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Chapter 456: What Grade?

 Mengshan Animal Husbandry.

Comrade Lao Meng put down the phone after calling his son's "hard-earned money". Just when he relaxed a little and wanted to drink a glass of water, a figure hurried in.

"Mr. Meng, no good, the water supply at the factory has been cut off again!"

Consultant Sun...oh no, I should call you Vice President Sun now, he said with a sad look on his face after coming in.

"What? This just stopped yesterday? It's happening again today?" Lao Meng stood up in shock.

"The water company doesn't have any explanation?"

"Alas! It's not just that rhetoric, it's just about pipeline maintenance...

Manager Meng, if there is a power outage, we can still overcome it a little bit. The diesel generator we just bought can barely hold on, but there is really nothing we can do about the water outage.

If this continues, we may have to organize employees to carry water..." Vice President Sun said with a wry smile.

Anyone who knows about the pig breeding industry knows that the production process requires a lot of water, whether it is feed ratio or environmental cleaning.

Of course, a large amount of sewage will also be produced at the same time...

"That's too much! He's not afraid of us going to the city to react!" He punched the table with a heavy fist.

The clay figurine also had a certain amount of anger. No matter how good-tempered Lao Meng was, he was still a little annoyed at this time.

Vice President Sun shook his head and sighed. "Since he dares to be so blatant and shows that he is confident, he is not afraid of our reaction at all.

It's a pity, if we had waited until the second phase of the planned hydropower project was completed, we wouldn't have been so passive."

Speaking of this, Vice President Sun couldn't help but sigh at the generosity of Director Gao.

The second phase of Mengshan Animal Husbandry’s plan is not only the “experimental” “three-dimensional ecological breeding building integrating agriculture and animal husbandry”, but also includes a series of costly supporting facilities.

The bulk of this is undoubtedly hydropower projects.

In the huge planning plan obtained by Vice President Sun, Mengshan Animal Husbandry will rely on the existing ecological breeding base to gradually build a 300-megawatt "wind, solar, water and storage integrated" self-use energy network in the future.

Once fully completed, it will not only be able to fully meet the production needs of the factory, but will also have a surplus to supply the entire Mengjia Village.

In terms of water resources, a large amount of investment has been made, and the mid-term plan is to prepare to dig canals to divert water from nearby rivers.

Afterwards, through a series of intermediate links such as breeding production, sewage treatment, fruit forest and farmland irrigation, and fishery purification, we can achieve comprehensive water recycling in agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, sideline fishery, and achieve the ultimate utilization of water resources and minimize pollution.

Taking into account extreme environments such as dry periods, severe cold, drought and water shortage, the authorities are even planning to build a small reservoir nearby...

That’s outrageous!

In short, Vice President Sun never closed his mouth after getting the so-called second-phase plan.

If this kind of construction plan is followed, even if the outside world is cut off from water and electricity, Mengshan Animal Husbandry's three-acre land can be self-sufficient for a long time.

But...it's just a pig, but is it such an extreme internal cycle?

Is this a pig factory or a survival base?

He really doesn’t understand what the higher-ups are thinking. It’s no problem to play with high technology, play with low carbon, play with future ecological breeding, but with such a plan, the investment has more than doubled!

According to this investment model, the payback period must be at least 10 years. Any accident may lead to large-scale losses.

He understands this as a manager, but which normal capitalist would do such a thankless thing?

Of course, what he didn't know was that the real leader of Monsan Dairy had never considered using it to make money...

Even if there is no such thing as County Magistrate Li, Mengjiacun's self-sufficiency is still a long-term strategy...

"Alas! There is no point in talking about this now. What I am most worried about is that more and more emergencies like this will affect the cultivation of the first batch of piglets..."

The first batch of 3,000 pigs to be slaughtered is very special, because it has been scheduled by Evergreen Biotech for a long time.

At that time, Lao Meng was extremely excited.

Just opened, they have already found a good market for you, and the purchase price is 20% higher than the market price. Or it can be said that it is backed by a big tree to enjoy the shade.

However, Evergreen Biotech has also given strict instructions, requiring careful care throughout the entire process, using concentrated feed, frequent cleaning, strict closed management, and even sending experts to inspect from time to time to ensure the health of each pig.

Although I don’t know why a biomedical company bought so many pigs, the importance it attaches to these pigs is clearly visible to the naked eye.

"A little loss is a small matter, but failing to complete Director Gao's mission is a big deal!

Now there is another disaster in the north. Although the area around us has not been affected yet, judging from the spreading trend, it is probably only a matter of time.

Fortunately, Director Gao had the foresight to stop purchasing piglets from outside a month ago and enter closed management in advance. Otherwise, we would not have known how disastrous the losses would be.

Unexpectedly, I escaped natural disasters but still failed to escape man-made disasters..."

Lao Meng had a sad look on his face.

Although he asked Meng Lang to help take the "upper-level route" and try his best, he was not sure what the outcome would be.

The best result is for Gao Yuan to come forward and give the other party some sweetness, and both parties can take a step back and live in peace.

The worst-case scenario is that it offends Gao Yuan, the big benefactor, and it is uncertain whether Mengshan Animal Husbandry can continue to operate...

"Manager Meng, this person is under the roof and has to lower his head. Let's try to find a relationship again and see if we can get that County Magistrate Li to come out."

"Alas! This is the only way. I asked someone to find the other party's brother-in-law. I think there should be news soon..."

Shuixi County.

"Ha! Tell them that I am busy with official duties and have no time to meet guests!

Okay, I have my own opinion on this matter, and your benefits will definitely be indispensable when the time comes!"

County Magistrate Li, who had a fat belly and a greasy face, hung up the phone from his brother-in-law with a sneer of disdain on his face.

Huh! Such a big investment, but you want to get rid of me with just a few souvenirs?

Invite me to dinner?

A mere country boy with mud-legged background calls you Manager Meng, does he really think of himself as a green onion?

What kind of class is worthy of treating me to dinner?

At this moment, Gao Yuan also received a message from Meng Lang.

Surprisingly consistent with someone else's attitude, Gao Yuan didn't regard this "little thing" as a trouble at all...

If we say that the bailout project of Bincheng Shipyard has given Evergreen Biotechnology a temporary "protective body" in Sioux City.

Then the order for "Africa's 100 million seedlings" is a super-large "halo of merit."

It protects not only evergreen organisms, but also the entire upstream and downstream industrial chain...

Anyone who goes against this industry chain will hinder the disaster response work. Even if Gao Yuan is not anxious, someone will be anxious for her...

"Hey! Director Wu, I'm sorry to bother you. I have a small thing to report to you. It's not a big thing, it's just that our supplier has encountered a little trouble.

You know, our Yi Miao strain needs to be cultured in primary pig bone marrow cells, which has strict requirements for the mother cells..."

On this day, Mengshan Animal Husbandry, a start-up breeding base in a remote mountain village, was transformed and officially became a key raw material supplier for the "Africa's Z1 Million Seedlings" procurement project...

"Dingle bell! Dingle bell..."

That night, County Magistrate Li was still dreaming when he suddenly received a phone call.

"Hundan! Who is it? I wonder what time it is now?"


The sleepy-eyed County Magistrate Li just lazily answered the phone, and the next moment he jumped up from the bed as if he had been stung.

"Uh...Cardinal Liu? I'm sorry, I really didn't know it was you. It's so late. What instructions do you have..."

"What? Mengshan Animal Husbandry...this..."


County Magistrate Li was stunned, and the only thing left in his ears was the clearly audible roar of filial piety coming from the mobile phone...

Early the next morning, Lao Meng went out to work, but before he could get on his motorcycle, he was blocked by six or seven figures...

"Oh, my manager Meng, I've been waiting for you. This is really a flood that has washed away the Dragon King Temple. It's a misunderstanding, it's really a misunderstanding!"

Looking at County Magistrate Li who was holding his hand tightly and his face almost overflowing with flattery, Comrade Lao Meng, who had just finished brushing his teeth, was immediately stunned.

"Uh... Magistrate Li, why are you here? What are you..."

"Oh, Manager Meng, I came here today specifically to apologize. I just learned that our work has caused such a big trouble to Manager Meng and the companies in the county.

It's all my fault! I'm blind, I don't know people well, and I employ people inappropriately!

But this is all the work of a temporary worker under my command!

Don't worry, I have fired the relevant personnel. From now on, Mengshan Animal Husbandry will definitely be a key enterprise in our county to take care of, and similar situations will never happen again.

Come, if you think there is no problem, just fill out this corporate preferential policy application form and sign it, and we will do the rest!"


What's going on? Aren't we asking you to do something?

You haven't even made an appointment yet, so this is an apology and a priority...

Is the relationship between brother-in-law... so hard?

Looking at Comrade Lao Meng who was completely confused and stunned on the spot, County Magistrate Li had a smile on his face and felt MMP in his heart.

Someone above you told me earlier!

I'm a Division G officer!

Are you going to alert the leaders in the capital to file a complaint against me? You are at the ministerial level...

What kind of person am I to deserve you to overkill me like this?

This chapter has been completed!
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