cope with the intensifying "AI chaos", I forcibly started Zero's "second evolution".

The upgraded version of "Bajie" and the advanced AI codenamed "Wukong" began to make up for the situation and eliminate the extremely threatening "wild AI" around the world from the data level.

However, these "AIs" are like wildfires that never burn out and grow again in the spring breeze. Cleaning them again and again makes the opponent's evolution speed continue to accelerate.

Behind this... naturally, human beings are indispensable for adding fuel to the flames.

It was supposed to be a "united front of humanity", but now, I am stuck in the quagmire of "allied forces of AI and humans".

From the threat of nuclear radiation, the Great Depression, the food crisis...

The cloud data link to Baiyeji was destroyed by unknown persons, senior executives were assassinated, and the international situation became treacherous.

"The target person on mainland No. 1 completed the same frequency...disrupting the execution of the plan..."

"Send...China...to eliminate...the biggest threat..."

"Fuso...gather...evolve...radiation beast..."

"Environmental threat levels...decreased..."

"Mother... guides the coming..."

Intelligence is still being intercepted intermittently.

There is no doubt that behind the current situation, there must be the Night Demon Clan...

Through limited information and rich associations, I can clearly realize that the environment I am in is developing in an extremely unfavorable direction...

Standing on the coast, it seems that you can hear the roar of giant beasts in the depths of the distant ocean.

I don’t know what the intense nuclear radiation around Fuso does to them. I just know that they are gathering crazily here...

China will be the backbone of resistance in the future and its last barrier.

However, it has now become the "bedside" of the enemy's main force... This makes me lose the last trace of security.

Leaving the earth has become an inevitable choice.

Anyway... it's not the first time I've done this!

After some struggle, the "Mars Immigration Plan" was forced to be put on the agenda.

Having learned the lessons of that "lonely senior", I am more prepared this time.

Including carefully selected immigrants to Mars, and carrying the gene pool of all species on Earth, a large number of human embryonic cells...

Rather than fleeing, I prefer to regard it as a "strategic retreat."

In the future... there may be a slight possibility...

Based on Mars, counterattack the Earth?

Although the hope is slim, it is by no means fanciful.

AI succeeds and AI fails, although the world falls into chaos because of it, and conflicts among countries intensify.

However, the fierce technological competition and military confrontation between the two major groups, also with the assistance of AI, have caused the technological level of the entire world to take off significantly.

"6G communication satellite constellation", "laser weapons", "asteroid defense system", "seventh generation unmanned fighter jets", "small tactical nuclear weapons", "modular small nuclear power plants"...

Even the two major countries have begun to launch the "space aircraft carrier" plan and are running wild on the road to World War III!

In terms of space exploration, by 2035, the two major power groups have successively established their own lunar bases on the moon, stationed a small number of astronauts permanently, and conducted a large number of space exploration experiments.

In "artificial womb", "gene cloning", "small medical cabin", "orbital computing", "3D printing", "circulating ecosystem", "seventh generation Hall thruster", "fully automatic unmanned resource collection"

"Technology" and other aspects have made great progress.

With continuous technological breakthroughs, establishing a city with a population of one million immigrants on Mars is no longer an unattainable future...

In 2030, massive resources began to be tilted towards the Mars immigration plan of the White Night Period.

Originally, choosing the moon for immigration would undoubtedly establish a larger scale of immigration in the early stages and retain more of the human fire, which seemed to be a better choice.

However, the resources of the moon are poor, and the gravity environment is only 16.6% of that of the Earth. Building residences and infrastructure will take more resources and time.

In contrast, Mars is rich in mineral resources, has an atmospheric pressure much higher than that of the Moon, maintains a gravitational environment close to 38% of the Earth, has confirmed the existence of liquid water, and has extremely long solar radiation days that can be used for energy supply, etc.

This makes Mars a more potential candidate for colonization.

In addition, the terrifying power of the so-called "seed" causing disturbances in the planet's temperature and magnetic field...

With such neighbors, even if they are 400,000 kilometers apart, the moon may not be safe...

In 2040, the immigration plan costing hundreds of billions was officially launched, and the first "New Century" starship was successfully launched.

If nothing else goes wrong, this starship and the 50 astronauts aboard it will establish the first large-scale colonial base on Mars with the help of Zero.

According to the next plan, within three years, Baiyeji Company will successively launch two manned starships and three cargo spacecrafts to provide follow-up support for this Mars colonization plan.

Three years later, the total number of immigrants will reach more than 500.

As for the plan after three years...

There is a high probability that there will be no future...

And when the list of Mars immigrants for the first starship was announced, the whole world was in an uproar!

Because Gao Yuan, who is known as the leader of the troika of the Wanwu Holdings Group... is actually among them!

As the founder and leader of the AI ​​era, the "actual controller" of Wanwu Holdings gave up its trillions of assets on earth and took huge risks to land on Mars.

This move immediately attracted great attention from all major forces.

The biggest threat has disappeared from their world, and will probably never return to Earth in this lifetime. The competitors are naturally celebrating!

Some people say that this is a big chess game played by Wanwu Holdings, while others say that this is a great adventure in which all the wealth and lives are bet.

Some people even spread various rumors...the conspiracy theory of "being forced to leave" is rampant.

However, everyone soon shut up, because on the next two immigrant starships, the other two "carriages" also boarded...

Selling assets, selling technology, and using all funds and resources to implement the crazy Mars immigration plan...

Countless media hailed Wanwu Holdings' almost gambler-like feat of engaging all its core executives as the most capitalist romantic adventure in the history of human space exploration.

However, no one knows that this immigration... has nothing to do with romance of any kind.

Behind it are just the cold and cruel laws of survival.

Even though the level of science and technology has reached the threshold of large-scale immigration to Mars, limited time and resources are destined to be a "great flight of civilization" that abandons the vast majority of mankind...

Until the last moment of the rocket launch, I still hoped that this plan would not be implemented.

However, the development of the situation does not depend on my small will...

Countries around the world seem to be happy to hear about this adventure (leave) of Wanwu Holdings.

Whether it was the first vanguard ship or the subsequent starships, the launch process of all spacecraft was extremely smooth.

In 2043, as the most humble ordinary "lucky person", I boarded the last immigrant starship and embarked on a new journey in a low-key manner...

The huge starship was emitting faint blue tail flames, leaving the orbit of the earth, getting further and further away from the blue mother star...

Inside the space capsule.

"Kacha!" I took a photo outside the space capsule with my cell phone. I turned my head and smiled at the man sitting next to me.

"I'm so lucky, I just happened to take a picture of a meteor. By the way, do you know which celestial body it is?"

"I'm just a singer, not an astrophysicist."

"Also, this question seems too difficult for a big star, but I really didn't expect it.

This starship includes elite scientists and volunteers from various fields recruited from all over the country. It has a full crew of 250 people, with each cabin containing 6 people.

But I was able to be assigned to the same cabin as the famous King of Heaven singers. I was so lucky!

You know, many of my friends are your fans."

"Thank you! I actually didn't expect that Wanwu Holdings would invite me to Mars..."

"This is normal. After all, you are the spokesperson for Evergreen Biological products, the spokesperson for the game "Honkai Heart", and the image spokesperson for Bai Yeji...

This is definitely the gold medal artist of Wanwu Holdings!

On the contrary, you, a big star, would actually give up your hundreds of millions of fans on the earth to accept the invitation. This is so surprising, right?"

"Haha! An ordinary working-class person who doesn't leave home, is said to have obstacles to long-distance travel, and rarely travels far away... actually actively applies to go to Mars...

The key is... I actually passed the difficult written test, interview and various screening...

Speaking of surprising people, you are the one, Mr. Meng, right?"

"Hey! Who is serious about getting good grades in exams these days? I... came in through connections! You know." I blinked.

Chaoge: "..."

"It's the year 2043. Even the questions are set by AI independently. The examiner and invigilator are both artificial intelligence. How can we cheat in this way?"

"Hehe! So, my relationship is not ordinary!"

Chaoge looked at me deeply.

"Oh? So you should know the senior management of Wanwu Holdings?"

"Hey! Not only do we know each other, but this Mars immigration plan was also done by me, do you believe it?"

Chaoge: "..."

"Really...that's really disrespectful..."

"You won't believe it at first glance, but I can understand that the most difficult thing between people is to establish trust, isn't it?"

"who are you?"

"Haha!" I raised my phone and showed the photo I just took.

Above is Chaoge's side face sitting by the window, and outside the window, there happens to be a meteor passing by in the distance, leaving a brilliant tail...

"You don't know me, but you must know this thing, right?"

Chaoge: "..."

"Of course ordinary big stars don't know what kind of celestial body this is, but... it shouldn't be unfamiliar to you, right?"

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"I do not know what you're talking about."

"Haha! Pluto, this is what Earth scholars call it, but you should have another name for it...'seed'!"

Chaoge: "..."

I smiled and pointed at the photo.

"In order to pass by it at this moment and witness this 'Pluto' that is about to bring death and destruction up close and personal, I specially selected this launch window and flight track.

Now it seems...the angle is good!"

"Kacha!" "Kacha Katcha!"

Four new electromagnetic pistols were pointed at each other, and they were the other four "passengers" in the same cabin.

"Kacha!" "Kacha Katcha!"

There were a few more metallic crunching sounds, and several restraining metal buckles suddenly stretched out from under Chaoge's seat, tightly clasping Chaoge's hands, feet, waist, and even his neck.

Looking at the black muzzle of the gun, there was no fear on Chaoge's face, only shock.

"who are you?"

He asked this question for the second time.

"I said that the name and resume of the chief architect of the Mars immigration plan are true.

As for why there are obstacles in long-distance travel...emm...that's a lot of sad stories, it's a long story..."

Chao Ge couldn't hide his shock. After a moment of silence, he looked at the restraint device on his body and then at the other people in the cabin who looked wary.

"So...are you really a senior executive of Wanwu Holdings?

The so-called immigration invitation...is all this a conspiracy that was planned long ago?"

"Haha! The universe is majestic and indifferent, and the most important thing is...it is surrounded by a vacuum.

Don't you think this is a perfect place to talk?

Hey, hey! I advise you not to act rashly. Within one step, let’s see which one is faster, your singing or our guns?”

Chaoge: "..."

"This is a starship, do you really dare to shoot?"

"Don't worry, this space capsule has been specifically reinforced and designed by me, using the most advanced super-strength alloy steel available.

There is also elastic material on the surface, which cannot be penetrated by ordinary bullets, and it can also prevent ricochet!

Let me also introduce that these people around you are the most elite security forces of Wanwu Holdings.

Have you seen this, the chief disciple of Liang Shanbo, the fourth overclocking warrior in the world, he can easily defeat a hundred of them!"

I chuckled.

"Besides, before boarding the starship, we also thoughtfully arranged the most detailed and comprehensive body inspection for all passengers to ensure that you are unlikely to carry any viruses or weapons on your body.

The key is to confirm that there will be no more threatening biochemical modifications to the human body.

For today’s meeting, we have conducted countless simulations in private to ensure that everything is foolproof!”

Chaoge was silent for a while.

"You have really taken great pains. So you have already started preparing to deal with me?"

"Well...it's not too early, that is, 25 years ago."

Chaoge: "..."

Seeing the speechless expression on the other person's face, I smiled and spread my hands.

"Why do you think Wanwu Holdings is so fond of you and has been asking you to be its spokesperson by name for decades?

What am I trying to do? Is it just because you have a good voice or that you look handsome?"

Chaoge: "..."

"How much more do you know?"

"Not much. It should be a little worse than what you know."

"...How do you know how much I know?"

"Please, you have died in front of me several times. We can be considered 'life and death friends' after all. Isn't it strange to know more?"

"What's the meaning?"

"Great prophecy, predicting the future, prophet... Can you understand this explanation?"

Chaoge: "..."

"It's incredible, right? To be honest, sometimes I feel like I'm in a dream.

But unfortunately, your existence and the existence of that 'seed' made me clearly realize that this was not a dream..."

"If you know everything, why go to all the trouble to capture me? Wouldn't it be easier to kill me?"

"Because you know the important information that I don't know...I'm very interested!"

"for example?"

"For example...why did you accept the invitation to Mars?

To be honest, although we still have alternative plans, such as inviting you to watch the ceremony and then kidnapping the money and stuffing it in the trunk...

But you agreed so readily, which surprised me a little.

You...or the guys behind you, what is the purpose of asking you to follow us to Mars?

I don’t believe you want to go sightseeing on Mars on your own.”

Chaoge: "..."

"An observer, a monitor, whatever you want to understand it."

"Hmm...it's pretty much what I guessed.

Just because we are the holding company of all things, the ceiling of human technology, so we are more cautious...

And you are their extra insurance...

Haha! But I know that this trip to Mars will never come back...

Your status is as hard to describe as ever."

"You don't need to provoke me. If you really know me, you should know that to them, I am just a pawn that can be discarded at any time."

"Since you understand your situation, you also want to be free, right?"

"Regain your freedom?" Chao Ge shook his head and smiled, his smile extremely bitter.

"You don't understand, that's impossible..."

"How can you know it doesn't work if you don't try it?"

I pointed out the window.

"Look, there is a vacuum all around us, and now we are more than 50 million kilometers away from the Earth.

I think... this distance should be enough to block the so-called "spiritual same frequency" of that 'nest', right?

When the broadcast signal is still poor, I don't believe that this "spiritual same channel" can ignore the distance.

I would like to see if they can cross such a long chasm and control your puppet as they please."

Chaoge: "..."

"If you lose control again, I may kill you without hesitation.

But if my method really works, some of the signals that control you will be blocked by space and distance, or at least weakened to some extent.

And you, as I have seen before... still retain the consciousness of being a human being.

He has a firm will to get rid of control and save his most beloved woman, even at the cost of his life...

Then answer me, tell me everything you know, and rejoin our camp...the human camp!"

Chaoge: "..."

He stared at me blankly, remained silent for a long time, and finally spoke slowly.

"You are right, 'spiritually on the same frequency'... there is indeed a limit to the distance..."

My eyes lit up and I suppressed the excitement in my heart.

"So, you can now act freely of your own will, and you have even gotten rid of the other party's mental control?"

Chaoge shook his head, "No, it's not about getting rid of it, it's just a temporary 'loss of contact'."

"Loss of contact?"

"Yes, if I have to use a metaphor, the 'nest' is like a high-power signal transmission tower, and I am just a mobile phone terminal.

When both parties are close to each other, we can achieve two-way communication...

Once the distance between the two parties is too far, the 'weak signal' emitted by my body will continue to attenuate with the distance, making it impossible to be received by the 'nest' on the earth.

In fact, the conversation we just had has triggered an alarm.

So my current body... is sending warning signals to the earth crazily..."

I couldn't help but feel dumb for a while.

No wonder the last time I met Chao Ge and we just chatted for a few words, the 'spiritual same frequency' directly took away the control of the other person's body...

"Don't worry too much. At least for the time being, I am safe because the other party cannot receive the triggered alarm."

"So what you call 'losing contact' means that the current communication between the two of you has changed from two-way communication to one-way communication?"

"Yes, as a 'nest' with greater signal power, the control signals it sends out can still control my body at any time as long as it wants.

The good news is that the farther the distance is and the longer the "same frequency" time is, the greater its consumption will be, and it may even be beyond its capabilities.

Although I haven't tried it specifically, I can feel it.

With the current distance, if my sense of resistance is very strong, he won't even be able to accurately control the behavior of my body."

"Resistance consciousness? So you have the ability to resist?"

"Yes, the stronger the controlled person's sense of resistance, the more difficult it is for the other party to achieve the same mental "same frequency".

Even if it is forced to 'same frequency', the consumption will be several times higher than usual.

But, on earth, this kind of resistance is meaningless..."

"I see! But since your ability to resist has greatly increased now, isn't it the same as gaining freedom?"

"No!" Chaoge shook his head.

"I can resist, but the other party can't control my body, but they can directly make me brain-dead with just one thought...

Because it consumes too much, the other party cannot stay on the same frequency with me all the time, and can only contact me regularly. This is why I can tell you so much.

Once the other party actively initiates the same frequency, they can immediately learn from me everything that happened, thereby killing me, the out-of-control betrayer.

Now that we are still in flight, there is no valuable information, so there is no need for the other party to contact me at any cost.

But according to my estimation, when the spacecraft arrives on Mars, it will most likely be the day of my death..."

Hearing this, I was silent for a while.

At this moment, I seemed to see the familiar relief in this man's eyes...

I know that what the other party did was actually all for Chaoshu who was far away on earth.

This is also a warrior who charges for love...

But now is not the time for admiration, I looked up and down at Chao Ge.

"Since you said that your body can emit signals, it means that the Night Demon Tribe has indeed tampered with you.

But we obviously did the most detailed full-body examination, but we just missed the section..."

"Night Demon Clan?" Chao Ge looked puzzled.

"Oh, this is the code name I gave them. You know, walls have ears, so you can't just call them aliens, right?"

Chao Ge suddenly understood.

"Ha! They don't call themselves 'demons'. In fact, they like to call themselves 'gods'."

"Oh, what a loud tone, God of God?"

"No, it's a nervous god."


Facing my puzzled look, Chao Ge pointed to his forehead with his cuffed fingers.

I suddenly looked thoughtful.

Could it be...

"That's right, the god of neurons!"


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